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Nope. I actually thought it was accessed by the other tombstones that I checked out yesterday, but they took me to the chalice dungeons instead. :hmm:

I know there are a few more near those ones though, so I'm guessing it's accessed by them, right?


Anyway, I might have a bit of a break now before checking that stuff out.

Just got Trackmania Turbo too, and I'm looking forward to playing that. :)


Nooooo! Keep at it while you still have the controls and skills sorted.


You access the DLC by walking left out of the main chapel and you'll be in a graveyard. Look up to see a big beastie and then allow it to grab you. You are now in the DLC.

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Nooooo! Keep at it while you still have the controls and skills sorted.


You access the DLC by walking left out of the main chapel and you'll be in a graveyard. Look up to see a big beastie and then allow it to grab you. You are now in the DLC.

You've got a point, so I might take a look at the weekend. :grin:


Cheers for letting us know where to find it anyway.

: peace:

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I feel like I've been discovering loads of new places in this game, but that might just be an illusion after running around in circles in the Forbidden Woods! :P


So yeah, those woods... they just go on and on and on and on! The map for that one is huuuuge! And it can get really difficult to tell where exactly you are.


I struggled a bit with this area at first, because of not knowing where I was and not knowing what enemies to expect. But after running through it quite a few times, I started to get a bit more familiar with the place. Managed to find a shortcut through a poisonous cave that leads to Iosefka's Clinic (not sure there is much to explore there, but I didn't do much yet, apart from picking up an item).


After advancing some more through the Forbidden Woods and getting my ass handed to me on numerous occasions, I managed to unlock a shortcut, yay! But then I still had an entire other part of the map to go through, the snake infested part. Snaaaaaaaaaake!


The small snakes are fine, but those big ones that shoot venom are just really annoying, especially as they like to sit in small corners so you can't avoid them, urgh! And the men sprouting snakes from their head are just creepy...


Got lost again in this area on more than one occasion, ending up in a dead end with some weird mushroom people. The enemies in this game are just freaking weird. :P


Eventually I managed to find my way to the next boss, the Shadow of Yharnam. Got killed pretty quickly on my first try. Got another AI Hunter to join me on the second try but he got himself killed... great. Third try I did a bit better but still died, but managed to do it on the fourth try (after that hunter died again near the end, tssssk). Yay, boss done! :D


Opened up a new area as well which is just really creepy. Just when you think the game can't get creepier, it will! The area I opened is the Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. It freaks me out, all those weeping ghosts! Not done everything yet here, but at least opened one shortcut already so that's something. Might do more exploring tomorrow and see what other creepy creatures they can throw at me. :)


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I'd say that watching somebody else play this game is more intense than playing it yourself. It doesn't help that @Eenuh and I approach the game a bit differently. We dodge at different times or we attack in different ways. I prefer the Kirk Hammer and she likes the cleaver. It's very intense watching her play and knowing that she could reach the death screen in any second, and you can't really do a thing about it! Ahhhh.

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Really enjoying reading others play through the game! What do you make of the game so far, @Eenuh?


I am really enjoying it actually, didn't think I would when I started this game! It's definitely a grower. Thought it was very frustrating at the start, but once you figure out the way the game works, it's a great game. It's all about working out a strategy to handle an area and its enemies. If something doesn't work, change your strategy (use different gems on your weapon, wear different attire, run instead of attack, do more evading...). There is no hand-holding in this game, so you pretty much have to figure it out yourself.


Played a bit more yesterday and today. I managed to get to the boss at Cainhurst Castle (Martyr Logarius), but that one is a major pain in the asssssss. I've tried fighting him about 5 times or so, but haven't managed to beat him yet. I know you can pull off visceral attacks against him, but to be honest I never really used those before in the game so I am not doing too well at that part. :P


As I was getting a bit frustrated with this battle, I decided to just go off and do some more exploring. I went back to the Nightmare Frontier and managed to beat the two hunters there, something I had failed at once before. But I managed it quite easily this time as my character/weapons are stronger now I guess. :)


The area here is not a fun one though. That poison swamp is just annoying to go through... pretty much ran out of antidotes just trying to get through it, and it just slows you down so much as well. I somehow managed to get through some of it, only to get killed a bit later by one of those Frenzy characters. Urgh. Changed my setup to be more Frenzy resistant and managed to beat the character on the next try.


I thought I was making good progress, fought some weak enemy on a ledge, thinking this wasn't too bad... and then I accidentally fell down a hole, ending up in a different part of the swamp, in the middle of loads of enemies! I just ran/rolled my way out of there as quickly as I could, going "Shit shit shit!", as I thought I was going to die. I somehow made it to a safe area, running out of health and antidote. Made it out just in time! I complained to Jim that I hoped I wasn't going to die now, as I didn't want to do that whole part again... and he reminded me that maybe there would be a shortcut nearby... and there was! Yes!


Opened the shortcut, and then found out I was actually pretty much at the boss stage. Wasn't sure what to expect, and the creature that came out wasn't very nice looking! Jim said that his fight against Amygdala dragged a bit, but I actually didn't think it was too bad. Actually managed to beat the thing on my first try. :)


I just went for its legs at first, until they buckled. After this I noticed I wasn't doing too much damage, and it started attacking me a bit too much while staying close to it, so I decided to go for the head. Managed to kill it quite easily I think, yay!


After beating Amygdala, I went back to the light at the Shadow of Yharnam fight and continued from there to Byrgenwerth. This area isn't too big, but it does have a hunter in there that is quite difficult I thought. Took me a few tries to defeat them. I almost took them out on one try, they had only a tiny bit of health left (like one hit)... and then they managed to kill me. :(

Eventually I got past them though, and made my way to the boss fight, Rom the Vacuous Spider.


This fight took me a few tries to do actually. I managed to get their health down to about half (where the second phase starts), but then I would either get killed by the small spiders or by the rock throw. So on one try, I decided to take out the small spiders first before attacking Rom. This worked out quite well, and the first time I tried this strategy, I actually managed to beat Rom. It was a close fight, but it worked, yay! :D


I went back to Cathedral Ward after this (which is a lot more creepy now) to do a bit of farming for vials and echoes etc. Wanted to go to the lamp in the cathedral to go back to the Hunter's Dream, but someone was waiting for me there... Eileen the Hunter. She didn't seem to like me anymore for some reason, and so she started to fight me. Damn, she's tough! Molotovs don't work on her, and bolt or fire paper didn't do much either. Tried using my gun too but she usually dodged it or when it did hit, it didn't do much damage. She beat me 2 or 3 times. The next time I fought her, I tried to focus a bit more on evading her and trying to get behind her. It was a very difficult fight, and I ran out of bullets and had 1 vial left. She started shooting me so I had to keep avoiding her. My heart was racing, had to dodge dodge dodge, get two hits in and then dodge away. Try and repeat. It felt like it took ages but I managed to pull it off. Victory!


I feel like I've defeated lots of bosses/hunters in the last few hours that I've played! It's not always easy, but it's satisfying when you can pull it off! Now just to defeat that Martyr guy! There is no bell there for me to ring, so no option to call in another Hunter for help sadly. Will just have to keep trying. :)



Sorry for the long write up for anyone who actually reads that!

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Ah, good ol' Rom and Logarius :D


It's all about working out a strategy to handle an area and its enemies. If something doesn't work, change your strategy


This is what I love about the Souls games. You have to adapt. Sometimes, in order to survive an encounter with a new enemy, in seconds. And when you manage to pull that off it's sooo satisfying.

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I am really enjoying it actually, didn't think I would when I started this game! It's definitely a grower. Thought it was very frustrating at the start, but once you figure out the way the game works, it's a great game. It's all about working out a strategy to handle an area and its enemies. If something doesn't work, change your strategy (use different gems on your weapon, wear different attire, run instead of attack, do more evading...). There is no hand-holding in this game, so you pretty much have to figure it out yourself.


Yussss. When you see someone else playing it, at first you might compare it to any old RPG, maybe even games like God of War where most of what you do, you do on instinct. But with Bloodborne, you need to make conscious decisions about how to approach every mob and boss, and constantly be appraising the situation. It eventually does become more instinctual, but the game really demands a good bit of learning.

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Anyone fancy helping @Eenuh out with Martyr Logarius? I'd help, but we only have a physical copy of the game, not digital.


Nevermind, it has been done!


I had tried a few more times to defeat this boss, but he just kept killing me again and again and it was getting a bit frustrating. There is no bell to ring either when you play offline, so couldn't get any help. Couldn't play online either cause of the way our PS4s had been set up (and one was packed away for a while). Had to change all the settings to get online to work, cause I needed someone to help me on this fight. :P


Rung the bell and waited around for a while, think it took at least 10 minutes for someone to show up. My first online experience on Bloodborne, whoo! We started the fight against Logarius and I thought it might go ok this time... until the other guy managed to get himself killed in the first minute. :(


He was a bit of an idiot and just ran straight in there! Not sure he knew what he was doing! So I ended up doing most of the fight by myself, and actually didn't do too badly! Managed to get his health down to the last bits... but then I stupidly got myself killed by getting stuck against one of those towers. He just hacked me to death. Darnit!


So I tried it again, calling for another player to join me. Took a while again, but someone showed up again eventually. And going into the fight, it was clear that this person knew what they were doing. :D

We both kind of took turns trying to attack him, with one player going in for hits while the other would roll away and heal. We took our time with the battle, but it went really well and we managed to beat the fucker! Think I screamed "Yessss!" when it happened. Finally!


Having someone else there made the fight more enjoyable, cause doing it by myself just felt like I was constantly avoiding him and healing myself. So I'm happy we got this done!



Now trying to explore the next area... and it's really creepy with those Amygdala creatures sitting everywhere!

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Made some more progress in the game, am getting close to the end now!


I have managed to do some more bosses after defeating Logarius. Found my way into Upper Cathedral Ward, which has some very very annoying enemies! I am fine with the wolves, but those brainsuckers are horrible! They ambush you from around corners and their brainsuck takes away half your health (and your insight!), they drop you to the floor and then repeat the same move. I did so many times... until I switched my weapon to the tonitrus, seems they can't handle Bolt that well!


Still, not a fun area to go through! But it did lead to not one, but two bosses! The first one was the Celestial Emissary, which is basically a bigger version of those mushroom people (well the fight starts with him being small, hiding among the other mushroom people and then growing big when you hurt him enough). This fight wasn't too bad, almost did it on my first try but fucked up by going to far away from him, which caused him to shoot laser beams at me. That killed me. Managed to defeat the boss on the second try though, woohoo! :D


Almost straight after that boss, you go into the next fight against Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos. This one was a bit more difficult to defeat. There was a bell nearby so I used that to get a partner. Think I needed it for this fight. She has a couple of attacks that could kill me in almost one hit, ouch. I died a few times, but eventually managed to defeat her. Think it was a close one though, as my partner had died, and I had run out of both bullets and vials! So I had to use my dodging skills and time my hits perfectly. It was a very close one, but I managed to do it! Heart racing haha.


There was a part I did today though that was worse than the bosses... fighting 3 hunters at once. Dear god they are tough to beat! They are the three that sit inside a building in the Unseen Village. It took me so many tries and lots of frustration (ran out of vials and bullets so had to go farming for those)... I managed to get rid of one of them during one session, but got killed by the others. Luckily they don't respawn. Took me lots of tries to do the other two, but I managed to defeat both of them in one session! I think I got a bit lucky though cause it seemed one of them got stuck, which meant I could focus on the other one first and kill him, then go for the stuck one (he became unstuck) and defeat him. Phew! Glad that was over!


Explored the area some more and there are some really weird creatures around now... Not much to do in the area though, but one of the doors opened up and it pretty much lead to the next boss, The One Reborn. Now this is one ugly motherfucker, ewww! Basically made up of lots of different body parts. D:

It was actually a pretty easy fight though. I died the first time, but managed to actually kill it on my second try (had an AI hunter there as well). The best strategy seemed to be to not lock onto him, and just stay really close to his body and hit away. I used some molotovs too, but mostly just hit him again and again. Worked pretty well. Easy. :P


Did some more exploring and I have now made it to the Nightmare of Mensis, an area people seem to hate, as there is lots of Frenzy going on... The Frenzy hasn't hurt me too much (think I have high resistance), but I have just been running past most of the enemies heh. Managed to get to the hunter on a bridge, but haven't defeated him yet. Hopefully soon!


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I'm curious @Eenuh since you seem to be enjoying Bloodborne, are you going to give Dark Souls 3 a try at all?


I think I will try it at some point, think @Fierce_LiNk wants to play it at some point as well. I might wait a bit for the price to drop (plus other games coming, like the new Fire Emblem). But definitely considering getting it. :)


I managed to get past the hunter on the bridge in Nightmare of Mensis yesterday. Made it to the next boss, Micolash. To be honest, I thought he was a bit of a pain. Different, but not that enjoyable to me. :P


The first time I just spent ages running around that library, no clue where to go. When I did finally find him again in his second phase, he killed me in pretty much one shot with the A Call Beyond move. Bah.


Tried 3 more times and the same thing happened. He kept spamming the Augur of Ebrietas move as well, especially when he got himself in a corner so I couldn't get behind him. Annoying. On my 5th try, I decided to switch my outfit to be better against Arcane (should've done that sooner) and used poison knifes during the running bit (got his health down a bit). Then during the second phase, I started slashing him without stopping, then when my stamina was low, used Beast Roar to stagger him and let my stamina go back up, then repeat the process. Easy. He didn't get a single hit in. :D


After the fight I spent some more time in Nightmare of Mensis, but got annoyed with people invading my game, urgh. Might play this bit offline. Don't want a hunter coming at me when I am trying to take out those Frenzy enemies!




Also, I am kind of trying to go for a Platinum, but I am not sure if I can achieve it. I know I will have to do some stuff with the Chalice dungeons... I did two of them so far but I imagine I will have to do most of them to get some of the trophies? I know I need it at least for one of the weapons, possibly a blood gem and then one boss. Hmmm.

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Yeah, you have to work your way through to the final chalice. Also, there are things you may have missed if you want all 3 endings.


Is that just the Phutemeru chalices? Does that include the root ones? I find it a bit confusing to be honest. :P


And I think I got the items for the alternative ending (Iosefka, Arianna and Abandoned Workshop I think). ;)

Will just have to save my file to USB before the end fight to get all 3.

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Is that just the Phutemeru chalices? Does that include the root ones? I find it a bit confusing to be honest. :P


And I think I got the items for the alternative ending (Iosefka, Arianna and Abandoned Workshop I think). ;)

Will just have to save my file to USB before the end fight to get all 3.


These are the ones you need to do to get the trophies.


- Pthumeru

- Central Pthumeru

- Lower Pthumeru

- Ailing Loran

- Defiled

- Pthymeru lhyll


You may have to farm some of the dungeons to get the items needed to make the next chalice.


Yeah, just back up your save to the cloud or USB and then reload it once you've got the ending.

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These are the ones you need to do to get the trophies.


- Pthumeru

- Central Pthumeru

- Lower Pthumeru

- Ailing Loran

- Defiled

- Pthymeru lhyll


You may have to farm some of the dungeons to get the items needed to make the next chalice.


Thanks. I've made it up to the Ailing Loran dungeon and got the Beast Claws, yay! But I still have so far to go to get to the Queen. Urgh. :(


To be honest I am not really enjoying these dungeons and wish I didn't have to do them for this trophy. Not even sure how I'm going to handle the Defiled one if you only get half your health...

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To be honest I am not really enjoying these dungeons and wish I didn't have to do them for this trophy. Not even sure how I'm going to handle the Defiled one if you only get half your health...


The Defiled Chalice is the toughest challenge in the game. I did all the chalice dungeons solo for my first playthrough and after that I helped a mate completing all of them. It was a great co-op experience.


Maybe you'll have some luck summoning other Hunters?


If you really don't enjoy them you should just stop...the defiled one will most likely test your patience.

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The Defiled Chalice is the toughest challenge in the game. I did all the chalice dungeons solo for my first playthrough and after that I helped a mate completing all of them. It was a great co-op experience.


Maybe you'll have some luck summoning other Hunters?


If you really don't enjoy them you should just stop...the defiled one will most likely test your patience.


Very true.


The best thing to do is just peg it to the lever that opens the doors and repeat this for every level in the Defiled dungeon. Of course, you still have to take on the bosses with half your health but at least the path way to it should be straight forward once the doors are opened.

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Will have to see if I can get there. Don't want to give up now, I'm so close to that Platinum.


Haven't had any luck yet trying to summon people in the Dungeons to be honest. At one point, the only time someone actually joined, they left straight away. :(


Will try to get through the Ailing Loran one again later. Maybe I should level up my Vitality in preparation of the Defiled dungeon... Hmmm.

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These are the ones you need to do to get the trophies.


- Pthumeru

- Central Pthumeru

- Lower Pthumeru

- Ailing Loran

- Defiled

- Pthymeru lhyll


Right, so I did Ailing Loran (didn't do the final boss but don't think I really need to), and just now finished the Defiled chalice (thanks to a lot of help from other people for the last two bosses, couldn't do it myself!).


But now I can't do the Ihyll one yet as it says I need 4 Red Jelly and I only have 2. So now apparently I have to create another chalice (Great Isz) to get the Red Jelly in there... Which will then mean I have to farm other items again as well. When will it ever endddddd?

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Right, so I did Ailing Loran (didn't do the final boss but don't think I really need to), and just now finished the Defiled chalice (thanks to a lot of help from other people for the last two bosses, couldn't do it myself!).


But now I can't do the Ihyll one yet as it says I need 4 Red Jelly and I only have 2. So now apparently I have to create another chalice (Great Isz) to get the Red Jelly in there... Which will then mean I have to farm other items again as well. When will it ever endddddd?


Firstly, congrats on beating the Defiled dungeon! The platinum is well in sight now.


Sadly you are right. You do have to farm the Red Jelly. There are some great vids on YouTube that show how to do this very quickly. I had to farm all 4 as I accidentally turned the 2 I had into something else. I wasn't best pleased. :D


Just keep at it as you're nearly there!

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Firstly, congrats on beating the Defiled dungeon! The platinum is well in sight now.


Sadly you are right. You do have to farm the Red Jelly. There are some great vids on YouTube that show how to do this very quickly. I had to farm all 4 as I accidentally turned the 2 I had into something else. I wasn't best pleased. :D


Just keep at it as you're nearly there!

I managed to finish the Great Isz dungeon last night and got the red jelly. This was so easy compared to what I had to go through before haha. Only the 3rd boss managed to kill me once, but I quickly took my revenge!


Did some farming for blood ritual (5) by searching for shared Ailing Loran dungeons and just running to a room on the first layer that had them. And have extracted enough Arcane Haze too.


The last chalice has been created and will hopefully be finished today! :D

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