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Ah the tension of having so many souls/echoes and no fast travel in sight, boss ahead ready to tear you apart, how I have missed thee


How far are you guys?


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Beat the first boss just now.


What a fight. Died once, killed the beast on my second attempt. I really had to strike a balance between attacking the monster to heal or heal via a blood vial.


I'm taking my time with the game. Exploring is great, not only because of the possibility to find awesome loot but also because it's just so beautiful.


My first hour...




Got the hang of it now though and I'm enjoying the change in gameplay compared to the Souls games.


I've beaten the first boss and have opened up some shortcuts, also found some nice items along the way and now I've just reached the second boss but I think I'll tackle him tomorrow, amazing game!


Game is great, beat the second boss this morning and I'm really getting my timing down with parry/riposte, feels good. Currently exploring the next area for more loot. :)


It certainly has a steep learning curve but I am enjoying it. I haven't actually managed to kill a boss yet but have stumbled across two, the latter of which I didn't even want to fight but had just gone exploring too far I guess.


I like the maze-like quality of the city. This is the first game in quite a while that's made me actually want to explore - the lack of objectives and map probably help.


And I've died more times than I've played the WiiU in the last year. Whoops!


Made a start earlier this evening, i'm impressed. So far, i've died more times than i'd think to count.


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  Oxigen_Waste said:
Souls veterans: how does it compare to DeS and DaS (1)?

Better? Worse? Just as good but different? I need your impressions, people... it might be a while 'till I can join the fight.


It's the best game they've ever done. I don't say that lightly. Combat is refined and attacking feels skilful, rather than crawling around corners with a 100% damage blocking shield. There's trick weapons so weapons can work in more than one situation. 'Bonfires' are far more spread out, upping the difficulty. And loads of other things that I think I'd be spoiling if I went into too much detail.


The bosses are also ridiculously fun!

Posted (edited)

Did the Father Gascoigne fight earlier. It was awesome. Super intense. Used the music box to stun him - and then when he was under half health a couple molatovs.


What weapons are everyone rocking?


I switch between the flick-saw weapon and the gain axe in my right and the blunderbuss and touch in my left.

Edited by Daft

I'm sticking with the saw cleaver and blunderbuss for now. I haven't levelled up guns enough to warrant trying anything better so for now I'm essentially treating it like the parry dagger from the previous iterations. I did just buy the stake weapon and put it in my second slot but then kinda... completely forgot about it. I just got through the forbidden forest (in offline mode to avoid the game breaking bug), damn that place is a ramp-up on the difficulty.


Loving the game so far, it's a bit tame compared to Dark Souls but makes up for it with some seriously fun combat and a sprawling multidimensional maze of a world layout.


I had the saw cleaver and blunderbuss until I got the Tonitrus, which is seriously awesome. I now have that and Ludwig's Holy Blade as my 2 main weapons.


I really love this game and already I'm coming across all the sorts of From Software nuances that I love. Going to really enjoy NG+ on this one! Played too much this weekend, so so good.

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