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But if they did what you said that would be more cynical profiteering. Look at Skyanders and Disney, you BUY the full price game, then need to BUY more figures just to play the thing. You need to buy an extra character just to play multiplayer, now THAT is cynical. This is purely optional, as far from cynical as you can get.


Fact is, if they released figures for £10 as merchandise, people wouldn't say a word. This is that, but they offer extra functionality and little extras in games. From mini tamogatchis to unlock new stuff. There's really nothing to complain about!




Very well said. There's nothing cynical about the way Nintendo are doing this. If they do release a dedicated amiibo game down the line it will be to take advantage of all the figures people have been collecting thus far, not forcing you to buy them to be able to play the game like Infinity and Skylanders.

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Some pics from gaffers purchases have started to surface. Marth looks to be the worst of the bunch.




I will be inspecting the Marth figure very carefully before I buy it. I wanna make sure I get a half decent one.


I'm still not a fan of the Villagers eyes placement. They seem to far apart to me, especially when you look at the art work on the box.




Here are some decent shots of Pikachu, Samus and Link.





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Some pics from gaffers purchases have started to surface. Marth looks to be the worst of the bunch.



Oh man, that is nasty. :laughing:

Link looks a bit weird too:



I hope Captain Falcon doesn't get messed up like that. :shakehead


The simple characters definitely make for the best amiibo. Kirby and Pikachu look pretty much perfect in every single pic.

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Getting a good Marth is gonna be a real challenge.
You planning to get the entire set?

Getting a decent Marth is certainly gonna be tough. Good Luck. :hehe:


I see these are selling like hot cakes in the US. Members of Gaf are saying stores in their area are selling out of them pretty fast.
Yeah, it's quite surprising.

I wonder if we'll see a similar situation over here... :blank:



OMG! Looks like I spoke too soon about the simple characters being perfect:



Edited by RedShell
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The Marth looks fine to me. Just need to decapitate him and pop on a decent looking head :D


The kirby though... he WAS on my wish list. I think I may be removing him now :(


I wonder how soon before amiibo repair kits appear on the market? :D



Actually, for Marth I think mostly his face needs a bit of filling out.. maybe using airfix filler with care might work? then use paint 61 for the skin colour?

Edited by Pestneb
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I've seen some decent Marth faces around the Internet. One Neogaf poster got one with okay eyes. It's just a matter of checking the toys for the ones without imperfections. Standard mass-produced figure situation.




I'm still down for all of these... but I'm gonna need to collect them slowly. Hope the supplies will be consistent across the next few months so I'm not forced onto eBay.


Also... I took some time to check some Skylanders and Infinity figures in TESCO last night. The Skylanders figures have great sculpts but atrocious shiny paintwork, while the Infinity figures have great sculpts and flat paints, but really poor colour bleed. At this price point it's really unrealistic to expect a lot and the Amiibo so far look like they're gonna be in the same boat.


To repeat, buy these in store and check the paintwork on them. You'll be glad you did.

Edited by Guy
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Reading how the Amiibo's work in Smash has got rid of any excitement I once had for them. It's looks as though that instead of getting better and understanding your play, they simply have their moves upgraded in terms of damage %. A level 50 Peach will gets a 50% increase in the damage that he moves do compared to a regular one. I've never actually used the handicap function but does this do the same thing?

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Looks like the little foil square that stops people scanning packaged amiibo has failed. :hehe:

All you have to do is shake the absolute crap out of the box first. :laughing:


Yeah, this is why i'm buying them in a shop so I can see just what the hell i'm getting. :heh:
I think I'm gonna risk it with the Mario amiibo I ordered online, but will definitely be getting Falcon (or any of the less stable amiibo) from a shop.
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Wondering which stores are even going to stock these though, what with Nintendo's current retail situation. :blank:

Hopefully it won't be just GAME. :shakehead


I was wondering this as well. I know in the states places like Walmart are selling them but with Nintendos retail presence so low over here it could be only GAME. If they take off though I imagine supermarkets will want a piece of the action. Most of them stock Skylanders and Infinity toys now. Toys R Us may be a fair bet as well as they usually stock Nintendo toys.


I have no idea where certain stores are going to put them though. I was in 2 GAME stores the other week and both of them looked to have no room for the things due to the shelf space that Infinity and Skylanders have.


It's going to be interesting come Friday just to see how all of this plays out.

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