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Job woes/wins


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I've gone from being sure about the above to waining. While the job sounds interesting, it hit me yesterday that it would be a 16k pay cut from my promotion pay (7k from my current salary). While I figured I'd have to take some kind of pay cut, another part of me thinks I should be looking after myself a bit. It's been over a decade since I've been able to live comfortably with what I'm earning, and part of me was looking forward to focusing on myself a bit more. With doing freelance for this, I may end up using my holiday time to do work.


I'll still go along with the freelance for now and see how it pans out, but I wish someone would give me money to do what I want. Is that too much to ask for?

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Joy, in work tomorrow. Of which i see no point, everyone will think we are closed and won't call. And i'm not being paid double time for it (as contractually it says i do), just an extra £8 for the day. Have tried to get out of it, but alas to no avail.

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I'm in work tomorrow too


Reason why is that I have taken too many holidays and if I don't work them back then I will have around £350 deducted from my wage packet.


I'm having to work an extra hour a day aswell. Gutted

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Joy, in work tomorrow. Of which i see no point, everyone will think we are closed and won't call. And i'm not being paid double time for it (as contractually it says i do), just an extra £8 for the day. Have tried to get out of it, but alas to no avail.


If you're contractually obliged to it why aren't you raising hell over it?



Being a contractor I don't get paid holidays so opted to work the Friday/Monday so I didn't miss out. Friday was spent hungover doing very little. If there was ever a day I needed to work from home it is today and thankfully I'm able to. Got a fair amount I need to do as well. Hoping to blast through it all this morning.

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If you're contractually obliged to it why aren't you raising hell over it?


I raised it many times, even up until Thursday evening. And i was only greeted with "Come in, or face a disciplinery". Unions are doing squat, just speaking a lot of hot air. And to top it off, if i want a lunch break then it comes out of my holiday entitlement.


Don't i love being shafted, not.

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They're taking the piss.


You can make a claim to an employment tribunal for 'unlawful deduction from wages' under Section 13 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. If it is stated in your contract that you are meant to receive double pay for working today then it shouldn't be a difficult process as you have the proof that you are owed what you are owed.


Before you do this you will want to submit an official grievance to your employer stating what you are owed, why you think you are owed this money and the attempts you have made to get the money (speaking to them previously). You won't be able to do this until after you have received your pay for the month and have seen that is is less than it should be.


This PDF has more information.

Edited by Charlie
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They're taking the piss.


You can make a claim to an employment tribunal for 'unlawful deduction from wages' under Section 13 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. If it is stated in your contract that you are meant to receive double pay for working today then it shouldn't be a difficult process as you have the proof that you are owed what you are owed.


Before you do this you will want to submit an official grievance to your employer stating what you are owed, why you think you are owed this money and the attempts you have made to get the money (speaking to them previously). You won't be able to do this until after you have received your pay for the month and have seen that is is less than it should be.


I was just about to type that above.


Sound advice.

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Had an interview this morning. Think it went quite well. I definitely presented myself well, I was confident. Some of my answers were good, but others a bit vague. I think the main detriment was that my answer to "what are you looking for in a role" didn't quite match the role. Not sure if that will hold me back.

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I feel so silly sometimes. Sometimes I can do tasks really well and sometimes I can do them really badly. I always try and do my best, but we're always really busy and sometimes things are easily forgotten. Even though I love my job, I feel that there's so much pressure. I love the people, but I feel a bit intimidated cause some of them have had years of experience and I only been there for a few months.


I can't be as quick as everyone else, no matter how hard I try it always backfires. Someone in my last job ripped me apart for not being as speedy as was. I don't see that person any more, but her words still upset me sometimes. Though she said all this a year ago.


What's holding you up the times you do stuff slow? If you're in care and it's the patients then quite frankly fuck what the other people say and ensure you feel you're doing your job well enough to do the best for your patients. There's so much politics and bullshit these days for a variety of a reasons and you need to be wary to not get caught up in it.


Got a call to do an aptitude test for a job. Hopefully I'll do well. Anyone any experience with this have any advice?


What sort of job? Any idea what this 'aptitude' test contains?

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I have an interview coming up with that part-time creative job, yay! Apparently it is a 2 hour long interview process though, so long! 1 hour will be a drawing challenge, half an hour to present whatever they have me draw and talk about my CV. And to start everything off with, half an hour filled with competency based questions.


What kind of questions should I prepare for in the competency based part? I know of a few but there always seem to be ones they can surprise me with, and I really want to be prepared for this interview!


Also, do I dress smart even though the company seems to be quite... relaxed?

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What kind of questions should I prepare for in the competency based part? I know of a few but there always seem to be ones they can surprise me with, and I really want to be prepared for this interview!


Competency based interviews are good because you can prepare loads of examples in advance. This link has a fair few good ones to practice with.


Common competency based questions are "tell me about a time you had a problem in a team", or "tell me about a time you had lots of work due for the same time". Always remember STAR. Situation, task, action, result. Describe the situation, what did you specifically have to do, what actions did you take and what was the result?


Make up answers for all the questions on that link (and other ones you find) so you're really well prepared. Don't memorise these though as the questions could be different and you don't want to be thrown, it's the situations you want to remember.

Also, do I dress smart even though the company seems to be quite... relaxed?


Absolutely, yes!

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I've been trying to prepare for my interview by looking at interview questions, but I feel that for most of those questions I simply don't have an answer. My job(s) have been very boring with nothing much happening, so I don't feel like those questions apply to me as I have never been in some of those situations.


What do you answer when one of those questions comes up and you simply don't have an answer to it? Do you simply say "I've never been in this situation"? =/

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I've been trying to prepare for my interview by looking at interview questions, but I feel that for most of those questions I simply don't have an answer. My job(s) have been very boring with nothing much happening, so I don't feel like those questions apply to me as I have never been in some of those situations.


What do you answer when one of those questions comes up and you simply don't have an answer to it? Do you simply say "I've never been in this situation"? =/


Absolutely do not say that. Use a bit of ingenuity. You definitely have been in a sitaution similar to most of those but you just don't realise its relevant. Some of the ones from my list (implement a change and went against company policy) probably aren't relevant for your role and frankly the second one wouldn't be asked by an interview with any skill.


Team work - you must have had to work as part of a team in some point in your life. It doesn't need to be work related, is there a time at uni/college or even school you were working as a team? The situation isn't really that important, it's how you handled it that is.


Conflict - think of a time in your current job where something hasn't gone as you would like it to go. Did they force you to work over time or take a holiday at a certain time? What was the outcome, how did you handle it?


Dealing with change - they want to see that you aren't one of those people that can't handle change. Animal has been talking about a change of management in his work recently. I think you mentioned about moving teams a while back... How did you cope with the change? Did you have to change anything that you did?

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Thanks for the replies. I mostly had trouble with questions like going against company policy etc., as those don't really apply to me.


Doesn't matter now, just had the interview and I think it went quite well actually. I shouldn't get my hopes up but for some reason I have a good feeling about it. Will probably hear more tomorrow. :)

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Just recieved an email this morning from Totaljobs saying that a job I applied for was filled and such I got refused. Couldn't even remember what it was but it asked me a few other questions for another job I may be interested in. Answered them and later recieved an email from "Josh Mitchell at Anlagen Finance GmbH" offering me a job which seems suspiciously like money laundering. Apart from the fact that the pay is over £2k for 3 hours a day for five days was a hint, but the whole concept of "recieving money from clients in an account, I switch to [relevant currency] and send into another account" was alarm bells a-ring-a-ding-ding-ing.


I've got the .doc file they sent me if anyone fancies a look. I tried attaching it but it was too big.

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@EEVILMURRAY I saw that job on watchdog or something similar. Basically they send you a cheque in one currency, and you have to send the money in another. But due to the way banks cash foreign cheques, it can be weeks before it bounces. So you've sent of thousands of pounds worth of money, and then suddenly the cheques bounce and the banks want it back.



I heard back from the recruiter. Didn't get through the interview. Oh well, I was doubtful as to whether the job was right for me anyway.

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My line manager is back after a few weeks off, so hopefully I should hear something about that promotion soon. Or, something more official than being told by one of the panel members it'll be fine while in the pub...


And came up with an idea for a business earlier. Just emailed a friend as a sounding board/sanity check. May be calling on @Charlie as he seems to have his head screwed on in that sense :heh:

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