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Job woes/wins


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Just kicked off applications for MAs at two different universities (not sure yet whether I want to go back into education fully, go back PT and try and fit it round work or just outright leave work and hope to make something of myself).


Thing is as my current job involves using the biggest HE student record system in the UK (as far as I'm aware) the forms being so standard made me feel like I was back at work...


And speaking of work, been dragged into a project that's been delayed by nearly 18 months now, seen a number of people come and go and I'm doing stuff that I really shouldn't be doing but I'm just sick of hearing about it. On the one hand I like a challenge, on the other I'd like a bloody rest. And it's not going to help the fact people are already confused about what my job is! I have to go to a meeting next week where they should really be meeting with the developers so I'm just going to sit there smiling and nodding and closing with "so I can't do any of that".

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So I told my manager. It didn't go down so well.


We got the niceties out of the way and I was asking how her holiday was. Then I said "So you know I have a second job?"

She was all "Yeah and I'm not impressed"

I just stood there and said "Okay" and she continued to say how she didn't like how I went about it (I didn't get this, she put me on hours from 30-39 hours all the way down to my basic hours which is 16. I don't understand how she never saw it coming), how I wasn't prepared to cover other people's holidays (taking in mind that I was refused three of my holidays because the manager wanted them dates so she could jet off somewhere and that last week, I was the only one who was able to cover everybody otherwise they would have been dearly in the shit but hey, no thanks there) and how she didn't like how I was dictating to her what days I can and can't do, like I'm "choosing and picking" (bearing in mind that there are university students and others with a second job, even in management, who have told them that they can't do certain days and that's totally okay).

I just told her that the job I found is more pay, more hours and closer to me. I even asked her how many jobs she came across in retail where the contract was 25 hours and even she admitted there wasn't a lot.

She said how it was short notice and I said "I told the assistant manager a week ago today that I can't work them three days"

So we spoke for a while and she said "You know there's no way to keep you on, even if we give you a demotion. You need to be fully flex. Sorry" and then carried on fiddling with her phone, which I thought was extremely rude.

I just said "Looks like I'm handing in my notice". Got my notice, put it on the desk, said "Sorry" and walked out.


Later on, she came back and said "I don't know why you've left the rota until the last minute. People might have plans and you've not sorted it"

I told her that the assistant manager told me to wait for her and she said "But I wasn't here, you could have sorted it"...obviously it's my fault.

Anyway, I sorted it out and all is okay for now. However, next week, apparently there's no way of sorting it out and she said I HAVE to work my notice of a month (even though I found a solution but she was saying how she didn't want to swap people round).


Is that true? Do I HAVE to do it? What can they do if I don't and I just up and leave?

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Is that true? Do I HAVE to do it? What can they do if I don't and I just up and leave?

Minimum is a week unless you've agreed to longer in your contract. I'd find out from that other assistant manager who seems more forthcoming with the information. If you can get away earlier, make sure you get them to inform the manager, alternatively you could drop the bomb on the last day - "Oh, I've found out the minimum I can do is X days, so I'm not coming in Monday."



and walk out.


But you won't, because sadly you're too soft ;)



Welcome to Tesco though! 25 hours is impressive at the moment. All they're offering here won't go over 21 hours.


Good uniform tip. Wearing a normal t-shirt under a Tesco fleece gives you the chance to stick it to the man fashion wise, whilst maintaining a nice temperature (I find I get too hot when I wear a fleece on top of a work shirt, then I get cold taking it off :( )

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She told me that I had to tell Tesco that I HAVE to work my notice and that I needed Friday and Saturday off. I just said "Well, I told you the days I can do so..." And left it at that. If push comes to shove, I'll not work it but the thing I was wondering was whether she could not pay me for the hours I've already worked


As for the assistant manager, she doesn't know a lot about it. She was saying how a 16 year old was not allowed breaks after doing a 7 hour shift. I told her she needed a break and it was law. Anyway, we find out I was right. I don't exactly trust her, not just because of that but because of other stuff too.


Thanks for the welcome. Its pretty cool so far. I want my own picture on my badge though! Everyone else has dogs, beer and flowers and shit. I want one!


Oh and just to mention, I signed a contract saying it was 4 weeks notice. I told everyone and they're surprised its that long. However, the other supervisor didn't work her notice at all and left and months later, she came back. She left because she hated the previous manager.

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I thought 4 weeks was pretty standard? Not sure what they can do exactly if you don't, but I'm almost sure they can't withold money for work carried out. IF you don't work the notice period they can obviously refuse to pay you/later recoup money paid for work NOT carried out.


End of the day, work it as best you can, stick to your guns on the days your not gonna do, then fuck off. They sound like arseholes, and to really take it forward I'm sure they have to take it to court, which they probably won't do, especially if you give it your best working wise(ie work as much of the notice period as you can) - because I don't think that'll help a case in court. Besides - what are they gonna do if you don't work the days you've said you can't? Sack you? :p


Of course, I don't know a lot about employment law, and so I could be absolutely wrong on everything here.

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I want to get as much money as I can but I hate the assistant manager. She's just such a rude cow.


I have difficulty hearing things (its not medical but I was stabbed in the ear with a gel pen by a bully when I was 9. It wasn't deep but in my right ear, my hearing isn't so brilliant). Anyway, its very well known throughout the store that I can't hear well so they have to speak up.


The ass manager asked me to do something on the shop floor. I didn't catch what she said so I said "pardon?" and she let out a huge sigh and shouted "WHY CANT YOU EVER HEAR WHAT I SAY, I THINK ITS SO RUDE!". Of course, I play it clever and just apologise. Customers think she's the big bad. She tells me what she said in the first place and I did it. We never spoke.


Later on, I was signing her out when she mumbles something (I think she did it on purpose) so I asked what she said and she said "WHY CANT YOU HEAR ME! YOU KNOW I FIND YOU RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL?" so with nobody about, I let rip. I said "You find me rude? You have the people skills of an angry badger! You're a manager, act like one instead of acting like some stuck-up schoolgirl! If you want to start getting personal, I'll take it on, love!" and she said nothing. I'm about to walk off when I just about hear her say "Fucking idiot" and I said "Am I? Say it to my face then? Exactly, run into the office then and play victim, little girl. Everybody sees through you" and she says nothing.


Later on, she tries joking around with me and I'm just like whatever.


She's so rude to everybody including customers. She's partly the reason why I wanted to go

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Whoever is responsible doing the shift rota frequently got our shifts wrong quite a lot for last few month and mistakenly put a colleague's shift for tomorrow under my name. Glad I checked the rota again tonight to see a wee note saying it's a mistake though it was like 4-5 days later after they printed them out but seriously, just stop letting them doing the shift rota again. -.-'

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you have to conform to your contract. If your notice period is 4 weeks then you have to do that.


An employer is within their rights to let you go sooner if they wish (which is why you may have seen colleagues leave sooner)


As a hearing-impaired (or whatever it's called these days - it changes every few years) person, I would also advise that you not say things like "though it's not medical" and instead get it assessed because it does make a difference to the sort of job you can do, and the fact is if your employer is not informed of your impairment you cannot take advantage of what goafer was saying -- you can't play the disability card. Which is a v. strong card. And you misunderstand the strength of the card. If you are perceived to be an ignorant tit then you are overlooked frequently as you are seen to be an idiot or a lazy person. Or rude. Once they know you have an impairment then you are seen as a brave, strong person. "everyone knows" is a bad thing to think. I didn't know. And I've 'known' you for fucking years. Having a suspicion of bad hearing and alerting others to this suspicion is not the same as acknowledging a deficiency.


If you are recognised as having a hearing difficulty then if someone sighs and asks why you can never hear anything then they can get in deep trouble for being an ignorant twat.


Don't be a scardy-cat. Being deaf by any degree is, like, totally chill. The stupid people are the ones who just ignore their shit. You may have no real understanding of how much more difficult your life has been all these years simply because you've been too proud to be diagnosed. Don't be an idiot. Go get the answers.


(I had a job where I had no hearing aids for 3 months. The staff thought I was a dick but never said anything. When i turned up one day being all "hey guys! I finally got my hearing aids!!" they were all "ooooooh! That explains so much!!" -- you may not realise how much your deafness is an issue to your colleagues.)


I had another point but I forgot what it was.

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They wasnt dismissed early, they just left. Two left and wouldnt answer their phones and one hated the manager, left and the higher manager asked her back.


The thing with the ass manager is, I don't understand how its rude anyway. Its more rude to just totally blank them but I didn't. Also, you guys have never spoke to me, these have. Its not the fact she called me out because of that but the fact that she calls me rude, disrespectful and shit or tries to be nasty for no reason or the stupidest of reasons. It bugs me. They do all know, including her as countless times she has apparently spoke to me and I couldn't hear her properly because she mumbles or speaks way too fast or quiet, and this is the first time in the time we worked that she has a problem with it.


I don't mean to offend when I say its not medical but what I mean to say is that I never had it checked. I guess I'm a little scared because what if they find nothing? What do I do then? I know, it sounds stupid.


When I say everyone knows, they know I can't hear as good which is why they talk a little louder and they alert me when the phone is ringing and stuff. I'm not completely deaf in it but its more...dull. Shes done it a few times. She's alerted me that the phones are ringing and she speaks a bit louder when she talks to me but yesterday, she decided to nitpick. I hate that. I talk to her and she will say something completely different to what I said so should I call her rude for misunderstanding?


Overall, I'm pissed off with her because of the lack of respect she has for everyone and then when she does say something, she runs to the manager, lies about you and spins it on you. She's been insulting, bitchy and she lies to get you in trouble and she tries to show people up in front of staff and customers. That's the thing that annoys me so much! I just hate how we all have to put up with it. Several people have told the manager and the manager knows that the ass manager has had several arguments with half of the team, including management, but nothing ever seems to be done. I've argued with nobody but her. I've got on with everybody. My issue here isn't because she picked on my hearing so much but its to do with her trying to be nasty and trying to get to me. What does she achieve? Nothing!


Still, I just think that I have three weeks left, pmsl

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I don't mean to offend when I say its not medical but what I mean to say is that I never had it checked.


Jay knows that; what he's saying is that unless you get it checked and medically assessed then people will just treat it as some bullshit excuse (and they will have the right to do that), whereas if you get it assessed then people will have to treat it with the respect it deserves (or else face legal repercussions).


Basically if you have any sort of disability, handicap or impairment then you need to get it properly assessed so that you can have access to the rights and assistance that you deserve.

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Of course, I don't know a lot about employment law, and so I could be absolutely wrong on everything here.


It's not really employment law it's basic contract legislation. Breach a contract you signed and you can be sued, simple as. They wouldn't, but they could.


@Animal if you've handed in your notice it's time to chill. Don't worry, just work what you can/have to work and hold your head up high 'cos you'll be out of there before you know it.

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I don't mean to offend when I say its not medical but what I mean to say is that I never had it checked. I guess I'm a little scared because what if they find nothing? What do I do then? I know, it sounds stupid.



S'all that needs to be said.




Could always put some laxatives in her beverage,

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It's not really employment law it's basic contract legislation. Breach a contract you signed and you can be sued, simple as. They wouldn't, but they could.


@Animal if you've handed in your notice it's time to chill. Don't worry, just work what you can/have to work and hold your head up high 'cos you'll be out of there before you know it.


Wouldn't employment contract issues fall into employment law though?


I'm with jay on it though @Animal, go see a doctor and find out either way. If it's nothing it's nothing, but tbh compared to right now it looks like you're just making a fuss out of something that's nothing, when it could be something. If that makes any sense.

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Wouldn't employment contract issues fall into employment law though?


I'm with jay on it though @Animal, go see a doctor and find out either way. If it's nothing it's nothing, but tbh compared to right now it looks like you're just making a fuss out of something that's nothing, when it could be something. If that makes any sense.


Definitely get it checked out. You either come out of the appointment with a diagnosis saying you are hard of hearing or a diagnosis saying you're all fine.


Either way, it's an improvement of what you have at the moment, which is nothing.

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Such a non-day at work. Everything was down for 5 working hours (1:30 in the morning, rest in the afternoon and a lot is still down) and when you consider I had two hours of meetings I pretty much did nothing. Helped do some clean up when it went down in the afternoon and started creating a new training guide but got bored quickly. Spent more time than I should have trying to decide if we should colour code our training documents (answer: probably, or at least I want to).


Getting increasingly despondent with work. Feel its time to move on but I don't want to just move into another job. Part of me is considering another MA (as I've mentioned) and I'm currently sat trying to write a personal statement and blah. Other than that it's save up and just quit.


Bugger that. Applied at one place. Want to put a bit more effort into another and UAL still requires a paper form (UAL I love you and all, but WTF?)

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Nice and embarrising at work today. Stepped away from my desk and when I came back to the office I found a parent there leaving me a note on my pad. She left and when I walked back to sit down I noticed I had left the DMC Devil May Cry Eurogamer comparison article open on my screen. Pretty sure she must have seen it lol

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Nice and embarrising at work today. Stepped away from my desk and when I came back to the office I found a parent there leaving me a note on my pad. She left and when I walked back to sit down I noticed I had left the DMC Devil May Cry Eurogamer comparison article open on my screen. Pretty sure she must have seen it lol



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Nice and embarrising at work today. Stepped away from my desk and when I came back to the office I found a parent there leaving me a note on my pad. She left and when I walked back to sit down I noticed I had left the DMC Devil May Cry Eurogamer comparison article open on my screen. Pretty sure she must have seen it lol


Schoolboy. Always lock your computer.

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Shortcut: Windows+L

Standing up and pressing those keys go hand in hand.


I've learnt my something new for the day.

(Usually don't have stuff up when I pop away from it, or I used C+A+D to lock it when I was going away for a while)

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Shortcut: Windows+L

Standing up and pressing those keys go hand in hand.


Thanks for that! Here's me just locking it by clicking 'Lock' on the Start button.




My new job is going swimmingly. I've been there a month now and I've not encountered one problem or one bitch. Everybody's been nice and friendly and I've had nothing but laughs so far and touch wood that it will stay like that. My manager of my department did say yesterday that I was a little slow at putting the pops on this shelf end but other than that, he said I was doing fine. My uniform came in and the trousers were too big and the polo shirt was too small. I got my own fleece and short sleeved shirt. I've ordered everything again though as well as my badge. I got one with dumbbells on it so that's pretty cool. It's hard work but it's such a nice break from stressing about staff, trying to get everything done on time and everything and I don't stress about hours or money as much. I mean, I like my old job but I can't lie and say it's not stressful.


Speaking of my old job, the manager is trying to keep me on. Somehow, she's had a change of heart and she's trying to ask the area manager if she can make an exception and keep me on so that would be nice. My assistant manager hasn't said much (obviously), I've always wanted to know why she doesn't like me but oh well. All of the staff are saying how much they're going to miss me and some are hoping I'll be on my last shift with them. I told them we'll still have our nights out because I have them on a group in WhatsApp so they're happy about that. We're looking into watching Fast and Furious 7 and getting some pizza (chicken salad for me). It just feels nice to be wanted.

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I'm at an impasse career-wise.


I'm growing increasingly bored of my job (and the sheer negativity of some people there). Someone in charge of a different team forwarded me a role for his team but I politely declined (saying I don't think I'd be sticking around too long) and I think there is someone already in his team who is much more qualified. Which is part of it - I'm sick of seeing great people being ignored and rubbish people doing well, particularly in IT. There are several managers there that are just outright misogynistic and it's disheartening to see.


Anyway, bored of it. Contemplating several MAs that have different pros and cons (range of prices, PT/FT, locations etc) and I think I'm just not sure. I suppose there's a part of me that worries I'll do another masters and spend that money to come out of it and not want to do what I've been studying in and I end up in the same place at 30 (as it will be at that time) as I was at the age of 24.


I do know I want to leave work. I don't know what I want to do. I do know that I want something more creative in life.


Can someone just give me a load of money to set up my own studio? That would be preferable.


Bloody Saturn return.

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Can someone just give me a load of money to set up my own studio? That would be preferable.


Shall we start our own creative studio together? :P


I like my job but there are quite a few things with it that bother me... I had already been looking at other jobs but the only thing around are the typical graphic designer jobs for packaging design or clothing where you need lots of experience and web skills etc, urgh.


I need a job that is creative, where I don't get underpaid like I am now and the things I do are actually appreciated and not taken for granted.

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