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Oscars 2014


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So.. I don't actually care about the Oscars, but I had nothing better to do at that moment (well I did, I should´ve gone to bed, anyway..), so I watched the boring show. It was amusing to see some people eat pizza though. Gravity won some prizes, which is cool. I happened to see Gravity for a 2nd time the night before, because of the Oscar buzz it was rereleased for a few days.


I mainly wanted to express my disappointment in missing the highlight of the show: Idina Menzel singing Let it go. I´m glad she won, and from the few short clips I see on Youtube it looked and sounded amazing, unfortunately I can´t find a good clip of the whole performance. I missed the last hour of the show or so, because I had to go.


Looking forward to see some Oscar nominated / winning films though. Most of them are still being shown in the cinemas here.. I should have seen most of them already, but I haven´t been to the cinema much lately, after the film festival. I´ll have some catching up to do, and I intend to see things like Nebraska, 12 years a slave, Dallas buyers club (Matthew McConaughey seems to be on a roll), and Her.

I can also confirm La grande belleza and Blue Jasmin are excellent.

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The Oscars will always be a massive joke for me until they make the people who vote a bit more representative of the general population.


Having said that Let It Go is awesome and deserved to win.

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I'm surprised to see Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win an Oscar again! the Wolf of Wall Street was a spectacular film and the best comedy i've seen for years, but then do comedys ever win awards?


He didn't deserve to win it for playing Jordan Belfort. There were far better performances again this year, unfortunately for Leo. Wolf of Wall Street was a great film but it wasn't up there with 12 Years a Slave or Dallas Buyers Club.

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This was an interesting year for Oscars. I actually watched most of the nominated films this year, so it was more interesting to see which way the awards were going. 12 Years a Slave was definitely a shoe-in for best movie, deservedly.


I really need to watch Dallas Club, though. Leo's performance in Wolf of Wall Street was phenomenal, thought for sure he would win.

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