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Should Nintendo go 3rd party?!


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I really hope that Nintendo do go multiplatform.


I don't want to buy a Nintendo console just to be able to play a new Zelda and Mario game every few years. Make it easy for us and put them all on the same console.


I hope the same for Microsoft and Sony. I don't want to have to buy a Microsoft console just to play a new Halo/Gears every few years. Make it easy for us and put them all on the same console.


This would be the perfect point at which to end the thread, we know that 'It will never happen' in either case. ::shrug:


I know the debate will rage on though, which is fine... this is a forum after all but until something interesting happens to indicate that one of the above - unlikely - scenarios is actually going to happen I don't see any point in discussing it further. :p

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Simply - Nintendo hardware limits its software, in some bizzare, Kamikaze, shoot-myself-in-the-foot way.


Why go the long way around? Why make problems for yourself? Every console had a major flaw and it seems it was made by choice - even if it meant reproducing the same flaw of the previous generation.


The whole world will love Nintendo again if just went software. Throw away pride and all that loyalty drivvle - this is 2014.

The more I think of it, the more I see an astounding opportunity for growth, swamps of money and a re-domination of Nintendo.


The capabilities of the PS4 and XB will ironically probably allow Nintendo to realise the dreams of grandeur for some of its key titles, Zelda springs to mind. Epic stuff - No pathed landscapes, fogging/blurry techniques cleverly labeled as 'art style'. Real digital sound - No Nintendo console has ever taken advantage of Dolby Digital! (The PS2 had it for col).


I am pro third party Nintendo. Save your money and leave the hardware alone.

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I hope the same for Microsoft and Sony. I don't want to have to buy a Microsoft console just to play a new Halo/Gears every few years. Make it easy for us and put them all on the same console.


You're not just buying a MS/Sony console for their exclusives though. You're buying it for MS/Sony exclusives, and nearly all third party games.


With the Wii U you're pretty much just buying it for the exclusives, and the hardware and therefore power potential of the games is much more limited.


It makes sense, in this hypothetical discussion, for Nintendo to be the one to move.

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But not if you have a PS4 and want MS exclusives?! Or vice verse, same problem. And people could argue that Nintendo's exclusives far outweigh what the consoles offer, and that moving over the vast nintendo library isn't as drastic as the few great AAA 3rd party games.


That's why there should be room for Nintendo more than one of the others. A Wii U and PS4/XBONE makes more sense than PS4 and XBONE. Doesn't it?!

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But not if you have a PS4 and want MS exclusives?! Or vice verse, same problem. And people could argue that Nintendo's exclusives far outweigh what the consoles offer, and that moving over the vast nintendo library isn't as drastic as the few great AAA 3rd party games.


That's why there should be room for Nintendo more than one of the others. A Wii U and PS4/XBONE makes more sense than PS4 and XBONE. Doesn't it?!


It's not really the 'same' problem, since you'd be missing out on far fewer games.


Regardless, if given the option of buying 2 consoles instead of 3, with the relegated console being the worst technically, support and popularity wise, I'd be happier.


2 consoles to buy is better than 3.

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I kinda find the whole 'I want to play Mario & Zelda so Nintendo should go third party' funny.


So Nintendo should give up on hardware even though people seem to want to play their software? If the games are not the problem then surely instead of waiting them to go third party wouldn't it be better if they just started to focus on producing better hardware?


Games tied to specific hardware isn't new. It's always been like that since we had more than one console.

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Whut? It's a lot more than producing better hardware. Their OS, network features...hell, their whole antiquated set of beliefs. Their image.


And worst of all? I don't think they can compete on the level that the other two do, no matter what they change. They can try prove me wrong, by all means.

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Whut? It's a lot more than producing better hardware. Their OS, network features...hell, their whole antiquated set of beliefs. Their image.


And worst of all? I don't think they can compete on the level that the other two do, no matter what they change. They can try prove me wrong, by all means.


By hardware I mean all those things. There is no doubt they can compete its whether they want to? The idea that its not possible to produce a console similar to the competition is BS and a myth started by Iwata.

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So what you're saying is, by terming all that 'hardware', they just need to change a fuck load of things, which we all know won't happen.


Neither will third party, so either argument is equally pie in the sky/ we can dream.


No they need to look at why the other consoles are successful. I dont see how going third party is the answer to the problems we currently see. I dont quite understand how a nintendo being run badly suddenly changes just cos they go third party. I dont buy into Nintendo goes third party and suddenly the company becomes great again.

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Because the thing they're running badly is making/maintaining a good console, attracting third party support and having decent network features. All of which would mostly disappear if they didn't have a home console anymore.



Problems which can be resolved if there is a will.

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With my playstation controllers leaking shit all over itself, ps3 dying last year and my few month old vita memory card dying just now. I'd really prefer to trust Nintendo to be competent enough to make stuff which doesn't leak and break as easily and ineptly as sony.

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My N64 broke when I moved it between rooms.


That's actually amazing, as I don't think I've ever heard of an N64 breaking at all, I always thought they were built to last. (mine still works when I last played it months ago)


It literally doesn't work any more... at all? No power and/or refusal to read cartridges?


Really genuinely surprised at this. :o

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That's actually amazing, as I don't think I've ever heard of an N64 breaking at all, I always thought they were built to last. (mine still works when I last played it months ago)


It literally doesn't work any more... at all? No power and/or refusal to read cartridges?


Really genuinely surprised at this. :o


You should see the one I'm using now. I started customising it last year but never got around to finishing it. At the moment it's essentially a motherboard sitting on the floor. :D

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Nintendo's consoles don't break because they used tried and trusted components designed about 10 years ago.


Hate to admit it, but that did make me laugh. But I know you mean it so the comedy goes...


But the PS3 controllers genuinely do leak shite when you don't use them for too long. Gunk hell. Like sticky jizz sticks. Thank fuck they acknowledged that and changed the material for the DS4.


Does anyone actually know what it was? Just bizarre it's even possible for it to leak...

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