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GamePad Creativity


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As the Wii U is facing hard times and Nintendo are forced to take less risks (the likes of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and New Super Mario Bros U show that Nintendo are being VERY safe with their releases) has the GamePad suffered?


I've had so much fun with some of the very few great uses of the GamePad, like in Game & Wario's Picture drawing game or some of the House Party games in Wii Party U, but in general, it feels as though Nintendo are ignoring it.


Back when the Wii first came out, whilst there were a lot of titles that were of a dubious quality, there were also some great games and especially games that were really inventive with the Wii Remote.


From the awesome controls of those BIG DAMN TRUCKS in Excite Truck to the ball rolling precision of Kororinpa, it seems that developers got a hell of a lot more out of a controller that is a lot less capable. Heck, even things such as getting a rabbid trapped inside and screaming out of your controller or the crazy minigames in Wario Ware Smooth Moves more than proved why the Wii Remote was an integral part to the system, and staple series like Mario Galaxy used the new control methods to great effect.


Now we have the Wii U and most of the big titles, such as Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros. don't use it in any way and those creative new series are no where to be seen. So, I'm curious:


Do you think the GamePad is under utilised? And if so, is it because there's generally not much that can be done with it, it's not interesting, or because people are scared/don't have the development time to use it?


There's so much potential and it's infuriating that it's being ignored.

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It's not just the GamePad that's suffered, most of their innovations over the years have been neglected after being used in a couple of games. The GameCube pad's digital click, GBA-GCN connectivity, DK Bongos, Wii balance board (perfect for 1080 snowboarding), ar games, 3D, snes mouse.


That reminds me, they need to bring out Mario Paint for Wii U.

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to the ball rolling precision of Kororinpa,
A sequel to that using the Gamepads gyro's to control the level would be great!


You could drop a marble down a hole and it drop on the gamepad screen, where you'd have complete a different puzzle with it and dropping it back on to the TV screen.


Same with Monkey Ball... but they kinda ruined that series.

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@daftada - I'd actually forgot about AR cards! How mad! They were all over that when it first released as well.


And the DK Bongos were wonderful, I'll still never forgive Nintendo/Namco for not releasing Donkey Konga 3 over here (I swear it was penned in for a release, I read it in NOM or CUBE all those years ago). I got the use out of mine from importing all the different versions, but still, I would have loved for them to flesh it out until it died, much like the Guitar Hero craze.


and @Retro_Link - That sounds fantastic :heart: I have no idea who made it, or if they're still a developer, but I'd love to see that. And I just wanna see more of that pug ball making it's weird noises :P


And don't get me started on Super Monkey Ball. I loved that series, and for some reason I still buy them all, but it pains me every time to think just how low it has sunk.


Imagine having the GamePad as the view of your feet on Monkey Ball! It would make the extra precision needed on Expert Mode so much easier!

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It is strange (not to mention disappointing) that we haven't seen much done with the GamePad yet. :blank: Nintendo must have some titles in development that really make use of its features though, I reckon that Zelda will use it in a big way.


Don't see Mario Kart 8 doing anything special with it, probably just the course map/rear view mirror and items display.


They should really get some ideas out there via smaller games on the eShop, perfect way to test and show off unique GamePad functionality I reckon.


I have no idea who made it, or if they're still a developer, but I'd love to see that.
The awesome Kororinpa and its equally awesome sequel, Marbles! Balance Challenge were developed by Hudson, who no longer exist unfortunately. :(

And even more unfortunately, their franchises now belong to Konami *shudders* so yeah, game over. :shakehead

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Maybe they could put a light in it to glow different colours. #nextgen


Kororinpa is a good shout.


I agree with @RedShell on the eShop games being a good fit to see some interesting ways to use the gamepad.

I think it would be pretty cool if off TV play was used in a different way too. An example would be like how Sonic Generations used a mix of 2d and 3d gaming styles but on the same level? Why not follow that kind of route again and have the 3d levels on the TV and then the 2d levels then play exclusively on the game pad. You don't control Sonic's movement - he runs through the level at a medium speed, instead it's your job to collect / destroy things within the level using just the touch screen. Sonic is running along, tap him to jump and then tap the enemies on the screen to home in on them. I dunno, think an addictive / good smartphone game idea that people enjoy spending a bit of time with.


I think something like that would be good as it uses the game pad in a way that isn't just off TV. It's giving you an alternative look at a level you've just played but it's also adding a totally different control mechanic. Naturally though if this mad idea did come to fruition you could 100% guarantee that controlling Sonic on the touch screen would result in many smashed up game pads given that Sonic can be difficult enough with an analogue stick and buttons! :laughing:


Be nice to see it being used in some fun ways though.

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The Game Pad could also do wonders for the survival horror genre.


I haven't played ZombiU yet, but I heard good things.


What I imagine is that you could use it to look around and when you have it on your lap you can see your feet walking but the suddenly you see two white feet standing in front of you. You lift up the game pad and BAM:




I'm a sad panda, because the lack of survival horror games on the WiiU is startling. I'd had hoped that indies would fill this void, but it seems that almost every genre is gracing the WiiU EXCEPT survival horror.


Heck, the sequel to Slender is coming out on the other consoles, why the fuck not on the WiiU.

Indies, out of all developers, should want to port their games to as many consoles as possible.

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What I imagine is that you could use it to look around and when you have it on your lap you can see your feet walking but the suddenly you see two white feet standing in front of you. You lift up the game pad and BAM:
Thing is though how is this game being played? Is it purely being played on the gamepad with nothing on the TV, because wouldn't you see the thing straight ahead on the TV first, or holding the gamepad up to look straight ahead?


I think the gamepad is struggling because there aren't actually that many scenario's where it actually makes good gameplay sense to use it.


@Aneres11 kind of like the music levels in Rayman. The thing with that though is it kind of makes more sense to put that game on the 3DS and play it purely on a touchscreen system.


I definitely think puzzle/board games are really where it could stand out though, and have it in the center of the livingroom.


Dammit someone make a Kororinpa game for it!! It's crazy it hasn't happened!

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Yeah a Pokemon Snap game would be fantastic! Especially now with Miiverse, it'd be the perfect fit! Though I think the closest we'll get is an N64 port :(


And I suddenly remembered an amazing GamePad minigame! On Wii Fit U, you're a waiter and move your feet on the balance board to walk or run, the GamePad is your tray of food, by moving left and right you move direction and by tilting it you keep all of the food balanced! It was a really simple but really fun idea! An entire game filled with these kind of bizarre and creative GamePad games wouldn't go a miss at all. I really wish they hadn't rushed out Game and Wario, as that team are so creative that they could have made something truly amazing.

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As has been mentioned Kororinpa is now owned by Konami so eh, good luck with that. Nintendo or somebody else could make an equivalent or better. There's no trademark on marbles as far as I'm aware. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. It is a perfect genre for the gamepad. Even a sub game with morphball Samus could be great.


Another game that would be great would be Knightmare. Think about it, spellcasting, use the mic, write on screen. Your helmet wearing character can see what's directly below them and when you pick objects they can be seen on the gamepad. Well that game or something like that.


Games like Monkey Island, Another Code: R and was it called Hotel Dusk now more than ever would be perfect on Wii U.


Battalion Wars and Command & Conquer. There's loads of possibilities but nothing's happening. What the point of the gamepad if you don't even try? I think I said it long ago, it's like hiring Da Vinci to draw stick figures. Expensive and a complete waste of his skills. The gamepad is a blank canvas and the only limits is the developers imagination. Grow a pair Nintendo and 3rd parties and make it happen. That especially goes to Nintendo and their conservative ways of late. If you don't bother why should anybody else? Lead the way as you've done so many times over the years.


Microsoft and Sony are like the perennial copycats, they've copied the hardware again but it's like they're waiting for Nintendo to show them what to do with it. If Nintendo strike gold like last generation they'll be on it like a shot.

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Thing is though how is this game being played? Is it purely being played on the gamepad with nothing on the TV, because wouldn't you see the thing straight ahead on the TV first, or holding the gamepad up to look straight ahead?


It's a GHOST!


and your Pad is a scanner of some sort which can see the hidden horrors of the mansion.



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Microsoft and Sony are like the perennial copycats, they've copied the hardware again but it's like they're waiting for Nintendo to show them what to do with it. If Nintendo strike gold like last generation they'll be on it like a shot.
At the rate Nintendo are going with it, you'd be mistaken for thinking maybe they're the ones waiting for someone to show them what to do with it.
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Do you think the GamePad is under utilised? And if so, is it because there's generally not much that can be done with it, it's not interesting, or because people are scared/don't have the development time to use it?


There's so much potential and it's infuriating that it's being ignored.


Good thread idea, as it's a question that keeps popping up in my head recently too! My answers - yes, it's under utilised. Why? No idea. The Wii U is basically a DS for your living room with more functionality in that the bottom screen is detachable/seperate - it can basically do anything with two screens a DS can, so there's no way that there isn't potential - it's simply that it's being ignored.


Why though? No idea. I'm not the creative sort, so I don't come up with the brilliant ideas. I can appreciate something and critique it and maybe even build on, but I need that starting point. I would have thought there'd be some cool little indies out there wanting to do crazy/unique stuff with it in a little downloadable title - the question is where are they? More importantly I suspect the real question is actually why aren't they?


ADDIT: Thinking about it, maybe the fact it's a two-piece DS is actually the problem with it. With the DS you've got both screens within glance of each other. The setup in a living room is slightly different, and whilst it isn't neccessarily a major lag in comparison, it's surely not as fast. Still, I think that's a minor disadvantage in a sea of great possibilities.

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A music game wouldn't go amiss. Just a nice suite of tools that we could use to build/play with. Multi-touch means guitar strumming/piano chords would be hard, but a tool like the Korg Synth on the 3DS would be good. Share ditties (midis?) on a Miiverse page and (if they are brave), call it Wii U Music. Then @RedShell and me would be happy.


An eShop release would be perfect.


Nintendo need to bring unique content to the system but also content that sells.

Target musicians, sports fans, racing fans and have games like New Star Soccer on the eShop and the Kairosoft 'Dev' games there too. Perfect little games that can be enjoyed in-depth or on the GamePad. Just get games on the shop!

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A music game wouldn't go amiss. Just a nice suite of tools that we could use to build/play with. Multi-touch means guitar strumming/piano chords would be hard, but a tool like the Korg Synth on the 3DS would be good. Share ditties (midis?) on a Miiverse page and (if they are brave), call it Wii U Music. Then @RedShell and me would be happy.
If they combined the gameplay of Wii Music with something similar to the music creation tools seen in KORG DS/M01D, that would be amazing. :cool:


This is the thing though, when Wii U was first revealed Nintendo seemed to suggest that the GamePad would allow for users to be creative and have the ability to customise games etc... But we haven't seen much of that at all. :sad:

Tekken used the GamePad for drawing on charcters, which was cool:



But that's about the only game that has used the GamePad in this way. :hmm:

We've also had Game & Wario, Art Academy: SketchPad, and obviously being able to doodle in Miiverse. But there should have been way more creative apps/options in games by now.

It was supposed to be a major selling point of the Wii U and GamePad in the first place... The U in Wii U. ::shrug:

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