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Weight Loss and Fitness 2014


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Changed my MyFitnessPal goals earlier to adjust for the fact I want to bulk for a month or so.


3000 calories a day, working on a Push/pull/legs split.


Last night I did my first weights session in a few weeks and managed to almost do what I was at before. I struggled on the Overhead press but my bench was still at 60kg. Hopefully all will rise quite quickly to get back to where I was before.

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Changed my MyFitnessPal goals earlier to adjust for the fact I want to bulk for a month or so.


3000 calories a day, working on a Push/pull/legs split.


Last night I did my first weights session in a few weeks and managed to almost do what I was at before. I struggled on the Overhead press but my bench was still at 60kg. Hopefully all will rise quite quickly to get back to where I was before.


How many do you do at 60?

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  • 2 weeks later...
So are more reps at lower weights better than higher weights and lower reps?


Someone will inevitably post the "low reps for strength, high reps for burning fat/ripped look" thing. Personally, I think it depends. I prefer to go low reps for squats and deadlifts. I wouldn't go low rep for something like a front shoulder raise or side/lateral raise. It would depend on the exercise for me. It would also depend on what your goals are. For me, when I was getting aiming to get stronger, I'd keep the reps low and aim to push a higher weight.

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Well you're looking trim in your latest pictures so whatever you're doing, its working!


I usually do 3 sets of 8 or 10. I think that's considered normal?


Cheers, brah. I'm still a work in progress and now need to go back the other way (lean but with a bit more mass)


3 sets of somewhere between 8-12 is what a lot of people aim for. It's not really as simple as that because there are lots of other factors, such as the amount of sets, what sort of work-out split you have, how often you do it, etc.


3 of 8 is a good starting point, I'd say. What's important is that you keeping adding the weight on as you progress. As long as you do that and eat right, you'll see gains. That's the one thing I'm missing at the moment, I'm seeing improvements with lean-ness, but I won't be making "gains" on a calorie deficit.

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I do similar to Flink right now, 5 reps for the big compound lifts and then 8-10 for the accessory lifts. I've recently changed to a push/pull/legs split and it's working quite well for me. I've just got back into weights after 2 months of heavy cardio to lose some weight and I'm pretty much back up to where I was before I started seriously cutting after 2 weeks lifting.


Changed to working out in the morning as well and it's awesome, I get home from work and I have so much extra time! Love it.

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I can never do it in the morning. Prefer my sleep!


I think my problem is I'm not constantly upping the weights in a regular fashion. That and I'm not doing this whole bulking and cutting thing or taking any protein shakes. I want results but CBA :p


Just seen the partial an picture - what chest exercises would you recommend?

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I can never do it in the morning. Prefer my sleep!


I think my problem is I'm not constantly upping the weights in a regular fashion. That and I'm not doing this whole bulking and cutting thing or taking any protein shakes. I want results but CBA :p


Just seen the partial an picture - what chest exercises would you recommend?


If you're only going to do one chest exercise it is the bench press.


After that you can supplement it with cables, dumb bell flyes, dumb bell press, press ups, incline/decline bench.

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Went swimming on Tuesday afternoon. Decided to work on my arms since my legs get enough exercise from cycling to work. So I swam for 40 mins using only my arms.


Now my arms are jelly and I can't lift more than the weight of a spoon.

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Depending which way you swim your arms do the majority of the work anyway.


Front and back crawl: 75-90% arms

Breast stroke: 10-25% arms

Butterfly: Full body


If you didn't, use a pool buoy when using arms only so your legs stay in the correct position and your body is prone and aerodynamic. It will help!


If you want an absolute killer for your legs take a float and put it underneath the water vertically so when you're swimming it's creating a barrier. I used to torture kids by doing this. :)

Edited by Charlie
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Got a date this afternoon, so went for a pre-date pump up session (so vain I know but I like this one!). Not sure why but did better and more than I have for a while and feel good!


Hopefully all that energy used won't make me fall asleep on the date :p


Before I go on a night out I always have a shoulder and back session :)


(I also protein to my Vodka...say whattttt)

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Just seen the partial an picture - what chest exercises would you recommend?


What do you mean? Do you mean the picture in Forum User Photos?


Like Charlie said, the bench/chest press is the king. However, I've switched to doing them with dumbbells instead of a barbell and have seen an improvement and it feels like my chest is more activated than it was before. I'd alternate between both, or maybe even do flat bench with the barbell and incline chest press with the dumbbells.


I like dumbbell flies, they're a good isolation exercise. Also, if you're going for strength, look at improving your triceps as that will help you bench more. Dips, kick backs, skull crushers for those and you're set.

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First post in here, with good news.


I'm down 1/2 a stone in a few weeks, which is very nice. Eating a heck of a lot more healthier than i was, more fruit and veg and more exercise is starting to pay off finally.

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I'm starting to get a bit bored with training my arms only. I feel less motivated nowadays and I'm not going to the gym as regularly as before. But on the plus side, it's only for another month, I think, then my hip's good enough to start squatting. I look forward to that.

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I'm now up to bench pressing 90KG in ten rep sets.


I've also got an amazing mountain bike, it is great! I love going on proper mountain biking trails. Defo the hardest single event sport out there, really challenging but totally exhilarating!


I also ran a half marathon in 1 hour 42mins! This is the year of fitness for me!

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I'm now up to bench pressing 90KG in ten rep sets.


I've also got an amazing mountain bike, it is great! I love going on proper mountain biking trails. Defo the hardest single event sport out there, really challenging but totally exhilarating!


I also ran a half marathon in 1 hour 42mins! This is the year of fitness for me!


Good work, brah.


Dat feel when you're on holiday and you enjoy showing off your body for the first week, then feel all of your aesthetic gains disappearing in the second week. Feel fat as fuck now.

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I picked the wrong time to go running today. Left the flat, five minutes in the heavens open. After 35 minutes of running in a thunderstorm, I get back indoors only for the sun to come back out again. Fuck you mother nature.


@Eddage, I'm currently using RunKeeper to track my running. It tracks how far I've run via GPS and gives me nice little details like elevation and splits. It doesn't record weight training though so it's not applicable to your needs.

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Had 1RM tests in shoulder press and bench press the other day (still feeling it). Did 48 kg in SP (+3 kg from 9 weeks ago) and 71 kg in BP (+1 kg from 5 months ago). Not great but alright I guess.


Furthermore, I did max rep test in pull-ups. Did much better here; 19 reps! Quite satisfied with that. Also, I tried to test 1RM pull-up but didn't have the time to finish. I wasn't completely drained at 18 kg so I believe I can do 1 rep with 20 kg as well.

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Had 1RM tests in shoulder press and bench press the other day (still feeling it). Did 48 kg in SP (+3 kg from 9 weeks ago) and 71 kg in BP (+1 kg from 5 months ago). Not great but alright I guess.


Furthermore, I did max rep test in pull-ups. Did much better here; 19 reps! Quite satisfied with that. Also, I tried to test 1RM pull-up but didn't have the time to finish. I wasn't completely drained at 18 kg so I believe I can do 1 rep with 20 kg as well.


Good work, especially the pullups.


I set a personal record of my own yesterday, I did 250 continuous alternating reverse lunges. It was brutal. Strangely I'm still waiting for the DOMS to kick in it, I'm expecting some serious pain when it does, haha.

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