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Hyrule Warriors


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Perhaps you're right, it could be a West v East thing. Famitsu did give it 36/40. But then again it's Famitsu. Still pixelly multiplayer, no online multiplayer and a buggy game stands out in any language. The bugs at least can and have been fixed.


Play it. Don't go slating what you haven't tried. For what it's worth, I've enjoyed this more than Bayonetta on the Wii U. Opinions are subjective. This game is fun, has tons of stuff for Zelda fans, and there's been nothing I've felt is really missing. Multilayer may not be great, that doesn't make it a bad game. Sure, it may have its flaws. But so do many top quality, high reputation products - see the iPhone 6, pretty much every AAA game in the industry right now.

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Hyrule Warriors Launch Event at Nintendo World



Holy Hyrule that was some line. It was cool to see all the Zelda merchandise in store as well. Scabby on your man at the end, I think he was expecting more than a key chain. I presume the closer to number one, the greater the prize. I'd like to know what the top prize was. A treasure chest from Japans LE bundle perhaps.

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It's pointless "debating" with you. You only see one side EVER. This game had a short and rushed development cycle. It had DLC and patches from day one. It wasn't even out here yet and Japan had DLC. Didn't Japan get the Wooden Sword on the day it released here? The alternate costumes. You mean the ones we seen months ago and were forced to buy from certain retailers or else buy as DLC? You know they could have given this game proper development time instead of releasing patches to fix bugs straight away and DLC that was already ready and releasing as they go along.


As an aside to this there was an article I read a while back that said the Wii U was in an irreversible position and what Nintendo now have to try and do is convince their loyal existing customers to fork out money for DLC to keep them going. I'm seeing this happen. If anyone remembers it can they post the link please. We've had it with MK8(paying months in advance which was bizarre) and Hyrule Warriors. You know Smash Bros. is next, GUARANTEED! They might do that with Bayonetta 2 but no complaints as that game is really fleshed out. I'm very sceptical of DLC. If it is free fine but I wouldn't trust every developer or when it was created.


Some facts:


- DLC is now standard - across ALL platforms.


- Season passes (where you buy all the DLC in advance for a discount or an added extra) is now also an industry standard.


- Pre-order DLC is also now an industry standard.


All of the above have been common practice on the 360 and PS3 and virtually every big game does at least one of the above.


Now, you might not be ready for this... I'm about to blow the lid on a shocking conspiracy, so if you're not ready to have your mind blown please stop reading now...


!!!SHOCK!!! Companies plan for the DLC before the game is released. Now this may be a hugE shock to you, but companies don't release a game and a month or so later say 'hey, let's do some DLC'. In fact the DLC is planned as part of the game's release and post game support, it's mapped out. It's called a business plan! !!!SHOCK!!!


Finally, @Serebii was correct. Nintendo are doing DLC right. With Mario Kart 8 Nintendo are giving 16 new tracks, new cars and new characters all for around £13. That's basically like the content of Mario Kart 64 for £13, essentially almost enough content for a full game. Compare that to what you pay for map packs on Battlefield and Call of Duty - it's an absolute steal.


The Hyrule Warriors DLC is also good value, a few quid for all that extra goodness? Why not? But if you don't pick it up the game is massive anyway! I've put in hours and still feel like I haven't scratched the surface. The game is huge.


Your post reads like everything is some dastardly conspiracy and you're obviously having none of it because you won't be taken for a ride. No one is taking you for a ride and your moral outrage is unjustified. You buy the game, it's a full game. If you like it and want more, you buy the DLC, if you don't like it and don't want more, don't buy it. Nintendo aren't putting a gun to your head.

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Some facts:


- DLC is now standard - across ALL platforms.


- Season passes (where you buy all the DLC in advance for a discount or an added extra) is now also an industry standard.


- Pre-order DLC is also now an industry standard.


All of the above have been common practice on the 360 and PS3 and virtually every big game does at least one of the above.


Now, you might not be ready for this... I'm about to blow the lid on a shocking conspiracy, so if you're not ready to have your mind blown please stop reading now...


!!!SHOCK!!! Companies plan for the DLC before the game is released. Now this may be a hugE shock to you, but companies don't release a game and a month or so later say 'hey, let's do some DLC'. In fact the DLC is planned as part of the game's release and post game support, it's mapped out. It's called a business plan! !!!SHOCK!!!


Finally, @Serebii was correct. Nintendo are doing DLC right. With Mario Kart 8 Nintendo are giving 16 new tracks, new cars and new characters all for around £13. That's basically like the content of Mario Kart 64 for £13, essentially almost enough content for a full game. Compare that to what you pay for map packs on Battlefield and Call of Duty - it's an absolute steal.


The Hyrule Warriors DLC is also good value, a few quid for all that extra goodness? Why not? But if you don't pick it up the game is massive anyway! I've put in hours and still feel like I haven't scratched the surface. The game is huge.


Your post reads like everything is some dastardly conspiracy and you're obviously having none of it because you won't be taken for a ride. No one is taking you for a ride and your moral outrage is unjustified. You buy the game, it's a full game. If you like it and want more, you buy the DLC, if you don't like it and don't want more, don't buy it. Nintendo aren't putting a gun to your head.


Very good article and a nice read. I agree with Ashley, no way I can see MK8 being £20 in May next year or discounted at all. I think the pricing of DLC for MK8 is very fair. I have questions and doubts over Hyrule Warriors though. The Mario Golf DLC sounds terrific value as well. The Forza 5 "deal" is scandalous.


I could be Nintendo have learnt from others mistakes or it could be Nintendo's first forrays into this market. You've got to start from the start and attract and incentivise people to check out your wares. Will it go up in time as they get more established? How did the competition first start out price wise and content wise? I genuinely don't know. Like every other company out there, Nintendo are greedy, they increase their markup if they feel the market will allow it or reduce the amount of content for the same price.


Last point, Nintendo should learn from others mistakes but they also should look in the mirror and learn from their own mistakes as well.


Thanks but you didn't tell me anything I didn't know. MK8 is fine, bought the DLC day 1 myself. But overall as a practise I don't think I like it for several reasons.

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  • First, you need to complete one of those illustrations (the ones you have to kill Skulltulas to collect pieces for). For the Zora Tunic in particular, you have to collect the Skulltulas from Legend Mode. I got each Skulltula on my first playthrough of Legend Mode, which unlocked a second batch of Skulltulas for Legend Mode. I then got the extra Skulltula from the first and second level to complete the picture.
  • Completing an illustration will unlock a Rewards Map in Adventure Mode. beat the mission available on that map to unlock the Zora Tunic! You don't even need to get an A Rank! Each completed illustration will give you an additional mission, so there's got to be a few more recolours available, too.

Good luck!

Good luck is right. :heh: I just did that mission, it was pure evil! :shakehead

This is how close I was to not making it:


And yes, that is me in the bottom left of the screenshot (playing as Impa), cowardly running away from Princess Zelda! :laughing:


Got there in the end though...

Despite almost having a heart attack when I discovered that I'd need to defeat Dark Link as well! :o

But anyway:


Not sure it was worth the effort. :hehe:


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Just realised I've hit a dead end in Adventure Mode because the only characters I have levelled over 30 are Link and Zelda.




Time to grind for rupees

Yeah, I'm yet to unlock the last character on Adventure Mode because both of the paths leading to that screen are restricted to characters that I haven't used much. :hmm:


By the way, have you got the costume Sprout posted about before? If so, what did you make of that mission? :hehe:


I'm still interested to hear if anyone has received a Friend Bonus yet, as well:


Anyone? :blank:

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Yeah, I'm yet to unlock the last character on Adventure Mode because both of the paths leading to that screen are restricted to characters that I haven't used much. :hmm:


By the way, have you got the costume Sprout posted about before? If so, what did you make of that mission? :hehe:


I'm still interested to hear if anyone has received a Friend Bonus yet, as well:


Anyone? :blank:

Not yet, I should probably go through and get those Skulltulas actually. Will help me both level up characters and get rupees


Also I may have got it, I got a pop up as I was about to select a level, but as I was about to select one, I had already pressed the A button by the time it appeared

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Also I may have got it, I got a pop up as I was about to select a level, but as I was about to select one, I had already pressed the A button by the time it appeared



Same, I think it's just items (candles, compasses, bombs etc.) so it's nothing huge, the biggest rewards are from playing the network links you find on your own map from what I can tell

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Just finished Legend Mode, man that final level/battle was awesome :D


LOVED it, great story and loved all teh characters involved :D


Though it did leave me thinking they could have fit alot more into it.... though I guess that'll be for a near certain sequel at some point.


Kept expecting Demise to appear after I defeated Ganon :heh:

Though the shadow that appears behind Ganondorf when you finish a level with him was Demise biding his time :heh:



Also they could have gotten more characters in there, definately at least one more, from Skyward Sword, both OOT and TP got 2 characters but SS only had Fi.... should have had Groose at least.


Also was a little disappointed when you had those levels that took place in the 3 different eras that you didn't get to meet the Link and Zelda's from those times, thought it would happen, would have been a nice extra bit of fan servcie (though yeah the whole game is crammed full of fan servcie already...but more is always welcome :D)




Wonder will Lana and Cia ever appear in a proper Zelda game....who knows maybe they (or their decendents/ancestors?) will appear in Zelda Wii U?


Few things I'm wondering about though after finishing Legend Mode... in terms of unlocking stuff



So I got every Gold Skulltula in every level but still missing 2 pieces from the 1st illustration....wtf? I thought there was a level for each piece? Do I just have to get the first 2 of the 2nd batch of Skulltulas that now appear? BUt that'll leave me 4 short on the next illustration when I finish hard mode yeah?


I assume then can you get other Skulltulas in Adventure mode too? (Only played a few levels on it so far, been focusing on Legend Mode)


Also I'm still missing 4 Characters......Ruto, Ghirihim(sp?...too lazy to look it up), Zant and Bug Girl.... thought I'd get them all in Legend Mode?


Oh and the Master Sword has a Locked Skill and it says I need to have unlocked all weapons to find out what it is.... doe sthat include the weapons that are in the first DLC pack?





On the DLC discussion, I'm a little 50/50 over the idea, paying for new modes or new characters that aren't already on the discs code (or made/finsihed after game release) I don't mind but having to pay for alt costumes that are either already on disc or the development for them is already finished before games release seems very "un-Nintendo"..... didn't they say before they would only do DLC that was made after the game was finished and released?


Though looking at the full pack for Pre-Order at the moment.... the first 3 all say "Adventure Mode map".... is that like 3 different new full maps....like 3 whole new Adventure mode? If so that alone would be worth the purchase price to me :D

I assume maybe these maps are based on other 2D zelda games like maybe ZeldaII, LttP and Links Awaking for example?


And the 4th one "Boss Pack" says "new game modes"? Have Nintendo said yet what these modes are yet?





Oh and almost forgot


Question about when playing as Link and Zelda....


I noticed that sometimes their hand that the Triforce mark is on glows, I thought at first this was probably just to show when the Special Attack meter was full..... but I just noticed that it sometimes happens even when the Special meter is not full....so does this indicate something else that I've totally missed out on so far (a new special move maybe?)?


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Dat moment... :cool:

...So good. :)


What do you use to make your gifs? </offtopic>


Got a few more levels of Legend Mode done :D


Closed the 3 Gate of Souls and done the 2 levels after that



I think it was to stop Ganondorf from obtaining the full Triforce if he beat her, although she proceeds to beat him rather easily straight after. ::shrug:



Anyway, the Temple of Souls is a great level. Funny how Cia is basically a


crazy fan girl.



One thing I'm wondering,... when Ganondorf combines his 3 soul parts why does Cia send the 2 Triforce parts back to Link and Zelda then use Power to make Ganondorf vanish? Surely if one part can teleport him all 3 could have got rid of him for good...not to mention the whole "he who touches the complete triforce gets one wish" thing...she had all 3 parts for ages and did nothing with the power?


Then after giving up the Wisdom and Courage she proclaims "I will get back the Triforce"....the frak? So why did you just send 2 parts away????


Got the Master Sword too and the Temple of Souls level was AWESOME, having to fight multiple Dark Links and a first battle with Ganondorf...though he was alot easier than I expected....I know he's not at full power but still expected more of a fight from him.... struggled more with the Dark Links :heh:



Also tried Impa's 2nd weapon (Naginata) for first time....my gods that is a frakking awesome weapon :D

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So I got every Gold Skulltula in every level but still missing 2 pieces from the 1st illustration....wtf? I thought there was a level for each piece? Do I just have to get the first 2 of the 2nd batch of Skulltulas that now appear? BUt that'll leave me 4 short on the next illustration when I finish hard mode yeah?


I assume then can you get other Skulltulas in Adventure mode too? (Only played a few levels on it so far, been focusing on Legend Mode)


Also I'm still missing 4 Characters......Ruto, Ghirihim(sp?...too lazy to look it up), Zant and Bug Girl.... thought I'd get them all in Legend Mode?


Oh and the Master Sword has a Locked Skill and it says I need to have unlocked all weapons to find out what it is.... doe sthat include the weapons that are in the first DLC pack?



Get the Hard Mode Skulltulas and they'll start to complete that image


Yes, lots of them in Adventure Mode


Those characters are all in Adventure Mode


No, of course it doesn't. It includes ones you get in Adventure Mode, though.



On the DLC discussion, I'm a little 50/50 over the idea, paying for new modes or new characters that aren't already on the discs code (or made/finsihed after game release) I don't mind but having to pay for alt costumes that are either already on disc or the development for them is already finished before games release seems very "un-Nintendo"..... didn't they say before they would only do DLC that was made after the game was finished and released?


Though looking at the full pack for Pre-Order at the moment.... the first 3 all say "Adventure Mode map".... is that like 3 different new full maps....like 3 whole new Adventure mode? If so that alone would be worth the purchase price to me :D

I assume maybe these maps are based on other 2D zelda games like maybe ZeldaII, LttP and Links Awaking for example?


And the 4th one "Boss Pack" says "new game modes"? Have Nintendo said yet what these modes are yet?



We're not paying for anything on the game's disc or that has been completed before game release, don't worry. The only thing that may fall into that are the costume sets that were pre-order DLC, but the actual DLC for the game is nothing like that, don't fret.


We're not sure what they mean for Adventure Mode Maps though, nor the specific game modes.

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I'm not sure whether game stores have bought too few copies, or Hyrule Warriors is quite successful, but it's sold out in both game stores in my town. Anyone know whether Gamestop or Game have a tendency of under-stocking Nintendo stuff?

They bring in 5 copies and that's overstocking. :p


Seriously though, it has done rather well, I imagine they'll be getting more stock soon.

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We're not paying for anything on the game's disc or that has been completed before game release, don't worry. The only thing that may fall into that are the costume sets that were pre-order DLC, but the actual DLC for the game is nothing like that, don't fret.


I didn't realise you helped develop this game. How can you say that 100% is a fact?

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I didn't realise you helped develop this game. How can you say that 100% is a fact?


Same applies to you.


This game had a short and rushed development cycle.


How do you know this?


We're not going through this song and dance again so just drop it.

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Same applies to you.




How do you know this?


We're not going through this song and dance again so just drop it.


I'm not claiming all is done but I know some of it was definitely done before it was released. I'm questioning whether it was all done and DLC as a practise and paying for stuff already completed.


As to whether it had a short production cycle? Well I've seen it and it's been stated in countless places and it was announced and released in under a year. That's in contrast to many, many other Wii U games.




Hyrule Warriors might not be your typical Zelda game, but it's clear that the content, setting and characters have been created very much with Nintendo fans in mind. There are some problems here — many of which can no doubt be laid at the door of the game's short production cycle — and truly dedicated Zelda followers might have their noses put out of joint by the fact that is little more than Omega Force's brand of one-man-army combat with Link and his friends dropped in the middle. Still, there's enough hack-and-slash entertainment on offer to make this a rather enjoyable diversion. While the button-pounding gameplay is unquestionably repetitive, there's still a thrill to be found in dashing around the battlefield taking down enemy bases and turning the tide of the war with some well-timed intervention and carefully planned strikes into hostile territory.


For those that come in expecting a classic Legend of Zelda adventure this could potentially be an underwhelming experience; yet as a fun action game with plenty of content is delivers well. Once the problem of perception — courtesy of the iconic characters at play — is resolved, this is an entertaining addition for action fans.


That's just from one review over on nintendolife.



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As to whether it had a short production cycle? Well I've seen it and it's been stated in countless places and it was announced and released in under a year. That's in contrast to many, many other Wii U games.


That's just from one review over on nintendolife.




Announcement =/= production time. If so, then Hyrule Warriors would have been in production for longer than Super Mario 3D World.


That review is an opinion piece with no source for that information. It's no more valid than what I have to say about the game.

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Announcement =/= production time. If so, then Hyrule Warriors would have been in production for longer than Super Mario 3D World.


That review is an opinion piece with no source for that information. It's no more valid than what I have to say about the game.


Very true.

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