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No Man's Sky


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Found a really bizarre planet yesterday. Not sure if it was a glitch, but it had all these weird rock formations on it - they had a pyramid, and then a square of rock hovering over the pyramid peak with a square hole in the centre, like a cube halo.


They were everywhere too, not just one or two...


Still playing this a fair bit. Found a really harsh planet with freezing temperatures, and even colder storms. Even with a cold shield I could only last a minute outside. Racked up a few Sols before I got bored of huddling underground though.


Then I found a planet with no fauna at all, which was weird. Proper desert like.

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Facebook works fine enough for me. Quick to do and simple to just copy paste the links here. Only issue I have is that when I am going to choose which pictures to upload, they're so small I can't tell if it was a good picture or not, so I end up uploading them all.

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I landed on a planet earlier that was fucking freeeeeezing. As soon as I got out of my ship, my meters just plummeted and I had to run for cover. I hadn't had any of the thermal upgrades installed as I hadn't really needed them at that point, so I made an effort to install/upgrade those. Spent about 6 hours today on this and didn't really want to stop playing.


@Eenuh is generally doing better at the game than I am. She's 100%ing the planets (finding all creatures) and has more exosuit upgrades and better ships and multi-tools than I have. A bit jealous.

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Did a bit of planet hopping last night after spending ages on my last one trying to find the last species.


Ended up on one that only had 7 species to find, but every single one of them seemed to be a murderous death creature.


Literally as soon as you stepped out of your ship, the hillside would be swarming with animals, and a few seconds later they'd try and kill you. I stuck around for a bit, trying to scan a few, but eventually had to leave as my shields wouldn't last.


Then went to a planet with no fauna OR fauna, but had exosuit upgrades everywhere. Got about four more slots in 15 minutes of flying around.

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I have tried landing my ship on some of the larger ones, but no luck.


Some of the PC mods are really cool. Wouldn't mind some of them in the PS4 version. A control mode where you can have full control of your ship would be cool.


Given how sony have treated Bethsada and mods i can't see No Man's ever getting support for them


we have to wait on Hello games :cry:

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Strange question - but is anyone really missing much by not getting on this as soon as it occurred? I've seen it for £30 already but was just thinking I've still got a ton of JC3 to play, and whilst I do want(and will probably prefer playing) this I should probably hold out and get an even better price on it - was just wondering how much I'd really miss out on though. I know obviously there was the whole naming planets thing, but other than that if there any pressing reasons to have had it in the launch window over later on in its life?

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Strange question - but is anyone really missing much by not getting on this as soon as it occurred? I've seen it for £30 already but was just thinking I've still got a ton of JC3 to play, and whilst I do want(and will probably prefer playing) this I should probably hold out and get an even better price on it - was just wondering how much I'd really miss out on though. I know obviously there was the whole naming planets thing, but other than that if there any pressing reasons to have had it in the launch window over later on in its life?


Good question - I pretty much bought it at launch as I didn't want to miss out in the way you describe. From my experience, I'd say definitely not (aside from what's at the center of the galaxy being spoiled for you). Maybe people will be less interested in the weird sights you share in a few months but still.


I'd say wait - it's a decent game for £20 quid but to my mind the £50 launch price was a total joke for the amount of content. Got back from holiday and have no interest in going back to it despite enjoying it for the first few hours.


Speaking of, my girlfriend currently works part time at playstation support and tells me she has about 4 calls a day from people asking for their money back on the game because it disappointed them. Optimists...

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Died for the first time yesterday. It was a bit annoying. I'd not been an any significant space battles, as I was going to wait until I'd explored a bit and collected loads of ship blueprints, then max my ship out in offensive weaponry. However, i hyper jumped directly into an ongoing battle, and couldn't escape. Still, the battle mechanics are quite good!


I appear to be in a strange system devoid of any creatures now, just all desert planets with fairly grumpy sentinels. Might not stick around too long...

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