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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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It just doesn't stop. The insanity of the later stages of this game is something else. :woops:



Playable Rosalina! :o

Incredible! :D

But man is she slow. :heh: Absolutely love her Cat costume voice though, sounds so bitchy! :laughing:

And the way her hair goes into a ponytail for the Fire Flower power-up. :love:


My word... This is almost too much awesomeness for me to take. :hehe: Just how much magic have Nintendo crammed into this game?

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Just thought I'd check the eShop to see if I might be tempted to go digital on this one.... 60euro :o:o


Meh I'll check GameStop the week before Xmas and see about it then


Can you not by download codes from GAME.co.uk? Converts to 51Euro, tiny bit more expensive than on Gamestop.

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The one thing I don't like is the "Super Mario 3D" style levels/overall design. I just don't dig that look/design of a practically 2D level but where you can step back, its weird.


Having said that, levels that are exclusively like that are few and far between and its not exactly a chore.


In the Nintendo Direct where he said "Here are ten things you didn't know about SM3DW" (and then for some reason everyone complained that there was no spoiler warning), I turned off because I didn't want to be spoilt. So glad I did.


Seeing things come out of the blue like;


The Mario Kart level



Super fun.


I am shit at finding green stars though.

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This game is like crack. Seriously, I can't stop playing it!


Fully finished Worlds 1 & 2 with every character now. You get a nice little gold paw print next to the world name once everything is done.


Rez has just reminded me, what did you think of in regards to the level area was on about, @RedShell? I bet you had a cheesy grin on your face. :D

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Rez has just reminded me, what did you think of in regards to the level area was on about, @RedShell? I bet you had a cheesy grin on your face. :D
The cheesiest of grins, yes. :hehe:


Unfortunately though that surprise was somewhat spoilt for me by the Nintendo Direct. :mad: I looked away as soon as the SM3DW segment started at the end of that ND, but I could still hear it, so I obviously heard the music. :indeed:

Wish I'd done what @ReZourceman did and just turned it off, oh well. ::shrug:


Can't imagine what would've happened if I'd gone into that level without expecting it though...

I probably would've had a heart attack! :laughing:




I've just gone and watched the end of that ND now, they ruin so much stuff! Including the huge spoiler I posted about yesterday! :o

Bloody stupid. :nono: Why the hell did Nintendo put all of that in the ND?! Sure you want to get people excited for the game, but there's no need to spoil like 99% of it.


I'm going to be extremely cautious of Nintendo Directs in the future.

Edited by RedShell
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Oh hey my GAME order just arrived!


Isn't the cat Mario sleeve amaz... Oh yeah, they didn't bother sending that.

Cannot actually put into words how pissed off I am right now.


They'll send the sleeve separately. Lots of people on Twitter are stating they pre-ordered and didn't receive the sleeve or keyring with the game either. What a mess. GAME caused exactly the same problem back when Ocarina 3DS hit. Game comes late, pre-order stuff is sent separately.


Everyone who received a shipping notice on Wednesday probably only had their copy shipped Thursday evening. Unfortunately GAME can't even say they had to wait for the slipcovers as they are being sent in separate packages.


Sending a separate Ocarina 3DS case I can understand, but a slip cover and keyring? Crazy idea, why not PUT THE SLIP COVER ON THE GAME before sending it?

Edited by Guy
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I bought 2 copies from game and i am misisng the pre order bonus too, I am so pissed off with GAME, first they screw me over with the zelda lbw collectors edition and not sending the posters.


And now they have with the cat mario special edition, not only was the game late but missing its contents and with no email or apology saying they will come seperate.

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They'll send the sleeve separately. Lots of people on Twitter are stating they pre-ordered and didn't receive the sleeve or keyring with the game either. What a mess. GAME caused exactly the same problem back when Ocarina 3DS hit. Game comes late, pre-order stuff is sent separately.


Everyone who received a shipping notice on Wednesday probably only had their copy shipped Thursday evening. Unfortunately GAME can't even say they had to wait for the slipcovers as they are being sent in separate packages.


Sending a separate Ocarina 3DS case I can understand, but a slip cover and keyring? Crazy idea, why not PUT THE SLIP COVER ON THE GAME before sending it?



Surely the sleeve is likely to get squashed in the post if its not wrapped around a box?


I see. But like Hero-of-Time says, surely that's just going to smash the sleeve up and render it useless. Grr.


Now you mention it Guy, I remember the OoT saga as it happened to me too, I just never expected it to happen here when surely the sleeve should have just been shoved onto the box before sending?




Anyway, in game related news I just started playing, as Princess Peach - obvs :heh: and oh my word is this game amazing. I only booted it up to have a quick go before I got a shower. It went something like this.

"I'll just do this one level then get a shower..."

*level complete

"Oh that world looks interesting... I'll just do this one more then and then get a shower..."

*level complete

"Hey look, a toad house... I'll just visit that then and then go get a shower..."


I'm still sat here - not had a shower. :grin:

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The one thing I dislike about this game (Just come to the end of World 7)


The Bowser Car bosses. They're just so slow. Bowser just wasted a minute just shooting fireballs, never giving me bombs to attack.


I could be wrong but....


Ive been replaying the game and when doing these fights they seem to go quicker if I had the cat suit. When I knocked the bombs back they seem to hit him rather than the car. This resulted in a 3 hit victory rather than a nine.



Edit: Just redone that fight with a character I needed to finish it with and yes it does work! Three hits and you're done!

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