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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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Wow... I didn't know that just 'seeing' the gold block at the start of the stage after dying five times was enough to cost you the glitter stars, that's pretty harsh, honestly I will just be happy enough to finish the post-game once. :p

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Wow... I didn't know that just 'seeing' the gold block at the start of the stage after dying five times was enough to cost you the glitter stars, that's pretty harsh, honestly I will just be happy enough to finish the post-game once. :p

Na, I saw it a couple of times and still have glittering stars :)

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Oh for fraks sake...


So my son and nephew wanted to play so I let them, i started up my sons "file 3" and left them to play thought that would be fine. went to get a cup of tea had a chat with my sister who visitin for new years when kids finished playing for bedtime I turned off WiiU.


Just decided to have a go at a few levels in bed on the gamepad and noticed my "file 1" which had over 40 lives on it now only has 5 left.... well thats fracking great :mad: kids must have quit out of their game and restarted on my file at some point... hope they didnt use the invincibilty leaf and cost me my glitter stars :(


bit annoyed now. no longer feel like playing will wait till tomorrow

Chill Mokong. :heh: A couple of minutes on W1-2 doing the 1-Up trick will see extra lives coming out of your ears! :grin:


And you don't need to worry about the glitter stars either...


Wow... I didn't know that just 'seeing' the gold block at the start of the stage after dying five times was enough to cost you the glitter stars
It doesn't. I saw it many a time on some of the later stages, but just ignored it. And my profile stars remained as glittery as ever. ;)


And apparently even if you do use it, you can just go back and replay the stage without using it to get your shiny stars back! :cool:

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I've finally reached Champion Road, I have every star so far, every gold flagpole and every stamp up to this point.


Time for a late lunch but when I return, I have a feeling that I'll be playing this final level for the rest of the day. :laughing:


My body is ready! :D

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I don't get this 3D World was originally a 3DS game suggestion, why would it have originally been planned for the 3DS? New Super Mario Bros. was a DS game, they then made New Super Mario Bros Wii, was that game also destined for the DS originally?


Fair assesment, never thought of it like that.


I guess my opinion is still coloured by how I thought it was a 3DS game when it was first shown and the name :heh:


Seriously "3D" should never be in a title unless it is a 3DS game or some sort of 90's nostaligia tribute game :heh:


I still think though the Captian Toad levels look like there were made to "pop" from the 3DS screen...actually had a few other similar thoughts on a few normal levels too haha.


But hey the game is on Wii U, I'm playing it and enjoying it :D


Not had a chance yet to play more since yesterday though... hopefully later before the whole New Years Eve countdown thing starts.



Oh by the way...this "Champions Road" I keep seeing mentioned.... where is that? Is that like teh very last unlockable level then?

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I've finally reached Champion Road, I have every star so far, every gold flagpole and every stamp up to this point.


Time for a late lunch but when I return, I have a feeling that I'll be playing this final level for the rest of the day. :laughing:


My body is ready! :D


*3 hours later*


Down to 742 lives now, not even made it to the half-way flag :( - if there is one - those damn red/blue blocks!


Oh well, time for dinner, then back to it! :D

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Champions Road defeated! That last part is so stressful, last thing I wanted to do was collect things!


Same here! :D


Congrats Lost :) I actually finished it just before 9pm but the site seemed to be down, in any case I'm so glad to have finally cleared every level and to have collected every green star! :yay:


Those last few stamps and glittering stars can wait for whenever I play multiplayer next. :p

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How did people manage to avoid throwing the controller out the f-ing window trying to finish the final mystery box?!?!?!?!??????!!!!?????!!!!!


I've gone through it easily 100 times, with the 5th character.


EDIT: Just tried Champion Road, f-off Nintendo. Died surely about 60-70 times now and can just barely get to the first green star, maybe 6 or 7 of those times. With the fifth character and the spin, which of course doesn't work when you're using an item like the leaf. No item blocks naturally or checkpoints, naturally.


Not finding either level fun at all.

Edited by Ronnie
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Well that was as close to a perfect Mario game as we're ever likely to get :) Simply incredible.


Champion Road finally conquered. The old strategy of turning the console off after failing 100 times, then trying again the next day with a clear head, worked a charm. Did it in 3 goes today, each time getting to the final part with ease. I now never want to see that course again!! Ditto the last Mystery box.


The final showdown I thought was a little disappointing but going through it a second time I think I appreciated it a lot more. The 3D Land one was EPIC, but this one was very close, particularly at the end when you're climbing the spiral staircase. Visually it's pretty spectacular with great dramatic music as well.


Really would love to see a Captain Toad DLC or 3DS eshop game.


Small detail, I loved the music in the circus levels and how it gradually changed as you went through the level, till the BANG at the end. Thought it was great how if you time your jump at the top of the flagpole in time with the music you hear a round of applause :)


Loved the end credits, simple and perfect, overflowing with the usual indescribable Nintendo charm. The NPCs waving to Mario and co as they passed by... TOO CUTE!!! (I'm a 30 year old man fgs)


A masterpiece of gaming and caps off a fantastic year for Nintendo, quality wise at least. Cheers Ninty, we are not worthy :bowdown:

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Any running, when you have those usual "steps" or platforms before the Goal pole you can stop at the top on stand to the left, take a little run and a quick crouch and jump just before the edge.


Small little tip, if you want the Gold Flag you need to make the jump right at the edge, too soon and you'll land just below the top

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