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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


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I must be the only one who really liked the last few chapters, but maybe that's because I played them over the course of 3 days

Then again, I completed the game in one day on crushing and even then I loved the final chapters...::shrug:

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The last 5 or 6 chapters from The Brothers Drake onwards were the strongest in the game. They tested your combat skills and injected some much needed pace in anticipation of the ending. Had I been playing TLoU2 those chapters would've seemed out of place, and slow-paced horror gameplay would've been more appropriate.


I'm speaking as someone who played a day's worth of multiplayer before completing Story, though, so maybe I was just growing impatient with the 'sluggish' opening stages when compared to TDM.

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Credits rolled on this last night, first playthrough clocked in at just over 13 hours.

Really enjoyed it, including the final few chapters and yeah, even the...


...exploding mummies of doom in chapter 19.


There was a lot going on at times towards the end, but it never felt as annoying to me as some of the combat sections from Uncharted 2 and 3 did (especially 3) during the later stages of those games.

I also really loved the ending/epilogue to this game. Perfect way to wrap up the series I reckon.


Some great improvements to gameplay this time too, I particularly liked the new traversal method where you could manually set points to hang from. That was even more satisfying when jumping from large distances and seeing Nate slide down the wall depending on the momentum.

The rope mechanics were cool too. icon14.gif


One thing I wasn't a fan of though was the fights against Nadine. The fact that they were presented as gameplay but your control of Nate then became restricted was pretty pointless. Really don't understand why they didn't just make these "fights" 100% cutscene. ::shrug:


Anyway, a very minor niggle from an otherwise fantastic game. :)

Still prefer the vibe, setting and humour of Uncharted 1, but this game definitely overtakes U3 as my second favourite of the series. And it's obviously the best when it comes to presentation, by a long way. :grin:




Insane! :o


It wasn't always perfect though, encountered a few visual oddities during my adventure, some of which I saved with the share button:


Texture loading issue (came across this one a few times):

Some very dodgy looking splashes:

And a controller icon that doesn't want to go away: :D

There was also an occasion where Nate's arms went all weird as he tried to open a door, but unfortunately I didn't catch that one.


To be expected though with such an ambitious project. And even so, it's just mad seeing how far video game graphics have come over the last 30 years.

Anyway, now to get into the multiplayer! :bouncy:

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Well it has certainly been an experience...


Game get, 5GB day one patch installed, ready to go! :cool:


Time to play my PS4 again! :D


As always I started out playing this on "Crushing" difficulty and I've just now hit my first major sticking point...


If you've played this far then you know the bit... you're hanging off the cliff just out of sight and the guards think they've seen something "over there in the treeline" "yeah but it's a jungle though, there's movement everywhere" "alright everyone false alarm, but keep a lookout" yeah that bit... :p


From that part I've already crawled through the grass and up to the first rock you see, the moment the guard turns around I jump over the rock, cross the gap underneath then climb the next cliff which is moreorless right in front of you which has more grass for cover, then I immediately jump from there to the land mass right in the middle, just grabbing the cliff side then hiding in the grass, this nearly alerts a guard, once he's said "OK then..." my rope is already tethered to the grappling point which takes you down even further, I go for it, land in the grass which does almost alert another guard but I've found it's safe to take out the nearest guard who has his back to you at this point, securing you a pistol.


Then it's up the hand-holds on the cliff nearest to you, as you get across the gap to the other side which has an ammo bos giving you more ammo for your pistol and two grenades, onto the ground pillars from there as I climb to the highest point, haning onto the edge but away from the guards until they can't see me, this is where I get stuck though as I can either jump across and go for the mudslide, after that I don't get too far, or go into the long grass out the back, usually spotted but I can cliff-hang and shoot for a while until I usually get taken out.



I tried at that for around three hours or so last night, so frustrating as I feel like I've almost got a winning strategy down, I even checked a video out of some guy doing the same thing almost, yet he got a checkpoint at the point I usually get to but then he did manage to take out a few of the guards where as my run in much more stealthy up to that point.


I'll get there... it's just a sticking point is all, any advice appreciated though. :)


Other than that, really enjoying the game.


Got a good strategy for Chapter 13? I'm still trying to finish it for the first time and I started on Crushing difficulty... :p


I'm intending to do it the other way round, make my second playthrough really easy for the collectables. :awesome:


I finally got past the sticking point I found to be Chapter 13 then I said to myself "I'll just get to just after Chapter 15" but yeah... five hours and five chapters later and I'm now halfway through Chapter 18, before I knew it sunrise was almost upon me, whoops! :grin:


I haven't actively played a game this much in a while, so at the very least it's the game to really get me back into gaming again after being stuck in a rut for a while, plus I do like a good Naughty Dog game, they are a rare developer who I shall support for as long as they keep putting games out. :smile:


I'm getting there, slowly but surely... ;)


Now at Chapter 20, yes I'm still playing on Crushing difficulty and I won't let the game beat me as I'm too close now. :p


Nearly three weeks on, playing on and off, I've finally finished Uncharted 4! :D


Now, I know others have finished the game on Crushing but how many attempted it on your first playthrough? I'm just curious, this seems to be the way I play games these days, I seem to remember doing the same thing when I played The Last of Us on the PS4, I know I could have had it "easy" and played on the middle difficulty - there seems to be five difficulties - but I just enjoy the endurance in a way. :hmm:


Anyway, aside from about four or five main sticking points, out of which only three kept me stuck for more than a few nights, it wasn't actually that bad! :)


I picked up around just over half of the treasures, it's an aspect of the game I certainly enjoy but after a while even though I'm still actively "looking" for the treasure, I see gaps in the list and I think "Oh well I've missed one now" which turns into "I missed how many?!?" to then something like "Well if I see them I'll grab them but I might as well get them on another playthrough" so that's how that went. :p


But the game, man... no spoilers here of course, I enjoyed all of the amazing set pieces, the gameplay is so finely tuned by this point that if you've been following the series from the start as I have then you know what to expect, it still impresses, one moment you feel like you're going through the motions of climbing etc but then the game actually surprises you, many times over which keeps things fresh. :D


The story is pretty decent as well, especially as a whole because you get that satisfying conclusion, it keeps you guessing at times even though you can anticipate what's going to happen at certain points; the whole thing just works really well, I was more than happy with how things played out. :grin:


Of course you also have the visuals which are pretty spectacular, from the characters, locations, action and especially the animations... coupled with the rousing score, sound effects which have an impressive dynamic range to them, it's just the whole package really... it may start off slow but by the end of it all you really feel as if you've been on an adventure and a half. :grin:


Thanks for the ride Naughty Dog, it's hard to think that it has been nearly a decade since the first Uncharted title, which was the game that made me want to buy a PS3... I can't deny that the promise of Uncharted 4 had a factor in making me want to buy a PS4... I was well on-board before then though plus I've been able to enjoy The Last of Us for the first time properly thanks to this amazing machine. :heart:


TL/DR - Naughty Gods, Uncharted 4 is stunning, thanks for the series and TLOU, bring on the multiplayer! : peace:

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Havent' been in here as I didn't want spoilers so I'll go through, be nice to see what people thought about it.


Finished it last night... And mixed thoughts. Some incredible moments, some really dull moments....


It does look incredible, the variety, detail and sense of place is incredible.

The dialogue writing (not plot) and performances are incredible.


Some gun fights and jumping around are goods fun. The stealth levels were great.


BUT. To be honest in the main I wasn't that impressed with it, last gen the blockbuster game was really different, but this is more of the same and it got stale absolutely instantly - jump around a bit, shooting section, jump around a bit, shooting section - repeat to fade. The "puzzles" are all incredibly basic and often result in pulling/pushing a box/trailer or whatever to get to another section.


This gameplay mechanic being so blatant was just tedious, the gameplay is pretty average, it's everything around it which is spectacular. Also, going into areas and filling down a section to close off the bit behind you, lifting up a heavy plank and it crashing behind you - it just felt like the mechanics of the design are so in your face it felt a bit weak. That with how on rails most of the jumping sections actually are... I don't know, just bored me far too often. And the shooting sections... Oh boy... It reminded me of the new batman tank levels, almost every time I got to a shooting section I turned it off, like I did with batman. Couldn't;t be arsed, they're mainly dull. And the sheer volume of them towards the end was way too much.


Saying that, the performances, characters/relationships and writing and graphics are SO good, my opinion isn't as negative as it sounds; I guess it just made me realise that the gameplay is actually pretty weak and because I;be done it three times before it becomes increasingly apparent and I guess boring. Plus having played Tomb Raider recently I think that's game is a lot better than this.


And the first time you jump on a pipe or whatever and it breaks/collapses a bit, which is really obviously about to happen, my eyes rolled, and this game must do this at least 100 times. It isn't exciting when you know it's coming an you've seen it a hundred times before. Why do they bother doing it so frequently.

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The collapse of climbing apparatus isn't the main problem, it's the characters' wink-wink jokes that follow every occurrence.


Agree with you on pretty much every count, but then again I bought the game for the multiplayer which is excellent. The campaign was more an experiment in what it feels like to explore concept art in real time.

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Havent' been in here as I didn't want spoilers so I'll go through, be nice to see what people thought about it.


Finished it last night... And mixed thoughts. Some incredible moments, some really dull moments....


It does look incredible, the variety, detail and sense of place is incredible.

The dialogue writing (not plot) and performances are incredible.


Some gun fights and jumping around are goods fun. The stealth levels were great.


BUT. To be honest in the main I wasn't that impressed with it, last gen the blockbuster game was really different, but this is more of the same and it got stale absolutely instantly - jump around a bit, shooting section, jump around a bit, shooting section - repeat to fade. The "puzzles" are all incredibly basic and often result in pulling/pushing a box/trailer or whatever to get to another section.


This gameplay mechanic being so blatant was just tedious, the gameplay is pretty average, it's everything around it which is spectacular. Also, going into areas and filling down a section to close off the bit behind you, lifting up a heavy plank and it crashing behind you - it just felt like the mechanics of the design are so in your face it felt a bit weak. That with how on rails most of the jumping sections actually are... I don't know, just bored me far too often. And the shooting sections... Oh boy... It reminded me of the new batman tank levels, almost every time I got to a shooting section I turned it off, like I did with batman. Couldn't;t be arsed, they're mainly dull. And the sheer volume of them towards the end was way too much.


Saying that, the performances, characters/relationships and writing and graphics are SO good, my opinion isn't as negative as it sounds; I guess it just made me realise that the gameplay is actually pretty weak and because I;be done it three times before it becomes increasingly apparent and I guess boring. Plus having played Tomb Raider recently I think that's game is a lot better than this.


And the first time you jump on a pipe or whatever and it breaks/collapses a bit, which is really obviously about to happen, my eyes rolled, and this game must do this at least 100 times. It isn't exciting when you know it's coming an you've seen it a hundred times before. Why do they bother doing it so frequently.


100% agree with you on this. I felt that the core gameplay was quite repetitive and it just didn't excite me like it did years ago. I'm looking forward to seeing what ND does next and I'm glad they've put this series to rest.

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It's no secret that I do some stupid shit when playing games, but this was special even by my standards: :D


I also love how the guy that I shot twice (at point-blank range... with a grenade launcher :heh:) is still hanging on by the end of it all, while my teammate and I are both well and truly dead. :laughing:

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I bought the game for the multiplayer which is excellent


Agreed! Me too. What's always perplexed me with Naughty Dog games and the n-europe community is that loads of people buy the game and then don't play the multiplayer, it was the same with The Last of Us. A shame as they're only getting half the experience


Wonder when well be getting the first free maps?

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What's more perplexing is why you guys aren't delving into Overwatch instead. :p


Amazing game and would love to see more N-E players on!


I don't have it yet - but am very intrigued.


Uncharted 4 is keeping my multiplayer itch at bay right now but I am interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished the story last night, I loved pretty much every moment of it - even the chapters that people complained about. I really liked the more "open" vehicle sections, and overall this seemed to feel more natural in terms of progressing through the environment (the dead ends, alternate routes and missable stuff).


The epilogue was wonderful, too.




I loved how Guybrush Threepwood was one of the founders


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HNNNGGG can't wait!


Naughty Dog has announced that its first Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End DLC will release next week alongside patch 1.08 on Wednesday, June 29. For those who own the Triple Pack, the release will also include items for Multiplayer Pack # 1.

The developer has promised “a lot of great content” including the first free map, and some multiplayer updates that fans have been requesting. Over on its website, Naughty Dog wrote:

We’re just scratching the surface by saying it includes new guns, new boosters, new taunts, new skins, custom matches, custom loadout names, a revamp to Ranked Team Deathmatch, and more! There’s one in particular we won’t reveal here, but you can probably guess what it is if you’ve been tracking what is likely the most requested new feature by our community.

A preview of the upcoming patch and DLC alongside full details will be offered via a Twitch livestream on Tuesday, June 28. Here’s the schedule:

Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Patch 1.08 and Multiplayer DLC Preview

Tuesday, June 28

11:30 AM PT / 20:30 CET

The Multiplayer Team will also be back on our Twitch channel on Thursday, June 30 to do a deep dive on Ranked Team Deathmatch, and will answer your questions and discuss feedback after everyone has had a chance to play new content and updates.


Anytime after 6 is good for me.


Sounds good, anybody else interested?

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Roll on tomorrow.




Naughty Dog started off by confirming the expansion is called Lost Treasures. We also learned that patch 1.08 is introducing a ranking system (the max level will be 70).


Additionally, the new map is called Sunken Ruins, and it will look familiar to people who have played Uncharted 4's campaign. It's one of the smaller and "faster" maps in Uncharted 4, developers said. The map will be free for all players when it's released tomorrow.


Additionally, some new pirate skins are included with the update for characters such as Nate, Elena, Sully, Elena, Nadine, Flynn, and Eddie.


It was also confirmed that the multiplayer pack and update will be out tomorrow morning at around 10:30 AM PST or 11:30 AM PST. There won't be any new Trophies.


Regarding the 1.08 patch, developers said during the livestream that the update will deliver a "massive evolution" of the gameplay and weapon balance. Full patch notes, which are said to be incredibly long and extensive, will be posted on the Uncharted 4 website tomorrow.




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The update has been a mess for me. :shakehead


Very first match on the new stage crashed my PS4.

All of my relics disappeared at one point.

Can't change or remove any of the character customisations I've done, but discovered that equipping a preset costume would clear them.

Second match on the new stage didn't even start, it just got stuck on a black screen for ages, and I eventually had to close the game.


So yeah, not too impressed at the moment.

Hopefully it's just the initial extra demand that's causing these issues, and it'll get better over time. :hmm:

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