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Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?


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Because it's not just Day 1 DLC @Sheikah. That's why. How are you not grasping this point?


The fact it's not just an unlocker of D1 DLC does not detract from the fact that the content on the disc is ringfenced behind a purchase, and that this is a shitty practice.


Keep trying though. :heh:

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Hang on, let me get this straight.


Your argument was "I could borrow an amiibo so it is technically free, so it's not paid DLC". I then counter with "I could do the exact same by getting a friend to download the DLC on my PS4" and that's your response?


In fact, this is bullshit. If you're going to counter my point, do it. Don't start wailing about what you think about me and all this crap. I'm not interested in that.


No, my point was, and is, that it is DIFFERENT!!! I work with children sometimes, they grasp simple concepts quicker. You are so blinded, so blinkered, even when it's stated really clearly you struggle to see other peoples views!!!

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No, my point was, and is, that it is DIFFERENT!!! I work with children sometimes, they grasp simple concepts quicker. You are so blinded, so blinkered, even when it's stated really clearly you struggle to see other peoples views!!!


Wow, this whole topic.


So clearly the name of the game now is to point out the differences between amiibos and traditional DLC, as if I don't understand or am not aware of them, because you can't argue the very simple fact that I have been continuously putting across:


This game has content that is on the disc that is ringfenced behind a paywall. And I say this is a shitty practice.

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The fact it's not just an unlocker of D1 DLC does not detract from the fact that the content on the disc is ringfenced behind a purchase, and that this is a shitty practice.


Keep trying though. :heh:


Did you even read my post..?! Don't be so bloody dumb!


The thing with the Amiibo is that they can be used on multiple games across multiple systems. This is why you're incorrect @Sheikah.

The Amiibo isn't Day 1 DLC, it's simply a key. Splatoon has Day 1 DLC, correct, but Amiibo is not that DLC because it can be used with other games too to unlock other DLC, so in this respect Amiibo is fantastic value.


Calling out Nintendo for making the Splatoon DLC Day 1 DLC is fair enough I agree, but to call out the Amiibo as being Day 1 DLC is incorrect as it's much more than that.



Still, I do think they should offer the DLC separately to being unlocked by Amiibo in their games.

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Wow, this whole topic.


So clearly the name of the game now is to point out the differences between amiibos and traditional DLC, as if I don't understand or am not aware of them, because you can't argue the very simple fact that I have been continuously putting across:


This game has content that is on the disc that is ringfenced behind a paywall. And I say this is a shitty practice.


But it's not just that, it's about Zechs post and you inability to take it in and understand what he was saying. That's all. Like you always do you look at it from one perspective which suits your agenda and refuse to look at other points of view - it's on the disk, its dlc, amiibo is no different, nintendo are partaking in shitty practices. But the differing context of amiibo makes it different. That's the whole point.


It's like saying murder, man slaughter and abortion are the same - the killing of a "life" when they'r not at all. Same result maybe. But context is different.


Sorry about the bizarre analogy, just the one that came too me.

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@kav82 Ok, well in fairness, I don't think I said "they exist only as unlockers of day 1 DLC" (since they have functionality as a displayable toy). But I think we agree then on the comment about Splatoon's DLC/ULC at least, and how it needs a purchase to unlock content on the disc, which is really what I was getting at in my first post.

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This game has content that is on the disc that is ringfenced behind a paywall. And I say this is a shitty practice.


I find it hilarious how some people don't realise that this is the point you're trying to make.


I 100% agree with you. Amiibo or no, it's still content that is on-disc.

Even if it's not very substantial, it's still bad practice.

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But it's not just that, it's about Zechs post and you inability to take it in and understand what he was saying. That's all. Like you always do you look at it from one perspective which suits your agenda and refuse to look at other points of view - it's on the disk, its dlc, amiibo is no different, nintendo are partaking in shitty practices. But the differing context of amiibo makes it different. That's the whole point.


It's like saying murder, man slaughter and abortion are the same - the killing of a "life" when they'r not at all. Same result maybe. But context is different.


Sorry about the bizarre analogy, just the one that came too me.


I have never argued against any of Zech's points about the function of amiibo. They work in more than one game, they can be displayed, the stuff they have unlocked (thus far) has not been extra levels etc. All agreed.


The thing I have argued is that Splatoon essentially has paid D1 DLC/ULC because you have to buy an amiibo to unlock the content. Do you disagree on this point? Not whether or not you think it's a shitty practice like me, but at least admit to me you see this point?

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@kav82 Ok, well in fairness, I don't think I said "they exist only as unlockers of day 1 DLC" (since they have functionality as a displayable toy). But I think we agree then on the comment about Splatoon's DLC/ULC at least, and how it needs a purchase to unlock content on the disc, which is really what I was getting at in my first post.


Yeah I agree with that. Nintendo have adopted the shitty practice with Splatoon's DLC but the Amiibo itself (which granted is required to buy the DLC) is still good value because it'll do more than just that.

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as always with you, you come in, argue with everyone, refuse to listen to anyone. You say you come in these boards because you 'care' or 'are interested' but it's obvious to most you com in here because you are obsessed with arguing and being negative. I hope you use the internet for this and aren't like this in every day life.


Well said that man. Sheikah needs to "win" an argument, he won't let up until he believes he has.

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I find it hilarious how some people don't realise that this is the point you're trying to make.


I 100% agree with you. Amiibo or no, it's still content that is on-disc.

Even if it's not very substantial, it's still bad practice.


All the while being told I don't read.


Yeah, t'is hilarious (and a little depressing, truth be told :().

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Well said that man. Sheikah needs to "win" an argument, he won't let up until he believes he has.


There's a difference between "trying to win" and "wanting people to understand your point".


Nobody here except @Glen\-i and @Hero\-of\-Time have grasped what @Sheikah tried to convey.


But hey, he said something negative about Nintendo (and basically every other video game company there is but this gets overlooked, of course) so what do I know.

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My take on it is this.

Amiibo are figurines that have in game content. When you purchase the amiibo part of that cost is the figurine, some is in game content. The more games you purchase that are compatible with your amiibo, the more amiibo content you unlock. I would see the extra content not game specific, but amiibo specific. The content on disc isn't paid for by the gamer, but the figurine collector.


DLC is slightly different, it has no function other than to add content to an existing game. Amiibo, as I see it, are a way of enhancing a range of games. In smash your amiibo will interact with you, you can train it up to an extent and form it into the fighter it will eventually become. In smash it just lets you customise your mii character, a little amiibo gift. Same in hyrule warriors and Mario party, and Toad. Oh, and the same in Splatoon.


Personally I like the splatoon amiibo, but I'm not going to be getting them because I don't have an attachment to those characters like I do with other amiibo.


Yes there are parallels with DLC, but amiibo are figurines that have functionality in games, small things that I wouldn't be willing to pay for as DLC, but which do have small value that adds up over time.

Would I be willing to pay 10p for costumes in MK8? nope. 1p for those amiibo rewards in Hyrule Warriors? nope. 1p for 50 custom CPU characters trained by me in Smash? nope.

I bought a couple of amiibo, they are neat little figures, and the game interactivity is a nice little bonus that I have paid a few pennies for (plus a few more pennies for the hardware to allow it).

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I have never argued against any of Zech's points about the function of amiibo. They work in more than one game, they can be displayed, the stuff they have unlocked (thus far) has not been extra levels etc. All agreed.


The thing I have argued is that Splatoon essentially has paid D1 DLC/ULC because you have to buy an amiibo to unlock the content. Do you disagree on this point? Not whether or not you think it's a shitty practice like me, but at least admit to me you see this point?


We've been arguing two completely different points then. I thought Zechs was, and I definitely was, arguing that they're different things and shouldn't be compared in the same light. Like I say, you can boil it down to a bare essential of it's on the disk and you need an amiibo to unlock it, but dogs have eyes, noses and teeth but it doesn't make them human. I see them as different things. Some other people do. You don't have to fight everyone who has a different perspective on it.

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We've been arguing two completely different points then. I thought Zechs was, and I definitely was, arguing that they're different things and shouldn't be compared in the same light. Like I say, you can boil it down to a bare essential of it's on the disk and you need an amiibo to unlock it, but dogs have eyes, noses and teeth but it doesn't make them human. I see them as different things. Some other people do. You don't have to fight everyone who has a different perspective on it.


I'm not fighting anyone with a different perspective. I'm fighting people that don't understand my point and have seemingly started a new one.


I've never said anything more than that there is paywall ringfenced content that comes on the Splatoon disc. I shouldn't need to fight anyone on that, because it's true.

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It'll be interesting to see if the Splatoon amiibo will be used in anything other than Splatoon in a meaningful way. Although I agree it is slightly different due to the figure, that you may collect in its own right, it is quite worrying that content is locked from day 1, as it is with Mario Party. The use in the likes of Hyrule Warriors and Mario Kart was a lot better.


We should wait to see the extent of this locked content to see how bad this really is. If it's just a small bonus for someone who'd be getting the amiibo anyway because they like the amiibo, I won't really care.

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I agree with @Sheikah He's absolutely right. This is a $h1tty practise by Nintendo. I warned when this first started that they'd be nice at the start but that it'd change and it has. People go on about MK8 and Hyrule Warriors, but that was at the start and there's no denying, it was great value. They had to entice people to get into it and they were testing the waters. Look at what their more recent examples are like. Mario Party. Can you use the Smash Bros. Mario characters on that? Nope, a new range is needed. Splatoon. New amiibo again. Both had the content on the disc, locked away unless you have the amiibo. It's not purchaseable software from the eShop. I don't want to buy amiibo, I don't want to as someone here said be scanning away like a worker in Tesco(I think it was Markderoos). Oh you can bring them to your mates? I don't know one person with a Wii U nevermind anybody who'd want amiibo. Most gave up on Nintendo at the end of the Gamecube era and the last couple during the Wii era. You also assume that everybody can buy amiibo. Everyday I hear people giving out that they're impossible to find and are being flogged on Ebay at extortionate prices. Whether people want to call amiibo a key or DLC or ULC, it's wrong. To buy all 3 Splatoon amiibo it'll probably cost £30 to £45. And for what? Again Nintendo being vague beyond 45 quests and 15 items. Why can't they be more elaborate? But they're taking everybodys money 2 months and more before the game releases. If it's something crap then I won't care like the Mii amiibo costumes in MK8. What else are Splatoon amiibo compatible with? It's all so easy for Nintendo to patch in a code to say Hyrule Warriors for more rupees, yay. What an effort. If you look how Nintendo started with DLC, how it's done now, I worry what it'll be like in a years time. They will push it to see what the market will tolerate. It's fine for all of you that like collecting these amiibo but there's as many of us that hate or are indifferent to the things and to us it's not fair. One last thing, you're also assuming we have these games that are compatible with amiibo and not all amiibo are compatible with every game. Probably should have paragraphed it but meh.

Edited by Wii
couldn't remember Markderoos full username
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I agree with @Sheikah He's absolutely right. This is a $h1tty practise by Nintendo. I warned when this first started that they'd be nice at the start but that it'd change and it has. People go on about MK8 and Hyrule Warriors, but that was at the start and there's no denying, it was great value. They had to entice people to get into it and they were testing the waters. Look at what their more recent examples are like. Mario Party. Can you use the Smash Bros. Mario characters on that? Nope, a new range is needed. Splatoon. New amiibo again. Both had the content on the disc, locked away unless you have the amiibo. It's not purchaseable software from the eShop. I don't want to buy amiibo, I don't want to as someone here said be scanning away like a worker in Tesco(I think it was Markderoos). Oh you can bring them to your mates? I don't know one person with a Wii U nevermind anybody who'd want amiibo. Most gave up on Nintendo at the end of the Gamecube era and the last couple during the Wii era. You also assume that everybody can buy amiibo. Everyday I hear people giving out that they're impossible to find and are being flogged on Ebay at extortionate prices. Whether people want to call amiibo a key or DLC or ULC, it's wrong. To buy all 3 Splatoon amiibo it'll probably cost £30 to £45. And for what? Again Nintendo being vague beyond 45 quests and 15 items. Why can't they be more elaborate? But they're taking everybodys money 2 months and more before the game releases. If it's something crap then I won't care like the Mii amiibo costumes in MK8. What else are Splatoon amiibo compatible with? It's all so easy for Nintendo to patch in a code to say Hyrule Warriors for more rupees, yay. What an effort. If you look how Nintendo started with DLC, how it's done now, I worry what it'll be like in a years time. They will push it to see what the market will tolerate. It's fine for all of you that like collecting these amiibo but there's as many of us that hate or are indifferent to the things and to us it's not fair. One last thing, you're also assuming we have these games that are compatible with amiibo and not all amiibo are compatible with every game. Probably should have paragraphed it but meh.



Dude, learn to paragraph. Here are some essentially bullet points to address a few of your concerns.


And yes, you can use the Smash ones on that, so your argument is flawed.


It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the Wii U.


People CAN find amiibo, they just struggle to find the rare ones, but that's being resolved soon.


Nintendo will elaborate on the Splatoon amiibo usage by the time the game comes out. Unlike some companies, they wish to tantalise and spread out release reveals.


Splatoon amiibo are also compatible with: Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad, Mario Party 10 and Girls Mode 3


Also, they're not taking people's money 2 months before the game releases. That's not how pre-orders work


You really need to rework your arguments. Most of it is flawed.

Edited by Serebii
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...It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the WiiU...


They're partly at fault, for not making an enticing enough games machine for his friends to consider.

I've loads of friends who grew up as Nintendo fans that are still gamers but have made the move to the PS and XB consoles, from last gen mostly. Simply because Nintendo aren't moving forward with the industry.

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They're partly at fault, for not making an enticing enough games machine for his friends to consider.

I've loads of friends who grew up as Nintendo fans that are still gamers but have made the move to the PS and XB consoles, from last gen mostly. Simply because Nintendo aren't moving forward with the industry.

I'd argue that Nintendo are the only ones who are attempting to move forward with the industry, but that's a discussion for another time.


Man, I disappear for three days to cover a game and this place has become a warzone.

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They're partly at fault, for not making an enticing enough games machine for his friends to consider.

I've loads of friends who grew up as Nintendo fans that are still gamers but have made the move to the PS and XB consoles, from last gen mostly. Simply because Nintendo aren't moving forward with the industry.


Yup. This is me all over.


I have one mate who has a Wii U and he only bought it last week. The rest of them either have PS4s or XBOnes. The same goes for my family members who enjoying gaming, all of which own PS4s.

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