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Pictures of Civilian Victims of the American Aggression in Iraq (Images May Disturb)


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Two things:

1, It's a war, people get hurt. Yes, it's a shit war that i don't agree with but this kinda stuff has been going on for quite a while.


2, This thread definatly needs a warning, some of those images are very distressing.

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this thread needs a lock on it.


teenagers and their 'i hate everything shit...'


What's wrong with seeing what's real? If the media showed this kind of stuff there'd probably be alot less apathetic people out there. Sure, we know that babies are being killed, people lose limbs, eyes, and are brutally scarred. But it hit's you a little bit harder if you actually see it for real.


If a suicide bomber ever blows your legs off we'll make sure no one has to know about it, wouldn't wanna upset someone with a weak stomach. ;)


The pictures speak for themselves, but I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of the illustrated casualties are from the terrorist attacks against the US troops and Iraqi troops/police.

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What's wrong with seeing what's real? If the media showed this kind of stuff there'd probably be alot less apathetic people out there. Sure, we know that babies are being killed, people lose limbs, eyes, and are brutally scarred. But it hit's you a little bit harder if you actually see it for real.


If a suicide bomber ever blows your legs off we'll make sure no one has to know about it, wouldn't wanna upset someone with a weak stomach. ;)


Thing is, people may seem apatheic about it now, but before going into war many millions protested and it was known that most of the public were against the idea of going to war. The public made it clear how they felt, the problem wasn't an apathetic public. The problem was a leader who does whatever the hell he wants even when it goes against the public, the UN and many MPs in his own party (based on some bullshit reasons).

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1) they are horrifying picture. not that that bothers me. but that is what happens in a war

2) i was one of the many pro war people and i do feel for the innocent that have suffered. but where are the pictures of the mass genocide that many more innocent people were subject to under the power of Sadam? it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak.

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1) they are horrifying picture. not that that bothers me. but that is what happens in a war

2) i was one of the many pro war people and i do feel for the innocent that have suffered. but where are the pictures of the mass genocide that many more innocent people were subject to under the power of Sadam? it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak.

Couldn't agree more. I'm fed up of all this anti-war shit.

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1) they are horrifying picture. not that that bothers me. but that is what happens in a war

2) i was one of the many pro war people and i do feel for the innocent that have suffered. but where are the pictures of the mass genocide that many more innocent people were subject to under the power of Sadam? it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak.



Yeah and his weapons of mass destruction are evil too...

Do you really believe what you wrote?

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Yeah and his weapons of mass destruction are evil too...

Do you really believe what you wrote?



Seeming he used large scale chemical wepaons against his own poeople, i have no dought he was at the very least keen to get hold of womd, i supported the war (i don't supoort "war", only action was needed), it was a govement decition and thats why we vote them in power, to use data that we don't know about and make a choice best for thier country. The war has benifited many people, with those opressed having more freedom, and votes taking place. At the moment the Iraq are causing the probelms, if they (small minority) would stop blowing each other up, the the us could leave and the country could try to bring it's self back togher by it's self.

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Many countries have biological weapons but I don't see the EU or US doing anything against that. The US has ABC weapons aswell ...


Do you really think if there was no oil in Iraq there would have been a war anyways? I mean in nearly every part of Africa there are civil wars, dictators slaughtering innocent people, not enough food but no oil and what a coincidence I don't see anyone "protecting" them.

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Thing is, people may seem apatheic about it now, but before going into war many millions protested and it was known that most of the public were against the idea of going to war.


The fact that the war is getting a lot less coverage in the media probably has something to do with it. Things like this at least remind people that it's still a hellish place to be right now.


The war has benifited many people, with those opressed having more freedom, and votes taking place. At the moment the Iraq are causing the probelms, if they (small minority) would stop blowing each other up, the the us could leave and the country could try to bring it's self back togher by it's self.


It'll be interesting to see if the country can actually live together without having Saddam forcing them to. It wouldn't surprise me if it ends up in a drawn out civil war.

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All this war was over weapons of mass destruction, which they didnt find. Pointless deaths for a meaningful cause, only to make it a waste of time.



I agree it shouldnt have happened in the first place but if anything they should be doubling up on the troops to protect the ones that are there already and cleaning up the mess theyve made. Now isnt the time to pull back, the mistake has already been made, now the US is obligated to stay there and make good on its folly

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I agree it shouldnt have happened in the first place but if anything they should be doubling up on the troops to protect the ones that are there already and cleaning up the mess theyve made. Now isnt the time to pull back, the mistake has already been made, now the US is obligated to stay there and make good on its folly



The iraq goverment has the power to make the collition toops leave, they got it they day an elected represantative was opointed. They want them to stay for the moment as they are poicing the country and helping to train up their police and army.

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i do believe what i wrote. i agree that there are alot of places around the world that need to be sorted out. but we can only do so much. the problem with going into africa and sorting it out is that the whole colonial thing will be thrown in our faces. things like "black people will be enslaved again" bull shit will come up. if i were leading the country i would go into all these shit holes that people call countries and sort it out then say "right it is sorted now you get on have a proper democracy" most terrorists come from corrupt undemocratic countries.


this is the world we live in. if these countries had the power i gaurantee they would be here blowing your legs off. killing your famillies with out remorse and for no good cause what so ever.

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Well I wonder why big countries like Germany or France refused to help against "The War On Terror". I am pretty curious which country will be "protected" next.


I highly doubt that the Iran will have much problems to deal with the US World Police and neither North Korea. I guess Mr. double U needs a lot more soldiers to tear apart Pyongjang with its about 2 million soldiers. I also wonder why the US government helped some former terrorist countries ... oh wait in those time they liked the terrorists for fighting against the communistic Russia. Time changes so fast many people forget the details!

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Well I wonder why big countries like Germany or France refused to help against "The War On Terror". I am pretty curious which country will be "protected" next.


I highly doubt that the Iran will have much problems to deal with the US World Police and neither North Korea. I guess Mr. double U needs a lot more soldiers to tear apart Pyongjang with its about 2 million soldiers. I also wonder why the US government helped some former terrorist countries ... oh wait in those time they liked the terrorists for fighting against the communistic Russia. Time changes so fast many people forget the details!


'The east never forgets, the west never remembers.' - What I think is the most apt quote to current international relations.

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