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FAST:Racing Neo


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Yeah, but we live in the UK. No-one cares about Ninty in the UK.


I just find it genuinely surprising that there's a review of a Ninty-exclusive eShop game in a popular (free papers tend to be popular) British newspaper.

More props to them. If they review Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, I'll be truly impressed!


The people that write are from the end of the channel 4 teletext days.

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The people that write are from the end of the channel 4 teletext days.


Digitiser!?!? Holy hell i haven't thought about that service in years! I remember checking in daily before i went to school for codes and news bits....man i feel old

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Digitiser!?!? Holy hell i haven't thought about that service in years! I remember checking in daily before i went to school for codes and news bits....man i feel old


They are the ones that took over from digitiser (called gamecentral). If you miss digitiser, that's up and running again in the form digitiser2000.


Oh and I still read the metro inbox every morning and evening. Its been part of my routine for over ten years now!

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OK, I have played the first cup twice..... First time I have finished 7th, second time 3rd, and so unlocked the new cup.


First, the game looks a lot better on TV, compared to videos. OK, you can't enjoy the enviroment, as you don't have time for it (and this is subsonic), but in the few tenths of the second you do it, it look really good. But the whole graphics is better on TV (after I've seen the videos on youtube, I thoght that you can't really enjoy the race as it is to fast and you don't really see anything, but it's not the truth, thank God :) ).


When it comes to AI, I can't say that they are great, but the game punnishes you for every mistake. If you went of the track once, you will be last after you have respawn (only once I was 9th). You still have time to recover, but if it's close to the end, the race is over (no chance to achieve a good result).


I had problems with controling the car, because the camera moves differently compared to MK8 when you want to go left or right, it moves more, so at first I hade a feeling like I am going left instead of right, and opposite, but after a bit you get used to it.


Also, you use drifting differently in this game, compare to MK8, better said it has more funcitons, as it is better for moving you on to the booster than using the right stick



My other problem was that sometimes when you jump from a platform and you are close to the edge of the road, I was quite sure that I will land correctly, but it wouldn't happen and I would crash, so you should always aim nearer the middle.



Also, on one track, I'ts eather the speed, or bad graphics, but it looked like you can go under a container, but you can't, so I crashed twice before I have realised what was going on.



Yeah, I didn't see a map during the race, so I hope that's only me as I didn't have time to check the options, but the map would really help so you can decide if you should spend the boost energy, or not.


And yeah, you can see how much effort they have put in the game, but the main manu looks a bit outdated :D.


Anyway, I really think it's a grat game (for what I have played) and we should have fun with it. But don't take my word for it, as I usally think that most games are good, even if I don't like them :).



Use the breaks :D



EDIT: (I didn't want to comment on the courses as I have only seen 4, plus I don't have a Pro Controller, but this is a comment from one poster on NeoGaf):


Some things I haven't seen mentioned in reviews:

* The course design is really good, in that it's always possible to clearly see the colored boost regions in advance.

* When playing with the Pro Controller, the Gamepad screen is turned off automatically.

* When loading a course, there's always some hint text on screen.

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I'd be up for playing online S.C.G!


I've just booted it up and played through the first cup and it's really tough! I managed to finish 4th in 3 of the races and in 2nd in one of them, so managed to place 3rd overall. I'm optimistic that i'll get much better at it though, I was worried about the difficulty after watching the Gamexplain review so i'm pleasantly surprised.

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I'd be up for playing online S.C.G!


I've just booted it up and played through the first cup and it's really tough! I managed to finish 4th in 3 of the races and in 2nd in one of them, so managed to place 3rd overall. I'm optimistic that i'll get much better at it though, I was worried about the difficulty after watching the Gamexplain review so i'm pleasantly surprised.


I'll try, but there is a chance that my daughter will not allow me :D. I reserved my time for 21pm (CET) :D.


OK, well I just finished my dinner so I'll be going online now at least, hopefully will see some of you online. :)


Edit - I'm online, playing multiplayer with "Everyone" at the moment, if anyone wants a "Friends" game then let me know and I'll join in a bit. :D

Edited by S.C.G
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Downloaded this and played it online last night. The tracks are very good and I like the driving style. Haven't played the single player yet.


The online was a really weird mixed bag - at first we had a hard wii u crash for one of the four of us in every single race. This went on for about 10 races with one or other of us having to restart. During this period the race counter could not keep up (you would be second or third for the whole race and then just win, or switch to first on the finishing line - all kinds of weird stuff). After that, something changed and we never had a single problem for another 10-12 races until we called it quits.


The options are quite limited as well - everyone/friends modes (Mario Tennis, take note!). The friends mode though is not really a lobby - you just sit on a screen and wait for your friends to connect. Bit of a fluke if anyone manages to meet each other.


Thanks for the races @Kounan when you did manage to join in. :)


It must have been difficult because you joined in typically when we were have all of our crashing problems.

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Downloaded this and played it online last night. The tracks are very good and I like the driving style. Haven't played the single player yet.


The online was a really weird mixed bag - at first we had a hard wii u crash for one of the four of us in every single race. This went on for about 10 races with one or other of us having to restart. During this period the race counter could not keep up (you would be second or third for the whole race and then just win, or switch to first on the finishing line - all kinds of weird stuff). After that, something changed and we never had a single problem for another 10-12 races until we called it quits.


The options are quite limited as well - everyone/friends modes (Mario Tennis, take note!). The friends mode though is not really a lobby - you just sit on a screen and wait for your friends to connect. Bit of a fluke if anyone manages to meet each other.


Thanks for the races @Kounan when you did manage to join in. :)


It must have been difficult because you joined in typically when we were have all of our crashing problems.


I've joined once and then everyone was gone :) (I liked the track - I didn't play it before, which caused me crashing into the legs of the robot 2 times and ended of the road 2 times after jumping from the ramp, but still liked the track :D)., then I have found you again and my Wii U froze.... So I gave up.


I do hope they will make an update to improve the online friends (just to give an option with friends lobbies).


And also, I am not a huge fan of rubber band AI, but it does make the game harder.

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That's a shame. About 15 minutes after you were there is really stabilised. Could do with a patch to cope better when the online connection is a bit shaky.


I do love the courses though they are imaginative to look at and great fun to drive on.


I thought I had read in the reviews that the AI was harsh (hardly makes a mistake) rather than had rubber-banding. There seems to be absolutely no catch up coefficient in the online races - it is purely about the mistakes you make, which is a nice change from Mario Kart.

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I think it's rubber band, because I do overtake them (OK, hey make mistakes), but if I am of the road, everybody goes ahead of me (btw. it's interesting how they don't start you were you fell of, but on an earlier place, so in theory you can make the mistake twice and crash again on the same place inside 10 seconds :D).

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That reminds me. Yesterday when we were playing, one of my mates hit a fan on that level that has them. It would restart him a couple of feet back, before the fan, and he would hit the fan again and again and again. :)


Quite funny. For us.


Hahahahahahahaha, yeah, they did make it quite hard, it is really a good game.

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And also, I am not a huge fan of rubber band AI, but it does make the game harder.


That's good because there isn't any rubber-band A.I. in the game at all, it's just very efficient but you can beat it, just takes practice. :)


I thought I had read in the reviews that the AI was harsh (hardly makes a mistake) rather than had rubber-banding. There seems to be absolutely no catch up coefficient in the online races - it is purely about the mistakes you make, which is a nice change from Mario Kart.


This is true, there are also no catch-up tricks in the online either which I why I love it so much. :D


I think it's rubber band, because I do overtake them (OK, hey make mistakes), but if I am of the road, everybody goes ahead of me (btw. it's interesting how they don't start you were you fell of, but on an earlier place, so in theory you can make the mistake twice and crash again on the same place inside 10 seconds :D).


The other racers are just literally right behind you and not because they warped there through trickery or anything like that, I've crashed and gone from first to nearly last several times, but then I have caught up again by boosting like crazy, often it would take a whole lap or more to get there but sometimes not, there's definitely no rubber-banding here though which is something that the developers Shin'en should be proud of. : peace:


I am sorry to hear that people are experiencing errors in the online though, could anyone please tell me, when you were experiencing hard system crashes on the Wii U itself was it just when you were playing friend matches?


Just that I was only playing "Everyone" online matches last night in the end - I did check the friend room a few times but found no one - and I didn't experience any crashes at all, it was working flawlessly for hours. If there is a problem though be it for whichever mode or both I do hope that it will get patched out as it's such a great game.


After playing online I found that I was finally able to get all golds on the first difficult on all leagues, before that I had only managed a Bronze on the third league and not even third place on the final one. :blush:


So I just saw the credits on this last night, it was good to see a familiar face in them...


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Yes, our very own Tim Symons who was Co-founder of this very site, he must have been working very closely alongside Shin'en to ensure that everything went smoothly with the games release I assume; either way it's good to see his name again.

: peace:

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I also had that problem in friends online.....


@S\.C\.G - what I don't understand then is if I overtake them so quickly, and am still going fast, boosting, how is it every time that all of them overtake me when I have a problem? Why don't I ever make enough space between us to be able to crash and not only loose 2-3 places, like in Mario Kart?


Btw. I know you can beat them, I do have one WIN :D.

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I also had that problem in friends online.....


@S\.C\.G - what I don't understand then is if I overtake them so quickly, and am still going fast, boosting, how is it every time that all of them overtake me when I have a problem? Why don't I ever make enough space between us to be able to crash and not only loose 2-3 places, like in Mario Kart?


Btw. I know you can beat them, I do have one WIN :D.


The different vehicles do handle very differently... and I found races pan out differently too. With slower acceleration the fastest starting vehicle ends up mid field quickly, but so long as you manage not to crash it reaches top speed and catches the other racers quickly.. the ones with better acceleration pose more of a challenge closing the gap to other racers.

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