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Would be great but a. Not exactly a big enough surprise to withhold for a direct b. We all know golf with be as much as a crushing disappointment as the rest of Wii sports :)


A: Maybe not but still be cool for them to go "oh by the way Golf is now available on Wii Sports Golf" out of nowhere :heh:


B: Not for me, even with the poor online friend matchmaking I'll happily take Golf, it my most played Wii Sports game :D


Damn it now you got me expecting it, between both the maintenance and the Direct...expectation leads to hype... and hype can lead to disapointment :(

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Just got home and finished watching the ND (not read any spoilers before watching)


WOOT for Golf hahaha


I was right, week before Xmas, mwahahahaha



Updating the game now (seems to be taking it's time, 5 mins left now though) had hoped it would have autodownloaded but meh, I'll be playing it soon anyway.


Little disappointed they didn't include the Resort courses, was hoping for Sports, Resort and new courses, but I'll take 2 out of 3, new courses were more important to me anyway.


Just got home and finished watching the ND (not read any spoilers before watching)


WOOT for Golf hahaha


I was right, week before Xmas, mwahahahaha



Updating the game now (seems to be taking it's time, 5 mins left now though) had hoped it would have autodownloaded but meh, I'll be playing it soon anyway.


Little disappointed they didn't include the Resort courses, was hoping for Sports, Resort and new courses, but I'll take 2 out of 3, new courses were more important to me anyway.

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Righty put in a good session on the Golf...LOVE IT... gonna buy it despite the Online Matchmaking issues :D (sorry @RedShell I is weak :()


On my first play I jumped right into an online game.


Before deciding who to search for you get 3 match options of what type of game to play.


1-Hole, 3-Holes or 9-Holes.... nice to have the choice... think I'll mostly play 3 Holes when playing with randoms.


Anyway yeah I picked 3 holes and searched randoms.... slightly annoyingly it does the same as Golf and tries to find 4 players for the match, it found one right away and kept searching but they must have decreased the search time as it started a 2 player game in good time anyway, wasn't waiting too long.


It randomly picks which set of 3 holes you play (it seems it has to be a group of 3 that are together in the game (eg: Classic 1-3 or 4-5 or 7-9) we ended up playing on Classic 7-9


They seem to have tweeked the controls a bit to my surprise. I wasn't able to get the same results from my muscle memory swings that I would get on Resort.

Teeing off with the driver seemed very different (I had to later go offline to get a better feel for it), seems getting the powerbar to fill to the 3rd white dot is fine but if I wanted to get the "max blue" (which I normally do when teeing off with a driver) I wasn't able to get it with the same force swing as I did in Resort AND it always seemed to bend the bar when going past the 3rd dot even though I swear I'm not twisting my wrist. I worked out I needed a more forceful swing to get the power (but still can;t get a regular max blue like I could on Resort...yet) and some extra hip movement to stop the bar from bending...actually on Resort I never needed to twist my hips :heh:


It also seems near impossible to hit an overpowered (Redbar) shot with anything other than the putter which is I guess both weird and prolly good? I tried messing about offline trying to force a tee shot red and only managed to get it to happen once.


Anyway I struggled in that first game but I still won, I was over par (can't remember how much by...think +3) but I won by like 3 shots or something :D


I then after dinner played the mini games, man I LOVE THOSE :D Those alone will be worth the purchase price :D

The Putting one especially I can see myself spending hours on that trying to break my scores....seriously everyone get on that so I can see yer scores on the leaderboards :D


The Bingo one is cool too, seems easy but after the first few shots gets harder trying to target specific sqaures (small tip: if you can get the ball to land right on the line between two sqaures you get the points from BOTH sqaures)


And the the Driving Target Practice one, this is what I used to get practice on and a better feel for the driving :)



The Gamepad use is pretty cool, I love how when teeing off you'll see your tee knocked out of the ground when you hit the ball. The powerbar appears on the Gamepad too, not too sure about this, it does encourage you more to look at the pad but I think I would prefer to have it on the TV again (which there was an option to move it back). I was a little confused at first as I didn't know it would be on the pad and when taking my first swing I was looking at the telly and went "Where the hell is the powerbar????"


You also actually don't need to use the gamepad. The game works just the same if you put the Gamepad in it's stand/charge-stand, the ball and club and powerbar all still display even if the gamepad isn't on the ground... but it's still nice to have. I'll keep it on the ground for the immersion of the expereince and put it in its charger if it needs a charge or my son/other kids happen to be running around and I get nervous for the pads safety :heh: (and my sons of course)


So after messing with teh mini games I tried a full on 18-Hole game solo in offline. It starts with the 9 new holes first and then the "Classic" courses in the back 9. My gods those new holes are tough, the first 3 seem easy but then they just get really harsh. Lakeside 5,6,6 and especially 9... I was 6 over par after those first 9 holes. Think I actually finished 6 over after all 18 had a few birdies but a few bogeys and double bogeys too.



Oh slightly annoying is you get a replay after EVERY shot now, not a major thing but devalues teh replay for me. On Sports and Resort you'd only get a replay after you did a really good shot (usally a chip in or made a hard put or came very close to a chip in) and it felt like a little reward that you made a shot that was so good the game wanted you to see it again...now you get a replay after every shot and it's not as special anymore :(



So after my 18-hole solo game I ventured online again (checked a friends search...nobody there...:() so searched Everyone, ended up in a 3 player game playing Lakeside Holes 7-9. Twas close in teh first 2 holes, one guy wasn't doing so well but myself and the other tied in both the first 2 holes so came right down to the last. In the end he messed up on his putting and I won by 2 shots (with a beauty of a put too I must say)



So yeah, it's got a different feel than Resort, the new courses are good but HARD!!!! haha though with continued play I'm sure they'll seem a little easier. Mini Games are brilliant fun.

I'm def buying this one :D



I set up a thread in the Online boards for this so if anyone is up for some gold this evening post there and let me know and we can se something up hopefully

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Just checked teh Club info for Golf... so far only 4 matches have happened with Irish players.... and only 2 wins.... MY WINS.... I'm carrying the Ireland Club!!!!!


I remember playing Wii Golf a lot back when the Wii came out and will def check this out. Mokong, can you add spin to the ball this time round?


Like backspin? Yeah you could do it on Resort too.... you just stop your swing at its lowest point to add back spin with an Iron club.... on Resort I could control this nearly at will, here it seems to be tweeked a little and haven't quite figured it out in terms of how much spin I want to put on it like if I just want enough to spot the ball or actually want it to come flying backwards after landing.

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Righty put in a good session on the Golf...LOVE IT... gonna buy it despite the Online Matchmaking issues :D (sorry RedShell I is weak :()
Knew you were going to crack. :heh:


Anyway, I gave this a quick go earlier, but it seems I've become terrible at golf! I never used to be that bad on the original Sports/Resort. Perhaps I'm just out of practice. :D

The GamePad golf ball view is cool, but not actually as good as I was expecting it to be. :hmm:

Didn't even try playing online as I remembered how boring Bowling was online when you're stuck watching the other players while waiting for your go, so golf will obviously suffer from that too. :zzz:


Instead I had a few online games of tennis, but after a while my Motion Plus started getting up to its usual tricks, and my tennis racquet was all over the shop. :nono: I've hardly ever lost a game on tennis because I was outplayed, it's always because my controller gets uncalibrated and it becomes impossible to play! :indeed:

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Knew you were going to crack. :heh:


Anyway, I gave this a quick go earlier, but it seems I've become terrible at golf! I never used to be that bad on the original Sports/Resort. Perhaps I'm just out of practice. :D

The GamePad golf ball view is cool, but not actually as good as I was expecting it to be. :hmm:

Didn't even try playing online as I remembered how boring Bowling was online when you're stuck watching the other players while waiting for your go, so golf will obviously suffer from that too. :zzz:


Instead I had a few online games of tennis, but after a while my Motion Plus started getting up to its usual tricks, and my tennis racquet was all over the shop. :nono: I've hardly ever lost a game on tennis because I was outplayed, it's always because my controller gets uncalibrated and it becomes impossible to play! :indeed:



just do what I do on Tennis... I keep pressing down on d-pad between points (like before a serve is taken)... though I sill suck ... just tried a game of tennis lost 7-4...though I was 5-0 down so I almost made a good comeback :heh:



Anyway, why not try give Golf a go online with me...just 3 holes come on... I'm going to go into the N-E Chat room and wait for you so we can chat a bit.... come on it'll be better when you know who you are playing :)

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Ah, it seems you're yet to face me RedShell... :heh:
I would say let's have a game right now, but I've literally just finished stuffing my face with an entire quiche so don't really feel like moving about. :grin:

Maybe a bit later on though, or tomorrow (before my trial runs out :heh:) if you're about?


just do what I do on Tennis... I keep pressing down on d-pad between points (like before a serve is taken)...
That doesn't work for me, it'll recalibrate for like a second and then wander off to the side again. :hmm:


Anyway, why not try give Golf a go online with me...just 3 holes come on... I'm going to go into the N-E Chat room and wait for you so we can chat a bit.... come on it'll be better when you know who you are playing :)
I might pop on at 10 for a bit.
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I might pop on at 10 for a bit.


Ok, I'll try to stay on for it so :)


I'll keep myself in chat room so go in there when you are coming on



That doesn't work for me, it'll recalibrate for like a second and then wander off to the side again. :hmm:


weird works for me, I'm usually ok between points so long as rallies don't go too long but I press the button at serves anyway just in case




Just had the most epic game of Tennis with a random, We went back and forth between deuces and adv like 10 times or something, thought it was gonna go on forever.


I won but....




would have loved to have had another game with that guy :(


I tried to search Miiverse for him by his name on Wii Sports but none of teh Mii's the search found were the same as the guy I played....

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Had a good laugh playing this last night with @Mokong X\-C. icon14.gif


We played a couple of games of Golf (he won both times), then Tennis (I won both) and then Bowling (1 win each) so we need to have the decider on Boxing! :heh:


Anyway, when you're using an alternative communication tool (we were in the chatroom yesterday) setting up online games with friends isn't that bad, it's still annoying though.


But yeah, this game has easily been the biggest gaming disappointment for me in a long time, it had the potential to be so good, and with just a few minor tweaks to the online setup (proper matchmaking, voice chat) it still could be, but I really don't think it's going to happen now. :sad:

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I'm tempted to choose an obscure club like...Azerbaijan. I will be their number one tennis player.


No, wait.




Lol, why do that? You just want to be the lone person in your "Club"?


Who knows, maybe the Resort ones will come in the future, but the NES ones are great because they'll feel brand new! :)


That would be awesome if they did add them down the line...hopefully at no extra cost too :D


Had a good laugh playing this last night with @Mokong X\-C. icon14.gif


We played a couple of games of Golf (he won both times), then Tennis (I won both) and then Bowling (1 win each) so we need to have the decider on Boxing! :heh:


Anyway, when you're using an alternative communication tool (we were in the chatroom yesterday) setting up online games with friends isn't that bad, it's still annoying though.


But yeah, this game has easily been the biggest gaming disappointment for me in a long time, it had the potential to be so good, and with just a few minor tweaks to the online setup (proper matchmaking, voice chat) it still could be, but I really don't think it's going to happen now. :sad:


Yeah I had a good laugh.


I also think Red is pulling a bit of a hustle with his "I don't like Tennis, the motionplus keeps going wonkey I can't win"..... yeah then I see you have a 5Star (now 6Star after beating me) level :heh:


That and you totally destroyed me on the first tennis game.... I put up a good fight in the 2nd but I don't think I had you under any pressure.



Yeah I can understand no voice chat on Tennis, but Bowling and Golf really should make use of it, THERE'S A BLOODY MIC ON THE GAMEPAD for crying out loud!!!!!




Anyway I just had a little session.


Decided to have a go at just a 9 Hole game and on the new Lakeside course to try get a better feel of them....finished 4over par, not too bad for first time playing that as a 9 Hole game.


Then gave the Classic 9 a go and finished 4 Under Par :D

When the records thing came up after I noticed this




The "BEST" score for the CLassic 9 is 1 under....but I just beat that...maybe it takes awhile (or next play) to update teh "Best" scores.....so yeah I'm currently the record holder for the CLassic 9....WOOOT

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..this game has easily been the biggest gaming disappointment for me in a long time, it had the potential to be so good.. :sad:


I'm completely in the same boat :hmm:


With the latest 24-hour trial, I was expecting to finally be convinced to pick up all 3 sports in time for Christmas in order to play with friends over the festive period. I'm left wondering if it would be worth it at all, though..


I would love to have them there permanently on the Wii U Menu to play at my convenience, particularly because I would like to spend some time playing the skill games of each sport, but is it worth spending that much money just for those? There may be some "improvements" to the controls, but I don't feel as if the experience has been enhanced.. and Namco have managed to drain the vibrancy out of it all..


I still may get them at some point, but I'm kinda hoping for a deal on all 5 sports when they are available.. not that I would expect anything less than £39.99 for the collection :indeed:

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