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Shovel Knight


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16 hours ago, killthenet said:

I'm absolutely rubbish at Joustus. 

Yeah same here, but I think it can be mostly avoided if you don't enjoy it.

The gameplay itself is spot on though, I like the dash and spin mechanism. Love King Knight as well, how he thinks he's the big shot and the way he conversates with his mom. I'm close to finishing the first boss now, can't wait to play more of it.

Tried Showdown for a bit as well, was expecting it to be online but I guess it's only local multiplayer? May dive in the story mode after finishing King of Cards.

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51 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

So this* is still a free update on the Wii U version of the game, right? I got Plague Knight for free there so I hope King of Cards is as well.

*King of Cards, not Showdown

Should be. But it'll be a bit longer before that comes out.

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Just finished the final boss, overall I think it's the weakest of the bunch but its still pretty damn good. King Knight is such a pompous prick, I love his awful treatment of all of the other characters. The ending was probably the best part, totally fits with the other entries. 

I hope Yacht Club move on to something else after this though, it seems like their involvement in Shovel Knight Dig is pretty minimal and it would be nice to see them tackle another style or franchise. 

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5 hours ago, killthenet said:

I hope Yacht Club move on to something else after this though, it seems like their involvement in Shovel Knight Dig is pretty minimal and it would be nice to see them tackle another style or franchise. 

I read on their Twitter that they are first focussing on something else, but will definitely return to Shovel Knight later on but not for now. So I'm really curious to see what they are coming up with next.

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On 11.12.2019 at 8:27 AM, drahkon said:

Some retailers, however, still sell the download code for 25€ (or your local equivalent) in case you wanna get it.

Aaaand I bought it :D 

Seems like a no brainer for that price, to be honest. Lots and lots of content. I've only played Shovel of Hope so there's quite a lot of new content for me to enjoy. Will definitely play the original again first, though :peace: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couldn't sleep much last night, so I decided to finish Shovel of Hope.
Think it was my third time now after playing it on PS4 and PSVita. Still a wonderful 2D platformer. Yacht Club Games really put a lot of love and polish into their game and it shows :) 

Also started Plague of Shadows for the very first time.
Not sure what I think of it, yet. I don't like that Plague Knight moves as if he's always on ice. ::shrug: 

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I finished King of Cards yesterday. A very entertaining campaign, the levels are a bit smaller and every level has one new element/gimmick it introduces but that makes it perfect to pick up and play. Plague of Shadows still needs to be played, but I have the same issue as @drahkon, his moves and playstyle are just not as good as Shovel/Spectre/King.

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8 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Plague of Shadows still needs to be played, but I have the same issue as @drahkon, his moves and playstyle are just not as good as Shovel/Spectre/King.

The thing is: Plague Knight's moveset is actually pretty cool in itself, it just doesn't work with levels and enemies which are designed for precise actions. Levels would need a bit of a rework to make his "floatiness" shine.

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

The thing is: Plague Knight's moveset is actually pretty cool in itself, it just doesn't work with levels and enemies which are designed for precise actions. Levels would need a bit of a rework to make his "floatiness" shine.

Plague Knight is most definitely the trickiest character to master. But it's oh so satisfying once you do and start doing nonsense like this.



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Yacht Club Games Presents video annoucned for February 26th

Yacht Club Games Direct Presents video will be shown in just under a week.

Expect some Cyber Shadow, a bit of Shovel Knight Dig and a few surprises... (amiibo?) ;)

One to watch, and as always N-Europe will have the full Roundup article written up shortly after the video has aired. :D

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10 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Alright, I've been comparing prices for Treasure Trove, and something struck me as odd: why is the 3DS version 10 Euro cheaper? Is there something missing from the 3DS version, or were Yacht Club games just cool enough dudes to make it cheaper there?

Amazingly enough, neither. Treasure Trove is actually worse value on the 3DS then the original release! So no, Yacht Club was very uncool in that regard.

If you bought the original game, you got the other three campaigns as free updates. Once Treasure Trove was released, it replaced the original version with a more expensive Treasure Trove that added nothing.

Compared to the other versions though. The 3DS one has great 3D effects and the touch screen allows for quick item switching. It's also super portable!

It's probably one of the best versions, in my opinion. Cheaper, more QoL features, and easy to play on a train.

However, it is missing the multiplayer focused Shovel Knight Showdown, so keep that in mind.

Edited by Glen-i
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