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Kirby: Triple Deluxe


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Why is it getting reviewed so early, given it's so far of?


The embargo is still in effect for a few more weeks, I'm not sure why we got sent such an early review code either, it's rather... unprecedented but still I'm certainly not complaining! :D


Perhaps it's to do with it already being available in Japan, very little translation required due to the nature of the game maybe? I'm not entirely sure myself but oh well... ::shrug:


Just about to dive into this gem of a game again - I've been at work for most of today - will finish Kirby Fighters tonight hopefully and with any luck Dedede's Drum Dash which I'm really intrigued about, hopefully I'll get to play a multiplayer match on Kirby Fighters in a bit too so will report back in a bit. : peace:

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Dedede's Drum Dash is so fun/frustrating at the same time... being that it's a rhythm game though I already know the probability of @RedShell absolutely loving it is very high indeed... ;)


There are three different classic Kirby tracks/levels, you need to press the 'A' button the instant you hit each drum to get a high jump, half second delay for middle jump, or not at all for normal transition to the next drum, you control your ascent/descent direction with the d-pad.


There are enmies which you aren't supposed to touch from what I gather, if you touch one you lose a life, collect all the coins plus you are against the time limit of 2 mins orr less to finish each course.


Bonuses are awarded for time, all coins, no damage and also if you manage to 'clap' at the peak of 'EVERY' jump... I have no yet managed to get this award on any of the tracks because it's just too cruel, especially in the later stages but if you're up for the challenge then it's there, after a few hours of trying/giving myself RSI I can honestly say that if it's needed for 100% file completion then this will be the one thing that will stop me from getting it for certain. :heh:



As I've mentioned it is fun though but yeah... quite the challenge but it's a good addition, I might take a break from playing the game for one night as I have nearly all I need to formulate the review, though I will be playing the 'extra' modes as well which I'm not allowed to spoil but I will say that they are worth unlocking. : peace:

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Dedede's Drum Dash is so fun/frustrating at the same time... being that it's a rhythm game though I already know the probability of RedShell absolutely loving it is very high indeed... ;)
Just checked out a vid after seeing your post, it does look pretty fun. :)



Not sure if you're able to answer this (don't worry if not) but is there an endless version of Dedede's Drum Dash?


Still not sure if I'm gonna try and squeeze this game in before MK8. :hmm:

Probably not though, as I reckon Pocket Football Club and Mario Golf will be keeping me busy until then.


Kirby is definitely on the to buy list though, ready to suck me through potential future droughts! :heh:

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Not sure if you're able to answer this (don't worry if not) but is there an endless version of Dedede's Drum Dash?


There isn't an endless version of it but I will say that the very last stage is most certainly a challenge to say the least, it's very much a 'one more go' kind of game too though I shall be resisting playing it tonight instead opting for some Advance Wars hopefully, will no doubt get to play more Kirby over the weekend though. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kirby! I really love this character (my Nintendo favorite, next to Yoshi), it's cheerful, inviting and over the top. I initially planned to get Yoshi's New Island, but did not have enough time back then - at least that game wasn't groundbreaking.

This one looks beautiful... argh so many great games already there as well as coming to the 3DS!

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Uh-oh, somebody hasn't played a Kirby game before.
Tbf though... the only Kirby game I've played really is Kirby's Dreamland 2 but I can't remember it being a total cake walk. Was it? (not sure I completed it)... because it could have just been that I was younger and was just enjoying spending time with the game and finding all the secrets that I remember it being more challenging than it was.


Or have Kirby games just got easier and easier over the years? I have to say watching the video reviews, the last of challenge everything puts up does seem a bit pointless.

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Tbf though... the only Kirby game I've played really is Kirby's Dreamland 2 but I can't remember it being a total cake walk. Was it? (not sure I completed it)... because it could have just been that I was younger and was just enjoying spending time with the game and finding all the secrets that I remember it being more challenging than it was.


Or have Kirby games just got easier and easier over the years? I have to say watching the video reviews, the last of challenge everything puts up does seem a bit pointless.


I wouldn't call them cake walks but the Kirby series isn't known for being hard. A lot of the challenge does come from finding all the secrets the original Kirby's Adventure I found was quite hard to find the hidden buttons to open up new levels. Levels do tend to cut you off from collecting an item because you made a mistake so you have to replay the level. I do still find some of the bosses quite hard as well at times.


Kirby's Adventure on the Wii did have a hard mode but I never played it. I've heard it was pretty difficult though.


They are nice games to play if you just want to relax and unwind. Personally I don't always want to play a hard game.


Scoring the game down due to "lack of challenge" on a series that isn't meant to be is pretty dumb to me.


I suggest checking out some gameplay footage from the Bitblock, I'll post his first video below but it looks good from the footage I saw. I was pretty tempted to download the game from the Japanese eShop (partly because of those videos) but decided to hold off your the EU release.


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Oh don't get me wrong I think the game looks fantastic, and refreshingly so too. And I'm fine with a game not putting up a real challenge either, for thee same reason I love a number of short Indie games like Journey, The Unfinished Swan, Brothers... you can just play through them and enjoy them for what they are, the experience.


I'm not sure if it's being marked down for it's lack of a challenge, or it's lack of doing anything new? perhaps both in the case of that review. But hey, the Kirby world has surely never looked better! :)

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Kirby Triple Deluxe makes great use of vivid 3D graphics, but its lack of challenge is disappointing.


Lack of challenge seemed to be his main negative in the review as well as his score break down and summary. That and a "forgettable" campaign, which to be fair, is probably true.


It's only one review of course (@S\.C\.G's is better </biased>) so it's not like it's going to sway me, but there's a reason I don't like IGN. :p

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As a big Kirby fan I just have too many Kirby games on my backlog list.


I am ashamed of this.


When I finally get a job with a regular stream of money, I will buy those 5 or 6 Kirby games in one fell swoop and impress the shop owner with this act :laughing:

Edited by Fused King
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Just beat the main story mode of this this afternoon - what a great game! Short, yes. Easy, absolutely, but so much fun playing with all of Kirby's different copy abilities. It's also one of the most beautiful 2D platformers I think I've ever played, and definitely one of the best uses of 3D on the 3DS.

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I think there is some merit on marking a game down on it's difficulty.


If you can steamroll the entire game, then the difficulty has effectively undermined the entire power up aspect. Which power up works best and when? Do I need to retain that ability I got from the first enemy because although the first part of the level will be harder, it comes into play at the end, etc. It adds an element of strategy. So unless you have those harder difficulties, which really should be available at the start, the use of power ups is less a matter of which is best and more a case of who cares - the player has no incentive to find the best solution to any given scenario and the reward that comes with overcoming a challenge. And by making the player walk through the game once, you've already devalued the experience of the second playthrough, unless it really shakes things up considerably, as the player has seen most of what's on offer.


It really depends on what the game is and what it's trying to achieve. I know Kirby games ae trying to be accessible to younger games but I think when Mum and Dad walk into a shop to buy a platform game for little Jonny, they're far more likely to walk away with a Mario game than the one featuring a pink blob on the cover. It makes me wonder if there is a slight disconnect between the audience they are aiming the game at and the kind of person actually buying the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice little game this, vibrant, colorful and plays and looks a lot like Kirby Adventure Wii, but with better levels IMO.


I finally got around to starting this today and I agree with the above. The music is also fantastic as well. It's crazy just how much better this is than Yoshois New Island. More of this, Nintendo.


*goes back to playing*

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Well that's the main game complete. Final boss was actually quite challenging. Currently going through the EX stages.


I finally got around to starting this today and I agree with the above. The music is also fantastic as well. It's crazy just how much better this is than Yoshois New Island. More of this, Nintendo.


*goes back to playing*


Yep, amazing how the 2 games are on completely different levels.

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Yep, amazing how the 2 games are on completely different levels.


Nuts, isn't it?


I couldn't put it down earlier and finished the first 3 worlds 100% in a sitting. :D The game is fantastic and just full of character and charm. The section on world 3 with the 3 little Waddle Dees ( 3 little pigs ) was hilarious.

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Yeah, the game is full of nice moments like that. And some pretty disturbing ones as well!


It probably has the best use of 3D. You can tell which hazards are safe to pass because they are in the foreground or background for example. As well as some of the effects that obscure the screen look amazing as well.

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