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Wii Fit U


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Bloody hell, took 2 hours to download! :o

I can download a similar amount of data from Steam or the PlayStation Store in under 40 minutes. Now the install is going at snail's pace too... :zzz:


Glad I don't download very much from the eShop.


It doesn't normally go this slow (it's just finished downloading for me too just a second ago).


I downloaded Deux Ex HR a few days ago (which is about 16GB) and that finished in just over an hour, so either the servers are getting hammered with everyone downloading at once, or something else funky is happening :hmm:

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Like that you can take pictures every day. Seems to be some nice software. Though I've already had a huge bug, checked out a hymn community and clicked on a person, clicked out and kept going back in, clicked out, went back in. Couldn't stop it so had to turn off the software.


It seems pretty limited, unsurprisingly, can't compare weight loss, just calories burned and look at times and such. Oh nintendo..... Don't want anyone feeling bad now do we...... Also definitely don't want to give people the choice!!!!! They're really really really beginning to get on my nerves...


But yeah. Seems very good!!


OH, haven't checked it yet, but also the multiple users seems like it COULD be retarded. I wanted to transfer my girlfriend profile from Wii. But you have to go to their user form the wii u menu and do it. Now sometimes we like to take in turns on games exercises they don't allow in multiplayer, if we have to kick out the game, change users and go back in just to switch that will be phenomenally awful!!

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Well, finally got this installed and ready to go. My Fit Meter also arrived today! :awesome:

Great little gadget, it even monitors ambient temperature! icon14.gif


As for the Wii Fit U software itself, so far so good. But what's this?...



The Juggling game from Wii Fit Plus is not included! :cry: So disappointing. :( Hopefully it is in there and just needs to be unlocked.


Anyway, the new activities are great fun, especially the dancing ones. :laughing: Although I really don't buy them requiring 2 Wii Remote Plus. Reckon they could have worked fine with standard Wii Remotes, so it just feels like a cheeky way for Nintendo to try and sell more pluses. :nono:


OH, haven't checked it yet, but also the multiple users seems like it COULD be retarded. I wanted to transfer my girlfriend profile from Wii. But you have to go to their user form the wii u menu and do it. Now sometimes we like to take in turns on games exercises they don't allow in multiplayer, if we have to kick out the game, change users and go back in just to switch that will be phenomenally awful!!
Yeah, that is really annoying. :mad:
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Well, finally got this installed and ready to go. My Fit Meter also arrived today! :awesome:

Great little gadget, it even monitors ambient temperature! icon14.gif


As for the Wii Fit U software itself, so far so good. But what's this?...



The Juggling game from Wii Fit Plus is not included! :cry: So disappointing. :( Hopefully it is in there and just needs to be unlocked.


Anyway, the new activities are great fun, especially the dancing ones. :laughing: Although I really don't buy them requiring 2 Wii Remote Plus. Reckon they could have worked fine with standard Wii Remotes, so it just feels like a cheeky way for Nintendo to try and sell more pluses. :nono:


Yeah, that is really annoying. :mad:


Luckily I think you can swap miss for activities and stuff within the game. Still a bit weird though.

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Made a community, get joining people!:



: peace:


Can you only join ONE community? Also, do the communities actually do anything? Seems to me you can just see peoples calorie chart, but no chart to compare or see everyones handily, only see average male female and what GENRE of games people are playing. it simple irritatingly limp to me!!


I was pleased how much I weighed though. Not been good for a few months and thought I'd have put loads of weight on, feels like I have, but I'm 12st and quarter. Happy with that, can easily lose a stone pretty quickly. Under 11.5 and I'll be happy.

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Can you only join ONE community? Also, do the communities actually do anything? Seems to me you can just see peoples calorie chart, but no chart to compare or see everyones handily, only see average male female and what GENRE of games people are playing. it simple irritatingly limp to me!!
Think you can only be registered to one at a time, yeah. Not exactly sure what or how much the communities keep track of though. ::shrug:
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Germany is so efficient, that they refuse to release anything before 09:00 on the dot and not a second earlier or later ;)


I've now got an image in my mind of a German kid standing at a game shop counter at 8:59 screaming 'schnell, schnell!' at the store clock.

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Well the Red/White Meter is more Orange/White in person which sucks. :p


Download is currently taking around 30 minutes so I must have lucked out on which CDN I got.


Problem now is, I have to play it in my room instead of the front room (I used the family Wii for Wii Fit before) and I don't have much space. :laughing:


Edit: Do you have to import your Wii Fit/Plus data straight away or can you do it anytime?

Edited by Ike
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Well the Red/White Meter is more Orange/White in person which sucks. :p


Download is currently taking around 30 minutes so I must have lucked out on which CDN I got.


Problem now is, I have to play it in my room instead of the front room (I used the family Wii for Wii Fit before) and I don't have much space. :laughing:


Edit: Do you have to import your Wii Fit/Plus data straight away or can you do it anytime?


You have to do it immediately upon start up, or you can't do it at all (presumably you could just delete the save file and then do the transfer after though I guess...)

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Awesome. But... How do I join? :hmm:
It's the orange window in the training menu, click on that and you should be able to enter the community code in there. :)


This game has some real killers in it. Bobsleigh is an ab killer. :grin:
Tell me about it! I had one go and almost died. :heh:
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It's the orange window in the training menu, click on that and you should be able to enter the community code in there. :)


Tell me about it! I had one go and almost died. :heh:


Thanks RS.

I do a core workout class on weekends for a long standing back injury I have, so this is going to be a great addition to my regular workouts.


I really like the trampoline and rowing games too. With this, Wii Sports club and SMW3D, Nintendo are finally delivering. :love:

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I joined the community :D


I played some of the dancing stages (Flamenco and Jazz), that crazy trampoline thing, the Tetris Tennis and rock climbing! All of them have been super fun so far! But... I'd had my friend over all evening so I think playing at 11.30 will a belly full of Carlsberg and pizza isn't the best way to start my Wii Fit U journey :p


I'll play more tomorrow!


EDIT: Omg and the waiter game which is the best I've played! LOVE that game, really hard but great fun.

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At last, some peeps in the N-E Community! :hehe::



You can compare scores!:



They're learning. It's taking them a long time, but Nintendo are finally learning. :laughing:


I'm confused... why do I not see RedShell in my Plaza... and now this morning only LostMario. And I can't even see who is in the group??

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Wow... That's poor.


I might wish to have my real I life friends separate to you guys, and all of you separate to work colleagues. Really illustrates how insular Nintendo are.

I'm not actually certain that's how it works (only have the N-E community I made on mine at the moment) I mean there are a list of different communities on there and the option to search for others is still available after having made/joined one.


I'm confused... why do I not see RedShell in my Plaza... and now this morning only LostMario. And I can't even see who is in the group??
Weird. :hmm: Your Mii appears in my Plaza. ::shrug:


Anyway, I continue to be amazed with the Fit Meter. The altitude feature is flawless! Took it for a test this morning involving lots of walking up and downhill, the graph I got when I transferred the data to Wii Fit U was super accurate. :cool: Love how it also knows when you're walking or running. :grin:


The little step tasks (similar to what was in Walk with Me on DS) are cool too. I'm currently halfway up the Statue of Liberty. :laughing:

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