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Variety of Nintendo Games

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Nintendo have shot themselves in the foot with the gamepad. That's why developers can't be bothered half of the time. You can tweak the graphics settings and maybe a few other things to port between other consoles but to bang it on Wii U you've got to flip reverse things just so stuff can appear on the touch screen. Which will inevitably be either an inventory or map.

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I mean, as much as people keep banging on about F Zero, do you really think if that was announces over Mario Kart the general gaming public outside of game centric forums would buy the console to play it? I think not.

So I welcome the familiarity as I know it's what they need right now, and it's also what I need to satisfy my gaming needs, coz Christ knows I won't get it anywhere else.


The E3 lineup was mostly stellar. But let me ask you this.


And WHY did Nintendo decide to make THREE sidescrollers in one year? Will Yarn Yoshi make the Wii U a sales success, when New Mario Bros failed to do so? Or three minigame compilations? Will Wii U Play or Game & Wario do what Nintendoland failed to do?

I think that F-Zero, Starfox, Excitebike or 1080 will be bigger system sellers than Yarn Yoshi or Game & Wario.


As I've said before, Nintendo have lots of dormant IP's that could be translated really well into something contemporary and cool.


I mean, with the Excitebike and Excitetruck-franchise, Nintendo could have an answer to Motorstorm, only with that Nintendo magic.

Make a fighting game set in the Zelda universe, and suddenly you have a competitor to Soul Calibur.

Have Monolith make a sequel to Disaster, only that it plays like the first screenshots lead gamers to believe, and you suddenly have a competitor to Tomb Raider and Uncharted.

Take Miyamotos ideas for Starfox Assault and execute them well, and you have Battlefield, only with more room to include unrealistic, fun gameplay features.


Then have someone make a GTA-style game. Perhaps buy the exclusive rights to Just Cause 3 or have Retro Studios make a Miami Vice-game.

And finaly, start a new team or buy an existing company, and have them make something like Gran Turismo.

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When people say they want variety I'm not really sure what to think. It's obviously all personal, but everyone knows Nintendo do their own thing and have a different take on the industry than the other companies.


How long can they keep doing that? Sometimes you have to look at trends and look at what market wants. People like to play FPS, people like to play racers, people like to play sports games. Nintendo could make these games as well as what they do now.

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Nintendo tried to get more variety by the very ethos of the system. Instead of Wii...it was also U. U being the 'core' gamer focus. If this was just a marketing ploy why build that ethos into the very name of your system? Why strike an unprescedented partnership with EA or show DiRT3 at the unveil?

Truth is that Nintendo must have damaged the Wii U's chance of third party redemption before the console even hit the streets. They have continuously had dire relationships with the biggest third party developers but third parties keep giving them extra lives. See GTA Chinatown, Mario and co. appearing in EA games, Dedicated games from Ubisoft.


In reality...Nintendo needed to bend over backwards to get major third party support in the two years before Wii U launched. EA support went awry and when that was untenable, they should have gone after 2K. There are reams of developers who would love Nintendo support, wisdom and assistance in releasing a Wii U title. (Clearly cash would be involved I'm sure...)


Truth is, Nintendo (and Iwata), are primarily developers, focused on making great Nintendo games.

They aren't really bothered by third parties. Probably moreso with Iwata than the ball-breaking Yamauchi of the past. Reggie and NoA also seem softer than Lincoln etc. from the old days too. And you are up against SONY and Microsoft! Back with the NES/SNES third parties had fewer alternatives. Nintendo make it easy for devs to go elsewhere.

I can kind of side with Nintendo though - they made a console that sold over 100 million units. And third parties STILL released crap for it, missing opportunities galore...they are all stoopid then!


But the common denominator between the Wii's lack of AAA third party titles, their handhelds getting less western third party content than competitors and the Wii U's lack of software (and subsequent dire sales) is one thing: Nintendo.


They need to reach out more, they need to stop being so incestuous. A culture change is needed.

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Nintendo tried to get more variety by the very ethos of the system. Instead of Wii...it was also U. U being the 'core' gamer focus. If this was just a marketing ploy why build that ethos into the very name of your system? Why strike an unprescedented partnership with EA or show DiRT3 at the unveil?

Truth is that Nintendo must have damaged the Wii U's chance of third party redemption before the console even hit the streets. They have continuously had dire relationships with the biggest third party developers but third parties keep giving them extra lives. See GTA Chinatown, Mario and co. appearing in EA games, Dedicated games from Ubisoft.


In reality...Nintendo needed to bend over backwards to get major third party support in the two years before Wii U launched. EA support went awry and when that was untenable, they should have gone after 2K. There are reams of developers who would love Nintendo support, wisdom and assistance in releasing a Wii U title. (Clearly cash would be involved I'm sure...)


Truth is, Nintendo (and Iwata), are primarily developers, focused on making great Nintendo games.

They aren't really bothered by third parties. Probably moreso with Iwata than the ball-breaking Yamauchi of the past. Reggie and NoA also seem softer than Lincoln etc. from the old days too. And you are up against SONY and Microsoft! Back with the NES/SNES third parties had fewer alternatives. Nintendo make it easy for devs to go elsewhere.

I can kind of side with Nintendo though - they made a console that sold over 100 million units. And third parties STILL released crap for it, missing opportunities galore...they are all stoopid then!


But the common denominator between the Wii's lack of AAA third party titles, their handhelds getting less western third party content than competitors and the Wii U's lack of software (and subsequent dire sales) is one thing: Nintendo.


They need to reach out more, they need to stop being so incestuous. A culture change is needed.


I agree with this.


However I think there is a deep routed Japan-centric heart in Nintendo. It doesn't recognise the quality or craft in western development enough to court it properly. In fact I would say, aside from the poor sales, a lack of respect from Nintendo is a primary reason for publishers not to give a shit.


Sure it may be a bit entitled of big publishers to expect to be able to demand things of Nintendo but the reality is they need 3rd parties on the system. From my information they have spent years making it a ball-ache for anyone that wasn't a Japanese square peg in a square hole to make anything for one of their systems.


The real question for devs and pubs is, why would they want to put their games on a Nintendo console? The truthful answer is that at the moment everyone else is a better alternative.

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What Nintendo doesn't have now is the stuff like Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime and F-Zero GX. It doesn't need violent games, just ones like those. They were on the GameCube, which could pretty much compete with any other graphics at the time, and they used the GameCube pad, which was up there with any other. All these factors meant these games were hyped, anticipated and respected. People can quote GameCube sales figures at me, but (not meaning to sound arrogant) I know things were better back then.

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People can quote GameCube sales figures at me, but (not meaning to sound arrogant) I know things were better back then.


Yep...the games actually existed!

I think we're all a little shocked at how limited Nintendo's first party Wii U library is. At least we have SNES F-Zero, right....right... :indeed:

Would have been better to have released the GCN games on the VC. Most of them are smallish files too!

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What Nintendo doesn't have now is the stuff like Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime and F-Zero GX. It doesn't need violent games, just ones like those. They were on the GameCube, which could pretty much compete with any other graphics at the time, and they used the GameCube pad, which was up there with any other. All these factors meant these games were hyped, anticipated and respected. People can quote GameCube sales figures at me, but (not meaning to sound arrogant) I know things were better back then.


I couldn't agree more.

And then don't forget what we got on the N64. Pilotwings, Lylat Wars, etc.


Not to mention that Nintendo made sure we'd get the biggest franchises, even if the original developer didn't want to develop the game themselves. Remember when a Nintendo studio made a Ridge Racer-game for the N64? Or when Silicon Knights made Metal Gear Solid for the Gamecube?


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Have Retro Studios make a remake of GTA Vice City, with all the graphics and features seen in GTAV.

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Nintendo provides a variety of games, pretty much all of which you have seen and played before.


Post of the year.


As for my two cents, Nintendo needs to diversify their arsenal. They only have 2 big guns: Zelda and Mario. 4 Zeldas and 4 Marios per gen is making the IPs feel tired as fuck. I've stopped caring about Zelda OR Mario, at this point. Sure, I'll play them and most likely enjoy them, but I no longer look forward to them, because not only are there too many of them, they've become increasingly formulaic and stale! Galaxy was the only decent idea they had this gen! Everything else was just more of the same. We've been playing the same games for way too long. That goes for the portables, too.

All Zelda games are the same. All Mario are the same (except for Galaxy, that was a shining example of what they should be doing with all their IPs). All Pokemon games are the same. All Animal Crossing games are the same.

I think they had the right idea with Other M. It was a disaster, but their heart was in the right place and the intention was bold! I'd much rather have them ocasionally suck and ocasionally brilliant than this tired old "keep the status quo" mentality.


I want Nintendo to deliver inovative sequels to their IPs! Like with Resident Evil 4 or Shadow Of The Colossus. Now, THOSE are sequels! They used the same familiar elements we already knew, and completely flipped them around in completely unexpected new ways! Give me that. On all your IPs. No formula should ever be repeated more than 2 times. Otherwise the IPs sequel themselves into irrelevance. I hate this samey-sequel mentality that plagues the videogame medium, to be honest... Once an IP has peaked, either let it die or change it significantly. Zelda in it's current state has become a spent force, and I, at least, have had enough of it. If all Zeldas are gonna be the same fucking game I'd much rather just replay the old ones.


Mario Kart, SSB, F-Zero, etc excluded, of course. Those types of games are supposed to stay more or less the same.

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I don't mind multiple games of a franchise per generation. I'm fine with yearly Assassin's Creed games, and Ubisoft are still making new and different games.


It just seems at the moment that Nintendo are ignoring many franchises and there hasn't been anything new and big (plenty of little eShop stuff) in a while - Epic Yarn could have been a brilliant new franchise, not Kirby/Yoshi games.

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I don't mind multiple games of a franchise per generation. I'm fine with yearly Assassin's Creed games


I don't mind either. Just... never more than 2. No good ever comes out of it. =/


Assassin's Creed is a perfect example. The first game was ok, but we all know it was hardly extraordinary. They hit gold with 2, and have milked the franchise into irrelenvance... every new AC game has been progressively worst... Brotherhood was good but felt more like an expansion to 2 than a full fledged game, Revelations was when the formula started to become dull... 3 was just completely lame.


Something I don't get is why are they choosing such lame settings for the more recent games? Renaissance italy was awesome, istanbul was borderline good, but the cities in 3 were just lame, and the upcoming title seems to be even worse... with so many amazing historic cities to choose from why the hell are they choosing incresingly uninteresting and downright irrelevant settings? Colonial Boston? Pirate era Havana? oO Are these guys joking? They should be setting the damn games in moscow during the russian revolution, or paris/london during the industrial revolution! Or Bangkok! Hong Kong during WW2. The possiblities are endless... And they pick colonial cities. oO For fuck's sake, the setting has always been the real star of the show in AC...

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Epic Yarn could have been a brilliant new franchise, not Kirby/Yoshi games.


Totally agree. I would have bought Yamauchi's Yarn starring the man himself in a heart beat! :bowdown:


.. 3 was just completely lame.


3 was my favourite as it was more about exploring the wilds. There aren't many games like that and it was so fresh to me. Loved it and proved Ubi are brave. The sailing too... So good they are making a new game based around that whole premise. But it's all subjective.


I guess what I'm saying is that although there are plenty instances of sequel-itis out there - like AC or indeed Zelda. Each new revision also brings potential new fans/followers. One man's trash is another man's treasure.


I was out of AC after AC2. Now I'm rejuvenated in the franchise...just like Wind Waker did for me too.

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Variety is severely lacking in the racing genre. Once we had Wave Race, 1080, Excite series, Diddy Kong Racing, F-Zero and Mario Kart (and probably even more that have slipped my mind).


Now it's just Mario Kart. A racing game with Mario in it. I can see why people say it's just a Mario console sometimes. :hmm:

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Oh, allow me to share a short tale about something we already know:laughing:


I went into my local game store and walked towards the 3DS section.

Now I must say, Mario saturation at its finest.

There were at least 4 copies of each game (of the following games) next to eachother, which would have Peach's nether regions heat up like there was no tomorrow.


*Super Mario 3DLand

*Mario Kart 7

*Paper Mario: Sticker Star

*Mario&Sonic at the Olympics

*Mario Tennis Open

*New Super Mario Bros. 2

*Mario&Luigi: Dream Team Bros.


Took up pretty much 50% of the 3DS section and they are awaiting Mario Party 3DS and Mario Golf.


God damn, NINTENDO. God damn.

Edited by Fused King
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Oh, allow me to share a short tale about something we already know:laughing:


I went into my local game store and walked towards the 3DS section.

Now I must say, Mario saturation at its finest.

There were at least 4 copies of each game (of the following games) next to eachother, which would have Peach's nether regions heat up like there was no tomorrow.


*Super Mario 3DLand

*Mario Kart 7

*Paper Mario: Sticker Star

*Mario&Sonic at the Olympics

*Mario Tennis Open

*New Super Mario Bros. 2

*Mario&Luigi: Dream Team Bros.


Took up pretty much 50% of the 3DS section and they are awaiting Mario Party 3DS and Mario Golf.


God damn, NINTENDO. God damn.



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