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Blocking Porn - Censorship or Child Protection?


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I'm glad you deleted the troll's post but I did make a point that it wasn't porn messing kids' heads. Is there any way you can put my one back on and I can edit the parts including the troll out? :)


I've restored it. If you could keep the relevant bits and edit the bits that are not needed, that would be great. Cheers.

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These are the idiots who get put in charge! surely common sense should dictate that any mnister of a given area should have extensive knowledge of his area, e.g tranpsort minister have worked in the transport industry


so for someone so technologically inept to be forcing through internet censorship laws is absolutely ludicrous!

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At this point I don't get how people can keep claiming that the internet/films/video games/what have you mess people up. It's true that some unstable individuals can be negatively affected by these things, but for every single one of them there are a hundred people with their sense, sanity and moral fibre completely intact.

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At this point I don't get how people can keep claiming that the internet/films/video games/what have you mess people up. It's true that some unstable individuals can be negatively affected by these things, but for every single one of them there are a hundred people with their sense, sanity and moral fibre completely intact.


Not to mention that there are probably some individuals who have urges they can't help that are satisfied by video games.

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At this point I don't get how people can keep claiming that the internet/films/video games/what have you mess people up. It's true that some unstable individuals can be negatively affected by these things, but for every single one of them there are a hundred people with their sense, sanity and moral fibre completely intact.


Exactly. I just wanted everybody to know that I wasn't implying that games/movies/internet/music/etc. would fuck children up but I was saying that they can't blame every single action on porn. I get that kids are impressionable but it's like you say, Danny, it rarely happens.


It's more to do with parenting and social influences more than anything! Unfortunately, these stupid politicians and some stupid parents just don't understand and would rather stick their fingers in their ears and blame everything else.


Not to mention that there are probably some individuals who have urges they can't help that are satisfied by video games.


This can be said for anything, including porn.

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On Monday the Prime Minister said TalkTalk had shown "great leadership" in setting up its system, Homesafe, which it has offered to customers since 2011.


TalkTalk told the BBC it was comfortable with its relationship with Huawei, and that the service was very popular.


Homesafe is a voluntary scheme which allows subscribers to select categories - including social media, gambling and pornography - that they want blocked.


Customers who do not want filtering still have their traffic routed through the system, but matches to Huawei's database are dismissed rather than acted upon.


So since 2011, TalkTalk have been sending all their customer's traffic through Huawei?

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So since 2011, TalkTalk have been sending all their customer's traffic through Huawei?


It certainly seems like it! and if thats the sort of system Cameron wants in place, where it tracks your internet movements, but if you've opted out it just doesn't act on them....whats to stop them using it to build profiles of civilians?

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I would not trust any Chinese company in another country to do business. Fairly or in a trustworthy manner. I would bet my life savings that at least some of the information gets back to the Party here.

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A report has found that the government's proposed web filters may block more than pornography.


Details obtained by digital freedom campaigner Open Rights Group claim that the block will extend into other content including violent material and smoking.

The group spoke to a number of internet service providers about the filter, discovering that the block could include nine other categories.

Extremist and terrorist-related content, anorexia and eating disorder websites and suicide-related websites are mentioned, as well as alcohol, web forums, esoteric material and web blocking circumvention tools.




It begins

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Web forums in general will just see most people opting out either immediately or within a few weeks, what exactly do web forums do that is so bad?


i can hazard a guess that certain chan's have come up and been described as web forums, and thus blanket ban because those in charge have no idea

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do we really expect technolodically inept people to understand? i deal with MP's on a semi regular basis and you only speak to them if they phone, if its email then their secretaries are actually the ones replying and dealing with them, to be honest i think they'd struggle reading emails if left unattended.

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The vast majority won't understand what this means until it's effected. When the Daily Mail's page visits plummet because of their sidebar content, when blog posts talking about the censorship itself come down, when everyone's forums stop working, when the filter creeps onto the dating realms of the middle aged, when MPs realise they themselves want to opt-out but also comprehend the implications of being on that list... that's when they'll get what's they've done.

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