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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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Cheers, brooo. I've put the rest of the images from the trailer in spoiler tags, just in case.


Affleck looks fucking awesome as Batman. The clincher will be what kind of Bruce Wayne he turns out to be. I wasn't sold on Bale as Bruce Wayne until I went back to the films some time after TDK was released. I think he did a lot of things right, even if he did have to grow on me.

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I can't tell if I like the look of this from the trailer, or not. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I like the direction they're taking the story, but I'm not sure if I'm down with the mood I'm getting from this. Also, Luthor's voice sounds as meek in the trailer as I was worried it would. But I loved TDKR. Basically I'm totally unsure.

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MoS is not that bloody dark. I know I've watched it quite a few times.


That part in Africa that they changed is way off, its like its covered in grass in their version.


edit -




Their version of the original on the left and the actual original on the right.

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Yeah it's a shame because the colourful version they made looked great without messing up the original, whether intentionally or not. They had a good point to make but you'd think they'd realise people would call them out on that.

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  • 2 months later...

I have to lie down


Bruce running towards the collapsing buildings. "You don't owe this word anything, you never did." Robin. FUCKING Wonder Woman.


I honestly have no idea what to focus on. I'm in pieces..

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That was spectacular, but man its making me thing Supes is a douche


and Lex with hair....he best loose it



I think a lot of stuff with Supes was misdirection as were a lot of the cuts imo.


As for Lex, it looks like a wig.

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