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Range is limited with a tablet, too, but the difference is that you can still play the game in other rooms using the GamePad, you cannot with a tablet.


What the hell are you spewing? I was talking about companion apps that you can play independent. Plus with Remote Play on the Vita you can be in another fucking country. Yes, there's higher latency before you roll that out. I'll save you the finger movement.

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Range is limited with a tablet, too, but the difference is that you can still play the game in other rooms using the GamePad, you cannot with a tablet.


Let's not tailor our argument.


Using a tablet with Beyond Two Souls lets you play the game on it. Anywhere in the house where there is wifi.


Using a gamepad gives you a much smaller range, and the display is shitty. Although you do get buttons.


Most people will have sorted out their wifi situation long beforehand to reach all necessary rooms in the house (should their house be large enough that such a thing is necessary). So it's total house coverage with a tablet over wifi; not true with the gamepad.

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What the hell are you spewing? I was talking about companion apps that you can play independent. Plus with Remote Play on the Vita you can be in another fucking country. Yes, there's higher latency before you roll that out. I'll save you the finger movement.


bit strong, no? well comes across that way to me. you guys were talking at cross purposes, I don't see how venting frustration encourages dialogue...

that first question just seemed pretty disrespectful to me is all, sorry if I misread it, tone and all that jazz that can get lost in text.

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I know, that comic strip is exaggerating things...


Pokémon Online, as described in that comic + a nice online infrastructure = profit = more Wii U sales = profit = more people own a Wii U = more people buy other Nintendo games = more sales = 3rd Party support = ...


Could it be that simple?


One game to rule them all?

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bit strong, no? well comes across that way to me. you guys were talking at cross purposes, I don't see how venting frustration encourages dialogue...

that first question just seemed pretty disrespectful to me is all, sorry if I misread it, tone and all that jazz that can get lost in text.


It was a genuine reaction as it seemed to come from nowhere. Apologies if it read that way, but Serebii and I go way back and perhaps our familiarity led to a poor choice of words.

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Dazzybee that is what people are doing, just because you don;t think Nintend should release there games on other consoles doesn't mean it isn't a discussion point/option for Nintendo who are having somewhat of a mini crisis atm.


You can'y deny it would bring them a lot of money, they wouldn't have to spend on R&D (which clearly they are doing atrociously at, or at least they very slow at catching up/reading the market).


Also it's not a bad thing atm. But will you be playing the next COD etc... online with your friends? It's hard to say, and that IS a bad thing. Where as the other consoles are future-proofed for the next 5-6 years. So there is a problem which will need addressing.


I guess the issue for me is we've had this debate before. Actually I'd be up for a serious, genuine discussion in that matter. But this is a Wii u discussion thread, we should chat about the Wii u. With the sheer frequency of these very similar posts from the same people in threads I don't feel it's needed, it's just become an irritation for me. I want this thread to be about how to turn the Wii u around, not a how shit is Nintendo they should go third party thread again.


I think nintendo dropping out of the hardware business would be a huge loss for the industry. I don't think it would be a good idea for them either, but ultimately the one company that tries something different, however successfully, should always be wanted.


I agree there are many problems that need addressing. I'll actually link these articleles im Doing to show I'm not some raving fanboy, I hate a lot of what Nintendo are doing, I think they've made and continue to make some huge errors, but I just don't think they or the Wii u is shit, and I think it's problems aren't about the hardware, and I also think they can turn things around.

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Famed Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter believes one of the solutions to Nintendo’s dilemma would be to temporarily release their games on competing consoles such as the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Pachter thinks that by doing this in the short term – while they’re getting ready to bring a more competitive console to the market – they can then withdraw support and once again focus on their own platform.


So what’s the solution for Nintendo? In Pachter’s opinion, the company must swallow its pride and start publishing its first-rate software on competing platforms. Then, once Nintendo is ready to bring a more competitive console to the market, it can withdraw its support from the other systems and focus on its own platform again.


“We believe that it should reconsider its ‘all proprietary, all the time’ model, and should consider making its proprietary console software available on other platforms until it is able to release a new console. Once Nintendo has a new console on the market, we think it would make sense for the company to pull all of its software from the PS4 and Xbox One, and go back to being a proprietary software maker. In the meantime, we believe that the company has a problem that it is not acknowledging or addressing,”


Didn't take him to weigh in on the situation and I for one think it's a terrible idea. Good for the competition and its customers but not for Nintendo.

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Nintendo generates more revenue with their hardware (consoles + handhelds + accessories + other) than with their software (retail + digital + royalties). Considering this, you can say that people saying that Nintendo should abandon their hardware is quite a crazy idea, because it makes up to 60% of their business.
Analysis of Nintendo's Financials


Interesting read it explains quite a lot. Nintendo need to make some drastic changes but going third party isn't the answer.

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@Nintendo Fan That also includes handhelds. No one is saying they should ditch first party handheld. Just the home console front.


Wii U hardware revenue is also bound to beat software right now - think about it. They can only sell Wii U software to the limited pool of people who already have a Wii U. You have to taken into account the money they could make from software if it was available to far, far more people than those just with Wii Us.


TL;DR - flawed stats are flawed.

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Stock in Nintendo dropped by 17.09% in a day following the announcement earlier today by Satoru Iwata. The announcement saw Iwata slash Nintendo’s forecast for the fiscal year, as the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS failed to reach the company’s sales projections. With the Wii U forecast slashed from 9 million to 2.8 million and the Nintendo 3DS from 18 million to 13.5 million. Nintendo’s share price is $14.89 on the New York Stock which is a drop of 17.09% from the $17.96 it started the day at. The stock prices reached $19 when news came about that China was lifting its ban on console sales, but have since dropped.


Stop the bleeding. The good news just keeps coming. When it's rains, it pours. That's the biggest drop I've seen them take in 1 day by quite a margin. The biggest % drop I remember was when Nintendo was excluded from the Nikkei a few years back, 8%.

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Yeah, terrible idea for them to release games on consoles with an audience.

If Nintendo go third party, then fine. However, what he is suggesting would actually kill Nintendo. If Nintendo release their games on other platforms, that's it. They can't go back to hardware. It would destroy them as it would set a very dangerous precedent. After being able to buy Nintendo games on other hardware, why would people then go back to dedicated hardware for it.




I'm just going to leave this here, too.

Nintendo: A couple of years of financial loss and one stagnating console.

Microsoft: Countless years of financial loss. Still overall far, far, in the red. Executives want rid of it.

Sony: Years of loss destroying everything they built with PS1/PS2. Failed handheld. Company in dire straits, made thousands of staff redundant last year and had to sell buildings just to stay afloat.


When will people realise that, just because the company manages to sell more consoles, it does not mean they are in a better place. Mark my words, when we see MS and Sony's financials for the gaming divisions, they'll be at a similar place, if not worse, than Nintendo's projections.

Edited by Serebii
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When will people realise that, just because the company manages to sell more consoles, it does not mean they are in a better place. Mark my words, when we see MS and Sony's financials for the gaming divisions, they'll be at a similar place, if not worse, than Nintendo's projections.


I agree but it's all about profitability. Nintendo have always been good when it's come to this but now they are on shakey ground. Some of their past consoles, despite not selling well compared to the competition, still kept them out of the red. This isn't the case now and Nintendo are even admitting they need a shake up to try and salvage/sell the Wii U.

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I agree but it's all about profitability. Nintendo have always been good when it's come to this but now they are on shakey ground. Some of their past consoles, despite not selling well compared to the competition, still kept them out of the red. This isn't the case now and Nintendo are even admitting they need a shake up to try and salvage/sell the Wii U.

And they're being proactive.


A large part of their losses comes from them being proactive.

Massive new R&D building

Massive increase to R&D budget

Massive influx of new hires

Massive increase to marketing budget.

Giving western studios more things to do, more control over Nintendo properties


Things are going to change. Nintendo are being completely proactive about this now. Hell, Iwata even just admitted that they should have focused more on foreign trends.


By the end of this generation, Wii U will have made a decent profit overall. Nintendo will be bigger both physically and in mindset. The Wii U won't reach massive levels of sales, but it'll be comfortable.


I still say my relaunch idea is good, plus they can just sort their lives out with the Virtual Console, blow their load, release a $5 a month subscription to VC game playing. Job done.

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Again, I agree with the relaunch and yeah the VC really needs sorting.


The issue is that this whole situation could have been avoided if they had sorted themselves out sooner and looked outside of their little bubble.


It still baffles me that they weren't ready for their next console, despite essentially dropping the Wii support in 2010. I know a lot of teams got shuffled around to help the 3DS turnaround which showed they were clearly having difficulties supporting two platforms.


They needed to expand while the a Wii was doing well but instead they've waited till now.


Am I worried? Not at all, in fact I'm quite relieved this has happened because it's hopefully going to give Nintendo the kick up the backside they need.


In my eyes Nintendo have the greatest IPs at their disposal and when they are running at full throttle these games are the best in the business. If this whole situation makes them have a hard look at what they are sitting on and start being a little more creative, both with old and new franchises, then I'll be a happy chappy.

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