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Wii U General Discussion


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Man, this post is surreal. You realise the console is failing because most people think absolutely the opposite of you (and for good reason)?

Most haven't played it. The Wii U is a bizarre console in that you don't get it until you have had some time with it.

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Most haven't played it. The Wii U is a bizarre console in that you don't get it until you have had some time with it.


And the sales figures have shown they don't want to drop £200 to try it and see if they like it.


As I've said already, I enjoy my Wii U but I'm not blind to the fact that the console has been mishandled from the start and Nintendo have backed themselves against the wall.

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And the sales figures have shown they don't want to drop £200 to try it and see if they like it.


As I've said already, I enjoy my Wii U but I'm not blind to the fact that the console has been mishandled from the start and Nintendo have backed themselves against the wall.

I'm not saying Nintendo didn't mess up with various aspects. I'm just saying that if more people somehow got their hands on it for a while, more people would understand it and want it.

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thinking more on it Iwata staying is preferable as long as he has actually learnt and drives forward a culture change.....but if no improvement comes in say 6 months they need to review again.

Nintendo do need to swallow pride,court third parties and reduce the life cycle of the wiiu



What about Sony and Nintendo merge...

Nintendo's best 1st party devs produce nintendo console games for Sony consoles

then nintendo as a whole takeover sonys handheld division producing software and hardware concepts with sony design and build quality.....

the best answer ever



pipedream though



its nice were all discussing this, at battle stations wanting the best outcome

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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To say it's a bad console is also plain stupid. Based on what... sales figures?

As an owner the sales figures mean nothing other than medium-long term, losing 3rd party support, but right here, right now it's a cracker of a console.

Any sensible gamer this Christmas would have bought a Wii U with some brilliant games got a year or two of great fun out of it and then bought a PS4/XB1 when the price had come down and there were more games out.


The current situation says as much about the average gamer as it does about the companies who make the consoles/games.


Here, here. I agree with this.


There is a load of discussion about the WiiU being a bad product purely because people aren't buying it. I'm not sure sales define quality or what the market wants due to the power of Nintendo's opposition. There are two huge companies who have pursued a mature, Westernised approach to this industry and have thrown money at all and sundry until their approach has yielded results. This approach has commodified this once varied industry resulting in a segregation between the 'next best thing' and an 'indie' market - usually by using graphics as a barometer. Unfortunately, Nintendo are slated for using their best-selling franchises to keep their systems/heads in the game.


Nintendo aren't perfect. Far from it. They are traditionalists, insular and take time to adapt to change. But their games are still a shining example of how fun this industry can be. I would hope that their unusual hardware and software will always keep them in the game.

Edited by tapedeck
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thinking more on it Iwata staying is preferable as long as he has actually learnt and drives forward a culture change.....but if no improvement comes in say 6 months they need to review again.

Nintendo do need to swallow pride,court third parties and reduce the life cycle of the wiiu



What about Sony and Nintendo merge...

Nintendo's best 1st party devs produce nintendo console games for Sony consoles

then nintendo as a whole takeover sonys handheld division producing software and hardware concepts with sony design and build quality.....

the best answer ever



pipedream though



its nice were all discussing this, at battle stations wanting the best outcome

Sony are in a far worse financial position, even just their Playstation division. If anything, Sony should become a Nintendo first party.


Popular does not necessarily equal healthy.

Edited by Serebii
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To say it's a bad console is also plain stupid. Based on what... sales figures?

As an owner the sales figures mean nothing other than medium-long term, losing 3rd party support, but right here, right now it's a cracker of a console.

Any sensible gamer this Christmas would have bought a Wii U with some brilliant games got a year or two of great fun out of it and then bought a PS4/XB1 when the price had come down and there were more games out.


It is a bad console if it was meant to be taken seriously as a next gen console.


Any sensible gamer would buy a PS4/XB1 now as they have at least 5 years of third party games to look forward to then pick up a Wii U when they are being given away by retailers.


Last generation ran for 7-8 years, longer than any other console generation.


Gamers were ready and willing to pay big for next gen consoles as the sales figures have proven.


Nintendo's response - Lets make our console equal in power of the consoles everyone has played to death for the last 7 years and fit it in a tiny box so we have to pay more to get the tech inside.


I've had a great time with my Wii U over the last 14 months but I complain all the time about it with people on here who I play Monster Hunter or COD with, so many missed opportunities. It doesn't feel like a next gen console to me, it never has. Its Nintendo late entry into last gen.

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"Given the expansion of smart devices, we are naturally studying how smart devices can be used to grow the game-player business. It's not as simple as enabling Mario to move on a smartphone."


For fuck's sake Nintendo. Smartphones have been popular for what, five years? Tablets a few less. You shouldn't still be "studying" them at this stage, you should be bloody using them. And I'm not even talking about Pokémon on it or anything, but simply something like Microsoft and Sony are doing - incorporating them into the console, creating miniature versions of games as promotional material, using them to carry over elements of the game (e.g. Assassin's Creed 4's pirate ship app thingy).


Let me transfer my Pokémon to my phone and do those little mini-games on X and Y on there to boost stats (similar to the Pokéwalker thing, but you know, people actually carry phones around). Let me have Pikmin mini-games on my phone and hell even have a camera-app that allows you to play with your Pikmin in the REAL WORLD (or maybe Nintendo aren't aware what that is - LOL!). Or how about someone being able to use their tablet to play the 'block-putter-downer' on NSMBU so someone else can use the GamePad?


Tell me Nintendo, are you still "looking into online" as you said you were doing over a decade ago? Sure feels like it.


R&D is important, but so is doing it in a timely manner.


It's stuff like this that's so frustrating. They seem to crawl at a snail's pace and are constantly promising and apologising.

Edited by Ashley
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But, unlike what people think, Nintendo doesn't release games just for the hell of it, they only want to do it when there's something new they can do


They need to stop doing what they want and start doing what they need.


Most haven't played it. The Wii U is a bizarre console in that you don't get it until you have had some time with it.


I've got it and I don't get it.


Yeah, I absolutely completely and utterly disagree with "you have to play it to get it". Get what? It's not magic. It's a games console. I "got it" as soon as I saw it at E3 (and was devastated).


To say it's a bad console is also plain stupid. Based on what... sales figures?


Based on the fact that it is a pretty bad console. Online infrastructure is bad, technologically it's not as powerful as it should be, its by far the least handsome of the next gen consoles and the download offering is pathetic. Sort out the pricing of download games and get a large portion of their back catalogue on there and it would do a killing.


It's extremely frustrating.


Also, I'll say this;


I barely play my PS4 right now. No YouTube app, in fact barely any apps, fuck all software, however I enjoyed Resogun infinitely more than anything on Wii U.


But I am SHITTING myself with excitement for DK.

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I'm not saying Nintendo didn't mess up with various aspects. I'm just saying that if more people somehow got their hands on it for a while, more people would understand it and want it.


Still beating this drum, eh?


1. The controller is not appealing to anyone. Seeing the controller does not make you want to use it; playing with it isn't a great experience either.

2. None of the games apart from ZombiU and Nintendo Land even use the controller in a way that is required to fundamentally required to play the game, so how the hell are people supposed to 'get it' if it's not even used by Nintendo outside a launch party title?

3. The fact that you need to get your hands on it to 'understand' it speaks for itself.

4. People that own the console aren't sold by the concept of it. In fact, you are one of the few people who I've seen that call it a 'game changer'; no else does and for good reason.


I love the gamepad and it's a novel idea, but it is completely unnecessary. Off screen gameplay? Yeah, cool idea but I have my own TV, I don't require it. Assymetric gameplay? Well, if they ever release a game that actually builds on that premise, then I'll be interested. Then there's the final argument of 'it streamlines gameplay'. Yeah, that's cool, but again it in no way justifies the cost of a weak console.


We get it..You love the gamepad and it's changed your life, but can't you see that for most people it's not an incentive to buy the console?

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I've had a great time with my Wii U over the last 14 months but I complain all the time about it with people on here who I play Monster Hunter or COD with, so many missed opportunities. It doesn't feel like a next gen console to me, it never has. Its Nintendo late entry into last gen.


I had trouble playing MH3U, it felt a bit old fashion in its design and controls but its a series that I think would be great to see on a powerful next gen system and its design pulled a bit more into the present. With Nintendo having the main line of that series at the moment it seems like one that could have been a great showcase.

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Here, here. I agree with this.


There is a load of discussion about the WiiU being a bad product purely because people aren't buying it. I'm not sure sales define quality or what the market wants due to the power of Nintendo's opposition. There are two huge companies who have pursued a mature, Westernised approach to this industry and have thrown money at all and sundry until their approach has yielded results. This approach has commodified this once varied industry resulting in a segregation between the 'next best thing' and an 'indie' market - usually by using graphics as a barometer. Unfortunately, Nintendo are slated for using their best-selling franchises to keep their systems/heads in the game.


Nintendo aren't perfect. Far from it. They are traditionalists, insular and take time to adapt to change. But their games are still a shining example of how fun this industry can be. I would hope that their unusual hardware and software will always keep them in the game.


What would it take for you to say we could call it a bad console? So far it is technically underpowered on a level with last gen, has the worst online infrastructure (it being free doesn't remotely begin to save it) and nobody is supporting it.


If that doesn't entitle us to call it bad, what would? Even if you enjoy the games that have come out so far, the console itself is pretty darn bad.

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This has really given the ps3 lovers fresh ammunition to trot out the Nintendo should go third party argument... Tiresome. This thread is about the wii u, and this news should be about how can nintendo make the Wii U successful. Not an excuse to say mario would be better on a ps4 because the controllers better ZZZZZzzzzzzzz


And agree with the ridiculousness of sales equals quality argument.


Nintendo got most things wrong with Wii U, they've made the same mistakes they've made many times over and it is infuriating. I'm doing a series of articles looking at the disastrous situation and steps nintendo can do to remedy it; which in the main is about playing catch up and preparing itself properly for next gen... which is sad considering we've just got going!!


And pardon my ignorance @Ashley, genuine question, what are Sony and MS doing with mobile apps? I know and have the psn app, but aree they doing more.

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I had trouble playing MH3U, it felt a bit old fashion in its design and controls but its a series that I think would be great to see on a powerful next gen system and its design pulled a bit more into the present. With Nintendo having the main line of that series at the moment it seems like one that could have been a great showcase.


Capcom are too lazy to do this. Hell, they were still using assets from the original game when Tri arrived. I bet they are glad it took on the 3DS otherwise they would have had to make a game using a console or the Vita, both would require much more work for them.


It's essentially a handheld title now, which is a shame as it really fits consoles when it comes to online play.

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What would it take for you to say we could call it a bad console? So far it is technically underpowered on a level with last gen, has the worst online infrastructure (it being free doesn't remotely begin to save it) and nobody is supporting it.


If that doesn't entitle us to call it bad, what would? Even if you enjoy the games that have come out so far, the console itself is pretty darn bad.


Is it hard for you to understand that for a lot of people the fact it plays nintendo games makes it infinitely better than anything else anyone can offer? Or struggle to comprehend some people really like the gamepad?! That these are more important than better graphics and the ability to share a video with your psn buddies if you tea bagging someone on cod?

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Is it hard for you to understand that for a lot of people the fact it plays nintendo games makes it infinitely better than anything else anyone can offer? Or struggle to comprehend some people really like the gamepad?! That these are more important than better graphics and the ability to share a video with your psn buddies if you tea bagging someone on cod?


Again, one more time.


Bad console =/= bad software.


Muse upon it a while.

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Again, one more time.


Bad console =/= bad software.


Muse upon it a while.


You can patronise as much as you like. But who's agreeing it's a bad console? You THINK it's bad, and in your criteria that's fine. But I certainly don't think it's a bad console, in fact I think it's a great console. I have a problem with Nintendos services more than the console itself.

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And pardon my ignorance @Ashley, genuine question, what are Sony and MS doing with mobile apps? I know and have the psn app, but aree they doing more.


Sorry I should have made it clear that I meant Microsoft and Sony have provided the ability for companies to use them. I know Microsoft have Project Glass, and Sony has the PSN app, but I meant rather games can use them (Beyond, AC4 etc).

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Sorry I should have made it clear that I meant Microsoft and Sony have provided the ability for companies to use them. I know Microsoft have Project Glass, and Sony has the PSN app, but I meant rather games can use them (Beyond, AC4 etc).


Ah I see. Didn't Uncharted 2 start it all with being able to tweet progress? And that was (relatively) quite a while ago too.

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