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Wii U General Discussion


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Next Level Games output for Nintendo has been outstanding. Mario Strikers, Luigi's Mansion 2 and finally, my personal favourite, the Punch-Out reboot on the Wii.


I'm quite excited/eager to see what is next for these guys.


Any word on what Monster Games are doing at the moment?


Monster Games are currently co-developing DKCTF.

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Is there any reason why Nintendo is not able/does not want to bring all SNES games (let's just forget N64 and GC for the sake of simplicity) to VC - and by VC I mean: available for Wii, Wii U and 3DS?


Would it be too expensive? Would it be not profitable?


This isn't meant to be provocative :p I seriously don't understand what's keeping Nintendo from making that move.


As I explained, Nintendo don't do a one emulator fits all thing. They have to fine tune it so each game runs exactly as it did on the original console. As such, it takes time and has to be tailored for each system for each game.

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Monster Games are currently co-developing DKCTF.
... I'm sorry what?...


that can't be right??


As I explained, Nintendo don't do a one emulator fits all thing. They have to fine tune it so each game runs exactly as it did on the original console. As such, it takes time and has to be tailored for each system for each game.
So haven't they already done the work when they put them on the Wii? the only thing left is configuring it to Wii U?
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... I'm sorry what?...


that can't be right??


It is...




Would you consider porting this title to the 3DS? Would that be a hard process?


Kensuke Tanabe: Minneapolis-based developer Monster Games ported the Wii version of Donkey Kong Country Returns to Nintendo 3DS with Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. Even Retro praised Monster Games for successfully porting the game without compromising its quality. In fact, Monster Games was involved in some of the level design, art, and engineering of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze; they did a phenomenal job. However, if we were to port Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to Nintendo 3DS, it would be extremely difficult to not lose quality, even for Monster Games, because of the huge differences in the 3DS and Wii U technical specifications – more so than Wii.


Michael Kelbaugh: Monster Games did a phenomenal job bringing Donkey Kong Country Returns to the 3DS. We’re very proud, and a bit jealous, of their efforts. So much that we asked them to help us with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. It would be a monumental task taking this new game from the Wii U to the 3DS because of the technology used in the Wii U version. However, if it could be done, I’d like to play it.


People seem to really over-estimate this team's size. They're only about 20 odd members of staff strong, so you'll only really see them working on smaller projects or collaborating on larger ones with bigger studios.

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It is...




People seem to really over-estimate this team's size. They're only about 20 odd members of staff strong, so you'll only really see them working on smaller projects or collaborating on larger ones with bigger studios.


They need to get cracking on another racing game, not helping Retro finish DKC. :(

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@Sheikah your bias is embarrassing. Never known anyone to spin everything so much in such a short period of time. Knack sold better than mario *get's proven it didn't* but knack is crap and mario is a hug system seller *gets reminded Knack sold well purely because of the bundles* well...mario...should sell more millions and millions and sell systems... scraping the barrel much?!


Mario has sold pretty well. But to be honest, Mario hasn't been a system seller since the N64. The new series sold well on consoles that already had a huge install base, but sunshine didn't sell systems, MarioDS didn't and 3D world hasn't in great numbers. Mario kart is a much bigger pull in my opinion.


But anyway... do film forums talk about companies being crap because their masterpiece of a film didn't make as much as Transformers?!?! What the fuck do we argue about on here?!!


With regards to third parties, if Nintendo made the WIi U (or the next console ) to the same power and similar architecture as the competition would it get the 3rd parties? I think it would personally. I think the reason it stopped is because Nintendo keep making it more difficult for people to do it; nintendo need to make it as easy and effortless as possible so lower sales don't matter and really start building up, combined with targeting exclusives and building relationships by giving the ip to companies could be a start to sorting itself out.


Things are getting more and more competitive and Nintendo have a back catalogue and IP that no one can come close to rivalling. It needs to stop giving the other companies such a huge advantage in such important areas.

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... I'm sorry what?...


that can't be right??


So haven't they already done the work when they put them on the Wii? the only thing left is configuring it to Wii U?

Configuring to the Wii U and making sure it doesn't gimp it in any way. It still requires effort, it can't be done in a batch.

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What the fuck do we argue about on here?!!
I've been meaning to ask, because this is the only Gaming forum I go on... what actually is the situation like on other forums?...


Surely not everyone on those can be happy with what Nintendo are doing at the moment? Do you not get the same sort of discussions happening elsewhere?


If there's something that other forums are doing that we are not, then any suggestions would be more than welcome.

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You would think Nintendo has a nice batch of VC games ready to go up by now though. I don't think most games will have any real issues, especially NES games.


I got into the Mega Man games while ago but not all of them are available on the VC which was a shame as I would have bought them.


Mario 3 has been on the 3DS VC in Japan for ages, there was no real reason why they couldn't release it in other territories, unless NoE decided ages ago they would release it for Christmas. Seems a lot more like a scheduling thing to me, I believe someone at Capcom basically confirmed it but I probably won't be able to find the quote now.


On one hand I'm grateful for the slow releases because it gives me a chance to play them. :p

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Configuring to the Wii U and making sure it doesn't gimp it in any way. It still requires effort, it can't be done in a batch.
But it should still be being done at a far greater rate than games were appearing on the Wii and it sure doesn't feel like that!?


I just went into the Virtual Console thread, 'This weeks game is Contra 3'... It's not one NES/SNES game a week is it?!

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But it should still be being done at a far greater rate than games were appearing on the Wii and it sure doesn't feel like that!?


I just went into the Virtual Console thread, 'This weeks game is Contra 3'... It's not one NES/SNES game a week is it?!


It is, and it is ridiculous. It should be at LEAST 2 of both consoles a week :/

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As I explained, Nintendo don't do a one emulator fits all thing. They have to fine tune it so each game runs exactly as it did on the original console. As such, it takes time and has to be tailored for each system for each game.


That's just - sorry - plain stupid, though, isn't it? :hmm:


Would it be so difficult (costly) to just change their way of handling VC games, i.e. do "a one emulator fits all"-thing?

And why have they done their current approach in the first place? Surely it can't be about quality, because emulators are capable of emulating - of course, mainly NES/SNES/GBA - games perfectly for a long time now.

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Configuring to the Wii U and making sure it doesn't gimp it in any way. It still requires effort, it can't be done in a batch.


While that is true (and they do have to remake the manuals for each console again), he is right about it being less effort to get working than before and that is also evident in the lineup itself, with problem games like Kirby Super Star & Kirby's Dreamland 3 (SA1 chip) and Megaman X2 (CX4 chip) being available so soon, rather than later on like they did on Wii.


They should be able to crank out games much more quickly than they currently are (and indeed they have actually been much quicker about getting their own 1st party titles out, as well as Capcom's lineup, this time around. The problem lies with the fact that they're still only currently releasing NES and SNES games and that 3rd parties seem reluctant/slow to get their own games out...

Edited by Dcubed
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I think Nintendo likes the drip drip VC release. For some reason I think they believe too many titles being released will see games get lost among the mix. Personally I feel they should just load it up with content and let us choose what we want.

Edited by Retro_Link
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That's just - sorry - plain stupid, though, isn't it? :hmm:


Would it be so difficult (costly) to just change their way of handling VC games, i.e. do "a one emulator fits all"-thing?

And why have they done their current approach in the first place? Surely it can't be about quality, because emulators are capable of emulating - of course, mainly NES/SNES/GBA - games perfectly for a long time now.


Nintendo are a company who want their games perfect. You know this, as they have delayed games that they NEEDED to come out, just to make them be better.


If Nintendo were to do a one for all thing, then some games will suffer. Nintendo doesn't want that.

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I've deleted the continuation of this Mario vs Knack thing, as it's getting tiresome.


As was suggested before when it spilled out of the Sales thread into other threads on the forum, if you really want to debate the sales of Knack vs. Mario then go and create a thread for it, as it seems like it would get a lot of use. It seems to be a favorite topic.

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I think Nintendo likes the drip drip VC release. For some reason I think they believe too many titles being released will see games get lost among the mix. Personally I feel they should just load it up with content and let us choose what we want.




Not sure that is fair. The days of 1 game selling a console are gone. People don’t buy game consoles for one game they buy them for the existing library and the content which will be coming in the future.


Third party exclusives? I dont think people are clamouring for that. Just the multiplats would be nice.


People get that spark to buy a console if there's a game they want, while also knowing in the future there'll be games they want to play.


The days aren't over, just there hasn't been such a game recently.


Either way, the existing install base weren't grabbing it at release en masse, which is more or less what developers would want to see since they want their titles to chart well.

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Nintendo are a company who want their games perfect. You know this, as they have delayed games that they NEEDED to come out, just to make them be better.


If Nintendo were to do a one for all thing, then some games will suffer. Nintendo doesn't want that.

I have a feeling the VAST majority of consumers would rather an extensive VC full of NES/SNES/N64 and even Gamecube games as quickly as possible, compared to games released at a snails pace, even if it meant they didn't come 100% perfect.


If that's Nintendo's mentality then they need to change it given the current situation. The Wii U is struggling and a full Nintendo VC would be a HUGE attraction! People would be talking about all the classic games they're loving playing again and it would excite others to purchase the console.


Nintendo can always patch the issues out over time.

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I have a feeling the VAST majority of consumers would rather an extensive VC full of NES/SNES/N64 and even Gamecube games as quickly as possible, compared to games released at a snails pace, even if it meant they didn't come 100% perfect.


If that's Nintendo's mentality then they need to change it given the current situation. The Wii U is struggling and a full Nintendo VC would be a HUGE attraction! People would be talking about all the classic games they're loving playing again and it would excite others to purchase the console.


Nintendo can always patch the issues out over time.

That would be horrific. That'd be turning Nintendo into DICE.

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Nintendo are a company who want their games perfect. You know this, as they have delayed games that they NEEDED to come out, just to make them be better.


If Nintendo were to do a one for all thing, then some games will suffer. Nintendo doesn't want that.


But emulators are more than capable of running games perfectly, i.e. in the best quality imaginable.


Why is Nintendo unable/unwilling to 'use' such an emulator, or rather use the tech behind it (which I have absolutely no knowledge of, but I assume for a company as large as Nintendo it is easily manageable)?

I mean, if those lovely gaming pirates/hackers can do it...


It might also be doable in a short amount of time, which could lead to:


The Wii U is struggling and a full Nintendo VC would be a HUGE attraction! People would be talking about all the classic games they're loving playing again and it would excite others to purchase the console.


Release an incredibly large, and equally amazing collection of games with perfect (!) quality

Edited by drahkon
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I've been meaning to ask, because this is the only Gaming forum I go on... what actually is the situation like on other forums?...


Surely not everyone on those can be happy with what Nintendo are doing at the moment? Do you not get the same sort of discussions happening elsewhere?


If there's something that other forums are doing that we are not, then any suggestions would be more than welcome.


Other forums probably do, don't go on many to be honest, but as I've said a few times, this place has got weird over the past 12-18 months. My comment though, was more in relation to other mediums than other gaming sites; the fact certain people bring up sales to prove a point all the time is weird rather than discussing the actual games, this site more and mores discusses the business side of gaming more than the gaming side of gaming it feels at times; the business side is fascinating; but it dominates most threads now. Just saying you don't get that on film forums and such (I don't think anyway). I realise there's a slight difference because films and music and such aren't limited with regards to format (hardware in gaming) so everyone can appreciate everything, and gaming your limited to the consoles you own. But I still find it a bit weird when someone so desperately tries to prove an inane point, badly, based on a game not selling to the level they deem appropriate.

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