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Wii U General Discussion


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You post these pictures, you haven't quoted anyone else so it looks like you just want to start a discussion about how pretty Wii U games are


In that image I see a lot of gorgeous looking games but just so many of them look way too similar. Its not hard to see where the variety complaints come from.


Happenstance tries to enter into a conversation


You're right, needs more of that PS4 variety...




You can't enter into a grown up discussion so bash the PS4 like some (retarded) school child in the playground.


I bring up the lack of variety thing when someone mentions the lack of variety on the Wii U. Just as I did in this instance, and all others.


But there is NO FUCKING NEED to bring up the PS4. We are not talking about the PS4, we are talking about the Wii U. And as shown above you were the first to bring up the PS4. Just enter into a grown up discussion for once in your life without having to resort to "oh but the PS4..."


Seriously it's so fucking ridiculous right now. people like @Rummy keep saying they are going to start being strict with you and your dickish ways. The trouble is they've been saying it for far too long and aren't actually doing anything.

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Seriously it's so fucking ridiculous right now. people like @Rummy keep saying they are going to start being strict with you and your dickish ways. The trouble is they've been saying it for far too long and aren't actually doing anything.


In fairness, stuff has been done about it. Ronnie has been banned from certain threads, Wii has put him on ignore lists, etc. We can't transform a person, it's down to his freewill at the end of it.


Why bother arguing/discussing it with him/at him if you're getting nowhere and having a shit time. Treat him as you do the WiiU; irrelevant.

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Err, relax?


My point about the PS4 was in relation to the Wii U. Next to the PS4 line up, the Wii U has plenty of variety. It just winds me up how often people say the Wii U has the same kind of games, it just isn't true.

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Err, relax?


My point about the PS4 was in relation to the Wii U. Next to the PS4 line up, the Wii U has plenty of variety. It just winds me up how often people say the Wii U has the same kind of games, it just isn't true.


Straight off the bat, the WiiU looks poor with the lack of sports titles. That covers a wide spread of gamers. The problem with you is that you twist the truth to suit your own agenda and you just focus on a small pool of games, or one particular area of focus, such as colour.

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Don't often post these days, but have to say I find the reaction to Ronnie's pretty mild comments and occasional sarcasm to be utterly disproportionate.


To me it mostly reads as an attempt to root for the underdog and counterbalance certain pervasive attitudes here and elsewhere. Why the need for all the smug superiority and 'my blanket statement is better than yours' rubbish.


What happened to the notion of individual taste? It's really sad to see this place descend into such clubby nonsense.

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Straight off the bat, the WiiU looks poor with the lack of sports titles. That covers a wide spread of gamers. The problem with you is that you twist the truth to suit your own agenda and you just focus on a small pool of games, or one particular area of focus, such as colour.


You focused on sports games to make a point, I focused on colour to make a point. I do completely agree there's a serious lack of sports titles on Wii U though. Though there are genres on Wii U that are lacking elsewhere.

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Don't often post these days, but have to say I find the reaction to Ronnie's pretty mild comments and occasional sarcasm to be utterly disproportionate.


To me it mostly reads as an attempt to root for the underdog and counterbalance certain pervasive attitudes here and elsewhere. Why the need for all the smug superiority and 'my blanket statement is better than yours' rubbish.


What happened to the notion of individual taste? It's really sad to see this place descend into such clubby nonsense.


The PS4 comment wasn't a massive one, you are right Lens but it's just one of many that we are all getting sick of. All Ronnie does is cause conflict and I think it's pretty terrible that Flink came in here and just tells us to ignore him, despite the fact that it's always derailing conversations so you can't. At some point the problem needs to be dealt with properly because the current punishments they are handing out aren't working.

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Don't often post these days, but have to say I find the reaction to Ronnie's pretty mild comments and occasional sarcasm to be utterly disproportionate.


You realise the people here visit the forum every day and are reacting based on how he is all the time (as in continuously, relentlessly trolling)?


Not trying to have a dig, but saying you're not around much means you probably have a very different perspective than the rest of us.

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Had I been bashing the Wii U in the Other Consoles side of the board I doubt Flink would be telling anyone to ignore me. People just need to relax a little bit, I don't understand why there's this over-sensitivity about tame PS4 abuse, on a Nintendo board, where the main Wii U thread has nothing but Nintendo abuse.

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The PS4 comment wasn't a massive one, you are right Lens but it's just one of many that we are all getting sick of. All Ronnie does is cause conflict and I think it's pretty terrible that Flink came in here and just tells us to ignore him, despite the fact that it's always derailing conversations so you can't. At some point the problem needs to be dealt with properly because the current punishments they are handing out aren't working.


He's not really done anything to require banning from the forum full stop. Nobody has sent a PM to my inbox about him, nobody has quoted which rules he's broken and, as far as I know, no other mods or 'mins have been contacted about Ronnie. If he's really causing you that much upset, use the ignore user function. He's just a fanboy, you get tons of these on the internet. I'm pretty sure Ronnie would be able to point the finger at others on the "opposite side" and claim the same thing.


We're just going to have to learn to get along, because you still want this place to be one where everybody can have their say, even if we don't necessarily agree with it. There's plenty of others who are willing to engage in interesting discussion, @King_V and @Grazza being some of them. I've had no problem in the past saying to the other staffers if I felt one person was particularly crossing the line, but in this instance I consider Ronnie to just be a blind fanboy.

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He's not really done anything to require banning from the forum full stop. Nobody has sent a PM to my inbox about him, nobody has quoted which rules he's broken and, as far as I know, no other mods or 'mins have been contacted about Ronnie. If he's really causing you that much upset, use the ignore user function. He's just a fanboy, you get tons of these on the internet. I'm pretty sure Ronnie would be able to point the finger at others on the "opposite side" and claim the same thing.


You can't go from telling us that Ronnie has been banned from threads then say he isn't doing anything wrong. And yes, other mods have been spoken to about him. Rummy is constantly warning him about his actions, especially in regards to Wii. Just yesterday I had to report another one of his posts because he was once again quoting Wii so it would appear on his notifications. Something Ronnie has had multiple warnings about.


Also the ignore feature is useless if he keeps derailing threads.

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You can't go from telling us that Ronnie has been banned from threads then say he isn't doing anything wrong. And yes, other mods have been spoken to about him. Rummy is constantly warning him about his actions, especially in regards to Wii. Just yesterday I had to report another one of his posts because he was once again quoting Wii so it would appear on his notifications. Something Ronnie has had multiple warnings about.


Also the ignore feature is useless if he keeps derailing threads.


I mistakenly quoted Wii, and then edited the post when I realised my error.


And I'm not derailing threads, this is a general, open thread that's had a thousand points of discussion. When the subject of console variety comes up, mention of the competition isn't exactly a stretch.

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Had I been bashing the Wii U in the Other Consoles side of the board I doubt Flink would be telling anyone to ignore me. People just need to relax a little bit, I don't understand why there's this over-sensitivity about tame PS4 abuse, on a Nintendo board, where the main Wii U thread has nothing but Nintendo abuse.


To be fair although there is no slagging off towards the Wii U in the other consoles board there is some jest towards it. It's all light hearted though and nobody takes it serious. Just banter.


Wheras in this board it's all knives out from both sides, admittedly. That's the difference.


In respect of that picture you put up it has reminded me how beautiful WW looked! Amazing!

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You can't go from telling us that Ronnie has been banned from threads then say he isn't doing anything wrong. And yes, other mods have been spoken to about him. Rummy is constantly warning him about his actions, especially in regards to Wii. Just yesterday I had to report another one of his posts because he was once again quoting Wii so it would appear on his notifications. Something Ronnie has had multiple warnings about.


Also the ignore feature is useless if he keeps derailing threads.


He's done things wrong beforehand, yes. And he's received punishments before, such as infractions. In this particular instance (this thread), I've not noticed anything that I consider ban-worthy, but I do agree that the Wii-quoting is irritating and we're trying to put a stop to that.

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He's done things wrong beforehand, yes. And he's received punishments before, such as infractions. In this particular instance (this thread), I've not noticed anything that I consider ban-worthy, but I do agree that the Wii-quoting is irritating and we're trying to put a stop to that.


Yeah and I have admitted that the PS4 comment isn't really what got me riled up. It's just one of many that's getting very boring, to the point where we get arguments like these yet again. He knows what he is doing, otherwise he wouldn't still be replying to Wii all the time despite being told not to.

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To be fair although there is no slagging off towards the Wii U in the other consoles board there is some jest towards it. It's all light hearted though and nobody takes it serious. Just banter.


Wheras in this board it's all knives out from both sides, admittedly. That's the difference.


In respect of that picture you put up it has reminded me how beautiful WW looked! Amazing!


The other difference is I don't go in all guns blazing on the other consoles board telling those posters who joke about the Wii U that they're like "retarded school children" and that "there's no fucking need to bring up the Wii U" on a PS4 thread.


As for Wind Waker... :love::love:

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Thanks for fielding some of this Flink - just to say I'm actually working at home right now due to a deadline this week, but this is something I'm going to address at some point this week.


Can we please keep it to Wii U discussion moving forward and not make it about the board and/or certain members/behaviours. You're going to get a chance to talk about this soon.

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He's not really done anything to require banning from the forum full stop.


I personally have reported 3 posts over the last few days for things that are directly quoted beneath the "reasons for reporting" form. If that's not doing something wrong, I don't know what is.

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I personally have reported 3 posts over the last few days for things that are directly quoted beneath the "reasons for reporting" form. If that's not doing something wrong, I don't know what is.


I've spoken to @Rummy as he's been dealing with most of Ronnie's stuff, so he's continuing to deal with that, including the bits you just mentioned.


We'll leave it there for now, as said in the bold part of Rummy's last post.

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I personally have reported 3 posts over the last few days for things that are directly quoted beneath the "reasons for reporting" form. If that's not doing something wrong, I don't know what is.


If you want to play that card, I'll draw your attention to this, from the rules thread;


2) Instructions given by the moderator team are to be followed.


To which point I specifically asked for this thread to continue to be about Wii U discussion. I'm not making any point but making the point I've made a few times recently - if you wish to call for enforcement of the 'rules' they can be done on a blanket basis but this may cause unexpected consequences for you.


Now. I'm not, as I've similarly not in other cases as argued, going to do anything about that but repeat myself - keep this thread to Wii U discussion moving forward and not make it about the board and/or certain members/behaviours. You're going to get a chance to talk about this soon.


Ignore my above advice and you'll find yourself unable to post in this thread. I thought my previous post would be enough to give at least a bit of patience.

Edited by Rummy
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Back to the WiiU then.


I think Nintendo have been given enough chances to improve and people are getting fed up with it, hence the backlash. I don't think Nintendo will ever improve, so should be removed from my gaming consciousness for the sake of the overall experience.

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