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Conferences are a shit load of fun; E3 is hype-tastic party, GamesCom is much more reserved and TGS usually has some gems. There's way more variety in regional conferences than the Directs. If I had to describe the Directs in one word, it would be 'meek'.


Part of me thinks it's because Nintendo lack the content to really compete with the other two. Sony even had an additional Playstation Experience in December and both Micrososft and Sony usually turn up at CES.


Nintendo had the best E3 last year, it seemed as though that was the industry consensus.






Nintendo's showing was pure gold and it was done in an interesting and fresh way.


...That's just an opinion piece. There's one for Sony, too.




And Microsoft.



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Conferences are a shit load of fun; E3 is hype-tastic party, GamesCom is much more reserved and TGS usually has some gems. There's way more variety in regional conferences than the Directs. If I had to describe the Directs in one word, it would be 'meek'.


Part of me thinks it's because Nintendo lack the content to really compete with the other two. Sony even had an additional Playstation Experience in December and both Micrososft and Sony usually turn up at CES.




...That's just an opinion piece. There's one for Sony, too.




And Microsoft.




I think thats' harsh considering they had content all day every day of the event live streamed. I genuinely think they wanted to do something different, they should be applauded for being bold and trying something different, like they do with their consoles. We shouldn't have such high praise for companies doing the same thing all the time, gets boring! Nice we have a company who are willing to spice things up.


WTF, you can't be serious? 5/10 shovelware doesn't count. We're talking proper exclusives with critical acclaim.


He's saying that all 3rd patties are pretty much exclusives too.

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How about IGN? They put it to a vote...



Nintendo won most votes in "Games", "Conferences" and "Overall" categories. Basically they won the lot in 2014.


Part of me thinks it's because Nintendo lack the content to really compete with the other two. Sony even had an additional Playstation Experience in December and both Micrososft and Sony usually turn up at CES.


Well done for Sony to have PS Experience. Nintendo have Directs every two months.

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Conferences are a shit load of fun; E3 is hype-tastic party, GamesCom is much more reserved and TGS usually has some gems. There's way more variety in regional conferences than the Directs. If I had to describe the Directs in one word, it would be 'meek'.


Part of me thinks it's because Nintendo lack the content to really compete with the other two. Sony even had an additional Playstation Experience in December and both Micrososft and Sony usually turn up at CES.




...That's just an opinion piece. There's one for Sony, too.




And Microsoft.



Nintendo don't "lack content". People have said that for both years they have done digital events, and they delivered and then some.


They also do bi-monthly directs filled with new games, new information, release dates etc. plus ones dedicated to specific games.


So yeah, Nintendo doesn't "lack content".

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Shocker, the biggest nob on the forum resorts to insults... (yes, I know, hypocrite). Why are you so incapable of discussing things? You argue with so many people on here, do you not realise YOU are the reason these arguments happen? Someone disagrees so you have to start insulting.... shocker!!


So what is cretinous? You never actually explained? Probably too busy to throw an insult out as someone doesn't agree with you. I wonder if you're like this in real life, but it wouldn't surprise me if you were slightly socially retarded and use forums as a way to "express" yourself.


As I expected of you, all you've done is focus on the comment about the cretinous mindset (which it is), rather than focus on the actual reasons I'm attacking it. Sometimes people deserve to be challenged for making really crappy comments.


Look at what you're doing - you're essentially reducing the worth of a game to what system it releases on. It's such a futile exercise, and it's the reason only the most religiously insular members on the forum are thanking your posts right now.


As I said to you, there's a shedload of games that the Wii U doesn't get - it's quite easy, therefore, to view these many games as 'exclusives'. If not exclusive to PS4, at least exclusive to specific consoles. To many of us, we're only going to get one PS4 or X1 - because each console costs upwards of £300, along with a £40 subscription that must be renewed each year.


For that reason, I view the PS4 as incredibly valuable to me as it is my means to play, say, Witcher 3, just as your Wii U is valuable to you to play NSM3DW. At the end of the day, the same value is placed, so the argument about exclusives is such a shallow one. And it really does you a disservice to constantly bring it up a if you have a point.

Edited by Sheikah
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For me Sony easily had the worst showing last year and they know they did. The Gamescom presser was something else though and fixed everything that was wrong with the E3 conference.


I'm hoping Nintendo put on another event like the Smash Tournament. It was amazing sitting up until 1 in the morning and watching it and chatting in the chat room with you guys. Good times.


The Treehouse section were great up until they started repeating everything. It's great for those who missed out but for those you watched it all it got very repetitive. I just hope they keep Audrey out of the picture this year. Her constant use of the word exactly was a real mood killer.

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Nintendo don't "lack content". People have said that for both years they have done digital events, and they delivered and then some.


They also do bi-monthly directs filled with new games, new information, release dates etc. plus ones dedicated to specific games.


So yeah, Nintendo doesn't "lack content".


I guess I mean relatively, since they have relatively no third party support.


You're asking Nintendo to compete with two other bigger first-party companies and then every other third-party making games for those two, which is a boat-load. That's kind of unfair.

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What was wrong with the wool shop? :p


I guess I mean relatively, since they have relatively no third party support.


You're asking Nintendo to compete with two other bigger first-party companies and then every other third-party making games for those two, which is a boat-load. That's kind of unfair.





They had as much content, if not more, than the rest and do when they provide the Directs as opposed to the others who just have E3, Gamescom and Sony's own event. Just because they focus on their own stuff rather than fill it with third party stuff (which for some makes no sense seeing as some of those companies have their own press conferences at E3) doesn't mean they have less content.

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Nintendo don't "lack content". People have said that for both years they have done digital events, and they delivered and then some.


They also do bi-monthly directs filled with new games, new information, release dates etc. plus ones dedicated to specific games.


So yeah, Nintendo doesn't "lack content".


When you think about it, they really do. At least, definitely for Wii U.


They're basically propping up their own console. Sony have tons of third party games, Nintendo don't. You're always hearing complaints about droughts on Nintendo consoles, with people having to wait months until there is any game at all. You've also got the issue that some games are "1 per console" like Mario Kart. Once that's done, what next?

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As I expected of you, all you've done is focus on the comment about the cretinous mindset (which it is), rather than focus on the actual reasons I'm attacking it. Sometimes people deserve to be challenged for making really crappy comments.


Look at what you're doing - you're essentially reducing the worth of a game to what system it releases on. It's such a futile exercise, and it's the reason only the most religiously insular members on the forum are thanking your posts right now.


As I said to you, there's a shedload of games that the Wii U doesn't get - it's quite easy, therefore, to view these many games as 'exclusives'. If not exclusive to PS4, at least exclusive to specific consoles. To many of us, we're only going to get one PS4 or X1 - because each console costs upwards of £300, along with a £40 subscription that must be renewed each year.


For that reason, I view the PS4 as incredibly valuable to me as it is my means to play, say, Witcher 3, just as your Wii U is valuable to you to play NSM3DW. At the end of the day, the same value is placed, so the argument about exclusives is such a shallow one. And it really does you a disservice to constantly bring it up a if you have a point.


Well why say it? Why resort to petty insults? It undermines everything you have to say.


And you say focus on the reasons, but you didn't explain them. At all. Please explain WHAT is cretinous?


I think your exclusive argument is weak and desperate. You don't have to get so defensive about Sony you know?


And ultimately my point which I think you're referring to is about the memory of consoles, think about to past consoles, them most memorable games are the exclusives, the way we talk about past consoles is defined by the exclusives as that is what sports it apart. When we think of Batman, Evolve, GTA we're not going to be thinking about the ps4. But when we think of Uncharted and Shadow of the Colossus and Halo and Metroid etc we think of the consoles they were on, as that's how they are defined. That was my point. Not a judgement of the consoles being worthy now, or people getting hundreds of hours of game time, or people loving it, just how consoles are defined. And it's the weakest aspect of the PS4.


Man, I forgot about that. All of us were raging in the chat room at the time. :D


It's okay, as the game isn't out yet we may make a return to the wool shop this e3 too :)

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Daft's comment is exactly how I interpreted it initially. Most of life is relative. If you say something lacks content, you're saying that based on how much content you expect to see. And what you expect to see is based on what you've seen from elsewhere, or before.

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They had as much content, if not more, than the rest and do when they provide the Directs as opposed to the others who just have E3, Gamescom and Sony's own event. Just because they focus on their own stuff rather than fill it with third party stuff (which for some makes no sense seeing as some of those companies have their own press conferences at E3) doesn't mean they have less content.


I'm not moving the goalposts. When looking at all things coming to their home consoles - it doesn't matter if Nintendo focus on their own stuff - they have much less content. Why does it matter who made it as long as it was coming to the platform holder's console.

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The point is, it doesn't matter who said who 'won' E3 because everyone has a different answer.


Unless of course you put it to a vote and get the consensus amongst a very reasonable sample size on IGN, the biggest neutral gaming site. In which case Nintendo won by a fair distance.


As I said to you, there's a shedload of games that the Wii U doesn't get - it's quite easy, therefore, to view these many games as 'exclusives'.


There's also a shedload of Wii U exclusives the PS4 doesn't get. Where's Zelda or Pikmin or Mario Kart or Donkey Kong or Wonderful 101 or Captain Toad or NintendoLand etc etc. Exclusives work two ways. Nintendo clearly has the better set, ones that are actually critically adored.

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Well, it happened



At Nintendo of Europe, we continue to challenge ourselves to develop a range of entertaining experiences for all to enjoy. Due to the extremely complex nature of localising multiple television services across a diverse range of countries with varied licensing systems, regrettably we have taken the decision not to launch the Nintendo TVii service within the European region. Although on this occasion we did not anticipate such challenges, we will always strive to develop a range of entertaining experiences for all our users to enjoy.


With this in mind, Nintendo of Europe has launched the Nintendo Anime Channel, a new video-on-demand service on Nintendo 3DS which offers users the chance to stream anime series from the likes of Pokémon, Kirby, and Inazuma Eleven. New content will be added regularly and access to this service is granted simply by downloading a free application from Nintendo eShop.

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I remember a thread on Neogaf a couple of months ago, where several users were suggesting some features were removed from the US version. I guess its not really a major loss.


Just hoping for more apps like Netflix to come to the Wii U, like BBC iplayer and the WWE Network.

Edited by Helmsly
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