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Yep you're right, we should assume that Nintendo will release Xenoblade and Zelda a week or two apart. You're splitting hairs man and reading far too much into it.


I listed 12 games scheduled for 2015. Now add two or three additional games we don't know about, 15 games, so it really isn't a stretch for people to be claiming a game a month.

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To be honest, it all comes down to your tastes. It's unfair to say Wii U will only satisfy you if you don't play much/you're not a serious gamer - there's some massive gamers here that play almost exclusively on Nintendo consoles, and if anything, this generation Nintendo are releasing games more targeted towards their more hardcore support rather than the casuals of the Wii era.


Whether it's got a great line up in the future is purely subjective - if you aren't bothered at all about what's coming out in the future for the PS4 doesn't necessarily make it a crap line up - just not suited for you. Games are revealed all the time - who knows what will be announced for release before the end of next year? Yes, you can pretty much say there won't be a lot of third party support, but there will always be games - and does everything have to be top top tier AAA exclusive? Can't a game just be judged on its own merits rather than how genre-defining it is? It feels like everything nowadays has to be THE BEST EVER to be worth playing.

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@Fierce_LiNk What has happened to you... Sony Fanboy already :P


you criticise a potential one a month and comeback on your "little support" comment, then when games are presented to be coming out next year you say we don't know for sure. Yet are fine to then justify saying third party will definitely provide loads of great stuff... A little hypcocritical.


As for Devils Third, I'm just saying it's the kind of game you DON'T find on the Wii U, so it's interesting for that reason no? Same with Bayonetta? Again, you're judging a game shown incredibly early, yet games we don't even know about on the other consoles you have all the confidence in the world in.


The difference between titan fall and forza is that they came at the same time (pretty much), not a remake of a much older game. It's not comparable at all. And forza 360 is meant to be a different game entirely (relatively).


I have no doubt the games will come, but it's surprising how little there's been in the first year, and also, that doesn't mean the Wii U is bad, can't they both have great games coming!

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Yep you're right, we should assume that Nintendo will release Xenoblade and Zelda a week or two apart. You're splitting hairs man and reading far too much into it.


I listed 12 games scheduled for 2015. Now add two or three additional games we don't know about, 15 games, so it really isn't a stretch for people to be claiming a game a month.


Wuh? You posted 12 games and claimed that Nintendo would be releasing them once a month, despite the fact that all that we have seen for some of these games have been tech demos (at best). Not even sure if we've seen anything at all for Mario Party 10. You gave an incorrect fact and I simply corrected you. Of course, if Nintendo could get 1 game out on their system a month, that would be good. I would be delighted if Xenoblade arrives next year. Zelda, too, although we still know nothing substantial about that yet.


To be honest, it all comes down to your tastes. It's unfair to say Wii U will only satisfy you if you don't play much/you're not a serious gamer - there's some massive gamers here that play almost exclusively on Nintendo consoles, and if anything, this generation Nintendo are releasing games more targeted towards their more hardcore support rather than the casuals of the Wii era.



There are some massive gamers on here that play exclusively on Nintendo systems. However, there are also many (over the years as well) who have left Nintendo, partly why there is such a huge following in the other consoles boards. I don't see an awful lot of difference between their output last generation and this generation. We've still got Smash Bros and Mario Kart on both, Kirby games, platformers, New Super Mario Bros on both, etc. There's a like for like on both systems, e.g. ZombiU on WiiU, RE4WiiEdition, Dead Space Extraction on Wii. The balance and output is roughly the same.


Whether it's got a great line up in the future is purely subjective - if you aren't bothered at all about what's coming out in the future for the PS4 doesn't necessarily make it a crap line up - just not suited for you. Games are revealed all the time - who knows what will be announced for release before the end of next year? Yes, you can pretty much say there won't be a lot of third party support, but there will always be games - and does everything have to be top top tier AAA exclusive? Can't a game just be judged on its own merits rather than how genre-defining it is? It feels like everything nowadays has to be THE BEST EVER to be worth playing.


Who said about everything having to be the best ever? All I simply said was that I wasn't sure if Nintendo could achieve that genre-defining status again. Not every game they have made is Super Metroid, it's split into tiers, isn't it? There's the top tier games like Smash Bros, mid-tier games like Hyrule Warriors, low-tier like Mario Party and then there's the absolute god-tier which is reserved for the likes of Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, F Zero GX, etc. My argument is the same, I don't know if Nintendo have it in them to make a game like Super Metroid again, all it takes is one or two games like that on a console to change it from something that's average to an unforgettable system. What does everyone talk about when you mention the word "Dreamcast"? Soul Caliber, Shenmue, those types of games, the ones that actually stand the test of time.

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Speaking of drivel, some of the games scheduled for next year are exactly that, drivel. The only 2 games I'm definitely buying are Xenoblade and Zelda(chances are it'll be the year after before it's released). Some of the others I wouldn't even spit on.

Edited by Wii
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Wuh? You posted 12 games and claimed that Nintendo would be releasing them once a month, despite the fact that all that we have seen for some of these games have been tech demos (at best). Not even sure if we've seen anything at all for Mario Party 10. You gave an incorrect fact and I simply corrected you. Of course, if Nintendo could get 1 game out on their system a month, that would be good. I would be delighted if Xenoblade arrives next year. Zelda, too, although we still know nothing substantial about that yet.





There are some massive gamers on here that play exclusively on Nintendo systems. However, there are also many (over the years as well) who have left Nintendo, partly why there is such a huge following in the other consoles boards. I don't see an awful lot of difference between their output last generation and this generation. We've still got Smash Bros and Mario Kart on both, Kirby games, platformers, New Super Mario Bros on both, etc. There's a like for like on both systems, e.g. ZombiU on WiiU, RE4WiiEdition, Dead Space Extraction on Wii. The balance and output is roughly the same.




Who said about everything having to be the best ever? All I simply said was that I wasn't sure if Nintendo could achieve that genre-defining status again. Not every game they have made is Super Metroid, it's split into tiers, isn't it? There's the top tier games like Smash Bros, mid-tier games like Hyrule Warriors, low-tier like Mario Party and then there's the absolute god-tier which is reserved for the likes of Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, F Zero GX, etc. My argument is the same, I don't know if Nintendo have it in them to make a game like Super Metroid again, all it takes is one or two games like that on a console to change it from something that's average to an unforgettable system. What does everyone talk about when you mention the word "Dreamcast"? Soul Caliber, Shenmue, those types of games, the ones that actually stand the test of time.


To be honest, it seems like you're letting nostalgia cloud your judgement. And there you go putting things into tiers - saying Hyrule Warriors is a mid-tier game, yet it's probably my most enjoyed, most played game of the year.


What is it that makes you think that Nintendo can't make a top top game? It sounds like you're just after a Metroid and F-Zero - who says they're not coming and won't be the best yet?

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I think Nintendo need to try their damn hardest to get Zelda out next year, Wii U isn't doing great as it is, leaving ANOTHER Zelda to struggle at the arse-end of a consoles life or get awkwardly sandwiched inbetween two (Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess) won't be great for the series at all.

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Wuh? You posted 12 games and claimed that Nintendo would be releasing them once a month


No, what I actually said was I "wouldn't be surprised to see one major release every month". So, more than 12 major releases scheduled for next year and you want to argue that that doesn't equate to one every month. :indeed:


Not even sure if we've seen anything at all for Mario Party 10.


It was demoed extensively at E3 actually.


You gave an incorrect fact and I simply corrected you.


I suggested what I think might happen, based on common sense and reasonable guess work. Are you really arguing over a nothing comment that 12 games equates to one a month? Nothing better to question?


Of course, if Nintendo could get 1 game out on their system a month, that would be good.


Wow, heavy praise, but you'd find something else to complain about.

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I'm pretty sure there are a few unannounced games (3D World was announced 5 months before release) and I recall Nintendo saying that they may release one or two GameCube remakes to fill up a few (to account for games being released close together at the end of the year).


However, I seriously hope that the two Project games aren't counted as the "one a month", unless they change massively from the embarrassingly bad minigames we saw at E3. Also, Mario Maker would need to be massively expanded to be worth being a retail game.

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@Fierce_LiNk What has happened to you... Sony Fanboy already :P


I'm not a fanboy at all, I'm a lover of games and I want to play as many great games as possible. If anything, I'd say that I'm neutral at the moment, having previously being very pro-Nintendo.


you criticise a potential one a month and comeback on your "little support" comment, then when games are presented to be coming out next year you say we don't know for sure. Yet are fine to then justify saying third party will definitely provide loads of great stuff... A little hypcocritical.


What? Do you even read, brah? I questioned the one-game-a-month comment and I questioned whether some of these would even be out next year because we have very little information on these. Or, what we saw was very rough, like those Miyamoto demos.


I'll post again what I said about third parties:


"Also, it's not blind to have faith in third party support because it encompasses a lot of different companies/developers/publishers over a vast array of genres. It's not just EA, it's also the likes of Bethesda, SEGA, Ubisoft, etc. Even if we say that this year has been quiet for the PS4/One, there's still big hitters like Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, etc that have come out or will be out this year. There seems to be this myth that only Nintendo knows how to make a quality game which is absolutely not true, especially these days. "


Third parties basically encompasses a shit load of developers and publishers and they cover a wide range of genres. That's a lot of games we're talking about then, even some of the ones that we already know about like Battlefield: Hardline, Arkham Knight, The Witcher, The Order, etc. There's a lot of high quality titles out next year, I don't exactly know what you're trying to say. Maybe you're severely underestimating the amount of developers or publishers who are out there...


As for Devils Third, I'm just saying it's the kind of game you DON'T find on the Wii U, so it's interesting for that reason no? Same with Bayonetta? Again, you're judging a game shown incredibly early, yet games we don't even know about on the other consoles you have all the confidence in the world in.


Sorry, Daz. No Nintendo fan gave a flying fuck about this game until it became an exclusive. I'd go as far as to say that very few actually even knew about it until that happened. Of course I'm judging a game based on what is shown, what else is there to judge? It's like No Man's Sky, you judge based on what you see and the general perception/hands on from those in the know. One is a game that is perceived as one of the most anticipated around and the other is The Devil's Third. What's wrong with saying that a game isn't looking great at the moment? It needs a fuck ton of work done to it and maybe then it'll turn out decent, who knows. But, at the moment, it doesn't look good at all. Nowt wrong with saying that.



The difference between titan fall and forza is that they came at the same time (pretty much), not a remake of a much older game. It's not comparable at all. And forza 360 is meant to be a different game entirely (relatively).


There's that, but then The Last of Us did come out very late on in the PS3's life. Technically, neither are exclusive to the One or PS4 (since you can get them elsewhere), although I don't generally care for those kinds of arguments anyway, I just find it funny that some get hung up on it. :D


I have no doubt the games will come, but it's surprising how little there's been in the first year, and also, that doesn't mean the Wii U is bad, can't they both have great games coming!


Both can have good games out for them, yes. But, what I was driving at earlier is the importance of third party support. There's going to be a shit ton of games in the next year that just won't make their way onto the WiiU, it's already happening with the likes of Destiny, Metro, Assassin's Creed, Fifa, etc, and the gap will continue to grow wider. That's mainly what I was talking about in reference to Paj's post.


I'll refer to my original post again:


"Answering one of your earlier questions about third party support being limited: The answer to that is yes, it is. Third party support is all but drying up. If you do buy the WiiU, you'll be buying it for the Nintendo games because there will be very little else out there, apart from the few third party games which arrived early on. If you're buying it for the purpose of playing Mario Kart and Smash Bros with couch multiplayer, you should be ok and get by with it."


which answered Paj!'s post here:


"With Smash Bros having reignited by interest in both gaming and Nintendo I have been toying with getting a Wii U ... But I would LOVE if you guys could advise/tell me things.


Best offer out there?

Is the stable of games as tiny as it looks? (I understand third party support was limited...)

Is it a good price point?

What do I "need" to have a satisfying console experience - like memory, controllers etc?

Do I need a big fancy tv for it? By this I mean a television bought in last five years.


Games I'm interested in ; MK8, Smash Bros Wii U, Hyrule Warriors


Vague I know but I need to think about it seriously and can't tell if I just want to impulse buy something or if this is something I want.


Bear in mind: I've never been a serious gamer and always had the Nintendo console. I'm a Nintendo fan at this point and I get what it entails. "


I've bolded the parts to make it obvious which sections I was addressing in my posts.


To be honest, it seems like you're letting nostalgia cloud your judgement. And there you go putting things into tiers - saying Hyrule Warriors is a mid-tier game, yet it's probably my most enjoyed, most played game of the year.


What is it that makes you think that Nintendo can't make a top top game? It sounds like you're just after a Metroid and F-Zero - who says they're not coming and won't be the best yet?


Not sure where you're getting the nostalgia line from. Fifa is probably my most enjoyed, most played game of the year, too. Still mid-tier. Are Hyrule Warriors and Captain Toad in the same bracket as Smash? I wouldn't say so, but that's fine because you need a balance. You need the high quality games (Zelda, Mario Kart - minus the abysmal battle mode) and the ones that aren't as high but are still good (Kirby, Yoshi). Like you already said, not every game is going to be genre-defining and not every game is going to be in that top tier of game, it's stupid to think that. But, you would certainly expect some to fall into that bracket, otherwise all you have is mediocrity. I don't see how that can be argued against.


Um, what makes me think Nintendo can't? Because...they haven't for many years? It's been a decade since F Zero GX (only Nintendo in licence, thanks to SEGA/Amusement Vision for the hard work) and Super Metroid was very special and also a very long time ago. There's nothing really on the horizon that truly shows that Nintendo have the capacity to do those types of games, except for Zelda, which we didn't see enough of to judge properly. At the moment, it's all ifs and maybes.


People think Zelda will be coming out next year? Genuinely surprised at the optimism.


Who knows, we'll wait and see. Personally I'd imagine Easter 2016.


I think Nintendo need to try their damn hardest to get Zelda out next year, Wii U isn't doing great as it is, leaving ANOTHER Zelda to struggle at the arse-end of a consoles life or get awkwardly sandwiched inbetween two (Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess) won't be great for the series at all.


Agree with both of these points.


I haven't proof-read my post because I was eating my tea and typing. Aw well. Sorry for the long post, there were lots of bits to quote and reply to.

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Tbh I won't offer much new @Paj\! as I found myself rather agreeing with Flink's sentiments looking at your original post. I only own the WiiU atm, but I don't know how great I'd say it is in the grand scheme of things, yet for what you've said you're after and how you've gamed in the past I think at the right price it isn't all that bad.


Out of interest - can we get some sort of a Godwin's Ban in here @Ashley? Every time someone feels the need to specifically bring up the competitions console(s) to defend arguably negative/positive points being made about the WiiU we give them a bit of a ban maybe :p?

Edited by Rummy
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-Super Mario 3D World is absolutely fantastic. Sonic Lost World isn't too shabby, I hear.

-Pikmin 3 is quite good;

-Wonderful 101. Should be worth a look-see;

-Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Rayman Legends are amazing 2D platformers. Yoshi's Woolly World is coming, too;

-The console has Batman Arkham City and Tekken Tag Tournament 2, if you haven't played either before;

-Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD. Like Zelda but haven't played that one? You could now. Also, the next Legend of Zelda looks pretty good;

-Bayonetta 2 strikes me as your cup of tea (the art/style/direction, at least, not sure about the gameplay, but you're interested in Hyrule Warriors, so I think you'll be good);

-For eShop games, there are plenty, and too many to list here, but Shovel Knight and Guacamelee spring to mind.


Also, as for the complaints you've heard that there might not be much coming out... Nintendo tends to announce major games less than 6 months before release :heh: Nobody actually knows what more they have in store for the future.


Still mid-tier.


Like you already said, not every game is going to be genre-defining and not every game is going to be in that top tier of game, it's stupid to think that. But, you would certainly expect some to fall into that bracket, otherwise all you have is mediocrity. I don't see how that can be argued against.


Oxi_Waste, get out of this man's account immediately >:o


I was eating my tea


I had to double-check this to see what you meant :heh:

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What? Do you even read, brah? I questioned the one-game-a-month comment and I questioned whether some of these would even be out next year because we have very little information on these. Or, what we saw was very rough, like those Miyamoto demos.


I skimmed :) But still, all those games are "supposed" to be coming out next year and there'll be many we don't know about yet. I think it's a fair rebuttal of your "very little" comment.


I'll post again what I said about third parties:


"Also, it's not blind to have faith in third party support because it encompasses a lot of different companies/developers/publishers over a vast array of genres. It's not just EA, it's also the likes of Bethesda, SEGA, Ubisoft, etc. Even if we say that this year has been quiet for the PS4/One, there's still big hitters like Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, etc that have come out or will be out this year. There seems to be this myth that only Nintendo knows how to make a quality game which is absolutely not true, especially these days. "


Third parties basically encompasses a shit load of developers and publishers and they cover a wide range of genres. That's a lot of games we're talking about then, even some of the ones that we already know about like Battlefield: Hardline, Arkham Knight, The Witcher, The Order, etc. There's a lot of high quality titles out next year, I don't exactly know what you're trying to say. Maybe you're severely underestimating the amount of developers or publishers who are out there...


No, I guess I'm just saying I think it's weird that ultimately we don't much about exactly what and when they're coming, so I don't understand how you can dismiss one so easily yet have full confidence in the other. I'm not saying there won't be lots of great titles, it's just I'm also not dismissing what's coming out for the wii u


Sorry, Daz. No Nintendo fan gave a flying fuck about this game until it became an exclusive. I'd go as far as to say that very few actually even knew about it until that happened. Of course I'm judging a game based on what is shown, what else is there to judge? It's like No Man's Sky, you judge based on what you see and the general perception/hands on from those in the know. One is a game that is perceived as one of the most anticipated around and the other is The Devil's Third. What's wrong with saying that a game isn't looking great at the moment? It needs a fuck ton of work done to it and maybe then it'll turn out decent, who knows. But, at the moment, it doesn't look good at all. Nowt wrong with saying that.


Very strange point, how can you judge or even make a comment to prove a point on nintendo fans giving a fuck about this game? What does it mean either way? Nothing as far as I can tell. Nintendo fans probably didn't give a fuck about Bayonetta either at the time because it wasn't on their system and they couldn't play it.. But doesn't dilute Bayonetta 2 in any way... All I'm saying is that it is another exclusive in a genre and tone that is very limited on Wii U so is notable because of it. And you can say what you like about any game... it does need loads of work, luckily it has loads of time.



There's that, but then The Last of Us did come out very late on in the PS3's life. Technically, neither are exclusive to the One or PS4 (since you can get them elsewhere), although I don't generally care for those kinds of arguments anyway, I just find it funny that some get hung up on it. :D


I guess it's because it should be what separates consoles. If all the best games are on the one and the ps4 but one has better exclusives then in theory that should be way more attractive. Exclusives are important. If Sunset overdrive wasn't exclusive then I wouldn't be tempted at all by the one for example. But I am.



Both can have good games out for them, yes. But, what I was driving at earlier is the importance of third party support. There's going to be a shit ton of games in the next year that just won't make their way onto the WiiU, it's already happening with the likes of Destiny, Metro, Assassin's Creed, Fifa, etc, and the gap will continue to grow wider. That's mainly what I was talking about in reference to Paj's post.


Yeah, and it is true, I mean I think the ps4 missing out on nintendo;s games is infinitely worse than any third party nintendo only fans are missing out on :) but it's a huge shame we can't have the best of both worlds. Or we can, buy two! But that wasn't my point to compare which is better, just more trying to understand your faith in one and dismissal of another. But it's probably not that interesting and maybe we should just delete all these posts...


But ultimately @paj, I think if you want smash then get one. The console is dirt cheap now and there's so much more for the console than that. Everyone covered most of the good stuff and hinted at indies and vc titles, but if you do get one and want some cheap treats, venture in those threads and I"m sure loads of us would be able to recommend loads of stuff!

Edited by dazzybee
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I mean I think the ps4 missing out on nintendo;s games is infinitely worse than any third party nintendo only fans are missing out on :)




Personally I don't particularly care about missing out on FIFA 26, AC 9 and generic war shooter XIII if it means I get to play Nintendo 1st party goodness.

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Thanks for all the opinions and info guys. I dunno! I think it might be the first bib purchase I treat myself to once I've moved out and have my own place. Staying at parents again at the mo and don't want to overtake their TV.


Off screen play baby! Honestly, this is such a great feature. I'm getting my son a PS4 for Christmas and I know he's going to be devastated by how little he'll get to play it when we want to watch tv.

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Oxi_Waste, get out of this man's account immediately >:o

I had to double-check this to see what you meant :heh:




He would be right though and I think that's one area we both agree on. (also, he loves Super Metroid and anybody with taste obviously does)


I skimmed :) But still, all those games are "supposed" to be coming out next year and there'll be many we don't know about yet. I think it's a fair rebuttal of your "very little" comment.


Even still, those Miyamoto demos looked very, very raw and as for Starfox, what did we see exactly? There are no doubt many of those that are look good already, but some of those look like they need a lot of work. If they come out and they're good games, then fair enough. At this stage, I think a lot of gamers are well within their right to be dubious, especially because we've been waiting for some decent usage of the gamepad's abilities and...Miyamoto's contributions did not inspire confidence.



No, I guess I'm just saying I think it's weird that ultimately we don't much about exactly what and when they're coming, so I don't understand how you can dismiss one so easily yet have full confidence in the other. I'm not saying there won't be lots of great titles, it's just I'm also not dismissing what's coming out for the wii u


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.



Very strange point, how can you judge or even make a comment to prove a point on nintendo fans giving a fuck about this game? What does it mean either way? Nothing as far as I can tell. Nintendo fans probably didn't give a fuck about Bayonetta either at the time because it wasn't on their system and they couldn't play it.. But doesn't dilute Bayonetta 2 in any way... All I'm saying is that it is another exclusive in a genre and tone that is very limited on Wii U so is notable because of it. And you can say what you like about any game... it does need loads of work, luckily it has loads of time.


There's no buzz whatsoever with The Devil's Third, either before E3, during it or after. It's very, very low on the list of priorities in terms of what's out there. How many people mention it on this forum? Nobody is talking about. All we can do is judge it at its current state and so far it's not looking great. It could still turn out fine, that's not the dispute here, the issue is whether it should be on our "what to look forward to" list because there's no real signs of quality there or nothing that sets it apart from the crowd. Look at No Man's Sky, it was unique from the start and it automatically shot to the top of many people's lists, even though there wasn't a lot of it shown.


I guess it's because it should be what separates consoles. If all the best games are on the one and the ps4 but one has better exclusives then in theory that should be way more attractive. Exclusives are important. If Sunset overdrive wasn't exclusive then I wouldn't be tempted at all by the one for example. But I am.


Exclusives are important, but it's still important to look at the bigger picture. Both systems are still new and both have long lifespans ahead of it. In the end, it probably will come down to exclusives for those ones (people who prefer Halo will get an Xbox and people who want something like The Last of Us will get a PS4, that sorta thing. Gran Turismo and Forza, etc).


Yeah, and it is true, I mean I think the ps4 missing out on nintendo;s games is infinitely worse than any third party nintendo only fans are missing out on :) but it's a huge shame we can't have the best of both worlds. Or we can, buy two! But that wasn't my point to compare which is better, just more trying to understand your faith in one and dismissal of another. But it's probably not that interesting and maybe we should just delete all these posts...


That first bit is very debatable! We could be here all night with that one. I'd also imagine that many would argue that Nintendo don't have the same pulling power that they once did, so they'd miss those exclusives much less. I could happily live without Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and...probably Mario Kart, too. Especially if that Battle Mode never gets fixed.




Personally I don't particularly care about missing out on FIFA 26, AC 9 and generic war shooter XIII if it means I get to play Nintendo 1st party goodness.


You probably don't care because ignorance is bliss. :)


Anyway, I'm done. I enjoyed that Dazzy and I respect you for taking the time to post all of that...I know we both waffle on. See you on Fifa, brah.

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@Ronnie - you won't be surprised if there IS one a month 1st party from Nintendo next year, but will you be surprised if there isn't? Like do you genuinely genuinely expect it?


Those saying about the Basic - what IS the price difference between basics and premiums atm? Like best deals on both sort of thing?

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Yeah, and it is true, I mean I think the ps4 missing out on nintendo;s games is infinitely worse than any third party nintendo only fans are missing out on :) but it's a huge shame we can't have the best of both worlds. Or we can, buy two! But that wasn't my point to compare which is better, just more trying to understand your faith in one and dismissal of another. But it's probably not that interesting and maybe we should just delete all these posts...

You really think Nintendo only fans have a better deal with the games from just one overarching company they'll be getting from now on relative to pretty much all the other games, visions and ideas that come from everyone else? Come on man, Nintendo just aren't that good.

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@Ronnie - you won't be surprised if there IS one a month 1st party from Nintendo next year, but will you be surprised if there isn't? Like do you genuinely genuinely expect it?


I'm not going to fall off my chair in surprise if they release two games one month and nothing the next month, but with so many titles scheduled for 2015, the only point I was trying to make from the very beginning is that it's likely we'll see one game approx every month. The bottom line is there's a lot coming out next year, which is great news, unless some people think great news should be discouraged on this thread.

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Nintendo Earnings: What to Watch


Nintendo Co. is scheduled to announce its second-quarter earnings after the market closes on Wednesday. Here’s what you need to know:


EARNINGS FORECAST: The Japanese videogame company is expected to report a net profit of ¥6.8 billion ($63 million) in the quarter through September, according to a poll of analysts surveyed by financial data provider Quick. A year earlier, it reported a net loss of ¥8.02 billion. It is also expected to largely wipe out its operating loss.


REVENUE FORECAST: Revenue is expected to fall to ¥106 billion in the quarter from ¥115 billion a year earlier.




-EARNINGS OUTLOOK: While the figures for the second quarter are set to look more encouraging, helped by robust sales of high-margin software, analysts say the real test for Nintendo will be the quarter through December, including the holiday shopping season. Jefferies analyst Atul Goyal says it is possible Nintendo will lower its guidance for the current fiscal year due to weak hardware sales. While Nintendo forecasts an operating profit of ¥40 billion for the year through March, Goyal predicts a loss of ¥25 billion.


-NEW SERVICES, APPS: The company has said it will launch a new healthcare-related service with more details to come before the end of the year. Some analysts also predict the unveiling of a smartphone application. Investors will keep an eye out for any information on these possible new offerings. But some Nintendo watchers say what the company really needs is a more drastic change in its strategy, such as making its games available through smartphones.


-RESTRUCTURING: The company has so far been reluctant to embrace wider restructuring measures. Investors will pay close attention to any specific steps aimed at cutting expenses and streamlining operations, including potential job cuts.


-CHINA STRATEGY: Analysts are hoping Nintendo will explain how it will expand its business in China as well as other emerging markets, where many see the biggest potential growth.




That's good news. It's a start, long may it continue and the Christmas period with Smash Bros., Bayonetta 2, New 3DS, Captain Toad and others should help garner some more profits. The Wii U can't be selling at a loss still?

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