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I'm still not seeing what's so horrible. What's so horrible about saying you should put them on your ignore list? If someone is being generally disruptive in derailing topics very often or making those sort of frustrating/biased posts, then rather than responding to them every time it seems like a perfectly sensible thing to suggest they go on your ignore list. It would certainly help clean up the site.


The other week King V put me on his ignore list and had a conversation with Clownferret in the topic about it (Clownferret commented that it was the best thing he ever did). And you know what, I'm glad! King V was often picking out parts of my posts for trivial reasons (often claiming I shouldn't bother with talking about the sales of games as it doesn't affect us).

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I'm not saying this because I agree with him and what he posts. I'm defending him because I don't agree with how he is treated by many people.


I'll just pop back in for a second as I meant to say this earlier. This stuff with Serebii just tends to boil over every now and again and we'll get conversations like this where people try to explain why they find him annoying. After years of putting up with him talking down to people, the arrogance and complete fanboyism you cant blame people for getting sick of it.


You mentioned earlier about how all this "disrepect" will lead to people leaving but there have already been examples in this conversation of people saying they left the forum for a while because of Serebii. He is disrespectful to everyone else. It may not be in the same way as me recommending to someone to put him on Ignore because he was annoying them apparently but its there.

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I think Nintendo are fully into riding the generation out the most cost effective way possible.


3rd party support all but finished, 1st party software limited with droughts galore and constant negative PR. This console cant be saved now.


Also people need to stop getting so angry/emotional over peoples opinions on a messageboard. Different opinions are good.

Edited by liger05
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Besides, I've received messages from many users here who appreciate me actually sticking up for Nintendo and trying to be positive in the face of the constant trashing Nintendo receives from certain people here. Some users have stopped posting because of it.


My last line to say on this is - if these people would be happy to come forward and get in touch with me via PM, I'd appreciate it as it presents both sides of an argument and I honestly want to see that in all cases(I've previously recieved messages to the contrary). I'd suggest you, @Serebii, to encourage this and then it's something that can be kept in mind going forward, as it seems this isn't the first time this issue has come up nor do I believe it will be the last. Having a fair representation from members across the forum and not just complaints gives a fairer picture that I'd be in favour of.

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I think Nintendo are fully into riding the generation out the most cost effective way possible.


3rd party support all but finished, 1st party software limited with droughts galore and constant negative PR. This console cant be saved now.


Also people need to stop getting so angry/emotional over peoples opinions on a messageboard. Different opinions are good.


I don't know, I still feel it's a bit early to be abandoning ship intentionally, especially with Smash just around the corner.


Though having said that - once Smash is done what's the next big thing to look forward to? What IS anyone here looking forward to after Smash?

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I don't know, I still feel it's a bit early to be abandoning ship intentionally, especially with Smash just around the corner.


Though having said that - once Smash is done what's the next big thing to look forward to? What IS anyone here looking forward to after Smash?

Splatoon. Zelda. Starfox.


I think Nintendo are fully into riding the generation out the most cost effective way possible.


3rd party support all but finished, 1st party software limited with droughts galore and constant negative PR. This console cant be saved now.


Also people need to stop getting so angry/emotional over peoples opinions on a messageboard. Different opinions are good.

First party software is no more limited than it ever has been. I can provide a list enumerating the first party content provided in the first 18 months of each console in the last four generations, if you wish. Only difference is that the gaps are a bit more noticeable now.

Edited by Serebii
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No one can honestly say they're looking forward to Starfox at this stage... we know next to nothing about it and what we think we might know is a bit concerning.


But yeah Zelda for sure atm!

Splatoon could be good.

Xenoblade really, really impressed me during the Treehouse showing! and that's from someone who wasn't really interested in the first game, and wasn't sure the sequel would be for me either. But I loved what I saw.

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I don't know, I still feel it's a bit early to be abandoning ship intentionally, especially with Smash just around the corner.


Though having said that - once Smash is done what's the next big thing to look forward to? What IS anyone here looking forward to after Smash?


This guy right here!




I'm gutted they pushed this back for us. I'm half tempted to get a US Wii U for it.

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Splatoon. Zelda. Starfox.



First party software is no more limited than it ever has been. I can provide a list enumerating the first party content provided in the first 18 months of each console in the last four generations, if you wish. Only difference is that the gaps are a bit more noticeable now.


As we've discussed a million times before, the problem is that most of the software is simply 'me too' sequels (DK, NSMB, Pikmin, Wii Sports, Wii Fit etc) which doesn't makes the console seem as though it's just a HD Wii. They haven't sat down and thought about how they can create bigger and better worlds yet. The jump doesn't seem as big as NES->SNES or N64->GC.


I actually left a very long post on this exact thread a few weeks back going into more detail which everyone seemed to agree with but I think it was another one which you ignored.

Edited by Goron_3
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As we've discussed a million times before, the problem is that most of the software is simply 'me too' sequels (DK, NSMB, Pikmin, Wii Sports, Wii Fit etc) which doesn't makes the console seem as though it's just a HD Wii. They haven't sat down and thought about how they can create bigger and better worlds yet. The jump doesn't seem as big as NES->SNES or N64->GC.


I actually left a very long post on this exact thread a few weeks back going into more detail which everyone seemed to agree with but I think it was another one which you ignored.

Well I do completely disagree with you, and we'd just be in a circular argument again...


And surely just claiming Pikmin 3 is a "me too" sequel is a bit disingenuous. It's a fantastic and fresh game. So what it's a sequel.

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Well I do completely disagree with you, and we'd just be in a circular argument again...


And surely just claiming Pikmin 3 is a "me too" sequel is a bit disingenuous. It's a fantastic and fresh game. So what it's a sequel.


You're disagreeing with me that the games they've released are sequels? I'm confused? They are a continuation of the same franchises. There's nothing to 'disagree on', I'm stating a fact. You're just disagreeing for no reason.


There's nothing wrong with it being a sequel, the point is that it's not going to excite anyone enough to spend £300 on a console.

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Well I do completely disagree with you, and we'd just be in a circular argument again...


And surely just claiming Pikmin 3 is a "me too" sequel is a bit disingenuous. It's a fantastic and fresh game. So what it's a sequel.


Fantastic game yeah, fresh it is not. It really does just feel like a HD version of Pikmin 2.


Sequels are fine but they need more new concepts.

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I think I read somewhere that it probably was a Wii game that got moved up to Wii U some way through production (as shown by how the game looked).


It's already been confirmed that it started off as a Wii game :) You can tell by a lot of textures unfortunately. That said it still looks amazeballs.

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No one can honestly say they're looking forward to Starfox at this stage... we know next to nothing about it and what we think we might know is a bit concerning.


Yup, Starfox being linked to those Project Guard and Project Giant Robot games killed my excitement.


Splatoon could be amazing as long as Nintendo don't mess up voice acting.


Zelda, well Zelda will be great even if it is another poor (for Zelda) one like Skyward Sword.


There's also Retro's next game, but I don't want to get excited about it after their last one.

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Fantastic game yeah, fresh it is not. It really does just feel like a HD version of Pikmin 2.


inb4 the "Uncharted 3 is not fresh. God of War 3 is not fresh. Dark Souls 2 is not fresh. CoD Advance Warfare is not fresh. AC IV is not fresh." - post

Yes, these games aren't fresh. Doesn't make Nintendo games any fresher.




Fresh. Such a fucking weird word.


I'd say Mario Galaxy was the only game that really did something "fresh" (:laughing:) even if it doesn't change the core gameplay. Nintendo need to do something in the scope of Galaxy to convince me that they still have what it takes/what they had in the past. :)


What am I looking forward to on the Wii U? Smash...it's the sole reason I caved when I had the chance to buy the console for 160€. And I swear to god...if the game isn't released this year...

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I think I read somewhere that it probably was a Wii game that got moved up to Wii U some way through production (as shown by how the game looked).


By how the game looked? The game is beautiful. Yes, it started on the Wii, but that doesn't mean it stuck to the Wii's capabilities. Come on.

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Splatoon. Zelda. Starfox.



First party software is no more limited than it ever has been. I can provide a list enumerating the first party content provided in the first 18 months of each console in the last four generations, if you wish. Only difference is that the gaps are a bit more noticeable now.


It's limited in the sense we have seen much of it before. I have no problem with sequels but too many titles were just wii games in HD


NSMBU was a glorified wii title and a game we saw just a few months earlier on the 3DS.


The likes of wii u sports, wii u play, wii u fit to me were easy decisions nintendo made rather than coming up with something different trying to cash in on an audience that left the party years ago.

Edited by liger05
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