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Do Sony or Microsoft do other announcements throughout the week? Or is it just the one conference?


They do more announcements, release more stuff and have a few other streaming events, but it is primarily the big conference.

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Do Sony or Microsoft do other announcements throughout the week? Or is it just the one conference?


Also I don't think Nintendo's efforts have been "blown out of proportion" at all. Nintendo was never going to announce Wave Race, F-Zero et al at one event. I don't know what people were expecting. All the games announced were exclusive to the console which compared to Sony and Microsoft's 1st party efforts are impressive.


You might not like the games announced but that's all personal preference. This is Nintendo of today and likely to be Nintendo of the future.


Also again Nintendo gets some positive feedback, people on here don't like it. Nintendo will not please everyone and probably not the majority on this forum.


I came into the whole thing with zero expectations and zero hype. I came out content with what Nintendo will be offering next year. Together with a second console I think we are in for a good ride.

The amount of bitching going on at the moment around the net is horrific.


For months people have been wanting new IPs (even though people throw lists proving there have been some, but they don't count because of reasons) and so Nintendo reveal two brand new IPs and one new spin-off IP, yet people across the net are whining that they didn't get a new Metroid or a remake of a 14 year old game. It's at the point where they're hurling abuse at Zelda Williams for it. It's ridiculous.


Also seeing people complaining now Aonuma has confirmed that Link is still male in the new Zelda.


I don't get people.


That's because they've shown way more in their conferences than Nintendo in their direct.

Did they, though? First party-wise?

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Ah, you meant first party. No idea.

I believe that the more a company relies on third parties in their press conference, the less they have themselves. Especially if the third party games they're showing are multiformat


But, I truly believe (and perhaps erroneously and in counter to people's views here) that it's not the platform holder's job to promote third party material.

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I was also very pleased with the presentation, and I feel like the treehouse improved it vastly! It's very entertaining to drop in from time to time and see people actually playing the games. Great idea, great execution!


I was a bit dissapointed Reggie didn't anounce anything in his interview in the treehouse though. I guess it's too late for metroid or mother 3 or majora's mask now. But we got enough new exciting content to make up for that :)

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Did they? I thought Nintendo's Direct was the best show of the lot! Look, I can see where Nintendo go wrong, but this year's E3 they did really well.


Well, I found Nintendo's direct to be the worst of the lot, but after catching up with their remaining offerings (Treehouse, etc) they certainly stepped up their game. : peace:


And - here I go - it has made me think about getting a Wii U rather sooner than later. However, the good old "2015" hovering above all will probably let me wait a bit longer.

Unless a great offer rises from the dust


I believe that the more a company relies on third parties in their press conference, the less they have themselves. Especially if the third party games they're showing are multiformat


But, I truly believe (and perhaps erroneously and in counter to people's views here) that it's not the platform holder's job to promote third party material.



When talking about the conferences itself it's great to see lot's of third party material. I always enjoy it. 90 minutes (or 60 in Sony's case :p ) of games - no matter if first or third party - make my heart go wild. I'm a gamer after all.


I can see where you're coming from, though.

Edited by drahkon
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I was a bit dissapointed Reggie didn't anounce anything in his interview in the treehouse though. I guess it's too late for metroid or mother 3 or majora's mask now. But we got enough new exciting content to make up for that :)


It's never too late. Perhaps it would make up for the limp Starfox announcement if it's all been a huge joke throughout, and they just drop, last thing - "Oh yeah, we almost forgot, starfox Wii U/metroid ds/mother 3 is now available on the eShop."

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I feel that Nintendo's E3 performance has been blown way out of proportion. What they showed was that they are the kings at making platformers and your typical Nintendo games. Yoshi, Kirby, Zelda, Mario (Maker). Aside from Splatoon, there's not enough diversity to draw in big crowds.


It may turn one or two heads, but the fact of the matter is that huuuuge games won't be coming to the system. Games that Nintendo can't account for on their own system or make up in any way themselves. Fifa won't be coming for starters, neither will the new Tomb Raider, the Witcher most certainly won't be. Then there's the likes of Destiny, Alien: Isolation, Metal Gear Solid, don't think Assassin's Creed Unity is announced for it, either? No Man's Sky won't be coming, no Arkham Knight (big, big miss), no Far Cry 4, no Mortal Kombat. That's just the beginning. (before anybody chimes in with "grey shooters" or "fps bah don't like eet" - you're missing the point)


There's nothing that I've seen at E3 from Nintendo that convinces me that they can win back developers. At the very most, the Wii U is going to be the go-to system for platformers and your typical Nintendo titles. If we keep that in mind, it should be a good system. But, let's not kid ourselves any further and suggest that third parties will be flocking back. Many are gone and the fact that these titles I listed were shown off without any single mention of Nintendo suggests this, too.


I'm content with that, as I've got another system, although I would find it a very bitter pill to swallow if I was single-system only again. What does excite me in a way is that it almost forces Nintendo to pull all the stops out themselves and not rely on others, so we may see them taking more risks (hopefully) and just creating stuff for the fans. Splatoon is a start.


In your "typical Nintendo games" you conveniently miss out X, bayonetta 2 and Devils Third...


And all this "Nintendo missing out", I agree, they're missing out a lot of games, but I feel the other consoles are missing out on far more...

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Amazon won't ship here. Even Amazon.de. Most places charge extortionate shipping fees or won't send at all :/ my only real option is to get one here, but this one is in really bad nick. They say it's tested and fully working, but still.. Also I'd have to pay extra to buy an EU AC adapter if I imported from the UK, and they aren't cheap. Another 30-40 Euros.


Edit: Does anyone know if the console the AC socket to the Wii and Wii U are the same, as I have an EU AC plug for the original Wii.


It's a different adapter, I'm afraid. Basically like the Wii but flipped round so you can't accidentally put one in the other, I imagine it's because they take different amounts of power in.

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Nintendo's Digital Event alone wasn't the fantastic thing we're talking about, it's the combination of the Digital Event and the Treehouse that has been amazing! The Treehouse showings/chat etc has out Sony & Microsoft's conferences to shame. Sure they still had great games to show but so have Nintendo in XCX, Splatoon and the Zelda gameplay teaser! Then the extra showcase through the Treehouse of XCX and Splatoon etc have made it a brilliant E3 for Nintendo!

Edited by Kav
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Nintendo's Digital Event alone wasn't the fantastic thing we're talking about, it's the combination of the Digital Event and the Treehouse that has been amazing! The Treehouse showings/chat etc has out Sony & Microsoft's conferences to shame. Sure they still had great games to show but so have Nintendo in XCX, Splatoon and the Zelda gameplay teaser! Then the extra showcase through the Treehouse of XCX and Splatoon etc have made it a brilliant E3 for Nintendo!

They could have been like MS and Sony and included 10+ minute long playthroughs in their conference, but they chose not to and to streamline it, putting those things in Treehouse. It worked marvelously

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Personally I don't know what all the bickering is about. As a Wii U and XBOne owner I think it's been a fantastic E3. I thought both presentations were great and packed full of content. Plenty of games have been shown and discussed and the end of the year is looking to be fantastic across the board.


It's a good time to be a gamer!: peace:

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Personally I don't know what all the bickering is about. As a Wii U and XBOne owner I think it's been a fantastic E3. I thought both presentations were great and packed full of content. Plenty of games have been shown and discussed and the end of the year is looking to be fantastic across the board.


It's a good time to be a gamer!: peace:

Well, I'd say next year is a good time to be a gamer :p

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Well, I'd say next year is a good time to be a gamer :p


I don't understand the negativity from various outlets about 2014. Look at this lineup that interests me.


Aliens: Isolation, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, Smash Bros., Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, Forza Horizons 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo Collection, Assassins Creed: Unity, Wii Sports Club and Call of Duty.


There's bound to be a bunch of cheeky downloadable titles as well and titles that I have neglected to mention. Insane lineup for me.


I think gamers are just getting really picky about what they want to play, which is fair enough. When people say there's nothing to play this year though it's a flat out lie ( not saying you are saying this just pointing it out ). It's far more accurate to say that there is nothing that they want to play.

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FIFA 15 is for Wii, not Wii U.... I can't think of anything more stupid!!! And tragic...


1: Does this mean it will be the cartoony version?

2: Does this this mean it won't have online?

3: I can't believe EA would lose money on porting this to Wii U, surely FIFA sells?

4: EA, for once just relase a full version of FIFA with ultimate team at the same time as the other consoles and you might just suprise yourselves and have a big selling Wii U game on your hands. It's a World Cup years for christs sake, everybody will be even more football mad for the next month.

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So... are we expecting any more megatons today? ;)


Isn't it the last day that Nintendo will be broadcasting the Treehouse Live?


Surely there has got to be something good... F-Zero announcement alongside him appearing in Smash Bros is a near certainty isn't it? ::shrug:

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