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Pachters Nintendo E3 Predictions....




'Predictions' in the lightest possible sense of the word, because I don't think he actually makes any other than run through a list of Nintendo franchises.


Time to get rid of Pachter I think.

I 'stuck up for him' for a while and always enjoyed him on the Bonus Round, but he's just a smug waste of space with nothing of any real interest to say now.

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Pachters Nintendo E3 Predictions....




'Predictions' in the lightest possible sense of the word, because I don't think he actually makes any other than run through a list of Nintendo franchises.


Time to get rid of Pachter I think.

I 'stuck up for him' for a while and always enjoyed him on the Bonus Round, but he's just a smug waste of space with nothing of any real interest to say now.

Watched it earlier and dear god. Fairly certain that gave me an aneurysm.


He claims views of Nintendo Directs are going down? That's not true at all.

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Yeah I saw it. He's such a c*nt. not because he's native! but because he speaks like a child. They may release all their games but no one will care because they'll be on the Wii u... Really? And he gets paid to say this? And also no one owns a Wii u? Well Moore own a Wii u than the one yet he thinks Nintendo should release games on that.

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Urgh yeah the way he was speaking, like he was just trying to appeal to all the 'cool kids' out there, jumping on any chance he could to mock. Basically having no clue of what they actually were doing.


He was probably right in what he said though that around half the Nintendo hardcore probably don't own a Wii U yet. The Gamecube's 21milion should show the potential hardcore audience for the Wii U, but I think the Wii U will probably move around 12mil?

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Urgh yeah the way he was speaking, like he was just trying to appeal to all the 'cool kids' out there, jumping on any chance he could to mock. Basically having no clue of what they actually were doing.


He was probably right in what he said though that around half the Nintendo hardcore probably don't own a Wii U yet. The Gamecube's 21milion should show the potential hardcore audience for the Wii U, but I think the Wii U will probably move around 12mil?


So after a year it had near 6 million... You think it will only double that in 5 years?

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So after a year it had near 6 million... You think it will only double that in 5 years?
Well personally I doubt the Wii U will make 5 years, but even if it does, the Wii only had 3 years of solid support, and a huge drop off in sales towards the end/no reason to buy one.


I think that's about right yeah. The real hardcore already have one, and the rest will gradually pick one up with the likes of Zelda and whatever other great franchises come out.


I don't think the 21million Gamecube fans are there anymore, with a percentage having grown out of gaming or moved to a different console... and not the same number of new gamers taking their place.


EDIT: This is of course unless Nintendo pull out some Skylanders style craze that see's everyone buying one :p

Edited by Retro_Link
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Well personally I doubt the Wii U will make 5 years, but even if it does, the Wii only had 3 years of solid support, and a huge drop off in sales towards the end/no reason to buy one.


I think that's about right yeah. The real hardcore already have one, and the rest will gradually pick one up with the likes of Zelda and whatever other great franchises come out.


I don't think the 21million Gamecube fans are there anymore, with a percentage having grown out of gaming or moved to a different console... and not the same number of new gamers taking their place.


EDIT: This is of course unless Nintendo pull out some Skylanders style craze that see's everyone buying one :p


I think they'll do 6 million this year alone with mario kart and smash plus whatever else they have. I reckon it'll match/best GameCube personally

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I think they'll do 6 million this year alone with mario kart and smash plus whatever else they have. I reckon it'll match/best GameCube personally


Are you after Pachters job? I say that, because that's some mighty fine @$$ plucking fact finding right there. You went shoulder deep to find those nuggets. Not going to happen, none of it. I'd love to be proved wrong but Nintendo need the Second Coming at this stage for the Wii U to stand any chance.

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Are you after Pachters job? I say that, because that's some mighty fine @$$ plucking fact finding right there. You went shoulder deep to find those nuggets. Not going to happen, none of it. I'd love to be proved wrong but Nintendo need the Second Coming at this stage for the Wii U to stand any chance.


I agree unfortunately, MK8 with its great sales is still mainly selling to the current userbase, just look at the Japanese sales, over 350000 copies of MK8 sold but only 20,000 new consoles sold. I was a key believer in the Wii U surpassing the Gamecube in terms of sales but I don't think it will worldwide (it will sell more than the GC in Japan easily). I think the impact of Smash will be diminished by the 3DS version releasing months earlier. Wii U sales will increase, I just don't think it's going to be some sort of miraculous revival.

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20k in Japan is a doubling of the weekly sales rate, Europe as a whole also saw an eight fold increase in sales, with 10 times as many sales in France AND Germany, over 6 times as many in the UK and US.


That is phenomenal, on a worldwide outlook. The real proof will be how long, and to what extend, this boost continues. If it lasts till the next big boost.. and then the next.. they are quite capable of using momentum to come a secure second. Even the gap to the PS4 isn't insurmountable (The Wii U currently sits in the middle in terms of LTD sales, and even X1 has a shot at the top spot at this stage, if they have done enough things right!)



The mario maker game COULD be an awesome socially networked game, where the levels are created by users... a never ending mario :D


you build a level, you have to complete it yourself before you can upload it, then when it is in the level cloud, anyone can choose to play that level. Users get a rating depending on how quickly they complete levels, how many lives it took to complete the level etc. more challenging levels are offered to the more competent gamers, whilst simpler levels are offered to the less talented gamers. Each adventure would be unique ;)

You can see the most highly esteemed examples that your friends have created, leave mii-verse comments within the level to highlight points you particularly enjoyed/suggestions for improvement.

Maybe each time you save the princess you unlock new terrain parts to include in levels, different enemies etc. So perhaps on first playing the game you only have the standard smashable blocks and goomba's to work with... save the princess and you unlock coins and koopa troopers, the next play through you might unlock mushroom platforms and lakitu.


AND.. as a bonus Nintendo would never have to make a mario game themselves, ever again.. :D But maybe they would charge a subscription fee to compensate :D

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I think they'll do 6 million this year alone with mario kart and smash plus whatever else they have. I reckon it'll match/best GameCube personally


Wait, you mean to say that you think it will outsell the 21mil units the GC did? That'd be impressive given most retailers aren't stocking it anymore and within 18 months they'll have exhausted most of their franchises...!

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Yeah, Mario Kart was essentially their trump card that I think resonates the most still with the casual market. They've played a lot of their cards now, and I don't see the Wii U besting the GameCube.


Zelda, Pokemon, sports/racing series, 3D Mario, Paper Mario etc... I think Nintendo hasn't really started to play at all.


No FIFA game this year confirmed.


#FIFA15! Subscribe to see the first trailer on June 9th: http://bit.ly/1oEVKBL #FeelTheGame


Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.


IMO, motherfk the third parties - for the first time in a long time I'm seeing Nintendo shelves without the clutter of shovelware and that generic EA Madden or whatever that never gets picked up.


I think we're giving these "third parties" a bit too much credit - as if everyone was even good enough for me to even consider paying full price for.


I'm seeing this FIFA game demo'd in game stores for the PS4 that barely looks any different from its PS2 predecessors or plays that much differently.


Games like Final Fantasy and RE have just gotten progressively worst since IX and 4, respectively.


Of course, third parties responsibility for generating sales is crucial - but for me, not an important omission at all.

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Zelda, Pokemon, sports/racing series, 3D Mario, Paper Mario etc... I think Nintendo hasn't really started to play at all.




IMO, motherfk the third parties - for the first time in a long time I'm seeing Nintendo shelves without the clutter of shovelware and that generic EA Madden or whatever that never gets picked up.


I think we're giving these "third parties" a bit too much credit - as if everyone was even good enough for me to even consider paying full price for.


I'm seeing this FIFA game demo'd in game stores for the PS4 that barely looks any different from its PS2 predecessors or plays that much differently.


Games like Final Fantasy and RE have just gotten progressively worst since IX and 4, respectively.


Of course, third parties responsibility for generating sales is crucial - but for me, not an important omission at all.


you can't underestimate the importance of FIFA, yes it probably peaked at 12, but not having it on Wii U will turn a lot of potential buyers away. Nintendo are fools if they don't do a deal with EA or Konami and get at least one football sim on the system.

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you can't underestimate the importance of FIFA, yes it probably peaked at 12, but not having it on Wii U will turn a lot of potential buyers away. Nintendo are fools if they don't do a deal with EA or Konami and get at least one football sim on the system.


It's not just Fifa, a lot of third party games have pulling power.


Last gen Nintendo missed out on games like Bioshock, Battlefield, DMC, MGS:Rising, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Tomb Raider, Mirrors Edge, Dead Space, the list goes on.


Just like first party games, the quality can be hit or miss but for every game like Madden you get something special like Bioshock.

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you can't underestimate the importance of FIFA, yes it probably peaked at 12, but not having it on Wii U will turn a lot of potential buyers away. Nintendo are fools if they don't do a deal with EA or Konami and get at least one football sim on the system.


I'm speaking on behalf of my own preferences, not the business needs of Nintendo.

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IMO, motherfk the third parties - for the first time in a long time I'm seeing Nintendo shelves without the clutter of shovelware and that generic EA Madden or whatever that never gets picked up.


I think we're giving these "third parties" a bit too much credit - as if everyone was even good enough for me to even consider paying full price for.


I'm seeing this FIFA game demo'd in game stores for the PS4 that barely looks any different from its PS2 predecessors or plays that much differently.


Games like Final Fantasy and RE have just gotten progressively worst since IX and 4, respectively.


Of course, third parties responsibility for generating sales is crucial - but for me, not an important omission at all.


The most important thing is they fill out the calendar. If one just has a Wii U its buying a game and then waiting months for the next game.


Looking at the Wii U shelves and seeing so little software isn't a good thing.

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Zelda, Pokemon, sports/racing series, 3D Mario, Paper Mario etc... I think Nintendo hasn't really started to play at all.


Based on the 3D Mario they've already done, I can guess those titles will either have a similar or lesser effect. It's Mario Kart and Zelda maybe that can really turn heads to a greater extent, and possibly their biggest card has been played. Now to see how long it will have an effect for.

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I'm still confused as to why they didn't focus on releasing their system sellers at the front end of the Wii U's lifecycle, just as they did with the Wii. A single player 3D Mario, Metroid, Zelda and other core I.P (and maybe a game that really shows the Gamepad as a game changer, just as Wii Sports did for the Wii) would have got people off their backsides. It's odd that they went down the route of releasing games with high attach ratio's first (i.e. the types of games that you buy if you already own the system, but wouldn't necessarily buy a system for), especially as the multiplayer Mario games and Donkey Kong would have sold equally well, if not better 2 years or so into the Wii U's lifespan.


Their strategy for the Wii worked very well; release the system sellers asap (Mario Galaxy, Metroid and Zelda were all out within 12 months I believe, and Wii Sports was at launch) and then they supplemented those games with the 'high attach rate' games later in the lifespan, hence the incredible sales of titles like NSMB Wii. There weren't many core gamers complaining about the Wii back in 07; it was well after that before people flocked to the other consoles.

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The most important thing is they fill out the calendar. If one just has a Wii U its buying a game and then waiting months for the next game.


Looking at the Wii U shelves and seeing so little software isn't a good thing.


I don't really see myself buying (what I perceive to be in most cases or at least 50% of the time) lower quality third party games just to tide over games.


Maybe the casuals do who knows... but then aren't these the same casuals who jumped on the Wii wagon then vanished quicker than a Sheikah in Kakariko Village? :p


Don't get me wrong - I understand the less choice argument @Clownferret


But this is why I've been pretty much a mono Nintendo gamer, because when the games come it's of a certain weight and pedigree that I could never really trust the other consoles on producing consistently.


Of course more games won't be a bad thing, but personally I only buy games of a certain calibre, which aren't that many anyway.


A question: if there was a choice what would you prefer - more third party games of varying quality or better first party games with more online/better longevity?

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