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I too enjoyed Assault, the flying missions were superb and the ground missions were good. However the whole affair just left me longing for more flying. It also looked really good.


I would kill for a second Assault style game with the on foot sections tweaked for they were more like Gears of War. Also, online leader boards and multi player!

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You must have been playing a different game, man.



This game was full of LIFE. The music, the characters and the world were amazing. Not to mention that, at the time, the graphics were just incredible. RARE expanded the Starfox universe more than Nintendo ever could. This game alone was such an evolution in the series and it just pains me that Nintendo let them go.


What have Nintendo done with the series since? They let Namco have a pop, and did a 3D remake of the N64 game. They don't give a crap about the Starfox franchise, and when they DO release a new game, it seems like a half-arsed attempt at pleasing desperate fans.


Starfox Adventures felt so... next-gen. Like a true evolution of a classic Nintendo series. I'd love to see a sequel, but obviously that will not happen now. Because one, RARE are gone and two, Nintendo fans proved long ago that they don't care about evolution or change, they just want the same old crap year after year. Instead of loads of Mario Galaxy iterations, we get New Super Mario Bros. 17. and instead of a true sequel to DK64 we get Donkey Kong Country Returns again in yet another 2D side-scroller.


But I'm rambling, I should just accept that, along with Monkey Ball and Viewtiful Joe, all things have to come to a bitter end and sadly, Nintendo is one of those things.


I agree with you on a lot of points, but DK64 and Starfox Adventures are the absolute opposite of what I want Nintendo do be doing. Inane 3D action platformers are hardly something I can get excited about, and while NSMB and DKC are getting a bit tiresome, at least they delivered in spades when it comes to actual quality, where as DK64 and SA were great ideas with a lame execution.


I'm incredibly glad we got rid of Rare, too, as I hate them.

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But hate them or not, they at least delivered titles in time of need. The likes of Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye are what kept the n64 alive at some points, with the Wii U the way it is, we desperately need a Rare right now, even if it's not Rare themselves.

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But hate them or not, they at least delivered titles in time of need. The likes of Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye are what kept the n64 alive at some points, with the Wii U the way it is, we desperately need a Rare right now, even if it's not Rare themselves.


Sadly, that Rare doesn't exist anymore. Even if Nintendo bought them out when they had the chance, they would've, more or less, still have suffered the same fate.


They were bleeding staff left-right-and-centre by the year 2000 or so and the Stamper Bros wanted to cash out and quit the industry.


Quite frankly, history has proven it to be the right decision for them to have taken and really there isn't much else that they could do to fill the hole right now. Think about it, what other large developer out there could Nintendo partner with that both fits Nintendo's gameplay-first development philosophy (so not counting devs like Naughty Dog, Crystal Dynamics etc) and has the talent to fill the hole that Rare left?


I'm struggling to think of anyone major developer out there (non-indie) who fits the bill...


That being said, Nintendo would do well to start an indie developer funding programme... Maybe even match Kickstarter funds for developers who choose to make their KS projects Wii U and 3DS exclusive...


They've made strong in-roads with indie developers but they need to do more still. Go out of their way to establish long-term relations with these developers who ARE happy to support them!

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm with @Josh in that I enjoyed Starfox Aventures. Did I love it, no, but it was a fun game.


The Boss battles were great and the environments were beautiful. The characters weren't great but I enjoyed the different tale on Starfox given that I actually am not a fan of Starfox 64 or the remake, I just don't enjoy it. I haven't played Assault.


I do feel there was a massively missed opportunity in this game not sticking a little truer to Fox as a character and utilising his blaster in the game instead of the staff. Had the game been more of a Jet Force Gemini, than a Banjo Kazooie, it could have been a faster more action like game.


I too am skeptical about the future of the Starfox series. I have a feeling Nintendo themselves would just re-make the same game over and over if left to their own devices; at least Rare and Namco mixed things up a bit. I'd like Nintendo to let another studio have a go at it.

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But hate them or not, they at least delivered titles in time of need. The likes of Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye are what kept the n64 alive at some points, with the Wii U the way it is, we desperately need a Rare right now, even if it's not Rare themselves.


Retro are 100 times better than Rare ever were, let's see what Nintendo's gonna use them for now that DKCTF is finally out. I really hope it's something fresh and exciting, if anyone can do it, it's Retro.


What the Wii U needs is a 3D full-blown adventure Pokémon game. That's the only trump Nintendo can pull that would actually work, right now. It's not necessarily what I want, but it would certainly make alot of people interested! Pokémon games are incredibly successfull and it'd be the only rethreading of an old IP that both hardcore and softcore players would absolutely tolerate without making any fuss. I'd put an EAD team on it, ASAP!

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I'd put an EAD team on it, ASAP!
A team should have been put on it 5 years ago to launch the Wii U with.


At this moment in time, I feel that 'beggers cant be choosers' - I'd probably sell my @$$* for a Banjo-Kazooie Wii U game - just give me a reason to be excited again.
I'd take Banjo Kazooie on the Virtual Console at this rate!
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I miss Silicon Knights alot more than I'll ever miss Rare...


Dyack is an ass, but with Nintendo by their side preventing them from straying, they were certainly capable of greatness. Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes is exactly the sort of thing the Wii was missing, along with the Wii U.


I wish Nintendo had kept them and had been using them along with Retro and Monolith to make those different kind of games Nitendo themselves seems unwilling or incapable of doing. That'd give the Wii U a fighting chance, in my eyes.

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It's true, these developers are always much stronger with Nintendo by their side, and equally Nintendo with them, giving the console the diverse range of game that it needs.


I guess the draw of more multiplatform sales, money and recognition elsewhere is always going to be a draw, but we're yet to see a former Nintendo team successfully make it elsewhere.


Long may Retro Studios and Monolith continue.

Edited by Retro_Link
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It's true, these developers are always much stronger with Nintendo by their side, and equally Nintendo with them, giving the console the diverse range of game that it needs.


I guess the draw of more multiplatform sales, money and recognition elsewhere is always going to be a draw, but we're yet to see a former Nintendo team successfully make it elsewhere.


Long may Retro Studios and Monolith continue.


This is so true, look at the shambles that Rare, Factor 5 and Silicon Knights became. In fact, post-Nintendo did any of those developers release anything close to the titles they produced under Nintendo? I think not. Obviously Rare have had limited post-Nintendo success, but Silicon Knights and Factor 5 just died.


I wish Nintendo would hold onto these studios and re-invest in them. I can only imagine the Wii U would have a stronger line-up if Factor 5, Silicon Knights and Rare were still in the fold.

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Retro are fantastic but their games are few and far apart. 3 Metroids and 2 Donkey Kongs across the Gamecube, Wii and Wii U? Need a few more in their.


I miss Silicon Knights tbh; they were incredibly good technically and really made people realise how powerful the GC was...Nintendo need more western developers like that.

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Retro are fantastic but their games are few and far apart. 3 Metroids and 2 Donkey Kongs across the Gamecube, Wii and Wii U? Need a few more in their.


I miss Silicon Knights tbh; they were incredibly good technically and really made people realise how powerful the GC was...Nintendo need more western developers like that.


I think Metroid Prime was a far greater technical achievement than anything Silicon Knights ever produced. I never played Eternal Darkness, but I did play The Twin Snakes - it did look good and play well, but it wasn't the same level of beauty as games like Rogue Squadron, Metroid, Resident Evil 4 or F-Zero GX.

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I think Metroid Prime was a far greater technical achievement than anything Silicon Knights ever produced. I never played Eternal Darkness, but I did play The Twin Snakes - it did look good and play well, but it wasn't the same level of beauty as games like Rogue Squadron, Metroid, Resident Evil 4 or F-Zero GX.


Yeah, Prime was beautiful. I just need them to produce more games like it :heh:

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Retro are 100 times better than Rare ever were, let's see what Nintendo's gonna use them for now that DKCTF is finally out. I really hope it's something fresh and exciting, if anyone can do it, it's Retro.


What the Wii U needs is a 3D full-blown adventure Pokémon game. That's the only trump Nintendo can pull that would actually work, right now. It's not necessarily what I want, but it would certainly make alot of people interested! Pokémon games are incredibly successfull and it'd be the only rethreading of an old IP that both hardcore and softcore players would absolutely tolerate without making any fuss. I'd put an EAD team on it, ASAP!


Bullshit. (though I mean that in the politest of ways brah)


I hear Retro alot, I never really know what they do - just checking on wiki they've done what; Metroid and DK? Really? Two franchises? Yes, I played Prime(my first real metroid, got it only to get Zelda CE disc) and loved it, but Echoes just...lost something. My interest, most importantly.


Donkey Kong, short of 64, I've never really cared for. Even then, Donkey Kong pretty much WAS Rare, they'd been doing it for tiiime, so Retro's current outings are probably nothing without them.


So what's so special/big/good about Retro? I do note they apparently had a hand in MK7, which was 'good', but again it's more of the same. Short of Prime, what or where is their innovation? Seems like treading the same ground over and over?


Rare - christ. Just N64(where it felt they heavily propped the system and what I remember them for), of the top of my head - Banjo Kazooie, DK64(admittedly similar genres), Conker(hook of 'mature', no idea of gameplay) Jet Force Gemini, Combat Ampihibans, Blast Corps, 40 Winks(recall NOM gave it high scores tho it didn't do well later), Goldeneye(defining game of its generation), Perfect Dark(sold somewhat off success of Goldeneye), and whilst not Rare teh latter two lead to Frree Rational and Timesplitters? TS2 was a great success and TS3 wasn'tt oo shabby from a personal standpoint.



That said - ' let's see what Nintendo's gonna use them for now' - bullshit! We need what they seemed to have with Rare, where essentially they trusted them enough that they just let them do a lot of their own thing. Forget Nintendo and what they're gonna do with people, what about people and what they're gonna do with Nintendo! It's all top down, it needs to be flipped round to bottom up!


3D pokemon I'd maybe get on board with though - Pokemon wise I only played Gen 1 but if there was a nice big 3D one with some changes(sadly I might say a mixup to battle system) and with good online/multiplayer features I'd probably get it. They need me to want it because everyone else has it and I'm not a part of it(hence online/multi) - it'd of course be cherried with 3DS counterpart/linkin to join it all up into an absolutely awesome experience.


Nintendo need more new people who do their own ting. Studios that innovate, or moneyhat/get on side indies that are just doing their jam. Nintendo have always been about uniqueness and Nintendo only experiences - it seems sadly they've realised but taken that the wrong way tot hink that Mario should be everywhere because he's Nintendo only rather than it being about continually crafting and creating new and fresh experiences. There's lots of indie stuff(for example check kickstarter thread in gg, guy making game with his 8 year old daughter) - that's asking only SIX GRAND on kickstarter - if I was Ninty I'd approach them with a grand or two if not more and earmark it for Wii U(controls pending, but it seems to be a left-right-jump rpgish type). Sell it for $5(what they are) and you've barely any sales needed to turn profit(ignoring porting costs, I'd wonder on those but with previous indie freidnly spiel and unity etc surely they can get something sorted in house even on the cheap? iono).


(this looks a total fanboy post early on, though it isn't meant to be and I'm not some Rare glorifier, I think I'm just rapidly depleting scotch tbh)

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