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Your Zelda comment was misplaced though. They may push it to the next console. I don't think we will see Zelda at this E3 either, so soon after WW (even if it is a remake).

However I do expect a Wii U specific Zelda. Is there a single Nintendo console that didn't get it's very own Zelda?


The Wii's final 2 years were bizarre, but possibly a result of Nintendo working hard on HD content for the Wii U?

I would expect the Wii U to follow the GC more than the Wii, seeing as sales are closer. I would be very surprised (and in all honesty a little dissapointed :D) if the Wii U sales numbers exceed 60M.

Nope, we'll definitely see Zelda by this year's E3 at the very latest.


They were going to show it last year, but decided not to, then they were going to show it at Comic Con, but felt it needed something bigger as its place of reveal.


Plus, Aonuma said so



Nintendo will share more information about the upcoming Legend of Zelda game for Wii U at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo in June, producer Eiji Aonuma told Mashable. E3 2014 takes place June 10-12.


"I'll say more at E3 2014," Aonuma said when asked about the new Zelda game.

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Or, in more realistic terms, a cheesy-looking game from a developer that's pretty much unknown to non-hardcore gamers (outside Japan, at least). I can see why they wouldn't put a lot of effort marketing it over here.


If they didn't believe in it, they wouldn't have funded it in the first place. Remember that Kamiya/Platinum were the ones who first came to Nintendo with the idea of it being a game featuring an all star cast of Nintendo characters. It was with Nintendo's suggestion that it was changed to a Power Rangers style of characterisation.


And they gave Platinum ample time and budget to make the game they wanted. In Nintendo's own words


We waited because we believed in you!


Actually that volume of Iwata Asks is a really good example of how Nintendo approaches external developers in general :) TW101 was a very troubled project that, to Kamiya's own admittance even, didn't really come into its own until just a few months right before it launched. Some of the most very fundamental parts of the game (like Multi-Unite Morph) didn't get added until the end of May, just 2 months before the game got released!


That's also why you didn't see much said about it until near its launch (and why Multi-Unite Morph and most of the game's mechanics weren't unveiled until right before the game's release in that special TW101 Direct)

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I often wonder why bother make it if you have no intention of advertising it? What must PG be thinking with Bayonetta 2? I know they'll get paid but it must be disheartening for them. I bet some are thinking this game will flop and aren't as motivated to make this game all it could be.



If they didn't believe in it, they wouldn't have funded it in the first place. Remember that Kamiya/Platinum were the ones who first came to Nintendo with the idea of it being a game featuring an all star cast of Nintendo characters. It was with Nintendo's suggestion that it was changed to a Power Rangers style of characterisation.


I'm not saying that Nintendo didn't believe in it, just that it doesn't have huge mainstream appeal, and that the majority of the market that would but it are likely the ones who would know about it through means other than marketing.


Games can be made with a smaller target audience in mind. As long as they don't expect insane numbers, the game can still be successful without selling millions.

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I'm not saying that Nintendo didn't believe in it, just that it doesn't have huge mainstream appeal, and that the majority of the market that would but it are likely the ones who would know about it through means other than marketing.


Games can be made with a smaller target audience in mind. As long as they don't expect insane numbers, the game can still be successful without selling millions.


The game had a budget that was at least 1.5 times as large as Bayonetta 1, so they must've at least have expected a similar return as what SEGA got on that game (they wouldn't necessarily have needed to sell more since they get a larger margin on sales by virtue of not having to pay platform holder licence fees).


It's possible that by that point they just wanted to cut their losses by skimping on the advertising costs, but that certainly wasn't the original intention...

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Who's comparing it to success. I'm just making the point that investors will look at stocks want answers on why any such stock is on a downward spiral. Thats the case with any public listed company.


Perhaps, but you're also focusing on the negative. Yes, it dropped 18% instantly, but it climbed back up throughout the day so the actual drop after the day was just around 6% down from the previous day.



Initial stock drops are always drastic.

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Perhaps, but you're also focusing on the negative. Yes, it dropped 18% instantly, but it climbed back up throughout the day so the actual drop after the day was just around 6% down from the previous day.



Initial stock drops are always drastic.


Oh I'm not just looking at todays price. Nintendo's stock goes up and down and its nothing new.


I think the concern is the revised forecasts for both systems (lets not forget the 3DS was also cut by 5 mil which is a lot) and I am guessing investors will want to know why that was the case and how they intend to reverse this situation.


Its going to be very very interesting as Iwata is going to need some serious answers.

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Oh I'm not just looking at todays price. Nintendo's stock goes up and down and its nothing new.


I think the concern is the revised forecasts for both systems (lets not forget the 3DS was also cut by 5 mil which is a lot) and I am guessing investors will want to know why that was the case and how they intend to reverse this situation.


Its going to be very very interesting as Iwata is going to need some serious answers.

If only he had an investor meeting planned on the 30th. Oh wait...

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If only he had an investor meeting planned on the 30th. Oh wait...


Hence me saying Iwata will need some serious answers.


Really not sure the point your trying to make other than pointing out a date of an investor meeting that we all know about.

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“The spread of smart devices does not spell the end of game consoles. It’s not that simple,” President Satoru Iwata said at a news conference Friday. The key is to figure out a way to use smartphones to make people aware of Nintendo’s games, and encourage them to try out the console version of the games, Mr. Iwata said.


“It doesn’t mean that we should put Mario on smartphones,” he said.


We can end that crap now anyway

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They should make a Streetpass App for smartphones and Wii U. You take your phone around with you, get hits and then bring them back to unlock puzzles and stuff on the Wii U.


They could integrate those kind of features into a proper Miiverse app.

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They could integrate those kind of features into a proper Miiverse app.

Could work. It combines both of them to a decent point. We know Miiverse can be used for similar features, as seen with the items in Sonic Lost World, but if fully integrated into the app, it'll not only create awareness, but will encourage people to the Wii U.


They would have to name it something like the Nintendo app though, to gain awareness as Miiverse or StreetPass is unlikely to have the pulling power

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The Nintendo app could also have the eShop. It's probably too much to ask for an online store like Sony (Microsoft used to have a good one, but it's almost impossible to navigate/search it now), but they could display QR codes for the 3DS and Wii U to use as a shortcut (I'm pretty sure they mentioned plans for an online store like that, too).

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The Nintendo app could also have the eShop. It's probably too much to ask for an online store like Sony (Microsoft used to have a good one, but it's almost impossible to navigate/search it now), but they could display QR codes for the 3DS and Wii U to use as a shortcut (I'm pretty sure they mentioned plans for an online store like that, too).

I believe Nintendo did say they are working on web-based and app versions of the eShop.

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The Nintendo app could also have the eShop. It's probably too much to ask for an online store like Sony (Microsoft used to have a good one, but it's almost impossible to navigate/search it now), but they could display QR codes for the 3DS and Wii U to use as a shortcut (I'm pretty sure they mentioned plans for an online store like that, too).


Yeah, they said there would be an online version of the store about a year ago, probably was in that February Direct. Now Wii U and 3DS both have NNID support it might be coming soon/this year?


They also said they were working on a Miiverse smartphone app as well.

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They should make a Streetpass App for smartphones and Wii U. You take your phone around with you, get hits and then bring them back to unlock puzzles and stuff on the Wii U.


Wouldn't it make slightly more sense to do such a thing through the 3DS though?


Such an app would only be needed if you already had a WiiU? So it wouldn't really be doing much to create awareness or tempt people into buying one.


Or I guess they could do both so people who don't have a 3DS but have a WiiU could use it?

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Wouldn't it make slightly more sense to do such a thing through the 3DS though?


Such an app would only be needed if you already had a WiiU? So it wouldn't really be doing much to create awareness or tempt people into buying one.


Or I guess they could do both so people who don't have a 3DS but have a WiiU could use it?

If it's part of an overarching Nintendo app, it could work.


Imagine the app, it has connectivity to both Wii U and 3DS somehow. Also has a database listing their developed titles, telling you if they're available to purchase on the Wii U or 3DS (with links to the eShop if that's done). StreetPass features, Miiverse connectivity etc.


Things such as this could aid in getting Nintendo some smartphone coverage, and lure people to their devices.

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Wouldn't it make slightly more sense to do such a thing through the 3DS though?


Such an app would only be needed if you already had a WiiU? So it wouldn't really be doing much to create awareness or tempt people into buying one.


Or I guess they could do both so people who don't have a 3DS but have a WiiU could use it?


It's about getting Nintendo up and running in the world of smartphones without actually putting games on them. This would be even better if a good Miiverse intergration was used. Being able to see who's online, send a message and making purchases on the go is a great step forward.


Nearly everyone and their dog has a smartphone now, whereas there are a lot of people who don't own the 3DS. Also, a phone is easier to carry around. :D

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It's a really nice idea, not sure it's feasible from a technical standpoint though. 3DS uses a kind of propriety communication like bluetooth which is low power and always able to accept basic data from safe sources (another 3DS). A phone would have to have some kind of always open bluetooth (a battery drain if even possible) or NFC (not widely in use yet).


Also there's the potential people would just hack the app to give themselves unlimited streetpasses etc., you're opening a big can of worms the likes of which Nintendo tends to steer well clear of.


Edit: sorry if this rains on your parade a little! I do like the idea a lot, although don't really want to see Nintendo go into 3rd party.

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It's about getting Nintendo up and running in the world of smartphones without actually putting games on them. This would be even better if a good Miiverse intergration was used. Being able to see who's online, send a message and making purchases on the go is a great step forward.


Nearly everyone and their dog has a smartphone now, whereas there are a lot of people who don't own the 3DS. Also, a phone is easier to carry around. :D


Yeah, I agree. that Miiverse 'app' is frustratingly late too. It would give Nintendo 'window appeal' on an apple device as well as allow people to browse games people are playing on 3DS and WiiU. A Wii version would have been good too. No reason not to have a Miiverse channel just to browse WiiU/3DS games, but too late now.


Like they did with Pokemon, a Nintendo app with the Mario/Zelda cartoon shows would have been a great use of their IP on the App Store.

Even an app with 'the history of Mario' or some other ip would be good.

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Also there's the potential people would just hack the app to give themselves unlimited streetpasses etc., you're opening a big can of worms the likes of which Nintendo tends to steer well clear of.


You can do this already on the 3DS.

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