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At that time Harry Potter was not on Star Wars' level...


No. The guy who originally revealed the rumour said those things more out of personal shock than pondered opinion. It's entirely possible he didn't even know about the year that the proposal was made.


I do find it interesting that Nintendo thought Harry Potter would make a good license to have. I can't imagine what gameplay ideas they might've had, since they didn't make a game based on magic spells around that time. Maybe it was Rare's idea?

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I do find it interesting that Nintendo thought Harry Potter would make a good license to have. I can't imagine what gameplay ideas they might've had, since they didn't make a game based on magic spells around that time. Maybe it was Rare's idea?


Interesting theory...


Naturally, it would have led to a Banjo game where Bear and Potter team up to defeat Grunty using Magic.

(I'm picturing it and my inner child is going ballistic)

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Ubisoft’s Unreleased Wii U Game Is Called Know Your Friends


Ubisoft has been sitting on an unreleased Wii U title specifically catered to families and friends for the past year – though has yet to release it for the system. According to Unseen 64, the game in question is named “Know Your Friends”, and we’ve known about it since its ESRB rating cropped up last year. As a party game, Know Your Friends was developed by Ubisoft’s Montreal team in 2013. Yet despite its completion last year, the company made an executive decision to withhold the game’s release due to its poor track record with Wii U sales.


Whether or not Know Your Friends will release on the Wii U is still unknown, though Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated in the past that “it will come”. According to various sources, the game took particular advantage of the Wii U GamePad and used it mainly as a pop quiz for social interactions. It also featured the GamePad’s camera – akin to Wii Party U – to take pictures of players and represented them on screen with a quirky paper art style. A video for the off-the-wall title can be viewed,






Ubisoft can keep that locked away for ever for all I care. They'll be doing the world a favour.

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Pachter Says ‘Nintendo Still In Denial About Failure Of Wii U’


Outspoken industry analyst Michael Pachter is back again and this time Game informer caught up with him to talk all things video games. Pachter says that the Wii U is trailing far behind the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and is in desperate need of a price cut to remain in the competition. He also doesn’t think that third-party developers will come back to Nintendo in the near future.


“I think that they are not a particularly introspective bunch. I think that they are still in denial about the Wii U failure. You keep seeing this stat so we’re up 82 percent – yeah, 40,000 units went to 70,000 units. Who cares? You’re still trailing the other guys by a mile.”


“They need a new console that’s competitive with Xbox One and PlayStation 4. If Xbox can sell at $349 Nintendo could make it and sell for $249. They won’t because they still live in that old console world where they think they need to make a profit on the hardware. That means if they make a competitive console it would be more expensive.”


“The problem is I think they did a bad job with third parties with the Wii and they’ve done an abysmal job with third parties with the Wii U, so I don’t think third parties would come back for a new console. If they come out with a new console and it is essentially identical programming language with the Xbox so the cost to port a game is zero, I’m still skeptical that third parties would support it. They possibly would, but only if the cost was so low. And that’s the problem. Ubisoft got really burned on the Wii U making dedicated titles like ZombiU. Activision stopped making Call of Duty for the Wii U, and EA hasn’t ever made a game for the Wii U. I don’t think they come back.”




While I agree with some of what he said, some of it is just plain wrong.


"Ubisoft got really burned on the Wii U making dedicated titles like ZombiU."


"EA hasn’t ever made a game for the Wii U."

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they still live in that old console world where they think they need to make a profit on the hardware. That means if they make a competitive console it would be more expensive.”


“The problem is I think they did a bad job with third parties with the Wii and they’ve done an abysmal job with third parties with the Wii U, so I don’t think third parties would come back for a new console.


World class insight and analysis, right there.

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Agree with some of what he said but...


He forgets that Nintendo are the only ones who are losing money on hardware this time round, as they sold the console at a loss from day 1. The 3DS was in a similar place post-price cut. Sony have been profitable day 1, although they tend to produce much better hardware and likely get better deals from suppliers because they can almost guarantee big sales.

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Agree with some of what he said but...


He forgets that Nintendo are the only ones who are losing money on hardware this time round, as they sold the console at a loss from day 1. The 3DS was in a similar place post-price cut. Sony have been profitable day 1, although they tend to produce much better hardware and likely get better deals from suppliers because they can almost guarantee big sales.


The Wii U made a loss at launch, but Nintendo recouped that with the sale of one game. The Wii U is now profitable.


Sony haven't been profitable since day 1, the PS4 made a loss on every unit sold as well.



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The Wii U made a loss at launch, but Nintendo recouped that with the sale of one game. The Wii U is now profitable.


Sony haven't been profitable since day 1, the PS4 made a loss on every unit sold as well.




That's interesting, I've read from multiple sources that Sony make money on each system, or at least quicker than Nintendo do.


Either way, it is weird to think Nintendo went down the way of making a loss on the system. I can't remember the last time they did that? Potentially the Gamecube but I can't remember off the top of my head...

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That's interesting, I've read from multiple sources that Sony make money on each system, or at least quicker than Nintendo do.


Either way, it is weird to think Nintendo went down the way of making a loss on the system. I can't remember the last time they did that? Potentially the Gamecube but I can't remember off the top of my head...


If I remember right people werent entirely sure if Sony were making money on the PS4 at launch or not but it eventually came out that they were.

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If I remember right people werent entirely sure if Sony were making money on the PS4 at launch or not but it eventually came out that they were.


This is what I recall reading on GAF. If I remember correctly they got a VERY good deal on the ram. Their plan to sell at profit from launch is why they also went for a relatively weak CPU...

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That's interesting, I've read from multiple sources that Sony make money on each system, or at least quicker than Nintendo do.


Either way, it is weird to think Nintendo went down the way of making a loss on the system. I can't remember the last time they did that? Potentially the Gamecube but I can't remember off the top of my head...




I have read more multiple sources that they did make a loss at launch.


However the weird thing is that Nintendo did, as usually Nintendo's rule is to make a profit on hardware as they don't have other divisions to cover their loss.


Sony may well make money on the PS4 hardware units now though.

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Wasn't it said the PS4 and XBone use more off-the-shelf sort of parts this time round? That'll lead to a much faster reduction in hardware cost over time won't it, and thus lead to a faster time to start making profit? I'm sure I heard a while ago that PS4 was turning profit on the console alone now, XBone too possibly.


As Zechs said about WiiU, it was a one-game-sale profitable, so they didn't take much of a loss on it. Whilst it's probably more customised hardware wise, I'd still assume that by now producing it will cost them less than it did at launch - their bigger problem was the complete failure to really take off and capture the market leading to idle stock. Didn't they only recently talk about restarting WiiU production or something?

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The Wii U made a loss at launch, but Nintendo recouped that with the sale of one game. The Wii U is now profitable.


Sony haven't been profitable since day 1, the PS4 made a loss on every unit sold as well.




The situation was the same with both PS4 and Wii U - they made a loss on hardware, but with the sale of some launch games (and in the case of the former, a subscription) they expected to make a profit.


That's the right thing to do, if you ask me.


It's all about hooking customers onto your machine, so they will then spend mega bucks on subscriptions and games. Those extra customers you get because your machine was £80 cheaper than the competition will then immediately spend £40 on a subscription and will likely continue to do so for at least 5 years.

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Nintendo books 299-seat theater for E3 2015, 3 booths reserved




E3 2015 isn’t until mid-June, but we do have a tiny bit of news about the expo already.


Nintendo has booked a 299-seat theater for an event at E3 2015. How exactly the room will be used is unknown at this time. One common thought is that it will be used for a roundtable, which would be business as usual for Nintendo.


Nintendo has also secured three booths for E3 2015. These are 4822, 5244 and 5644 in the West Hall.


E3 2015 will run between June 16 and June 18.




I'd like if the theatre was booked for their presentation as opposed to the ND's we've had for the past few years. They're so sterile and impersonal.

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I'd like if the theatre was booked for their presentation as opposed to the ND's we've had for the past few years. They're so sterile and impersonal.


Me, lostmario and Blade were on about this last night. Lostmario suggested they've rented it to watch Sonys press conference. :D

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I'd like if the theatre was booked for their presentation as opposed to the ND's we've had for the past few years. They're so sterile and impersonal.

Those rooms are for roundtables, not E3 conferences.


I prefer the Directs anyway. There's less bollocks, less awkward pauses for applause. Less attempts to be showy. We just get game information, hard and fast.

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Those rooms are for roundtables, not E3 conferences.


I prefer the Directs anyway. There's less bollocks, less awkward pauses for applause. Less attempts to be showy. We just get game information, hard and fast.


You'd be waiting a long time for Project Guard and Project Robot to get an applause. :heh: I, and I'm not alone in this, prefer the old presentations. Still the best reaction to this day was the Twilight Princess trailer. Goosebumps!

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You'd be waiting a long time for Project Guard and Project Robot to get an applause. :heh: I, and I'm not alone in this, prefer the old presentations. Still the best reaction to this day was the Twilight Princess trailer. Goosebumps!

It's superficial. You can still get goosebumps with a Direct. The only people who should care if it's a Direct or not are the people who are actually there.


The press conferences are just awkward and a trial to watch. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's past ones. People just remember the few highlights and act like it justifies the whole crap. It doesn't.

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When Nintendo backed away from the presentations, I felt it made them look weak, which is of course a bad thing. Almost as if they didn't dare face the public. This was also at the wrong time, as the Wii U was under performing and it appeared they were visibly shrinking away.


However, I've really enjoyed their new style video conferences and found them both amusing and far more focused than the conferences which tend to get bogged down in corporate stuff and crap like social networking in games.


Nintendo's Directs are all about the games - and for the last two E3s I've found their approach and what they have showed to be far better than Sony and Microsoft.


They also compliment the longer and more in depth Treehouse and developer segments well. It all feels like part of a well thought out and cohesive strategy. They pack the main show with reveals and new stuff and then explain all of it in more detail of a series of smaller shows.


It won't be for everyone, but it's an interesting approach and it does trim the fat from the often bloated presentations.

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The directs work for what they aim to deliver and they are much less sterile.


That said, what people forget (especially people like @Serebii) is that E3 is a Trade Show Conference. Nintendo are the only ones who can afford to skip a conference because they don't have to worry about retail and third party relationships, because they know a conference wouldn't change a single thing. It's wasted money.


Sony and Microsoft's conferences are more akin to what other companies do at say CES, or even the annual Apple conferences. This is useless for Nintendo because of the state they are currently in.


I'm 100% sure that if Nintendo didn't have to bother with E3, they wouldn't. They'd much rather do their own thing, targeted at their core demographic who will buy their games and consoles regardless of specs, quality of games etc.


Oh, and last year's Nintendo Direct was really good :) Surprised to hear people didn't like it.

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