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Anyone else get an email from Nintendo today about winning the 'stars of 2014' ?!


All I had to do was answer the question... Which was which console do you own. Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS or both. So I clicked both, and got a thank you. :confused:


Looks like they're doing a random prize give away with games, limited edition consoles, club Nintendo stuff.

Hopefully some of us on here might get a win!

I like how the Marth, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer amiibo are emphasised on it :p

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Is anyone else finding that their recent Nintendo Premium Network points aren't showing up when they login? I bought 3 games yesterday and the day before on the eShop but there's no sign of them on my page.




It's not the speediest of things. Usually they appear next day BUT I've had to chase Nintendo to update the purchases - Pikmin 3 took a couple of weeks to actually appear on the Premium site.

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Got this e-mail from Nintendo this morning. If any of you win I'd like one of the prizes please as a thanks for the heads up. And no, as tempting as it is I wouldn't choose the Luigi hat. :p You have until New Years Eve to enter.


Win the Stars of 2014 - Limited Edition Consoles, Mario Kart 8 and more!‏






Reading the terms:


  • Competitions are only open to residents of the UK.


FFS Nintendo, Irish residents better be eligible for this. I'm sick of being excluded from everything. And if we're not why the hell would you send me the e-mail?

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My premium points have updated. Managed to get one final voucher before the service ends.

I have to buy one more NES game, so means I only get £1.50 "profit".


But hell, "profit" is "profit".


I always wanted to try Devil World anyway

Edited by Serebii
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I'm not buying Duck Hunt. It looks so boring and easy now. I've bought nearly everything I want from the eShop. There's only a couple of GBA games there but I wanted to wait for a sale on them. I've to spend €2 more to get €5. Metroid Fusion it'll have to be. Not a bad thing to be forced into buying.

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How long did it take you to come up with that one Rummy? :heh:


My Pro Controller needs charging... I need to find the cable but quick question to anyone who knows... Does the controller charge with the console in standby or does it need to be on to charge?

I'd assume it'd charge in standby but I could swear I tried that last time and it didn't charge?

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Can't you just play with it plugged in charging?


I'm not actually playing it tbh. Basically I've had a massive after Christmas sort out :D and with me getting a PS4 now too, I've had to sort out where everything goes and find space.

Cutting it to a short story, I'm now replacing batteries in all my Wii remotes and charging up all my controllers so I can put them out the way until they're needed. Same with the wires. I have that many controller wires, headsets, battery packs I've had a sort of them so want to get everything charged so they can be put neatly away...


Until they'll need to all come back out again when I have to do it all again! :heh:

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Haha I do play it! But for the minute it needs to take a back seat whilst I clear my backlog of games I currently have on the go! :heh:


I'm a christmas wreck, I barely remember even posting it! As for charging the pro pad - why not just use something else with USB? If I've got my laptop close to my wii u and the pad's dying I usually just use that or if it's off. USB chargers are the fuuuuturrrreeeeeeee!

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