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now to begin organizing! now how should i do this? System folders? retail/VC/WiiUware folders? then alphabetical, release date or genre?


OCD here i come!


I was the same setting up different colour patterns but it's really not needed by me yet. I'm not like Looney Tunes @Dcubed and his 169 icons and counting. I was just curious to see how it'd look.

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Switched my WiiU on to sort out the menu into folders... nice addition. It went straight back off though as I'm too busy with my PS4.

If only they'd patch in party chat I'd play the WiiU more as it's much more fun chatting whilst gaming. Well, I'd be on more if they'd release more online multiplayer games too... and of course if those games then had voice-chat I'd be on even more than I would if they release without voice-chat.

Smash Bros and Splatoon... god I hope for voice-chat. :(

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Ubisoft says it was impossible for Assassin’s Creed Unity to run on Wii U


For the first time since its launch, Wii U will not be receiving any Assassin’s Creed games. This is in part due to sales. In the case of Assassin’s Creed Unity, it’s also a result of the Wii U being a bit underpowered when compared to other consoles.


Ubisoft creative director Alex Amancio explained to RedBull:


“It couldn’t, it really couldn’t. I mean this is why we from the beginning, this was going to be a new-gen-only title, because the crowds aren’t aesthetic, they actually have impact. If we did anything to hinder that or to reduce that it would have a detrimental impact, it wouldn’t be the same experience. I don’t think that would be fair to fans, to sell the same game but with different levels of experience. Even the seamless nature of the series and the scale of the game right, we couldn’t do that. We never load Paris. It wouldn’t be possible, in our minds we’d be cheating fans by providing a lesser version of the same game.”


As for Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, the same logic can’t be applied. Wii U not getting that game ultimately comes back to the point of Ubisoft being concerned about low sales.



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Considering that supposedly the PS4 being CPU bound was the reason why it's not running in 1080p there, I'd take anything they say about the matter with a truckload of salt :indeed:


After all, it wouldn't do well to serve their narrative about this being this amazing "next gen" only game that would only be possible on "next gen" hardware if it could run on "last gen" machines now, would it? ;)

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Considering that supposedly the PS4 being CPU bound was the reason why it's not running in 1080p there, I'd take anything they say about the matter with a truckload of salt :indeed:


After all, it wouldn't do well to serve their narrative about this being this amazing "next gen" only game that would only be possible on "next gen" hardware if it could run on "last gen" machines now, would it? ;)


I wouldn't - even a quick look at any of the videos showing crowds would tell you that the Wii U simply wouldn't manage it. It's definitely something that when you see it, you acknowledge that its a step up from the previous gen.


(Also - it's going to be the X1 that it's going to be gimped for)

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Considering that supposedly the PS4 being CPU bound was the reason why it's not running in 1080p there, I'd take anything they say about the matter with a truckload of salt :indeed:


After all, it wouldn't do well to serve their narrative about this being this amazing "next gen" only game that would only be possible on "next gen" hardware if it could run on "last gen" machines now, would it? ;)


Tbh I'm confused as to why they are taking this stance. They have stated clearly that the low budget AC won't release on Wii U due to low demand for the franchise on the machine. Surely the higher budget version would require even more sales to justify it's existence on the console and therefore is proportionally less likely to appear.


The only reason to bring up the power issue is, as you say, to emphasize the raw power required to pull of such a technical marvel as having large numbers of NPC's on screen.


In fairness, looking at Hyrule Warriors, they more or less sit there and stare at you, there was still pop up happening :D

So with some sort of AI going on with each of those characters, I can imagine graphics would have to take a hit. And that would damage the aesthetic impact of the game. Of course it is nothing to do with the aesthetics, the real reason is to do with the projected sales.

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Should they have added a second Z button on the left shoulder? I think possibly yes. That way it would match the Wii Classic and Pro controller like for like and it have been a clear differentiator from the old Gamecube controller. But then you could argue sure if you do that, why not sort out the d pad while you're at it and where would you stop with the changes and would it cease to be a Gamecube controller then? That white controller still looks smexy as hell though!

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fixing the dpad and adding a zl would make it clearly superior to the Wii U pro controller. Wavebird 2 standard next gen perhaps though..


It would still be missing a couple of Wii U Pro controller features though like clickable analogue sticks.

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It would still be missing a couple of Wii U Pro controller features though like clickable analogue sticks.


presumably if they added ZL they would add clickable analogue sticks too... but true enough. I forget about clickable sticks because I near enough never use the function

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Review scores from Official Nintendo Magazines final issue.


Super Smash Bros. for 3DS (3DS) – 95%

Disney Magical World (3DS) – 63%

Mega Man Xtreme (Wii U) – 45%

Mega Man Xtreme 2 (Wii U) – 59%

Stealth Inc 2 (Wii U) – 90%

Teslagrad (Wii U) – 70%

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) – 93%

Bayonetta (Wii U) – 93%

Zen Pinball 2: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (Wii U) – 70%

Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead (Wii U) – 83%

Kickbeat Special Edition (Wii U) – 60%

Cubemen 2 (Wii U) – 50%

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Is Yoshi watching TV? He looks scared as sh1t, is he watching Nintendo Minute? Speaking of which, here's your favourite comedic bullsh1tting duo.



I really hate them 2 and they're clueless liars. Just listen to her. Who's her favourite character in the whole Zelda universe? Epona. Right. :rolleyes: What's her favourite bit about the NES 3DS? The red stylus. Again :rolleyes:


I can't believe I watch them. It's only because they're so bad. I can just picture a skit of them when they're off camera. They'd be like that constantly fighting couple off Father Ted.

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