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A new developer, AE Games have their own message to say, via GoNintendo



I've never heard a company confuse business strategy with unjustified loyalty before. I think these guys left their perspective at the check-in desk.


Some details:

- Apart from EA, it is my firm belief (with some industry feedback) that anyone not developing for Nintendo is not doing so for business reasons.

- No one is more responsible for the 3rd party situation than Nintendo

- Burning your relationships bridges within a small industry is foolish

- As a small dev, restricting your options in terms of release platforms is near suicidal.

- Nintendo does not reward 3rd party loyalty

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I don't see how you can be proud of them not adopting certain things though. They can still try to push things like motion controls while also developing a decent online system, upping storage space and making the hardware power exciting to the consumer/devs. Some things should be copied if it's something people want.


Storage isn't an issue at all. Isn't it more of an issue with the xbox with that you can't upgrade? But adding a hard drive is no issue. Same with power, I think it's great that there is a new console for almost half the price of the xbox. It's good there is a cheaper option for people, where you don't have to pay another monthly fee on top just to play online.


The only issue is the online; which hopefully they'll slowly improve.


If Nintendo didn't fuck up the software releases, which I think is to blame for poor sales, then I wonder how this whole conversation would be going.

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You say it's cheaper but Nintendo games are notoriously expensive, often staying at £35+ for years (NSMB/Galaxy being examples). You also don't get lots of included games each month like with Plus. To be honest, the PS4 might cost you £130 more (for the console) but in terms of value, you're getting a lot more.


So in short, while the console is cheaper I don't necessarily think it works out to be categorically cheaper in the long run.

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You say it's cheaper but Nintendo games are notoriously expensive, often staying at £35+ for years (NSMB/Galaxy being examples). You also don't get lots of included games each month like with Plus. To be honest, the PS4 might cost you £130 more (for the console) but in terms of value, you're getting a lot more.


So in short, while the console is cheaper I don't necessarily think it works out to be categorically cheaper in the long run.


It's purely subjective though really isn't it. You get more value from the PS, I get more value from Nintendo... the reason I get more value from Nintendo is simply this; it's where I can play Mario, Zelda and Metroid. For me, that's the best value out there, regardless of price etc.

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Ok so here's hoping Nintendo announce a Direct sometime today!


We desperately need some news/good things to talk about... well, even just things to talk about!!




I've been waiting for one for a couple of weeks now. I need Dat Nintendo news. Saying that, if games aren't ready to be shown then there is little we can do about it. :(

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True, I'm just putting forward the case that it's not a black and white 'Wii U is cheaper'. It depends what you're looking for.


But that's my point, it's great that there is an alternative. However much you try and fudge the numbers. It IS cheaper. I'm not talking about value, which is subjective, but the Wii u IS cheaper. You don't have to play to go online. It's good there is this alternative... Why do you have to try and argue everything in some Sony defence? These are FACTS!


It's all guess work. I think they are usually in the middle of every other month so we should be due one this week, if they stick to the pattern.


Well mid month is the week so it could also be next week :)


What's funny, is that when it does happen, the hype expectation levels will be through the roof... Pressures certainly on to impress.

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But that's my point, it's great that there is an alternative. However much you try and fudge the numbers. It IS cheaper. I'm not talking about value, which is subjective, but the Wii u IS cheaper. You don't have to play to go online. It's good there is this alternative... Why do you have to try and argue everything in some Sony defence? These are FACTS!


For a start, you're being rather rude again.


Second, it isn't a 'fact' that this is a cheaper console to have and play games on (that was the point I was challenging). While the console is cheaper, the first party games most often aren't (particularly a year down the line - a number of first party games on Nintendo systems have still been £35+), and while you might save money getting games included with Plus you'll have to pretty much buy all the games you want on Wii U. And that's fine if that's the way you prefer to game, but like I said, one isn't 'black and white' cheaper.

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I got my Wii and PS3 for roughly the same price and the PS3 has definitely been cheaper for me in the long run as the big exclusive games are dirt cheap even after a year (or less). I haven't payed for PSN but the free games on that would have made it even cheaper for me tbh.

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Didn't realise they were consistently regular. Thanks!


Major ones (i.e non game specific or "mini" Nintendo Directs) come once every two months. They could happen at any time within the month though, there's no pattern as to what day or week of the month they appear in (some have come within the first week and some within the last...)


That being said, it'll probably come next week; just before DKCTF gets released in the US and EU...

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It's all guess work. I think they are usually in the middle of every other month so we should be due one this week, if they stick to the pattern.


Will January's Nintendo Direct be included in this months? Whatever happened to that? A new year, new beginnings. Take some of the sting out of the results. Reassure current owners, attract potential owners.


Their response, nothing!

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Will January's Nintendo Direct be included in this months? Whatever happened to that? A new year, new beginnings. Take some of the sting out of the results. Reassure current owners, attract potential owners.


Their response, nothing!


If games aren't ready to show, then they aren't ready to show. They can't just magically produce something.

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They have to have something. What the hell are they doing over there? Sure even last Januarys Nintendo Direct showed Yarn Yoshi, all what 20 seconds of it. It's been vapourware since but at least it was something and we know it's coming. This year more than ever they have to come out fighting.


I often wonder what the hell does Reggie do all year? Very little by the looks of it. Sits in his office twiddling his thumbs eating plates of Mario garlic mushrooms then decides around May, "better shift this fat and get my body ready for E3". Then remembers we don't do an E3 conference anymore and continues eating.

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I often wonder what the hell does Reggie do all year? Very little by the looks of it. Sits in his office twiddling his thumbs eating plates of Mario garlic mushrooms then decides around May, "better shift this fat and get my body ready for E3". Then remembers we don't do an E3 conference anymore and continues eating.


*rolls eyes*

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For a start, you're being rather rude again.


Second, it isn't a 'fact' that this is a cheaper console to have and play games on (that was the point I was challenging). While the console is cheaper, the first party games most often aren't (particularly a year down the line - a number of first party games on Nintendo systems have still been £35+), and while you might save money getting games included with Plus you'll have to pretty much buy all the games you want on Wii U. And that's fine if that's the way you prefer to game, but like I said, one isn't 'black and white' cheaper.


It is a fact, end of. We have had many disagreements on here and everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but trying to argue that the PS4 is cheaper than Wii U is an act of tomfoolery. As you pointed out recently when you falsely accused me of stating you had purchased a PS4, it retails at £330. The RRP for PSN is £40 per annum which is required. So based on a 5 year life span a PS4 will set you back £530. I'm not sure what the RRP for Wii U is at present but even taking the most expensive pack available at launch, the Zombie U bundle was £299 and that came with Zombie U, a game pad and a Pro controller. That's £230 less than a PS4 and if you wanted to be pedantic you could add in the cost of a Vita at circa £200 to enable the PS4 to do exactly what Wii U can do. It is as Black and White as a Penguin playing chess on a zebra crossing that Wii U is considerably cheaper than PS4 to own and perceived values and the depreciation of game values are in no way a valid justification to argue otherwise.

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