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Do you judge?


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Well she was a dick in The Apprentice and continually proves that case. Saying she judges people by their names there were tons of Katies/Kates/Katherines at my school so should I judge her and treat her as if she is lower class, as I was brought up in working class Portsmouth so I should therefore associate all Katies etc...with there? Phillip Schofield knocks her down with the list of names of famous/successful people funny. Holly gets wound up haha. So she doesn't like Apple but has a child called Poppy hmmmmmm...


I think the world needs to stop giving her work and appearance fees and making her think her opinions are worth listening to.


Having said that I will never be able to respect someone called Jason after a run in that caused my current work based injury. :p

Edited by flameboy
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Potential loop-hole in thread/content;


Are we supposed to be judging this person who judges as bad, because she judges?


That's not really a loop-hole. She's basically being called out on her shitty views, which is perfectly fine since she made those views entirely by herself and out of choice.


Should she be "judged" on this? (if judging is even the right word for it, which I don't think it is) Absolutely, because it is pure snobbery. It's also hypocritical how she even named one of her own children India, despite saying herself that she doesn't like names based on geographical locations. What she said was very elitist and it doesn't help break down these class walls that do exist today.

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Well I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt for the second under the absurd pretence that perhaps the name India could come from somewhere else:


India is a feminine given name derived from the name of the country India, which takes its name from the Indus River


Turns out it isn't. My research also found that there was a porn star called India:




So now I'm going to judge her daughter based on that.....what a slag!

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I watched this when it was on yesterday as it happens.


This vile woman has been on the show before, saying that she wouldn't employ overweight people as they are lazy and don't do as much work as slimmer people.


I think she is just after attention. When she was on The Apprentice she pulled out of the competition in the board room to focus on her kids, which makes you wonder why she went on the program in the first place. She is just a snob of the highest order and quite frankly is a disgrace.

But she strikes me as the kind of woman who knows people think this of her, but really doesn't give a shit.

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I watched this when it was on yesterday as it happens.


This vile woman has been on the show before, saying that she wouldn't employ overweight people as they are lazy and don't do as much work as slimmer people.


I think she is just after attention. When she was on The Apprentice she pulled out of the competition in the board room to focus on her kids, which makes you wonder why she went on the program in the first place. She is just a snob of the highest order and quite frankly is a disgrace.

But she strikes me as the kind of woman who knows people think this of her, but really doesn't give a shit.


It's worth pointing out she pulled out after she had all but been confirmed a place in the final. I have no doubt she went on the show to gain fame and notoriety and look what happened urgh. Like I said in the things I don't understand thread....celebrity culture.

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Potential loop-hole in thread/content;


Are we supposed to be judging this person who judges as bad, because she judges?


I believe we make judgements regarding people's personalities all the time, yes. It's just that when people say someone is "judgemental", they refer to someone who is doing so due to frivolous reasons.


Like that twat of a woman who judges a kid's personality and behaviour based on their name. Me, I'm judging her based on the fact that she talks like a bigoted, short-sighted woman.

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Oh God, I'm laughing at how STUPID this woman is! She's on about calling a child ugly, she needs to look in the mirror. Also, I think she judges because her name is so damn ordinary!


LOL at Holly losing her shit at the end though, she should have hit her!

Edited by Animal
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I agree with Jonnas. Being 'judgemental' is a negative connotation, but I do question the practice of calling one out on this. Generally speaking, if someone is decided to be judgemental the focus is on the 'mental' rather than the fairness of judicial processes. I guess it's more a quirk of language. We call her judgemental but actually we mean to say she isn't fair in her construct of an opinion.


I do think the best way to react is to treat her opinion as miniscule, or something barely worth debate. Her opinion has been proven to be worthless because she has failed to encompass a lot of facts. I think pitying her is the correct response, not abhorring her. Trying to create a response in line with empathy rather than just flat-out objecting to her logic means that any argument direct with her would fail... of course there's the likelihood that any attempt to do so would fall on deaf ears, but still in moments like this it's important to be aware of hypocracy, regardless of who is right and wrong.


Personally if I was introduced to a child named Mercedes or Champagne I'd certainly believe I'd have an idea of the sort of parents the child has - people concerned with wealth who don't actually have it, would be my best guess. However the real issue is that it's how she then decides to blanket-bomb anyone of that class-level. She's not giving a benefit of a doubt, and that's her downfall. That's why she's stupid... and that's why I state as above - the need to rise above such people and flavour any opinions with a semblance of empathy in order to allow ones opinion of judgement to be of better quality.


That probably doesn't make any sense. I've had a good (drunk) week.

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We all make assumptions (of varying degrees of qualifiedness) all the time; that's absolutely necessary to be able to navigate the world. What is essential, though, is whether we're willing to verify and, if proven wrong, reject those assumptions.


As for judging people, I try not to; I prefer to judge actions.

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I agree with Jonnas. Being 'judgemental' is a negative connotation, but I do question the practice of calling one out on this. Generally speaking, if someone is decided to be judgemental the focus is on the 'mental' rather than the fairness of judicial processes. I guess it's more a quirk of language. We call her judgemental but actually we mean to say she isn't fair in her construct of an opinion.


But that's what judgemental means. Nobody would describe a Magistrate as judgemental*, even though that's what they do for a living. If I described somebody as judgemental, nobody would think I was describing them as somebody who makes fair and logical assumptions about people.



*with the exception of somebody of has been found guilty and is bitter by this, but that just gives credence to what I was saying.

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I have to say I don't like certain kind of names... but I hate the names, not the people. I would never judge someone based solely on their name. I feel so sorry for that woman's children. I hope they're confused at their mother's disapproval of some of their friends and will go on to question it and hopefully rebel - because the alternative would be them accepting her bullshit and going on to discriminate against everyone they meet.

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You want your kid to be special. There are a few million Daves, Bobs and Johns running around NOT being totally awesome and obviously it's all because of their boring-ass names. So you decide to name your son something original, like Malcolm, Ivan or Dicksmash McIroncock.


According to a study at the Shippensburg University, kids growing up with ordinary, popular names have a higher chance to become law abiding citizens, while all the unusually named ones should start deciding what state they want to commit their first felony in. The study lists the top 10 bad boy names in America as: Alec, Ernest, Garland, Ivan, Kareem, Luke, Malcolm, Preston, Tyrell and Walter, which we must point out are not the names of any serial killer or presidential assassin that has ever existed, so we're assuming the research is skewed in a certain direction.


The theory is that the additional attention garnered by odd and unusual names can cause peer ridicule and discrimination in the workforce, which tends to result in a few thousand Alecs and Prestons stealing toilet paper from the gas station. So do your kid a favor and give him a typical law-abiding, mentally stable name, like Michael.




Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article/195_7-things-good-parents-do-that-screw-up-kids-life/#ixzz2Y8BmRsZ8


So as it turns out, what she said may have some layer of truth to it, but the irony is that it's due to her reaction to such names, not the names themselves.

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Dannyboy does the same thing I do; I judge people but I only judge their actions. I'm not afraid to say that I pretty much judge everybody but not because of their names, the shit they wear or their tastes but on how they treat other people.


Like if someone treated me decently and then someone else like shit for no reason, I would rather not be friends with that person because you know that somewhere down the line, they may behave in the same manner towards you. The same can be said for people who are nice to other people's faces but then bitch to you about them behind their back, it just makes me think that if you do that behind their back, what do you say about me behind mine?


Judging purely because of their name is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and I think, sometimes, that people judge others too fast and too easily.

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So as it turns out, what she said may have some layer of truth to it, but the irony is that it's due to her reaction to such names, not the names themselves.


Everybody knows that. It's also due to the fact that those from poorer backgrounds tend to choose different sets of names to those from wealthier backgrounds. If you know somebody called Shaneequa, then it's highly likely that she's from a working class background. And as there are huge class divides in our society, that's going to effect areas such as crime and wealth statistics.


However, the issue here isn't that she made the connection that they're working class, it was that they're working class, and therefore scum.

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So as it turns out, what she said may have some layer of truth to it, but the irony is that it's due to her reaction to such names, not the names themselves.


Hmmmm I don't think she was quite putting across the same point though. She implied that such names were only as the result of a class divide and that all people with said names were a scourge on society as CHILDREN.


One thing I've always stuck by you cannot judge children for basically being children.

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What an insufferable bitch. Assuming she's being genuine and not just courting controversy. So much about her is what is wrong with the world.


Yes, we make judgements. Yes, we will judge on names, or at least assume, or think certain things. However she's making the judgement and not verifying it, it's a blanket extreme - that is not healthy.


Personally I'm quite interested(read: interested but never actually research it) in what I would call name theory. Your name is your label, from birth to death - its with you every step of the way and is your identifier to other people.I have no doubt at all that a child/person's name defines their life...and that's kinda mad/huge when you really think about it.


'What if I had a different name, what would my life have been?'

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