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Football Season 2013/2014


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I think, like us, both are punching above their weight.


Liverpool for starters are far too reliant on Suarez. He has a quiet game, they have a quiet game. Their midfield and defence isn't much, fullbacks are poor. I think they'll finish 4th/5th. No European fixtures and out early in the League Cup has served them well.




Our results have been very good when Suárez hasn't played. As long as we have Sturridge we still looked good. We have great depth at CB. Sakho has been great, Skrtel, Agger and Toure are all really good defenders too. We're abit thin at fullback, Johnson has been really poor this season and Enrique is solid i guess. We've been linked with Montoya from Barca, so that'd give us some depth/competition.


We're in need of a top CM. Lucas is fantastic, Allen and Hendo are improving all the time, but still have areas to improve in. Gerrard is very hit and miss (mostly miss) these days. Alberto has barely had a go, and Coutinho is always out on the left.


Perfect January would involve a fullback, cm and a winger for me.


Salah is apparently close, and Tello has been a target for ages, so hopefully we can get them done.

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Sad to hear this news. He gets injured after hitting some good form AGAIN!


Arsenal can cope but I would've loved to see him win some silverware while playing in the final parts of the season, it's really sad to see him miss a World Cup too.



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Worse than that, shitters like Townsend now have a chance.




Townsend looks good, tbh. Obviously hasn't got stats like Walcott, but it would probably be a good time to give him a run.


If we aren't going to seriously challenge for the tournament (we aren't), we may as well give the next generation a go. Bed them in for the future, like Germany did in the previous tournament. Give the likes of Barkley, Townsend, etc a chance to show their worth.

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Playing well doesn't mean they're great. Toure (for example) is rubbish, he is half the player (not physically, his arse has doubled) he was when he left us.


He's still a good player and a great player for us to have in our squad. His arse may have doubled but he's still pretty quick for a CB. :p

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Every team is slightly fixated with their rivals, do you think arsenal are different? Not even close, they wanted Bales leg to be broken not that long ago. It's what makes football, rivalry, that's why derbies are the most passionate affairs. Weird you're surprised by it.

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Same thing happened to Owen at the same time in his career too and took all his pace away.



Owen never really had the pace of Walcott, to be fair. Totally different kind of player.


And there's nothing to suggest that Walcott will be a lesser player after recovering.

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Aw, poor Theo... http://img.metro.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/25/article-1319546579345-0E83334F00000578-516600_466x310.jpg


As John Lennon said "Instant karma's going to get you!!"


I wish I could take the morale high ground. But I can't. Sorry.


Yeh, because holding two fingers up while being pelted with coins means you deserve a serious injury. Not karma at all.

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Wow, just wow. I mean what happened to supporting your own club?


Some Spurs fans are overly fixated on Arsenal it's beyond absurd.


Imagine playing second fiddle to the first North London club then trying to rewrite history that your shit hole in Middlesex became a part of London before Islington. You'd be pretty fixated too.

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Every team is slightly fixated with their rivals, do you think arsenal are different? Not even close, they wanted Bales leg to be broken not that long ago. It's what makes football, rivalry, that's why derbies are the most passionate affairs. Weird you're surprised by it.


There's a difference between supporting your team and actively hating another team. I feel that some people, not just yourself, get caught too much in hating another team rather than supporting their own. I see it a lot up here in people hate Celtic far more than they support Rangers.

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Owen never really had the pace of Walcott, to be fair. Totally different kind of player.


And there's nothing to suggest that Walcott will be a lesser player after recovering.


Owen's whole game was about pace (like Walcott) that's why he was average when he lost it.


I'm not saying Walcott will lose it like Owen, just pointing out the similarities. Walcott wasn't close the player Owen was in his prime though.


Don't care what others do but I personally don't celebrate other people getting injured/hurt.


But yeah, I'll have a bit of banter when it comes to poor results and stuff but that's where it ends.


Fair enough, but you said why do Spurs hate arsenal etc etc when Arsenal can be as bad. In fact, worse (I would say that), funny no ones mentioned all the anti semetic stuff Arsenal did last night - joking about all the jews that died in there gas chambers and stuff, that's been reported to the police...


Yeh, because holding two fingers up while being pelted with coins means you deserve a serious injury. Not karma at all.


Not that it makes the action any less scummy, but the coins were thrown after the fingers, he incited it, stupidly and endangered the paramedics; there are a lot of stupid people who go to football games.


As for Karma, more of a joke if anything, for Spurs fans it's definitely karma.


Imagine playing second fiddle to the first North London club then trying to rewrite history that your shit hole in Middlesex became a part of London before Islington. You'd be pretty fixated too.


No rewriting history. Your boys are from Woolwich.


And like I said, dont try and make out the goons aren't fixated by Spurs. They are. I guess like history you just select the bits which suit yourselves.


There's a difference between supporting your team and actively hating another team. I feel that some people, not just yourself, get caught too much in hating another team rather than supporting their own. I see it a lot up here in people hate Celtic far more than they support Rangers.


I know there's a difference, but most people who have strong rivals hate them. As for hating more than loving, well that's ridiculous, but there IS joy in revelling in your rivals misery, and when everything is going terribly for your club, you take the pleasure where you can.

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funny no ones mentioned all the anti semetic stuff Arsenal did last night - joking about all the jews that died in there gas chambers and stuff, that's been reported to the police...


Didn't know it had happened. Disgusting behaviour.


Unfortunately football fans have a tendency to try and even things up. I mean we saw it with your opinion on Theo's injury (he deserved it [in your opinion] for reminding your lot of the score). Some moron on his computer will try to wrongly justify that your lot taking the piss out of Theo is fair game to take the piss out of the holocaust.


Little do most of these twitter* idiots know we've got a rather large jewish following ourselves and for decades the Arsenal has prided itself on having a multicultural support base.


* Assuming it's come from twitter.

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Didn't know it had happened. Disgusting behaviour.


Unfortunately football fans have a tendency to try and even things up. I mean we saw it with your opinion on Theo's injury (he deserved it [in your opinion] for reminding your lot of the score). Some moron on his computer will try to wrongly justify that your lot taking the piss out of Theo is fair game to take the piss out of the holocaust.


I never said it was deserved it. Just that there was some karma for spurs fans. On a personal emotional level, it's not nice to see anyone injured, but as a spurs fan I like Arsenal suffering, and this an extra story because of what he did. But players get injured all the time, Kabouls been out for near two season, no ten minute silence for him, or Sandro did his cruciate same time last year. When Bale got injured I'm pretty positive Arsenal fans found that funny.

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What's the deal with the 5-1 in those Spurs pictures?


Not sure what to feel. No joke, Ine just came into the room from the kitchen (no sexist) and asked me in a veeeeery sympathetic tone of voice, "what's the score?"


"0-0...but we'll concede in a minute."


"Yeah, I was wondering if that other team had scored yet."


Inevitably, we concede about two minutes later. :shakehead

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