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Wii U and 3DS release schedule revealed! (Also Nintendo have F2P software coming!)


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The latest Nintendo Investor Relations Briefing is out!









They are taking 3DS Nintendo Zone hotspots and are turning them into Streetpass relay stations that store Streetpass data from passers by and share them with others as they pass too (basically asynchronous Streetpass)


Also "the first free-to-play software from Nintendo" is coming within this financial year. David Gibbon, who attended the briefing, mentioned that Iwata said that it's not a Mario or Pokemon game...


Could it be a western release of Dragon Quest X (converted from a subscription based MMO to a F2P one) published by Nintendo? Could they be referring to Flipnote 3D (which is free, but has a subscription element) or are they heading down the dark path of developing F2P "pay-to-win" crap?


Mario Golf 3DS being delayed till 2014 is a real kick in the balls! Why bloody say it's coming out in Summer just a month ago and then push it back half a bloody year just a month afterwards!? :cry:


3DS lineup is looking pretty barren from M&L DT till Pokemon X & Y now...


Either way, there's lots of lovely sales info in there if you're interested :)

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Could it be a western release of Dragon Quest X (converted from a subscription based MMO to a F2P one) published by Nintendo?


Didn't consider this... free eShop download with a monthly fee..?


Please be this!

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I liked this bit


Some worry that an intensive release pace this year might result in a poor first-party software lineup next year.

However, our internal software development teams are now at a stage where we can expect software launches without too many intervals. We still have many unannounced game titles. Therefore, we expect to release a sufficient number of first-party titles for the platform next year as well.

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Didn't consider this... free eShop download with a monthly fee..?


Please be this!


That isn't how the F2P model works...


F2P would require the game be changed at a fundamental level to be focused around selling you virtual items. The idea is that you remove the subscription entirely and instead finance the game by putting gameplay barriers in place to encourage players to purchase virtual items that either remove limitations, give you an edge over other players or allow you to skip purposely unfun sections of the game.


The idea is that you remove the barriers to entry and get them addicted, then you manipulate the player in such a way that they'll spend tons of money in order to carry on playing the game (The most addicted ones, the "Whales", in particular typically spend thousands on these F2P games!)


They could also sell virtual trinkets that don't have any gameplay ramifications (such as skins and clothing items), but it's unlikely that this would be enough to finance the running costs of an MMO alone...


Most MMOs these days are moving to an F2P model, instead of the old monthly subscription model (aside from the monolithic giant that is WOW of course). It's less risky and generally more lucrative for the developer (at least at this point in time, especially in the west) so it's not hard to see why S-E might feel it necessary to move to this model for a western release - and if DQ's recent history is anything to go by, Nintendo would be publishing it. S-E seem to have given up on DQ in the west so Nintendo would being the ones interested in getting the game localised and released over here...

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Shame about the Mario Golf delay. I was wondering why it had not been mentioned anywhere over the last 24 hours.


Hopefully there will be another couple of games from Nintendo for the 3DS this Christmas. Hoping Layton 6 won't get delayed, and maybe we'll see a couple of small surprises in the next Nintendo Direct.

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Oh hey, just realised that Devilish Brain Training is STILL missing from that release list! :mad:


They have a 3 month long gap for 3DS from M&L till PKMN X&Y and they don't even think to fill it with DBT!? What the hell is wrong with NOE!?

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They are taking 3DS Nintendo Zone hotspots and are turning them into Streetpass relay stations that store Streetpass data from passers by and share them with others as they pass too (basically asynchronous Streetpass)


Most appreciated. Streetpass is a lovely feature but practically non-existent over here unless you go to meets/events.

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Oh hey, just realised that Devilish Brain Training is STILL missing from that release list! :mad:


They have a 3 month long gap for 3DS from M&L till PKMN X&Y and they don't even think to fill it with DBT!? What the hell is wrong with NOE!?


Oh yeah I thought this was supposed to be september.

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When you see all those logos, it really is a great line-up of games. I somehow can't imagine many more 3DS games from Nintendo, but perhaps I'm just being pessimistic. Hope they do a 3D Zelda eventually.


Fantastic news about StreetPass. Maybe I'll finally be able to complete all the puzzles.


If the Free-to-Play game is Dragon Quest X, that does actually sound like a decent way of bringing it over here. Bet they charge for Metal King Armour though... (For those who don't know, you had about a 1% chance of getting a specific piece of "Metal Slime" equipment in Dragon Quest IX - I remember being envious of @RedShell who collected it much faster than me!)


I liked this bit


Some worry that an intensive release pace this year might result in a poor first-party software lineup next year.

However, our internal software development teams are now at a stage where we can expect software launches without too many intervals. We still have many unannounced game titles. Therefore, we expect to release a sufficient number of first-party titles for the platform next year as well.


Yes, and it sounds like Zelda is ready to show too. I'm hoping to see it in November, but that's just a guess.

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Most appreciated. Streetpass is a lovely feature but practically non-existent over here unless you go to meets/events.


Yup. Cracking announcement.


This should have been done ages ago, but i'm happy we are at least getting something like this now. I may finally finish some of the puzzles that have pink pieces. :)

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So Nintendo's F2P game has been revealed!


It's Steel Diver!


From the sounds of what Miyamoto said, it's a sequel with a new 4 player battle mode.


I get that feeling that this is gonna be a Wii U title. It's great to see that they're making a sequel (I loved the original, despite how content lite it was). There's no way that I'm gonna play the F2P version though. I'm getting the packaged one!

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