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The Morning After - E3 Nintendo Direct Verdict


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The games I'm most excited about for the rest of the year on all the consoles are Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101. Despite the fact they should already be out, both just look amazing to me and exactly what I love about gaming! Great they're out relatively soon too :)

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I'm incredibly disappointed with most of what was shown. I think the biggest disappointment for me was Mario Not-Quite 3D World; the original 3DS version was perfectly tailored to the handheld. This isn't tailored to Wii U hardware, its a quick, easy cash in.


Whilst everything looked pretty good the whole package did leave me to wonder if this is the future for Wii U; are Nintendo simply treading water with cheap but highly profitable games. Have Nintendo realised they've got a damp squib on their hands and selling what they can for the next 2-3 years?


There's nothing there that really pushes the system graphically either; they've been singing that it is a powerful machine but onw which requires different thinking to get the best out of it - clearly their teams are struggling as much as third party devs are. And the complete lack of any meaningful use of the GamePad beggars belief.

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Well, here's my breakdown:


-Pokemon X & Y: well, it's pokemon.

-Super Mario 3D World: disappointed it's not a fully-fleshed 3D Mario game. Also, I don't understand why it has to look so generic and boring visually, I mean they have the horsepower to ramp it up now. Instead, Nintendo just continues with the cheap, cartoony NSMB-style. Why can't this look more like MK8 or Nintendoland?

-Mario Kart 8: ok, this actually looks good and not just like another stylised Wii game. Anti-gravity is also a good addition to the gameplay, just hope they flesh out the online as well.

-Wii U Party U: nah.

-Wind Waker: what's the point of making an "HD-remake" if it looks almost the same as the original? Seriously, if you can't even tell the difference then something is horribly wrong...

-Wonderful 101: good concept, but looks really arcade-like. Not my thing.

-Donkey Kong Country TF: well, it's another 2d-platformer. Looks good, but not that interested (didn't buy DKCR either).

-Bayonetta 2: looks good, although the trailer was quite messy. Still, I know what the gameplay is like so definitely interested.

-X: looks huge and awesome. A bit worried they've left all the colours out, but that's only a minor thing.

-Smash Bros: Nice additions to the roster. Still, I'm wondering how they're going to spice this up. I mean Brawl was packed with content and thus very good, but you could still start to notice it getting a bit tired. I mean we've had 3 games already where the same Nintendo characters fight each others in Nintendo stages, so they can't just repeat that ad infinitum. Better online? Yes, please.


And outside the direct:


-Zelda Alttp 2: graphics look simplistic and totally uninspired, plus it's set in the same world with the same enemies and same music.

-Yoshi's New Island: again, exact same mechanics and sounds. Visuals look sort of dirty. Doesn't make me wanna play either of these.


In conclusion:


It seems Nintendo are struggling with their art direction and badly. Some games look great, while others are like ugly carbon copies of previous works or just overly-simplistic and Wii-like in design. They've got the hardware now, so why not use it then? I mean you can still do cartoony even if it's a lot more detailed. Just look at Nintendoland, or stuff from other consoles (Little Big Planet, Kameo, B-K Nuts & Bolts etc).


Personally, I just don't want to buy stuff that looks generic and uninspired, especially if I've seen it a million times before. For example Super Mario 3D world: it doesn't look like a next-gen Mario, but just your average run-of-the-mill Mario game. Sorry, but it just doesn't look visually appealing or interesting to me at all. Same with 3DS Zelda and Yoshi's Island, they look rather bland, even ugly.

Edited by Ville
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Well, here's my breakdown:




-Wind Waker: what's the point of making an "HD-remake" if it looks almost the same as the original? Seriously, if you can't even tell the difference then something is horribly wrong...


As I have just posted in the Zelda thread; if you can see a difference, please book an appointment to an opticians immediately!



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As I have just posted in the Zelda thread; if you can('t) see a difference, please book an appointment to an opticians immediately!


Yes yes, it's crisper of course, but my first reaction was still that "hmm, this looks about the same". I just don't see a reason to buy this again.


Anyway, I wonder what the general consensus on WWHD is. Are new players excited about this, and more importantly does it help sell any systems?

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I always find myself agreeing with you a lot in my head @Ville, and everything you've summed up on your list is no exception. My own feelings seem almost bang on with yours!


Yeah, I've noticed something like that too, it's pretty funny.

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Yes yes, it's crisper of course, but my first reaction was still that "hmm, this looks about the same"


I posted a similar comment in the zelda thread last night, my question is do you think this is because they haven't managed to maximise the HD/ power of the Wii U properly, or is it because the style they used is so timeless anyway?


I personally feel its the later, I was watching it with joy and nostalgia at the thought of playing it again, not because i would play it again with supped up graphics!

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I posted a similar comment in the zelda thread last night, my question is do you think this is because they haven't managed to maximise the HD/ power of the Wii U properly, or is it because the style they used is so timeless anyway?


I personally feel its the later, I was watching it with joy and nostalgia at the thought of playing it again, not because i would play it again with supped up graphics!


Yeah that's a good point. Also, it's a remake, so how much revamping would it be worth anyway? Maybe I just thought that it would look a bit different with all the talk about HD-graphics etc...

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Yeah that's a good point. Also, it's a remake, so how much revamping would it be worth anyway? Maybe I just thought that it would look a bit different with all the talk about HD-graphics etc...


I didn't quite articulate myself properly there, what I meant was I was watching it thinking how great it will be to play it again, not thinking how nice it will be with better graphics, because I didn't really notice a massive change in graphics at all, apart from, as you mentioned, crispness to it. So I do agree with you on that, but yeah I just think its not quite as amazing as first thought and that could be purely because the style was so defining in the first place!

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I didn't quite articulate myself properly there, what I meant was I was watching it thinking how great it will be to play it again, not thinking how nice it will be with better graphics, because I didn't really notice a massive change in graphics at all, apart from, as you mentioned, crispness to it. So I do agree with you on that, but yeah I just think its not quite as amazing as first thought and that could be purely because the style was so defining in the first place!


Yeah, I got your point man. It's just that I was looking forward to seeing how the visuals turned out myself. Back when the original WW came out, I played through it 2 times and collected everything there is to collect. Thus I don't really have much interest in going back to it anyway...

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Personally I’m pretty hyped, but that is solely because of Megaman. I did say in the Smash Brothers thread I hoped for a 3rd party character announcement, since that would create some hype, and boy did it! While not as epic as Megaman, I think the Wii fit trainer is hilarious.


Again, even though the hype is pretty much solely because of Megaman, I’m pretty pleased with what I saw. The only exception was Super Mario 3D land. I initially thought they snuck in a 3DS announcement, but it is a Wii U title. It looked somewhat fun, but I hate the way it is 3D even though it’s obvious the gameplay is almost 2D. Basically I would prefer a New Super Mario Bros title over this.


Mario Kart looked cool. Bayonetta looked sexy (love the new hairstyle! Please I want a new figure of her!). X looked cool. Funnily enough I found that Miiverse / Art academy update awesome. I didn’t care too much about the 3rd party clips or indie games. These are all games I’m either going to ignore or I will buy on PC. Wind Waker.. I am not excited, but I’m carefully optimistic. It does look gorgeous, but it’s crazy how soon the hype went down for me after the initial announcement. It looks gorgeous but somehow doesn’t wow me anymore. That however doesn’t change the fact that I will likely only buy this if they add in enough new content.

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Anyway, I wonder what the general consensus on WWHD is. Are new players excited about this, and more importantly does it help sell any systems?


I can't speak for new players, but it was the only thing that genuinely excited me. Not out of nostalgia, but because it was the only thing shown built with as much care as games used to be. I keep hoping the process of remaking Ocarina of Time (for the 3DS) and Wind Waker is reminding them of what made these games so great, but that's another matter.


And yes, I'm buying a Wii U for Wind Waker HD, so it's a system seller to me! Going to tell all my pals about it too (I know quite a few fans of the GC original).

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It looked somewhat fun, but I hate the way it is 3D even though it’s obvious the gameplay is almost 2D. Basically I would prefer a New Super Mario Bros title over this.


Really?? You want a 5th identical looking New Super Mario game that's been done to death vs something along the same lines of the genius that is 3D Land? The gameplay is most certainly not 2D, watch the trailer again.




Where's the risks?


Maybe now's not the time for Nintendo to be taking risks?

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Maybe now's not the time for Nintendo to be taking risks?


I'm not saying everything had to be a risk, but either a brand new ip from one of the big development teams or an existing ip looked at in a new light would have been good

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Really?? You want a 5th identical looking New Super Mario game that's been done to death vs something along the same lines of the genius that is 3D Land? The gameplay is most certainly not 2D, watch the trailer again.


What I want is a proper Mario. And I’m not going to watch the trailer again. The “3d” worlds are only 3D to accommodate the extra players. The levels looked pretty linear to me, with no real opportunity to explore. So I see no other reasons why this would be 3D. It reminded me of the first “3D” games on the Playstation, after we got Super Mario 64.

Again, it looks fun but doesn’t get me excited.

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It was very dull watching the Direct, the shit stream didn't help. Only one thing I didn't expect and that was DK and I'm sure it'll be good but eh.


Mario Kart 8 looks fantastic and Mario World looks fine, I'm sure I'll be more interested in that as it gets closer to release. Wind Waker still looks great but they could of done more with it.


Most of the 2014 titles look tasty as fuck but they don't come until 2014 so meh to those right now. I wanted more stuff for this year.


Hell I'd of settled for a brief announcement saying N64 games on VC in the next couple of months and GC by the end of the year.


The thing is, we're all basing it looking the same based on Internet streams, I'm pretty confident it will looking fucking glorious in real life, on a 50" tele 1080p. And side by side with the cube version I'm sure it'll be huge!


You can watch the trailer on wii u eshop. Looks nice.

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It was very dull watching the Direct, the shit stream didn't help. Only one thing I didn't expect and that was DK and I'm sure it'll be good but eh.


Mario Kart 8 looks fantastic and Mario World looks fine, I'm sure I'll be more interested in that as it gets closer to release. Wind Waker still looks great but they could of done more with it.


Most of the 2014 titles look tasty as fuck but they don't come until 2014 so meh to those right now. I wanted more stuff for this year.


Hell I'd of settled for a brief announcement saying N64 games on VC in the next couple of months and GC by the end of the year.




You can watch the trailer on wii u eshop. Looks nice.


This is what annoys me most, Nintendo are obviously stretched and stuggling with the transition to HD, but they're not helping themselves.


The 30p promotion is working wonders, but they could do SO much more with the eShop! GameCube and N64 support being one! If that's too hard, just more good games. Earthbound is a great start, but why such a long wait!?

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The 30p promotion is working wonders, but they could do SO much more with the eShop! GameCube and N64 support being one! If that's too hard, just more good games. Earthbound is a great start, but why such a long wait!?


I was honestly looking for them to drop the Earthbound bomb by saying it was available after the Direct. :(

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Indeed. I mean I want to buy VC games, but they're not releasing any. Compare to the 3DS VC, which has a ton of interesting stuff there...

They are, but it's just being staggered unfortunately.


This week we get Mario & Yoshi and three Megaman games. That isn't too bad

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