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Mario Kart 8


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Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 always feel a bit overrated in my opinion.


Super Mario Kart is just not very fun and Mario Kart 64 has some of the most bizarre controls I've seen in this series.


And if you thought getting hit by a blue shell in 8 is bad, you should try getting hit by a red shell in 64. That stops you for so long, it's a wonder people didn't clamour for it to be banned!


They are not bad games, but compared to later installments, they definitely show their age.

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3D the SNES Super Mario Kart courses and I'd be happy. It would take little effort, though you'd be missing the feather. Don't see why that couldn't be added easily.


It would actually be really interesting to see how the feather would affect normal races, much like how 200cc makes us see some courses in a different light!


Jumping over incoming items and finding new shortcuts would add yet another interesting dynamic to the game and I'd be all for it :yay: Even if it was an item exclusive to Battle Mode, it would still be nice to see the feather back in some form :hehe:

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Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 always feel a bit overrated in my opinion.


Super Mario Kart is just not very fun and Mario Kart 64 has some of the most bizarre controls I've seen in this series.


And if you thought getting hit by a blue shell in 8 is bad, you should try getting hit by a red shell in 64. That stops you for so long, it's a wonder people didn't clamour for it to be banned!


They are not bad games, but compared to later installments, they definitely show their age.


Did you play Super Mario Kart back when it came out? If you did, I don't think you'd be saying that. I usually find it's people that play SNES games way later that say these things about the games. Sure today, they've aged but back then they were Mana from God.

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it made me appreciate just how well Nintendo have done in nailing the handling and overall gameplay of Mario Kart 8 :hehe:


I agree with this completely. I never thought I would ever say this, but I now prefer MK8 over the original.


Having said that, the lack of a battle mode is unforgivable - if they relaunch the current mode as battle race maybe that could be a bit more interesting.. two teams, one going clockwise, the other counter-clockwise, person in last at the end of each lap loses one of their balloons, each racer starts with only 3 balloons. I think that could be an interesting mode - even ditch the teams so no where is safe - first place has to contend with all the racers behind, last place knows they'll be losing a balloon each time they cross the line.


But the main thing they need to do is get proper battle arenas. Personally I would also like to see the feather item make a return.

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Did you play Super Mario Kart back when it came out? If you did, I don't think you'd be saying that. I usually find it's people that play SNES games way later that say these things about the games. Sure today, they've aged but back then they were Mana from God.


Yes, I did.

Played it to death. I've been gaming since the Super Nintendo/Game Boy.


But I went back to it about a year ago, and I just got plain frustrated with the insane amount of cheating the CPU's do. Spinning out when you have no coins and crash into someone. And of course, they always have a feather right when they need it.


It's an exercise in frustration.

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I've actually been thinking very similarly to this recently :smile:


Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 have always been my favourites in the series but Mario Kart 8 is just so good that it's difficult for me not to consider it to be the best :eek:

Same here. I still consider Super Mario Kart to be absolutely perfect, and continue to play it to this day. :) Definitely recognize the incredible quality of MK8 (obviously :hehe:) but don't really see myself playing/admiring it in the same way 22 years from now, as I currently do with SMK. :hmm:


Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 always feel a bit overrated in my opinion.


Super Mario Kart is just not very fun and Mario Kart 64 has some of the most bizarre controls I've seen in this series.


And if you thought getting hit by a blue shell in 8 is bad, you should try getting hit by a red shell in 64. That stops you for so long, it's a wonder people didn't clamour for it to be banned!


They are not bad games, but compared to later installments, they definitely show their age.

Having... chest pains. :shakehead:heh:


Did you play Super Mario Kart back when it came out?
Yes, I did.

Played it to death. I've been gaming since the Super Nintendo/Game Boy.






Stop making me feel old, Glen-i! :p

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playing nes/snes games is often quite a challenge now. Mariokart I think has aged poorly, but I think looking forward from it, rather than backwards at it, Mario kart was an amazing game. In terms of the balance between the racing and battle mode elements it was imo the best mario kart, and thanks to Mk8's botched battle mode it retains that for me.


I think I read somewhere that mario kart was originally meant as a multiplayer answer to f-zero.. I would say that the single player campaign was never touched by me once everything was unlocked, the only "single player" I did was time trials, trying to shave off those hundredths of a second to take top spot from my brother, but that was almost a multiplayer taking turns thing, it wouldn't have appealed to me without that competition from my brother.


MK8 feels more complete, I can play it in single player and still have a good game, even when I get hit by multiple items on the penultimate corner!

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Stop making me feel old, Glen-i! :p


What? It checks out.

I didn't say that I've been playing since it was released, I meant that it was during that era that I got into games.

And seeing as you're going Detective Shell on me, I want to clear something up.

I have not been playing games since I was 2!


I mean, pfft! That's just nuts!

1993, first game I played was Mario World which I still think is a masterpiece. So my irritation at Mario Kart is not a case of me getting old.


Oh, and just to reiterate.

I still think they are good games, but their early installment weirdness mean that I prefer most of the later installments.

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Got 3 stars on all the 200cc cups over the weekend.


Gotta say, it wasn't that hard. I had to replay 2 cups as I got screwed over by blue shells. All the others were done first time.


Braked only on one corner (you know the one on Koopa City).

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Despite never having really been into the Mario Kart games im kind of tempted to get this at the moment and I have no idea why.


Honestly, it's probably the perfect time to jump into the game and you'll have plenty of laughs if your join in with the league :smile:


It's such a good game :love:

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Its a shame it's not cheaper by now, I might be interested at the moment but not enough to pay full price.


It's my most played Wii U title by some considerable distance and it feels like there's plenty of legs left in it :smile: I may even breach the 100-hour mark at some point over the next couple of years.. and that's loads for me! I've definitely got value for money :heh:


I can totally understand not wanting to spend that amount of money on it, though, and there's only a few rare exceptions these days where I feel I can justify paying full RRP. Mario Kart 8 qualified :grin:

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I'm willing to pay full price on games I am more confident that I will enjoy. Mario Kart is a series I've never particularly disliked, it just wasn't for me and it's very possible that feeling will carry on with this version. £19.99 and I probably would have bought it. For a console struggling so much Nintendo really need to lower their game prices.

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I think they'll release an updated MK8 before the Wii U is done with the DLC included in a gold case.


It is annoying alright that the price of games rarely go down with a few exceptions. I wouldn't mind buying The Wonderful 101 but it's very hard to find especially new and it's still bloody expensive.


Mario Kart 8's 200cc mode makes fire-hopping tougher, if not impossible


We're all very well aware of snaking in Mario Kart games to get a boost over the competition, but Mario Kart 8 brought fire-hopping with it. Bouncing back and forth rapidly to continue a boost further than it should go. That's how things were from launch up until the release of the 200cc update. Now it seems that 200cc has thrown a monkey wrench into fire-hoppers' usual methods.


Right now there's a debate going on as to whether fire-hopping has been fixed completely or is still possible, but not as useful. Some people claim that fire-hopping still exists, but it's not anywhere near as good as it was, nor does it get you the advantage it once did. Other say fire-hopping as we know it just isn't possible anymore.


Either way, 200cc seems to have taken fire-hopping mostly out of the equation. It also has people rethinking what type of racer/kart is the right selection for racing. Nice to see 200cc getting people back into the intended game mechanics rather than exploiting them to win online.




Good, I regard fire hopping as cheating. I wish it was nerfed in all cc classes.

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Braked only on one corner (you know the one on Koopa City).


I'm calling BS and shenanigans on this.

I've seen your setup many times. Do you expect me to believe that you did every track without:


A: Braking (Pressing B)

B: Decelerating (Letting go of A)

3: Brake Drifting (Using the B button while drifting)

None of the above: Driving off-track


No, I want some kind of proper proof! I'm gonna attempt every track (Apart from Koopa City) with that setup to see if it's possible, because I believe you are being a shenaniganist!

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Mario Kart is a series I've never particularly disliked, it just wasn't for me and it's very possible that feeling will carry on with this version.


I've loved Mario Kart until the Wii version.


It's always the same. Played the latest DLC at my mate's. It's always the same.


If you enjoy Mario Kart, the main game and DLC are great value, but as you've said if it isn't for you, you should probably not pay full price for it.


Edit: And now I realised that I missed your last sentence...you already made your decision so feel free to ignore my post :D

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I'm calling BS and shenanigans on this.

I've seen your setup many times. Do you expect me to believe that you did every track without:


A: Braking (Pressing B)

B: Decelerating (Letting go of A)

3: Brake Drifting (Using the B button while drifting)

None of the above: Driving off-track


No, I want some kind of proper proof! I'm gonna attempt every track (Apart from Koopa City) with that setup to see if it's possible, because I believe you are being a shenaniganist!


A B 3

It's easy as, 1 2 C

As simple as, do re Mii

A B 3, 1 2 C.......:p

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I'm calling BS and shenanigans on this.

I've seen your setup many times. Do you expect me to believe that you did every track without:


A: Braking (Pressing B)

B: Decelerating (Letting go of A)

3: Brake Drifting (Using the B button while drifting)

None of the above: Driving off-track


No, I want some kind of proper proof! I'm gonna attempt every track (Apart from Koopa City) with that setup to see if it's possible, because I believe you are being a shenaniganist!


I changed my setup to push up handling so yeah, BELIEVE IT!


Of course I went off track from being bumped or hit with an item but I could take every corner apart from one without braking and decelerating. Never even tried brake drifting.

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Mario Kart 8 has a new version, 4.1. Don't know what it does yet. Probably irons out stability and bug issues, the usual after a big update.




200cc and Mirror Mode are now available without unlocking which is good for newcomers. It's only a tiny file of 7MB.


[60fps] Mario Kart 8 Animal Crossing DLC: Wii U Frame Rate Test




Runs at a steady 59-60 FPS. Truly impressive.

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