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Mario Kart 8


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I didn't end up pre-ordering, I'm still severely burned by Mario Kart 7 and franchise fatigue in general, from what I've seen though, this looks great! So I'll be picking it up day 1 (or thereabouts, depending on work schedules) - The one thing I'm conflicted on is the free game promotion!


I was on a mad Wii U binge all of last year and so the only game I don't have in the promotion is Monster Hunter and I'm not a huge fan of that genre or title so don't think I should waste my time downloading it. In which case, I'm gonna do some searching and see which title sells for the most and just get a download version of the one I sell!


Anyone know which one is selling for the most right now?


EDIT: If I cba to sell any games I could just give away the code to one of you guys in return for something? :) PM me if you're interested!!

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It's a shame Nintendo decided to release Mario Kart 8 after Watch Dogs comes out, I imagine most people would be playing that instead of MK8. Luckily for us Wii U owners Ubisoft have delayed Watch Dogs for us so we don't have to bother making a decision of which game to get :D

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No? What is it?


They're obviously playing online because you can't have more than one gamepad connected to each Wii U and you can't have more than 4 players locally. They're having the craic playing but all of that will be missing in the real world because there's no in game voicechat.

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They're obviously playing online because you can't have more than one gamepad connected to each Wii U and you can't have more than 4 players locally. They're having the craic playing but all of that will be missing in the real world because there's no in game voicechat.

Well yes, it says in the bottom right at the start of the commercial that in the commercial that they are playing over the Internet using 7 Wii Us.

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Same thing happens if you take the super shortcut in Wario Stadium in MK64... Somehow they're magically able to catch up to you even when you're half a lap ahead :laughing:


I loved doing it again when they caught up, it was fun and it actually shook up the standings if you could get them to finish outside the points.

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It's actually starting to kill the buzz a bit now. :angry: Really hope Nintendo don't pull this shit again, not that I'd ever anticipate another Wii U game as much as MK8 anyway... :hmm:

I mean if there was ever a time when they needed to stick to their "quick announcement/launch" thingy it was now. The Wii U hasn't seen a decent retail game in months, and they seem to think this is a good idea:






Yeah, the whole thing has had the opposite effect on me of what they probably intended. There's far too much info, videos, screens, floating around now that it has killed my hype. I'm still looking forward to it ( just booked 2 days off work for it ) but not half as much as I would be if a lot of this stuff was held back a little.


I still baffled why the game isn't out yet. It's clearly finished and has been for a while. It's not as if the Wii U needs a little breathing room for all of its releases either.


I'm still worried that Shopto are gonna screw up the orders like they did with Wind Waker.

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It's actually starting to kill the buzz a bit now. :angry: Really hope Nintendo don't pull this shit again, not that I'd ever anticipate another Wii U game as much as MK8 anyway... :hmm:

I mean if there was ever a time when they needed to stick to their "quick announcement/launch" thingy it was now. The Wii U hasn't seen a decent retail game in months, and they seem to think this is a good idea


What other choice did they have? It was either that or not have a single upcoming game with a release date for months on end... and nothing kills confidence in a console faster than that.


I hate it when announcements like this happen too (and I much prefer it when there's only a short time period between announcement and release), but I would've hated it much more if I was left with absolutely nothing to look forward to after DKCTF launched...


Yeah, the whole thing has had the opposite effect on me of what they probably intended. There's far too much info, videos, screens, floating around now that it has killed my hype. I'm still looking forward to it ( just booked 2 days off work for it ) but not half as much as I would be if a lot of this stuff was held back a little.


Yeah that's why I decided not to watch those newer trailers when the last MK Direct hit. I knew that they'd go ahead and spoil everything so I knew better and just ignored that stuff ;)


I still baffled why the game isn't out yet. It's clearly finished and has been for a while. It's not as if the Wii U needs a little breathing room for all of its releases either.


Well it does take time for them to get the physical copies into stores... but I also think they probably could've got it out a week or so earlier if they really wanted to. Mind you though, they probably timed it like this on purpose because E3 hits only just over a week after MK8 launches and that provides an ample opportunity for them to grab the attention of those people who bought the console for MK8.


They also need to announce another set of release dates for their upcoming retail titles after MK8 launches because after that hits, there are absolutely zero retail Wii U titles with release dates after MK8 comes out. E3 of course provides the best opportunity to do just that and it wouldn't be ideal to have to announce new release dates right before your big event of the year, where you would ideally like to announce them there.

Edited by Dcubed
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@Dcubed I've actually avoided most of the stuff out there but it's plastered all over the place and not in a good way. Just how many "reviewers" actually have copies of the game. It seems like everyone and his dog has a copy. :D


Yeah, the release schedule is shockingly bad at the moment. There's no doubt there will be dates announced at E3 but still...


Looking at the situation, you can see just why they pushed DKCR2 to Feb. Imagine having that in December and having nothing until May/June.

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What other choice did they have? It was either that or not have a single upcoming game with a release date for months on end... and nothing kills confidence in a console faster than that.


I hate it when announcements like this happen too (and I much prefer it when there's only a short time period between announcement and release), but I would've hated it much more if I was left with absolutely nothing to look forward to after DKCTF launched...

True, doesn't make it any less annoying though.

But I think the worst thing of all was lifting the review embargo so damn early and activating the Miiverse community. That opened the floodgates and we've been drowning in information/media from the game ever since. :shakehead

Well, you haven't because you were smart/strong enough to avoid it, but not everyone has that kind of willpower. :heh:


Personally I think reviews shouldn't have gone up until a week before the release date, and the Miiverse community and features like MKTV's YouTube uploading should have been running privately until the 30th.

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Personally I think reviews shouldn't have gone up until a week before the release date, and the Miiverse community and features like MKTV's YouTube uploading should have been running privately until the 30th.


Agreed. That was just unnecessarily cruel... :(

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It does make me sad that we know everything about the game. It's one of the things that irked me about Brawl, we just knew everything before launch.


Though, I'm sure it'll be fun and amazing

There's literally only 1 thing that I've managed to resist spoiling for myself concerning this game, which is the staff credits sequence/music, and even that is floating around on multiple websites. :indeed:


There needed to be way more control over coverage for MK8. But obviously Nintendo are in a pickle when it comes to Wii U so they appear to have encouraged the gaming press to share as much info/media as possible, and in doing so the game has become overhyped beyond belief. ::shrug:


The hype has turned into tripe. :heh:

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It does make me sad that we know everything about the game. It's one of the things that irked me about Brawl, we just knew everything before launch.


Though, I'm sure it'll be fun and amazing


Well that was only because of the EU delay. With the US and JPN releases they didn't unveil anything that was actually unlockable, which was really cool, but after the game released in US & Japan they started getting into the unlockable stuff in the run-up to the EU release.


Makes me wonder how they're gonna handle the run up to the Wii U version's release given that we'll know the full character roster before the Wii U version gets released...

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Well that was only because of the EU delay. With the US and JPN releases they didn't unveil anything that was actually unlockable, which was really cool, but after the game released in US & Japan they started getting into the unlockable stuff in the run-up to the EU release.


Makes me wonder how they're gonna handle the run up to the Wii U version's release given that we'll know the full character roster before the Wii U version gets released...

Even then, we knew all the new characters except Wolf before Japanese launch and all but 3 returning characters

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I think it's just their way of getting free advertisement. It does work in a way, but a two-week gap is too long in my opinion. I mean some review embargos are only lifted on the day before or even the same day a game launches, which has the benefit of boosting the launch day excitement and getting people to buy the game right then. Now it feels like there was a separate early launch for all the press people and several other parties, which kind of mellows out the excitement for everyone else, especially when every little thing is being spoiled in the videos etc.

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I think it's just their way of getting free advertisement. It does work in a way, but a two-week gap is too long in my opinion. I mean some review embargos are only lifted on the day before or even the same day a game launches, which has the benefit of boosting the launch day excitement and getting people to buy the game right then. Now it feels like there was a separate early launch for all the press people and several other parties, which kind of mellows out the excitement for everyone else, especially when every little thing is being spoiled in the videos etc.

I dunno. When companies have a review embargo of the launch day, it shows that they aren't confident in their product and it makes consumers question things too much. Wondering what they're hiding, if the game is actually good etc.


Embargo should have ended this week

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Even then, we knew all the new characters except Wolf before Japanese launch and all but 3 returning characters


Pretty sure I remember ROB being unannounced before the game was released... (Or I at least remember being shocked when I saw him in the game out of seemingly nowhere - and I imported the US version when it came out, so I definately wouldn't have gotten spoilt about him before I played it...)

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