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Final Fantasy XV


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In the April 2016 issue of Game Informer magazine, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata expressed that he hopes that the ending of the game will make players cry. He says fans who devote so much time playing the game deserve to get an emotional ending.


“I want to create a very emotional ending to the game and want to make as many people cry as possible,” he told Game Informer. “You’re spending so many hours playing the game, so when I finish a game and it ends on a sour note and it doesn’t move me, it gets me disappointed. At least make me cry or give me some emotion! I want to give a moving ending for the consumers who invest so much time.”


He later moved on to say that he also hopes that Final Fantasy XV will have a similar impact in the community that Final Fantasy VII had.


“There are some team members that were here for VII,” he said. “They’re taking on the challenge of trying to exceed that title once more, which is a great motivator for them. FFVII sets a very high goal for us, but it serves as a good goal. It brought in new audiences, sales, and more.”


Tabata directed Crisis Core, which had me crying like a baby at the end, so there's no doubt in my mind that he has the ability to get them tears flowing again.

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Gematsu has received word that Square Enix plans to launch Final Fantasy XV worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on Friday, September 30. This information was corroborated by three independent sources who would have knowledge of the matter.


The release date will be officially announced during “Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV,” an event set to take place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on March 30 that will also share a collection of other information about the game.


Our sources in this case are reliable. However, given the sensitivity of the matter, and that within a company setting anything can change before it is made public, we’re reporting this as a rumor until the release date is officially announced.


Hopefully the rumour is true!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was true! The game launches September 30th 2016. There will be a new demo out later today/tomorrow for everyone to download and it will gift you a summon in the final game if you beat the demo.


All of this was supposed to be announced at the FF event tonight but Gamespot pulled the trigger early and someone managed to save the video.



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It was true! The game launches September 30th 2016. There will be a new demo out later today/tomorrow for everyone to download and it will gift you a summon in the final game if you beat the demo.


All of this was supposed to be announced at the FF event tonight but Gamespot pulled the trigger early and someone managed to save the video.






Never beat the original demo actually, but I'll be sure to give it a try now.

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Amazing trailers. Fantastic music selection. Goosebumps all over and tears in my eyes. Well played, S-E. Dat ending on the Japanese trailer! :yay:


More stuff came out of the event last night. A prequel CGI movie will be released showing the war that occured between the two kingdoms.


- KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV: A CGI feature film (dir: Takeshi Nozue aka Advent Children director) that chronicles the event that happens sets off the main story. Celebrity cast including Sean Bean (King Regis), Aaron Paul (Nyx, entirely new character and the focus of the movie), and Lena Headey (Luna). They are not part of the VA cast in the main game. Will come out later this year but before the game. Will also be packaged with the Limited/Collector's edition.




A 5 part anime series will also be released for free online. This shows various adventures that Noctis and his friends get up to while on the road. The first episode is online now.










Demo is up now, aswell.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Where do I begin?




First of all, Jesus titty-fucking Christ, talk about marketing :D Really looking forward to the complete anime series and that CGI movie (which looks amaaaaziiing).


And those trailers for the game itself.




Can I just say that I love absolutely everything about this? The art style, the character design, the world, the music, the gameplay (at least what I can tell from watching those trailers; will update once I've played the demo), EVERYTHING.




Oh...and don't forget Florence. She's such a wonderful person.


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Finished the demo.


Can't wait for the full release. Combat was probably not as complex as in the final version, but still fun as hell. I did the last fight twice, because I could :laughing:


Framerate is a bit chunky at times. Game looks great, though.


The music...oh good lord, the music. Beautiful.

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The environments trailer is stunning.



Hnnnnnggggggg. The actual sounds I made whilst watching that were remarkably close to that, although some of it was inaudible.


Games are becoming more and more beautiful looking. Hope this looks as good in reality as it does in that trailer.

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Finished the demo.


Can't wait for the full release. Combat was probably not as complex as in the final version, but still fun as hell. I did the last fight twice, because I could :laughing:


Framerate is a bit chunky at times. Game looks great, though.


The music...oh good lord, the music. Beautiful.


Dude, the end of demo is awesome. When IT happens and the music starts its such a "Hell yeah!" moment. :D


Loved the demo. It felt very much like Kingdom Hearts, which is great for me. When the enemies spawn it reminds me of the Heartless from KH. Even the music is pretty similar.

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Finished the demo.


Can't wait for the full release. Combat was probably not as complex as in the final version, but still fun as hell. I did the last fight twice, because I could :laughing:


Framerate is a bit chunky at times. Game looks great, though.


The music...oh good lord, the music. Beautiful.


Did you enjoy turn-based battles? If so, would you say this battle system is as accessible and addictive? And how different is it from FF13's system, because I absolutely loathed that crap.

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Did you enjoy turn-based battles? If so, would you say this battle system is as accessible and addictive? And how different is it from FF13's system, because I absolutely loathed that crap.


Really? I thought the job shifting was fantastic. It really came into its own during the post game content and chasing the trophies/achievements. It's very much an extension of the dress sphere system from FFX-2, which I also enjoyed.

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Ive watched the trailers and I literally cannot wait for this game. I'm downloading the demo but its taking ages!!


OMG also ive just read what @Hero\-of\-Time posted and noticed who will be voicing the cast in the feature film and no other than SEAN BEAN aka 100% Blade and Mr Sheffield himself will be voicing a character :love:

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Ive watched the trailers and I literally cannot wait for this game. I'm downloading the demo but its taking ages!!


OMG also ive just read what @Hero\-of\-Time posted and noticed who will be voicing the cast in the feature film and no other than SEAN BEAN aka 100% Blade and Mr Sheffield himself will be voicing a character :love:


Sean fucking Bean? Character death confirmed.

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