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Final Fantasy XV


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New trailer:



I think this looks really good, definitely takes a fresh form from that before.


Really nice touch at the end of the trailer too, given that it used to be Versus XIII.


Gaaah, that looks wonderful.


I've not played an FF since...I don't know. Definitely didn't play anything from VII onwards. I remember enjoying Mystic Quest years ago on the SNES.


I actually know very little about the games. The series is just linked by name, yes? As in, I won't have had to play X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV before playing this, right?

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I actually know very little about the games. The series is just linked by name, yes? As in, I won't have had to play X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV before playing this, right?


A few of them are linked but XV is its own world again so you dont need to have played any previous games.

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After playing the demo with Type-0 HD, I'm pleasantly surprised. I was a fan of the ATB system in FFXIII so thought I'd hate the new battle system in this but it's actually quite good.


The things I didn't like were mostly technical so hopefully they'll be cleared up before launch. The audio seemed very much out of place, it needs to be mixed with the environment a lot more. There is a lot of clipping going on with the models. The load times are very long. The game froze more than once on my PS4.


The characters are a bit annoying but I get the feeling they'd grow on me.


I also didn't like that menu isn't triangle anymore!

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  • 2 months later...

Here's a trailer for the new update for the demo, which hits on 9th June.



In other news, it appears that his won't be showing at E3 and will instead be getting a showing at Gamescom. Bah! No Zelda and no FFXV. This E3 is already disappointing me.

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Here's a trailer for the new update for the demo, which hits on 9th June.



In other news, it appears that his won't be showing at E3 and will instead be getting a showing at Gamescom. Bah! No Zelda and no FFXV. This E3 is already disappointing me.


The game already looks fantastic, so I really wonder if it's worth showing. I already know I'm getting it, so I'd rather the time was spent on something new or something we haven't seen a lot of already.

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I can live without FFXV not being there. I'd even say it's borderline pointless. We've seen quite a bit of it already and I think the fanbase and name alone will be enough to push it out there. Maybe in some sort of playable form, but even then, if they're saving it for another event, it's not too terrible.


I'm definitely getting it from what I've seen. Looks absolutely stunning.

Oh yeah I don't mind it not being there, I'm just a little bit surprised. But you're right.


It does look stunning. Kinda renders Xenoblade Chronicles X a little bit redundant already. Xenoblade's world always seems one console behind it's true potential.

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  • 1 month later...


Looks to be Bahamut or possibly Alexander.


So they are using stuff from FFXIV? Kinda cool.


I got the FFXV demo recently since i am enjoying FFXIV so much and its pretty decent. They need ot just finish the damn game now(and not rush :p).

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There are gameplay bits etc from gamescom too but seriosuly they need to get down to work :p Otherwise they'll parachute in FFXIV members.


Interestingly FFVII remake is not going to use Crystal tools.


What are Crystal Tools?


The only thing putting me off this game (and all FFs since 12/13), is that hacky-slashy battle system...

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The engine they have used to make the past main FF games since FFXIII.


I think thats different. FFXV uses the latest stuff. MY bad.



the point is that if other games are using unreal than it points to some struggles with their own internal tools.


FFXIV runs great and gives many offline games at gamescom a run for their money so I dont doubt FFXV will be impressive. That shares some stuff with FFXV but has its own engine.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
A release date to announce the release date...I don't understand this.


It's more than that. There's a big event in the US where they will showcase the journey of the games development and then deliver the release date at that event. They've made the tickets free as well. If I lived other there I would so try and get to the event.

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It's more than that. There's a big event in the US where they will showcase the journey of the games development and then deliver the release date at that event. They've made the tickets free as well. If I lived other there I would so try and get to the event.


Ah I see, that's a different thing then. Sounds like a cool event.

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