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Final Fantasy XV


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A handful of my photos. Really hope one of Promptos upgrades is more storage because I'm running out soon :p Battle photos can be very hit and miss, either look really weird or just epic as seen on the last two images, both from the same battle.


No spoilers, other than monsters and locations, no worries for early adopters.











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Woke up at 2am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to crack on with this. :D@gmac I see you were still on it when I fired my PS4 up. I take it you are enjoying it?


The trophies are now live on PSN which means you can now sync everything up with the servers.


Man, the battle music is so epic. I'm almost gutted when a fight is over as I have to wait to hear it again.


I'm still not that far into the story. The events of Kingsglaive have just occurred now.


yeah I'm enjoying it, might even end up being the first Final Fantasy I actually finish :)


Not too far into the game, on the third or fourth chapter

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Currently on chapter 8 and I'm level 49.


I decided to crack on with the story yesterday. I figured I had done enough side quests for now and I was already 20 levels ahead of what the game recommended.


The loading times are brutal in this game. It's not so bad if you are just walking around but as soon as you use fast travel or even just jump to your car you are left twiddling your thumbs for ages.


I had 3 hard crashes yesterday. They just randomly happened and an error message popped up and then closed the game. It's highly advises that your do manual daves at regular intervals.


I had a great battle this morning. I Had a crack at a side quest that I clearly wasn't ready to do. The enemy levels were a lot higher than mine but I figured I would give it a shot anyway. It was going fine until 2 giant mechs showed up. They butchered me and my team. I kept having to revive and heal. I noticed there was a heavy turret near by so drew the enemy away to the other side of the area, ran back and then picked them off. Phew! Got a hell of a lot of XP for it though. :D

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I'm getting the game for xmas, what are peoples thoughts? Is it gearing up to be the best Final Fantasy ever or is it not what you all thought it was going to be?


It's very different to the other games. Comparisons to MGSV have been made and I agree with them. It's not the Final Fantasty/Metal Gear that we know but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun.


It reminds me a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles. There are LOADS of side quests, mostly gathering, fetching, monster hunts, which can all be fine at your pleasure at offer a good way to level up. You then have the main story stuff that you can crack on with when you get tired of that.


A few have finished the game and have said they've done it in about 20-25 hours by just concentrating on the main story. So it's certainly one of the shortest FF games if you play it in a liner fashion.


Just finished chapter 9. Words cannot describe it.. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

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Currently on chapter 8 and I'm level 49.


I decided to crack on with the story yesterday. I figured I had done enough side quests for now and I was already 20 levels ahead of what the game recommended.


The loading times are brutal in this game. It's not so bad if you are just walking around but as soon as you use fast travel or even just jump to your car you are left twiddling your thumbs for ages.


I had 3 hard crashes yesterday. They just randomly happened and an error message popped up and then closed the game. It's highly advises that your do manual daves at regular intervals.


I had a great battle this morning. I Had a crack at a side quest that I clearly wasn't ready to do. The enemy levels were a lot higher than mine but I figured I would give it a shot anyway. It was going fine until 2 giant mechs showed up. They butchered me and my team. I kept having to revive and heal. I noticed there was a heavy turret near by so drew the enemy away to the other side of the area, ran back and then picked them off. Phew! Got a hell of a lot of XP for it though. :D

I always use the car or chocobos to get around, mainly to get the small AP bonus. Only fast travelled twice to my car because I forgot where I parked it. For the record, getting the AP bonus for winning chocobo races and catching large fish is not worth it! Waste of hard earned AP.


I'm at the point in chapter 6 where they tell me I will be gone a while. How long is that? If it's just a couple hours and I will proceed with the story again.

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I always use the car or chocobos to get around, mainly to get the small AP bonus. Only fast travelled twice to my car because I forgot where I parked it. For the record, getting the AP bonus for winning chocobo races and catching large fish is not worth it! Waste of hard earned AP.


I'm at the point in chapter 6 where they tell me I will be gone a while. How long is that? If it's just a couple hours and I will proceed with the story again.


I think it's either chapter 7 or 8 where you get taken away from the open world stuff. Basically if you want to keep exploring then don't get on the boat. If that mission hasn't cropped up yet then feel free to keep moving forward.


After that the game becomes incredibly linear and the chapters super short. I'm already on chapter 13 now.

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Chapter 13 can go to hell. Hands down the worst FF experience I've had in any of the games in the series. It's one dark, narrow corridor after another. The whole chapter plays like a mix between classic Resident Evil and MGS but not in a good way. To make things worse it's probably the longest chapter in the game, at least in terms of the linear stuff. It has no business being in a FF game.


I'm at the final boss now. Think I'll potter around and do some leveling up and more side missions before taking it on.

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After over 40 hours of playing the game credits have rolled.


I have very mixed feelings about the game. There are some amazing highs but there are some very low lows.




This where is were the game really shines. Everything is so fast and fluid. Stringing together various combos, changing weapons and warping from enemy to enemy works amazingly well and is stupidly fun to play around with.


The magic system in the game is pretty flawed and not once did I use it outside of the tutorials or missions that required it. Having to make it, equip it and then running out and doing the process all over again wasn't something I wanted to be faffing on with and seeing as I made it through the game without it, you clearly don't need it.




This is a really mixed bag. There are some amazing moments throughout the game but there's also a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense or even get explained fully. Even though I watched the anime shorts and Kingsglaive I was still left wondering why certain things were even happening or where certain characters were.


I feel S-E have lost the ability to tell a straight forward story in their games. Even though I love the series, you just have to look at Kingdom Hearts to see what a mess a story can become if it tries too hard and is up it's own backside. This could just have something to do with Nomura having his influences in the game.


There are some good parts, though. The sections of the story I did follow were great and really hit me hard at times, with S-E once again drawing the tears from me. I think that's 4 or 5 times their games have made me get emotional. :D


I also enjoyed the banter between you and your brothers in arms. While the story was a mess at times, S-E did do a good job of making you feel that you and your guys had a fantastic bond.




I'll get this out of the way now. The game is very much a game of two halves. The first half is a massive open world and then the game completely switches to a very linear experience at around chapter 8-9 and continues this way all the way to the end. You can still access the open area by going to a rest spot and picking an option. So I guess it's not all that bad.


First Half


I think a lot of people will enjoy this. Having the massive open world to explore is something gamers want these days and this delivers. I often found myself just finding something interesting in the background and then setting off on my chocobo or car and heading over there to see what was around.


You are hampered a bit at the start of the game. You can't auto drive at night and the chocobo needs to be unlocked before you use it. Also, remember the flying car that you see in all the trailers? Don't get excited about using that. The thing doesn't unlock until AFTER you have finished the game.


If you're running around the open world then things should run smoothly. However, if you want to use the fast travel system, whether it be going to a town or to your car, then get used to sitting looking at a loading screen. The loading times in this game are simply awful.


Second Half


The game moves at a much faster pace in the second half, probably because the game forces you down a linear path and you are taken away from the open world areas.


I'm left wondering if the linear fashion of the second half of the game is because of they were running out of time ( they had 10 freaking years ) or that these are things that are left over from when it was Versus XIIII? Final Fantasy XIII was very linear in places and it makes sense that this game would have shared certain designs when it was being made.


I will say that I don't mind the linear structure of the second half. I very much enjoyed FFXIII, so this doesn't really bother me. I guess it's just a little jarring when you're so used to running around a huge open world and then get reigned back in for a more structured approach.




This is another fantastic high point of the game. There is some amazing music in this game by Yoko Shimomura and you can really hear the Kingdom Heart stuff coming through in certain tunes. The song playing while fighting soldiers that drop out of the sky is very much a favourite of mine. Every time I seen a dropship I kept running over to it just to hear the music kick in.




I enjoyed the game and was satisfied with it but after waiting 10 years I would have liked a better story, which is why I enjoy the series so much. Had it been easier to follow and made more sense then I would have enjoyed the game a lot more as I didn't have many issues with the actual gameplay itself.


I can see the game splitting the opinion of many, but then, this is a Final Fantasy game, so this isn't anything new. Some people will adore it, while others will hate it, just like every other game in the series. :heh:


I still have a few trophies to get ( very easy but grinding ) but i'll be hanging back on earning the platinum until I nab 2 more as I want to make this one my 150th. : peace:

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Got lots of exp from some high level quests and decided to pile more upon it by doing most of quests at or lower than my level. By the time I was done I had 130 000 exp and doubled it by sleeping at that particular hotel. Levelled up 12 times to lv 56! Should be enough for the end game :)

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Got a lots of exp from some high level quests and decided to pile more upon it by doing most of quests at or lower than my level. By the time I was done I had 130 000 exp and doubled it by sleeping at that particular hotel. Levelled up 12 times to lv 56! Should be enough for the end game :)


Yeah, you should be fine at that level.


Do you end up getting anymore photo slots or is it just the 150?


I didn't. I'm not sure if it's possible. Maybe via an upgrade or something?

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Got Chocobos. Am in a major town which was in trailers. Having a lot of fun so far. Not big on FF but I prefer the story so far to FFXIV or what little I played of FFXII.


The main focus is gameplay. And it's quite fun. I am guessing lots of cutscenes and CG used to be the norm. Which is not the case here.

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So @Hero\-of\-Time would you say that the game, after such a long wait, has been a disappointment?


It has its flaws but it's still very enjoyable and memorable experience. There's certainly some hand raising, epic moments to be had whilst playing.


@Tales have you done chapter 13 yet? I wanna know what you thought of it.

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Right there up with the final chapter of Type 0. Story wise not as ridicilous, but I don't understand why they thought of putting that in the game. Also I can't say I care much for the story at this point, or if I even understand what's going on. Just beat the final boss, I assume, and will watch the ending now.


Also what was the deal about


Ardyn? Some long lost king with lust for revenge? How did he end up in the Empire? What happened to the emperor?(I assume that was his clothes on the throne in ch 13) And why was Tenebrae on fire? And Prompto being born an immortal soldier and then growing up in Insomnia? I thought they were soulless. Really, it just looks like the whole second part was rushed and cut in story and content.


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