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Kingdom Hearts 3


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  • 1 month later...
18 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Man, this is legit one of the nicest looking games on the PS4 for me.

It's the artstyle, it's just so pleasing to look at.

Yeah, agreed. Really thinking that I should play the other games and get on this. Feeling in a Disney kind-of mood nooooow.

Funny enough, Tangled was one of the Disney films that I didn't think much of at first, but have grown to quite like it now. :)

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35 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Yeah, agreed. Really thinking that I should play the other games and get on this. Feeling in a Disney kind-of mood nooooow.

Funny enough, Tangled was one of the Disney films that I didn't think much of at first, but have grown to quite like it now. :)

You'll be in for a bit of a time sink of trying to catch up for the 3rd game. At this point there's Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance and 2.8 to play.

I love Tangled, especially the main song.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Despite being a little bit over a month from release as of today, some people have got their hands on the game early and have begun uploading videos to sites like 4Chan and YouTube — apparently one guy in particular stole the games from his workplace, and is attempting to upsell the game for audacious prices on auction sites such as eBay. Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts...

So, yeah. Do what you need to do now if you’re trying to avoid spoilers: media blackout; video blocker; delete your watch history on YouTube and avoid stuff there through adjusting your Google settings, etc.

Hopefully no-one here that is eagerly awaiting the game’s release is so unfortunate enough as to get the game spoiled for them. 

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The final trailer has hit.
What a hell of a trailer. Man, I can't take it all in. There's so many story beats that bear thinking about after watching it. Methinks this game is gonna have me in tears by the end of it. [emoji20] 
I was in tears watching it. I was crying with joy and getting excited. It looks stunning. I don't think there's a game out there that looks this good. The art style, the flow of it all...it's magical.

Sent by the sexiest animal alive using a HTC One M8 with a broken screen protector

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  • 1 month later...

I've been privileged enough to get my copy today, I had a busy day going to the cinema and having my old housemates round, so only got to play just over an hours worth and whilst I didn't play the spin offs (Watched Team Four Star play through them all) I have to say without spoiling anything, I love how nice the combat feels and visually it looks amazing.

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So I managed to get a lot of time to play the game today, I've reached the 4th world right now and I am still enjoying it a lot. It takes a while to get used to the many voice actor changes, one character from previous games doesn't have any lines and is just there, you'll know when they show up but it really bugged me as they are an important character in that world. Another issue is how many skills can stack on the Triangle button at times, at this point I have no idea how to prioritise one over the others so I have to just spam them to get to what I want, it sometimes even interrupts me interacting with treasure chests where I will activate a skill instead of opening the chest, a minor gripe really, just annoying.

I hope I haven't posted anything people would consider spoilerish. 

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Like Emerald I also got my copy early. I was very surprised when it dropped through the door on Saturday. Many online shops were told by S-E not to ship the game early but I guess that either Shopto didn’t get the memo or they simply didn’t care. Sadly, I’ve only managed to put about 7 hours into the game because I was too busy with Resident Evil 2. I wanted to get through that first before diving deeper into this game.

I honestly had tears in my eyes when the opening was playing for the game. I’ve waited so long for this game and all that pent up emotion came rushing through me as the movie was playing. It’s funny how powerful video games can be at times.

I will start off by saying that if you have never played a Kingdom Hearts game before then I wouldn’t bother buying the game because it’s really not been made for you, at least in terms of storyline. From very early on there are references to just about every single Kingdom Hearts game that has been made. Each of them seem to play a vital role in what is being played out in the game. Again, I’m only early on ( 4 worlds in ) and already all the games are being talked about.

It’s crazy how big the worlds are now.  Gone are the closed off and separate sections of the worlds you visit and instead are these gigantic areas to explore and fight in. It does take some getting used to and fights seem to take longer purely because of the amount of enemies that are on the screen in these large areas. Your jaw will drop when you visit Olympus. In the past games this venue has been a very small area ( although it was expanded a bit in KH2 ) but now it is this massive place for you to run around in and enjoy. The worlds also seem lived in now. The second place you visit was a big surprise to me. It was nice to actually see other people walking around the place for a change!

The battle system has so many options now. You can do special attacks with your team and characters that you meet, the park attractions special moves can be triggered if you attack a certain enemy, Keyblades can be swapped and specials unleashed when a combo meter has been filled and magic can be stacked to create more powerful spells. Each of these adds a bit more depth to the combat and can also speed up the process of getting rid of the crazy amount of enemies that the game throws at you. @Emerald Emblem if you hit L2 you can cycle between each of the special moves without having to use one to get to the one you actually want.

The Gummi ship missions have been radically altered. You are no longer on a set path going from A to B but instead it plays more like an open world space shooter. You have the freedom to fly around in the vast regions of space and explore different areas to find hidden goodies and missions. If you see an enemy flying around you can choose to attack it and this will create a battle scenario where you have to fight waves of enemies. Beating these will reward you with Gummi parts and exp. That’s right, you get experience points for your ship now. Killing enemies, picking up exp points and doing objectives will all help in levelling up your ship.

A couple of other new additions to the game make an appearance early on. These are the Gummiphone and the ability to cook. The Gummiphone is essentially an iPhone in the game and allows for you to keep track of Jiminy’s journal, receive messages from characters, play minigames and take photos. The photo part of it is actually its own mission. Hidden throughout the game are Mickey Mouse symbols that you need to find. Taking a photo of these will net you with things like potions or elixers, so it’s definitely worth hunting for them.

Cooking is something that I haven’t really dabbled with yet. Throughout the game you can pick up ingredients that are scattered about the place. Once collected you can cook a dish that will enhance your stats for a set period of time. I suppose it’s very much like the Tales of games in this regard and no doubt it will come in handy for some boss encounters.

So, yeah, early days but I have LOVED what I have played so far. The game feels very special to me and I honestly can’t wait to see how things play out. I’m so glad I gave myself a refresher course last year and played through the series again. The story is still fresh in my head and now I’m able to enjoy what’s happening before me.



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Picked up the game first thing on Tuesday morning... then had to spend the entire day working out how to create enough space to download the 35GB required space. I deleted and moved all my screenshots from the PS4 onto my laptop and there STILL wasn't enough space. It meant having to delete a game's data from the system but due to the circumstances around it I had to wait until the evening to finally start playing the game.


So yeah, I've just got up to the mansion in Twilight Town after saving Remy. The whole "Twitter post" loading screen part completely caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting anything like it. I also like how they addressed how Sora never had to use a phone before and struggled when answering it.


I also really appreciate how meta they got in acknowledging how long it's been between this game and the first game.


I'm playing my first playthrough on Proud Mode, which sounds incredibly risky but I found playing BBS and DDD on Proud Mode actually made the game better as it forced you to think of other ways to deal with enemies rather than just mashing X and really get into the neat stuff. I was shocked to discover though that you can use Sonic Blade and Ars Arcanum in the FIRST WORLD. That is insane, OK it takes a while to build up to Ars Arcanum but it does make me wonder, if these abilities are this early in the game then what kind of abilities will Sora be getting late game?

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Played quite a bit today and got to the end of the Toybox world. Was looking forward to the Toy Story world and it well and truly delivered. There's just something so pure about Toy Story, it's hard to describe... I love what they did with it too. More in a moment, but first, you have to take the ingredients for cooking to the "Little Chef?"


Image result for little chef


Anyway, full details in the Spoiler tag.



I love how they had Sora be an action figure of a video game character in this world, what's more that game seems to be a redone version of Final Fantasy Versus XIII which was really interesting. I guess that suggests Nomura is still pretty bitter towards the whole FFXV development saga. I also loved this comment from Rex:


The world certainly went in interesting directions:

I also loved how when building a path to the final section you get this very nice Easter Egg


The only thing missing from the Toy Story world was a boss battle against Emperor Zurg. Otherwise 10/10.



Edited by GenericAperson
Spoiler tagging Toy Story world content
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@GenericAperson you may want to spoiler tag some of the stuff you've shown. You've essentially give away a boss fight and a neat little easter egg.

I loved the Toy Story world. Easily the best world I have visited in the game so far. Everything just looked so colourful and the story beats were pretty fun. It really captured the whole feel of the Toy Story movies.


It was interesting to see that Vexen was the one that was let back into the Organization ranks. From the trailers I thought it may have been Xion, although I do think that she will still make an appearance outside of Axel remembering her. That in itself was a great moment and quite heartbreaking. :( 

I didn't get much played yesterday. I was very tired after work, so much so that I actually fell asleep playing this, PS4 controller in hand and all. :laughing: 

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Okay, that was absolutely hilarious. Vanitas shows up, takes out Donald and Goofy and then is about to rip Ven from Sora's heart only for Sully to sneak up behind him, pick him up and throw him in a door, which then throws into another door, then another, then another, before finally putting the final door in the wood chipper. What an amazingly funny way to get rid of one of the strongest antagonists in the series. :D 


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They put the full version of Let It Go in the game! When Elsa started singing it I had to crank up the volume and I had such a smile on my face. It's pretty much the exact same scene from in the movie. Sora's reaction to the song and what he just saw happening in front of him was hilarious.


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Yeah, sorry about that. I find spoiler tags incredibly finnicky on this site though because for some reason just typing spoiler tags in edit doesn't actually end the spoiler when you want and instead just implements spoiler tags in other posts and makes it look weird.


Anyway, got started on Monstropolis today after finishing the Kingdom of Corona. A pretty good world so far, though the overall story is something I want to talk to so far.


You know, I feel like the Replica program is a much better way to explain why Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort and Xehanort are all able to exist at the same time instead of "Time Travel". It's becoming clearer as to the whole identities of the "Real" Organisation are, I think I know 11 of the 13 now, Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Xigbar, Saix, Vexen, Terra, Aqua (from the trailers, did they really give away potentially the biggest plot twist in the entire game through trailers?), Marluxia and Vanitas, so it remains to be seen who the other two are.


Also dang, Kingdom of Corona's field and combat themes are both amazing.

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