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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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I'm nearing the end of The Bloody Baron quest-line (I think)
I'm just heading with him to get his wife from the Crones of Crookback Bog (think it's called that).



Now I'm all for a good story but I'm finding there are too many cutscenes and that they're too drawn out, I still find myself skipping through them once I've read the subtitles... and in some conversations I'm just skim-reading to see if there's anything important in there and not taking in all the chatter as I don't care for a lot of it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm very much enjoying the game, but would rather less cutscenes and cutting of dialogue and that there be a little more gameplay in there.


To be honest I think it might just not be for you. The dialogue is probably the best thing about the game (and to my mind some of the best in any videogame - incredibly impressive considering there's some 450,000 words). If you're not that bothered about the story and worldbuilding then it might not be worth it.


I agree about the flow, at least earlier in the game. I recommend bumping down the difficulty for the first few levels, (unless they've patched out the steep learning curve (although I didn't know about quen at the start)).




Anyway! Been loving the expansions. Interesting to read about people's choices in Hearts of Stone. Thought it was extremely well written, with some memorably moments, like this fight.



Did that bloody mirror sequence about 4 times before I managed to grab the Viper sword and get out, lol.


The wedding scene was brilliant, the heist was brilliant, and the bosses, frog aside, were pretty good. Shout out to raunchy Vesimir's backstory too. I wound up helping out David Beckham. Got stitched right up like.




Barely skimmed the surface of Blood and Wine, although loving the mutagens as Flink mentions. I actually think I prefer Skellige as an area, but then again I've never stopped and waited to watch the sun come up in a game before - yet here




How could you not?


Also - it's amazing how much more I'm enjoying the general lore now that the option of 'r3 to read' when you've just picked up a book has been added! I read everything now - yet more terrific, often hilarious writing. Been doing a couple of the scavenger hunts, which have some great backstory. So yeah.. awesome as expected.

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I don't find the difficulty an issue and for the majority of the dialogue it is fantastic... but there's a lot of needless dialogue in there too. It's that I'd prefer was cut.


I've been enjoying a lot of the dialogue with the Baron.

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@kav82, man, I wouldn't even contemplate skipping any bits of dialogue or listening to the voice acting. To be honest, I don't even regard the voice acting as voice acting...I play the game and I see "real" people in front of me. In the same sense as when I watch Game of Thrones or something of that ilk. To me, having a voice gives an entirely extra dimension to each character and makes them feel more alive. The Bloody Baron, for example, is a testament to good character-building. Reading his text instead of hearing it detracts so much from the character.


I hope you do keep playing it and it clicks for you. The cut-scenes are important for the world-building, imo. Every time you go on some small quest to do a little job, you're granted with a cut-scene. Even if the scene itself has a little bit of fluff to it, it fleshes out each NPC you meet. It made me want to explore every quest and do everything in the game because I didn't want to miss out on anything at all.

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With the main characters I do tend to listen to everything... although sometimes I can't help but read on and skip if it's taking too long for them to spit it out.


I am loving the game itself, I just wish it wouldn't be interrupted as much for cutscenes... less would be better for me and still with a slight trimming of the dialogue.


I finished the Bloody Baron quest. It was a good quest but it could've done with a boss type character I thought. Now I'm doing some secondaries and Witcher contracts... hopefully find some beasties to slay!

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I met Triss on my play through tonight... her voice annoyed the hell out of me so I was happy skipping past the voice acting once I'd read the subtitles, haha.

I think that's what's been the problem for me, I think I skip the voice acting with certain accents... Geralt's is the biggest one, I hate his so I almost always just read the subtitles and skip when he talks. Haha


Loving the game though, although I'd like more monsters to slay and more boss-like encounters.

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I met Triss on my play through tonight... her voice annoyed the hell out of me so I was happy skipping past the voice acting once I'd read the subtitles, haha.

I think that's what's been the problem for me, I think I skip the voice acting with certain accents... Geralt's is the biggest one, I hate his so I almost always just read the subtitles and skip when he talks. Haha


Loving the game though, although I'd like more monsters to slay and more boss-like encounters.

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I also find the cutscenes too long and too numerous. It was great at first but really dragged as the game went on. I just want to kill things and explore!


Maybe I just need a break. The DLC has been great so far though, especially the new location. Very pretty.

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I also find the cutscenes too long and too numerous. It was great at first but really dragged as the game went on. I just want to kill things and explore!


Maybe I just need a break. The DLC has been great so far though, especially the new location. Very pretty.

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I finished Blood and Wine's main storyline yesterday. I've got quests and treasure hunts that I need to mop up, but I'm coming to the very end of what this game has to offer.


A fucking AWESOME expansion, with one of the most beautiful areas in the game introduced (Toussaint) in the series. I've also got to give a mighty shout-out to the fairytale land. That whole quest is up there with the Time and Space quest from the main game.


I loved the ending that I got. The two sisters reunited and hugged it out and Geralt chilled with his bro Regis before looking directly into the camera, heavily implying that he would be taking an extended break. That bit and the guest appearance after the credits when you go home was just awesome. :D


The mutations that I mentioned before are awesome. I've been whoring the Aard freeze blast move and it's so satisfying to see one of these filthy bandits just vaporise into a mess of limbs and blood in front of your very eyes. I've dyed my Wolven armour blue, given it a completely different feel. Geralt looks alpha as fuck.


The Skellige Gwent deck was a new and welcomed addition to the game. I loved battling with this set and it was satisfying to see some of your heroes from the Skellige portion of the base game given the recognition that they deserve. However...could there have been a Toussaint deck to really round things off? :o



Overall, 10/10. Hearts of Stone was also superb, imo. All three, the base game and two expansions, have been an utter joy to play and The Witcher 3 has gone down as my favourite game in history. The expansions are phenomenally great value for money.

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I finished Blood and Wine's main storyline yesterday. I've got quests and treasure hunts that I need to mop up, but I'm coming to the very end of what this game has to offer.


A fucking AWESOME expansion, with one of the most beautiful areas in the game introduced (Toussaint) in the series. I've also got to give a mighty shout-out to the fairytale land. That whole quest is up there with the Time and Space quest from the main game.


I loved the ending that I got. The two sisters reunited and hugged it out and Geralt chilled with his bro Regis before looking directly into the camera, heavily implying that he would be taking an extended break. That bit and the guest appearance after the credits when you go home was just awesome. :D


The mutations that I mentioned before are awesome. I've been whoring the Aard freeze blast move and it's so satisfying to see one of these filthy bandits just vaporise into a mess of limbs and blood in front of your very eyes. I've dyed my Wolven armour blue, given it a completely different feel. Geralt looks alpha as fuck.


The Skellige Gwent deck was a new and welcomed addition to the game. I loved battling with this set and it was satisfying to see some of your heroes from the Skellige portion of the base game given the recognition that they deserve. However...could there have been a Toussaint deck to really round things off? :o



Overall, 10/10. Hearts of Stone was also superb, imo. All three, the base game and two expansions, have been an utter joy to play and The Witcher 3 has gone down as my favourite game in history. The expansions are phenomenally great value for money.

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  • 1 month later...

Just platinumed this tonight after spending the last couple of months playing through the game again but this time on New Game + and on Death March.


Absolutely loved playing through a second time. I first finished the game last November so not playing it for a few months helped prevent it from getting too much. Afterall it is a massive game!


I've yet to do any of the DLC. Will probably touch it either later this year or leave it to 2017.


What a game though! I just loved it: the story, graphics, setting, gameplay, music. Just everything. One of my favourite games of all time.


Really glad I achieved the Platinum on this :D

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  • 1 month later...

After a holiday in Poland I feel like playing this again on New Game+. I'll play on the hardest difficulty and try and get the platinum trophy. Are there any items or stuff I should stock up on to transfer over before starting again? And are there any recommended builds for the harder difficulty? I want to enjoy the 2nd playthough, not feel it's an uphill slog.

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Definitivily craft a set of master gear of your choice, and choose the skill that goes along with it for a bonus. I chose Feline(light). Not sure about items or alchemy, I only used the healing potion and thunder potion. I had them maxed by the final boss.


I used the fire sign on my first regular playthrough. But on Death March the only viable option in my opinion is Quen. With master crafted gear and around lv 40(I was 80+ by the end of NG+ and the expansions), the game was relatively easy on Death March up until the end game bosses.

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Did Gwent have its own thread?


Anyway, I don't have The Witcher 3 yet, I want to play it in all it's glory when I upgrade my videocard, hopefully early next year. So I haven't actually played Gwent yet, but I'm interested. Stress test is today. I'd like to download and play it, but King's Quest episode 4 is also today.. So I'm not sure if I'm able to download it withing the few hours I have left, I believe the test is until midnight, checking now, and yes it is. Think I'll wait for the beta test then.

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  • 2 months later...

Got rather waylaid by life stuff, new job, new flat, another new flat, but I finally got a chance to finish Blood and Wine this week. Bloody hell it was good!! On par with the very best of the base game. Not much chat about it on here - did you guys play through? It’s an essential in my book. Superior to (and longer than!) most of the full length games I’ve played this year.


The scene in which the main cast meet and Detlaf is across the table from Anna Henrietta and yourself - truely great, gripping stuff. Loved Regis as a character, and I felt the his VO actor was great. The final fight with Detlaf was a real motherfucker, though pretty epic. It reminded me of Ganandorf at the end of Ocarina, with the multiple phases of the fight.. I was sweating it out in the last seconds.


My tragic ending - Both sisters were killed in a red wedding-esque final sequence. Was never quite sure how I felt, morally, about Anna’s character, and though I sympathised with her, I ultimately tried to get her locked up on the basis that she seemed hell bent on killing Anna which spectacularly backfired..


Thought the ending was perfect, kicking back with Ciri on the hill overlooking the Vineyard. Some fantastically weird side quests too - the one where you find the statue’s bollocks was an obvious highlight, and the bird-cursed-lassie combined with the tournament was a great questline.


As Flink said a page back, the diary fairyland bit was quite something - totally mad, capped with the epic giant in the clouds and epic sex scene, lol. And it was all optional! I have a save back when the branching pathway is presented during the attack on the city, so I think I might go back soon and see where the other questline leads.



All in all, after both of the excellent expansions, W3 is probably my all time favorite game at this point. The quality of the writing, the worldbuilding, and the sense of choices shaping the narrative is just head and shoulders above anything else I’ve played. We can only hope that developers in the future take cues from CDPR on scripting and storytelling; such a bar raise. I’m going to try out Witcher 2 before I’m done with the Witcher world - and then Cyberpunk can’t come soon enough!!













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Both DLCs and the base game were just magical. All three parts individually and combined are fantastic. I fucking LOVED roaming around Toussaint. The music. :heart:


10/10 game. My favourite game ever. CDProjektRed have my heart in a jar.


I get cravings every now and again to go through the whole thing one more time...but then I remember how long the journey was. :D

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Both DLCs and the base game were just magical. All three parts individually and combined are fantastic. I fucking LOVED roaming around Toussaint. The music. :heart:


10/10 game. My favourite game ever. CDProjektRed have my heart in a jar.


I get cravings every now and again to go through the whole thing one more time...but then I remember how long the journey was. :D


Same here, i think to myself i want to go back and explore the world. But considering it took the best part of a few months to complete, i'll hang fire for a while.

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  • 3 months later...

As I'll be coming back to this after I finish Zelda, I worry Zelda will have ruined this for me.

Not story-wise of course, but the world itself just feels incredibly mediocre in comparison to Hyrule. I worry it's going to feel too static now... like a model and not like a living, breathing world. ::shrug:


I worry how I'll feel toward all games with big worlds like this now.

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